The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Congress, Federal Courts, and Domestic Relations Exceptionalism, Mark Strasser
Leaving the Dale to Be More FAIR: On CLS and First Amendment Jurisprudence, Mark Strasser
Making the Anomalous Even More Anomalous: On Hosanna-Tabor, the Ministerial Exception, and the Constitution, Mark Strasser
The Next Battleground? Personhood, Privacy, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Mark Strasser
The Onslaught on Academic Freedom, Mark Strasser
What’s It to You: The First Amendment and Matters of Public Concern, Mark Strasser
Whistleblowing, Public Employees, and the First Amendment, Mark Strasser
Climate Geoengineering: Ethical and Governance Challenges, Andrew L. Strauss
Emerging Issues in Constitutional Environmental Rights, Andrew L. Strauss
Should the United Nations System Have a Parliamentary Dimension?, Andrew L. Strauss
The International Court of Justice: Can its Founders' 20th Century Ambitions be Realized in the 21st Century?, Andrew L. Strauss
Towards a Global Parliament, Andrew L. Strauss
Transitional Justice, Reconciliation and Victim Centered Remedies, Andrew L. Strauss
Of Testing and Tablespoons: Evaluating the Use of Student Test Scores for Teacher Assessment, Daniel Straw
Screening Justice - The Cinema of Law: Significant Films of Law, Order and Social Justice, Rennard Strickland, Teree Foster, and Taunya L. Banks
Resolving Cultural Property Disputes in the Shadow of the Law, Grant Edward Strother
Element Breakdown Universe Theory-A New Theory Building On Much in Past, James T. Struck
Invention of Democracy-Democracy without Majority, Representation and Constitutions, James T. Struck
Majority Opinion of One-Astronomical Electioneering, James T. Struck
Petition for CoPresidency Using Affirmative Action, 15th Amendment, 1824, 1876 Common Law Tradition, James T. Struck
Shibboleths and Ceballos: Eroding Constitutional Rights Through Pseudocommunication, Susan Stuart
War as Metaphor and the Rule of Law in Crisis: The Lessons We Should Have Learned from the War on Drugs, Susan Stuart
A Local Distinction: State Education Privacy Laws for Public Schoolchildren, Susan P. Stuart
Fun with Dick and Jane and Lawrence: A Primer on Education Privacy as Constitutional Liberty, Susan P. Stuart
"Hope and Despondence": Emerging Adulthood and Higher Education's Relationship with Its Nonviolent Mentally Ill Students, Susan P. Stuart
Lex-Praxis of Education Informational Privacy for Public Schoolchildren, Susan P. Stuart
Participatory Lawyering & The Ivory Tower: Conducting a Forensic Law Audit in the Aftermath of Virginia Tech, Susan P. Stuart
When the Cure is Worse than the Disease: Student Random Drug Testing & Its Empirical Failure, Susan P. Stuart
Bringing a Knife to the Gunfight: The Academically Underprepared Law Student & Legal Education Reform, Susan Stuart and Ruth Vance
Bringing a Knife to the Gunfight: The Academically Underprepared Law Student & Legal Education Reform, Susan Stuart and Ruth Vance
Behavioral Antitrust and Monopolization, Maurice E. Stucke
Is Intent Relevant?, Maurice E. Stucke
Looking at the Monopsony in the Mirror, Maurice E. Stucke
Occupy Wall Street and Antitrust, Maurice E. Stucke
Reconsidering Antitrust's Goals, Maurice E. Stucke
The Implications of Behavioral Antitrust, Maurice E. Stucke
Integrating skills into the study of law, Lee Stuesser
Special Witnesses, Lee Stuesser
Written Submissions, Lee Stuesser
Do Law Schools Mistreat Women Faculty? Or, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Dan Subotnik
Duke Rape Case Five Years Later: Lessons for the Academy, the Media, and the Criminal Justice System, Dan Subotnik
Goodbye to the SAT, LSAT? Hello to Equity by Lottery? Evaluating Lani Guinier’s Plan for Ending Race Consciousness, Dan Subotnik
“Hands Off”: Sex, Feminism, Affirmative Consent, and the Law of Foreplay, Dan Subotnik
On Constructively Realizing Constructive Realization: Building the Case for Death and Taxes, Dan Subotnik
Peacemaking & Provocation: A Response to Professor Tracey Jean Boisseau, Dan Subotnik
The Cult of Hostile Gender Climate: A Male Voice Preaches Diversity to the Choir, Dan Subotnik
The Marriage Tax Revisited: An Analysis of the Tax Consequences of Marriage, Dan Subotnik
What’s Wrong with Critical Race Theory?: Reopening the Case for Middle Class Values, Dan Subotnik
Ashcroft v. Iqbal: contempt for rules, statutes, the constitution, and elemental fairness, Stephen Subrin
A traditionalist looks at mediation: it's here to stay and much better than I thought, Stephen Subrin
A traditionalist looks at mediation: it's here to stay and much better than I thought, Stephen Subrin
David Dudley Field and the field code: a historical analysis of an earlier procedural vision, Stephen Subrin
Discovery in global perspective: are we nuts?, Stephen Subrin
Federal rules, local rules, and state rules: uniformity, divergence, and emerging procedural patterns, Stephen Subrin
Federal rules, local rules, and state rules: uniformity, divergence, and emerging procedural patterns, Stephen Subrin
Fishing expeditions allowed: the historical background of the 1938 Federal Discovery Rules, Stephen Subrin
Fudge points and thin ice in discovery reform and the case for selective substance-specific procedure, Stephen Subrin
How equity conquered common law: the federal rules of civil procedure in historical perspective, Stephen Subrin
On thinking about a description of a country's civil procedure, Stephen Subrin
On thinking about a description of a country's civil procedure, Stephen Subrin
Preface: Symposium: the 50th Anniversary of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 1938-1988, Stephen Subrin
Preface: Symposium: the 50th Anniversary of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 1938-1988, Stephen Subrin
Procedure, politics, prediction, and professors: a response to Professors Burbank and Purcell, Stephen Subrin
Procedure, politics, prediction, and professors: a response to Professors Burbank and Purcell, Stephen Subrin
The limitations of transsubstantive procedure: an essay on adjusting the "one size fits all" assumption, Stephen Subrin
Thoughts on misjudging misjudging, Stephen Subrin
Thoughts on misjudging misjudging, Stephen Subrin
Uniformity in procedural rules and the attributes of a sound procedural system: the case for presumptive limits, Stephen Subrin
Uniformity in procedural rules and the attributes of a sound procedural system: the case for presumptive limits, Stephen Subrin
Litigation and democracy: restoring a realistic prospect of trial, Stephen Subrin and Stephen B. Burbank
Notice and the right to be heard: the significance of old friends, Stephen Subrin and Richard Dykstra
Income Security When Temporarily Away from Work, Stephen D. Sugarman
The Sugar Fix- Regulation at Retail Level, Stephen D. Sugarman
The Sugar Fix- Regulation at Retail Level, Stephen D. Sugarman
Why We Need to Readjust the Tort System, Stephen D. Sugarman
A Copyright Law for a Social Species, Robert E. Suggs
Tax Abuse - Lessons from Abroad, Orly Sulami
Attaining Academic Excellence in the Nigerian Law School: a mirage or reality, Ibrahim Sule
The recent crisis in Nation’s Judiciary – lessons for law students, Ibrahim Sule
“Death is Different” No Longer: Graham v. Florida and the Future of Eighth Amendment Challenges to Noncapital Sentences., Barry Sullivan
Foreword: CIVIL RIGHTS IN 1995, Barry Sullivan
"Not Unmindful of the Future": Some Reflections on Stability and Change*, Barry Sullivan
The Executive’s Authority over Enemy Combatants: Due Process and Its Limits., Barry Sullivan
The Humanity of Advocacy., Barry Sullivan
To See Life Steadily and to See It Whole: For Judge Wisdom in His Ninety-First Year, Barry Sullivan
NAFTA Transportation: The Impacts of Southern Border Trucking on the Texas Highway System, Barry L. Sullivan, Dennis L. Soden, and Janet S. Conary
When Disabled Homeowners Lose Their Homes for a Pittance in Unpaid Property Taxes: Some Lessons From In Re Mary Lowe, Bary Sullivan
Employment Discrimination: Law and Practice (3rd edition), Charles A. Sullivan, Michael J. Zimmer, and Rebecca White
Employment Discrimination: Law and Practice (3rd edition), Charles A. Sullivan, Michael J. Zimmer, and Rebecca White
The Individual Mandate: An Unwise and Unconstitutional Exercise of Power, Shane A. Sullivan
Limite a publicidad de "comida chatarra": propuesta nace equivocada, Óscar Súmar
Comments on the Potter's Field: Burial Policy in New York City, Jason N. Summerfield
Taking Confrontation Seriously: Does Crawford Mean That Confessions Must Be Cross-Examined?, Mark Summers
Loser Pays - But Only a Reasonable Amount, Martin Sunnqvist