The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
The Waters are Rising! Why Isn’t My Tax Basis Sinking?: Why Coastal Land Should be a Depreciable Asset in Light of Global Warming and the Rise in Sea Level, Jason P. Oppenheim
Right to Information Identity, Elad Oreg
Empirical Fallacies of Evidence Law: A Critical Look at the Admission of Prior Sex Crimes, Aviva A. Orenstein
Empirical Fallacies of Evidence Law: A Critical Look at the Admission of Prior Sex Crimes, Aviva A. Orenstein and Tamara Rice Lave
Counterpoint: Taking Exception, Diane Orentlicher
International Justice Marks Its Fifteenth Anniversary: A Preliminary Assessment of the ICTY’s Impact in Serbia, Diane Orentlicher
Panel 1: Are Adequate Legal Frameworks in Place at the Domestic Level? Challenging Impunity , Diane Orentlicher
Sexual Assault Issues Before the War Crimes Tribunal, Diane Orentlicher
The Future of Universal Jurisdiction in the New Architecture of Transnational Justice, Diane Orentlicher
Criminalizing Hate Speech: A Comment on the ICTR’s Judgment in The Prosecutor v. Nahimana, et al., Diane F. Orentlicher
Criminalizing Hate Speech in the Crucible of Trial: Prosecutor v. Nahimana , Diane F. Orentlicher
Human Rights, Diane F. Orentlicher
War Crimes Tribunal Dismisses Jurisdictional Challenge, Diane F. Orentlicher
Impact of Cropping Systems on Soil Properties in Derived Savanna Ecological Zone of Kwara State, Nigeria, Emmanuel O. Oriola (PhD) and I. O. Bamidele
Australian universities: public assets in private corporate enterprise, John L. Orr
Australian universities: thriving corporate enterprise?, John L. Orr
Commercialism in higher education services and the implications of GATS on Australia’s universities, John L. Orr
Conflict of interest issues in university governance, John L. Orr
Corporate governance and members’ rights at Australian public universities, John L. Orr
Fraud on the corporation: a power to be reckoned with, John L. Orr
Fraud on the University – law as a valid governance structure, John L. Orr
Insolvency fear awakens commercially orientated universities, John L. Orr
Members' rights and member protection at Australian public universities, John L. Orr
Offshore education arrangements Australian universities & unwanted legal liability, John L. Orr
'One law for all' Australian universities: statutory objects and the doctrine of ultra vires, John L. Orr
The insolvent university, John L. Orr
What are the implications of GATS on Australia’s higher education services?, John L. Orr
What is an Australian university in 2009?, John L. Orr
NCAA Football, Domestic Violence, and The Need for Reform, Hugo Israel Ortega
The Role of the WTO in the Fight Against Transnational Bribery, Aitor Ortiz
Lectura N° 08: "Teoría de la Constitución", David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Reflexiones acerca de la actual enseñanza del Derecho Constitucional: a propósito del caso Marbury vs. Madison, David A. Ortiz Gaspar
Carta a los futuros constitucionalistas, David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
Control de convencionalidad y control de constitucionalidad. Comparación (Criterios fijados por la Corte IDH), David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
Cuando el juez interpreta de manera errónea una norma jurídica, David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
Editorial de la revista Estado Constitucional, David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
El divorcio entre legalidad y legitimidad de las normas jurídicas en el Perú, David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
Hacia una tutela efectiva de los derechos fundamentales de acceso a la información pública y autodeterminación informativa, David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
La importancia de la filosofía del Derecho en la formación del abogado, David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
La importancia del estudio de la Historia: a propósito del MOVADEF, David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
La influencia del mercado en la actual enseñanza del Derecho Constitucional, David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
Reflexiones acerca de la actual enseñanza del Derecho Constitucional: a propósito del caso Marbury vs. Madison, David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
Vicente Morales Duárez, el peruano que presidió las Cortes de Cádiz (1812), David Aníbal Ortiz Gaspar
Forgotten sisters- a report on violence against women with disabilities: an overview of its nature, scope, causes and consequences, Stephanie Ortoleva and Hope Lewis
Finding Common Ground to Produce Practice Ready Graduates, Caroline L. Osborne
The Legal Research Plan: A Comprehensive Examination of the Current Approach, Caroline L. Osborne
Globalization, Intellectual Property, and Prosperity, Lucas Osborn
Tax Strategy Patents: Why the Tax Community Should not Exclude the Patent System, Lucas Osborn
Tribute to Professor William ("Bill") Stuntz, Lucas Osborn
Guest Post: Transocean v. Maersk, Part II: Secondary Indicia of Nonobviousness Outweigh Prima Facie Case of Obviousness, Lucas S. Osborn
Instrumentalism at the Federal Circuit, Lucas S. Osborn
Is a Lease a Sale in Patent Law?, Lucas S. Osborn
"Offer to Sell" As a Policy Tool, Lucas S. Osborn
Speaker & Moderator - The New Global Convergence: Globalization, Intellectual Property and Economic Networks, Lucas S. Osborn
The Federal Circuit's Patent Jurisprudence, Lucas S. Osborn
Value Divergence In Global Intellectual Property Law, Janewa Osei Tutu
Modeling the Second Amendment Right to Carry Arms (I): Judicial Tradition and the Scope of "Bearing Arms" for Self-Defense, Michael P. O'Shea
Firearms Law & the Second Amendment: Regulation, Rights, and Policy, Michael P. O'Shea, Nicholas J. Johnson, David B. Kopel, and George A. Moscary
Climate Change Law and Policy, Hari M. Osofsky and Lesley K. McAllister
The Emotion of Disgust, Demand Augmentation, and Wasteful Consumption, Nathan H. Ostrander
The Emotion of Disgust, Demand Augmentation, and Wasteful Consumption, Nathan H. Ostrander
The Emotion of Disgust, Demand Augmentation, and Wasteful Consumption, Nathan H. Ostrander
A Paradox in Employment: The Contradiction that Exists between Immigration Laws and Outsourcing Practices, and its Impact on the Legal and Illegal Minority Working Classes, Mary T. O'Sullivan
Early Childhood Education: An Ignored Solution to the Achievment Gap in the United States, Mary T. O'Sullivan
Home is Where The Art Is: The Impact that Housing Laws and Gentrification Policies have had on the Availability and Affordability of Artist Live/Work Spaces, Mary T. O'Sullivan
The 10-Month School Year: Are We Ignoring Educational Reseach in Order to Preserve Summer Vacation? Finding a Compromise Between Educational Advancement and Overschooling., Mary T. O'Sullivan
A Bad Day at the Office, Suzanne O'Toole
A proposal for the improvement of mental health service delivery to barrators, contemnors and the courts that have to deal with them, Suzanne O'Toole
Environmental Law and Fossil Fuels: Barriers to Renewable Energy, Uma Outka
Plunging into Endless Difficulties: Medicaid and Coercion in the Healthcare Cases, Kevin Outterson
Mapping, Modeling, and the Fragmentation of Environmental Law, David R. Owen
Commencement of Insolvency Proceedings, with Dennis Faber, Niels Vermunt & Tomáš Richter, eds., Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press
Consumer Finance and Financial Repression in China, Evan B. Oxhorn
Consumer Finance and Financial Repression in China, Evan B. Oxhorn
Standard of Proof for Patent Invalidation in the U.S. and Japan, Yoshinari Oyama
Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program: A Panacea for Forest Service Gridlock or a New Name for Old Saws?, Brett M. Paben
If the Shoe of the SEC Doesn't Fit: Self-Regulatory Organizations and Absolute Immunity, Jennifer M. Pacella, Esq.
Arbitration Under Siege: Reforming Consumer and Employment Arbitration, George M. Padis
The Human Rights Consent Principle, Vijay Padmanabhan
Where’s the Beach? Coastal Access in the Age of Rising Tides, Celeste Pagano
Like a Glass Slipper on Step-Sister, How the One-Ring Rules Them All at Trial, Cathren Page
Reconceptualising property: Towards a sustainable paradigm for property, John Page
Folklore 2.0: Preservation through Innovation, Sean Pager
Why the ALI Should Redraft the Animal-Cruelty Provision of the Model Penal Code, Nicole Pakiz
Psychologists and Torture, Then and Now, Robert M. Pallitto
The Mosaic Theory in Individual Rights Litigation: On the Genealogy and Expansion of a Concept, Robert M. Pallitto
The Mosaic Theory in Individual Rights Litigation: On the genealogy and expansion of a concept, Robert M. Pallitto
The Mosaic Theory in Individual Rights Litigation: On the Genealogy and Expansion of a Concept, Robert M. Pallitto
The Mosaic Theory in Individual Rights Litigation: On the genealogy and expansion of a concept, Robert M. Pallitto