The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
What Prospective Clients Don’t Know about Elder Law, Katherine Pearson, Joe Duffy, and Subhajit Basu
Halting the Profession's Female Brain Drain While Increasing the Provision of Legal Services to the Poor: A Proposal to Revamp and Expand Emeritus Attorney Programs, Claudine Pease-Wingenter
Sustainable Development and the Reconciliation of Opposites, Alison Peck
A Just War: Examining War Justification In Operation Iraqi Freedom, Neely M. Peden
Beyond Aristotle: Alternative Rhetorics and the Conflict Over the U.S. Law Professor Persona(e), Carlo A. Pedrioli
Constructing the Other: U.S. Muslims, Proposed Anti-Sharia Law, and the Constitutional Consequences of Volatile Intercultural Rhetoric, Carlo A. Pedrioli
Professor Kingsfield in Conflict: Rhetorical Constructions of the U.S. Law Professor Persona(e), Carlo A. Pedrioli
From Rule of Law Promotion to Rule of Law Dynamics: Conclusion, Randall Peerenboom, Michael Zürn, and André Nollkaemper
Keeping the fire: impressions of earth jurisprudence, Alessandro Pelizzon
Laws of the land: traditional land protocols, native title and legal pluralism in the Illawarra, Alessandro Pelizzon
Legal pluralism and the rights of nature, Alessandro Pelizzon
Rights of nature rising, Alessandro Pelizzon
Acknowledging country, legal meanings and normative implications, Alessandro Pelizzon and Jade Kennedy
Rights of nature and posthumanist possibilities, Alessandro Pelizzon and Anne Schillmoller
Surrogate Mothers: An Exploration of the Empirical and Normative, Lina Peng
Indian Millennials: Are microchip implants a more secure technology for identification and access control?, Christine Perakslis and Katina Michael
Panel 1: Promoting Safeguards through Detention Visits, Ariela Peralta, Suzanne Jabbour, Brenda V. Smith, Alison A. Hillman de Velásquez, and Claudio Grossman
Can He Legally Do That? Does the President Have Directive Authority Over Agency Regulatory Decisions?, Robert V. Percival
Human Rights and the Evolution of Global Environmental Law, Robert V. Percival
International Responsibility and Liability for Environmental Harm, Robert V. Percival
Nation in Transition: The View from Bratislava, Robert V. Percival
Of Coal, Climate and Carp: Reconsidering the Common Law of Interstate Nuisance, Robert V. Percival
Protecting Coastal and Estuarine Resources- Confronting the Gulf Between the Promise and Product of Environmental Regulation , Robert V. Percival
CERCLA in a Global Context, Robert V. Percival, Katherine H. Cooper, and Matthew M. Gravens
Environmental Law: Statutory and Case Supplement 2012-2013, Robert V. Percival and Christopher H. Schroeder
An Essay on the Iconic Status of the Civil Rights Movement and its Unintended Consequences., Juan F. Perea
Destined for Servitude., Juan F. Perea
Ethnicity and Prejudice: Reevaluating "National Origin" Discrimination Under Title VII, Juan F. Perea
Ethnicity and the Constitution: Beyond the Black and White Binary Constitution, Juan F. Perea
Remarks of Juan F. Perea, Juan F. Perea
The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race: The Normal Science of American Racial Thought, Juan F. Perea
Resetting the European Union constitutional engine, Antonio-Carlos Pereira-Menaut and Celso Cancela Outeda
Políticas públicas para la mujer en Colombia: La doble condición de madre y trabajadora en la legislación del siglo XX, Alejandro Pérez y Soto Dominguez
Constitutional Transplants, Borrowing, and Migrations, Vlad Perju
Law's Republics, Vlad Perju
Panelist: Comparative Law in the Twenty-First Century, Vlad Perju
Panelist: Constitutionalism in the Twenty-First Century, Vlad Perju
Panelist: Disability, Impairment and Discrimination, Vlad Perju
Panelist: Europe from the Periphery, Vlad Perju
Proportionality and Freedom -- An Essay on Method in Constitutional Law, Vlad Perju
Provocation: Law's Republics, Vlad Perju
Provocation Paper: Law’s Republics, Vlad Perju
Rethinking European Law, Vlad Perju
Romania's Constitutional Crisis, Vlad Perju
Separating Law and Politics in Romania, Vlad Perju and Kim Lane Scheppele
Preventing Sex-Offender Recidivism Through Therapeutic Jurisprudence Approaches and Specialized Community Integration, Michael L. Perlin
Promoting Social Change in Asia and the Pacific: The Need for a Disability Rights Tribunal to Give Life to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Michael L. Perlin
Probation officers' perceptions of youths' risk of reoffending and use of risk assessment in case management, Rachael T. Perrault, Melissa Paiva-Salisbury, and Gina M. Vincent
Competitive entertainment: Implications of the NFL lockout litigation for sports, theatre, music, and video entertainment, Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Competitive Entertainment: Implications of the NFL Lockout Litigation for Sports, Theatre, Music, and Video Entertainment, Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Crowdsourcing Indie Movies, Henry H. Perritt Jr.
The Internet at 20: Evolution of a Constitution for Cyberspace (forthcoming), Henry H. Perritt Jr.
2012 Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt Jr.
A Line In The Sand: The Affair Between Henry II and Thomas Becket, Deana Perry
Copyright Exhaustion and the Personal Use Dilemma, Aaron K. Perzanowski and Jason M. Schultz
“American CCS Development& Policy: Background Discussion.”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
“Wow! Magical Power—Blog-facilitated English Learning on EFL/ ESL Reading.”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
Disparate Protections for American Human Trafficking Victims, Amanda J. Peters
Cow Dung On The Prada, Jonathan Peters
Does Europe Understand the First Amendment Better Than We Do?, Jonathan Peters
Explicating the Concept of Journalist: How Scholars, Legal Experts and the Industry Define Who Is and Who Isn’t, Jonathan Peters
FAQ: What Are the Rights of Reporters Covering Protests?, Jonathan Peters
FAQ: What Are the Rights of Reporters Covering Protests?, Jonathan Peters
Roundtable on Hate Speech vs. Free Speech Online, Jonathan Peters
The Supreme Court Leaks, Jonathan Peters
Updating the Privacy Protection Act for the Digital Era, Jonathan Peters
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 4 – Mental Illness and the Courts: Some Reflections on Judges as Innovators, John Petrila and Allison Redlich
A Paradox of Description and Imposition: The Support, Use, and Regulation of ‘Life’ Imprisonment, mark pettigrew
Humanity & National Security: The Law of Mass Atrocity Response Operations, Keith A. Petty
Judicial Retention Elections, the Rule of Law, and the Rhetorical Weaknesses of Consequentialism, Todd E. Pettys
Examining U.S. ‘Torture Years’ In A Theatre, Not A Courtroom, Sacha Pfeiffer, Lynn Jolicoeur, and Michael Meltsner
Strong Executive Leadership Crucial for Policy Implementation, James P. Pfiffner, Anne Joseph O'Connell, Dwight Ink, and David E. Lewis
An Analysis of the Subfederal Immigration Climate, Huyen T. Pham
Requirements for LLM Study in the United States, Huyen T. Pham
Teaching Advanced Immigration Law Courses, Huyen T. Pham
Moving Beyond Preservation Paralysis? Evaluating Post-Regulatory Alternatives for Twenty-First Century Preservation, Jess R. Phelps
Feminist Theory in the Context of International Conflict, Teresa G. Phelps
Prophetic Litigation: The Symbolic and Communicative Function of International Criminal Tribunals, Teresa G. Phelps
Truth Commissions, Teresa G. Phelps
Boost to CCTV Camera Funding in Australian Cities to Reduce Crime: What are the Risks?, Benjamin Phillips and Katina Michael
An essay: six competing currents of rule 10b-5 jurisprudence, David M. Phillips
Pirate Accessory Liability – Developing a modern legal regime governing incitement and intentional facilitation of maritime piracy, Roger L. Phillips
A Great Invisible Crashing: The Rise and Fall of Patent Eligibility Through Mayo v. Prometheus, N. Scott Pierce
A Walk Through the Crystal Palace of Statutory Subject Matter in Patent Law, N. Scott Pierce
The Effect of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act on Collaborative Research, N. Scott Pierce
Anti-Injunction Act and Injunctions under the Multidistrict Litigation Statute, Tanya Pierce
Expressly Authorizing Injunctions under the Multidistrict Litigation Statute, Tanya Pierce
Reading and Writing Workshop/Road to Law School, Tanya Pierce
Texas Wesleyan Law Review Energy Symposium, Tanya Pierce
A Treaty of Versailles - How Microsoft Wants to, and How They Could, End the Patent War, Andrew Pierz
"A Necessary Cost of Freedom"? The Incoherence of Sorrell v. IMS, Tamara R. Piety
"A Necessary Cost of Freedom"? The Incoherence of Sorrell v. IMS, Tamara R. Piety
The New First Amendment and Its Implications for Combating Obesity Through Regulation of Advertising, Tamara R. Piety and Samantha Graff