The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Community-based alternatives for justice-involved individuals with severe mental illness: Diversion, problem-solving courts, and reentry, Kirk Heilbrun, David DeMatteo, Kento Yasuhara, Stephanie Brooks-Holliday, Sanjay Shah, Christopher King, Anne Bingham DiCarlo, Danielle Hamilton, and Casey Laduke
Organizational Standards of Care for Tackling Wrongdoings, Klaus Heine and Kateryna Grabovets
Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung zu den Tötungsdelikten, Daniel H. Heinke
Kicking to Death, Daniel H. Heinke
"Tottreten" als kriminalwissenschaftliches Phänomen, Daniel H. Heinke
Tottreten - rechtsmedizinische, kriminologische und strafrechtliche Erkenntnisse, Daniel H. Heinke
Football v. Football: A Comparison of Agent Regulation in France’s Ligue 1 and the National Football League, Darren A. Heitner
Money and Sports: Economic Realities of Being An Athlete, Darren A. Heitner
Hebrew National Must Answer to a Higher Authority, Michael A. Helfand
No, Bloomberg Isn't Banning Circumcision, Michael A. Helfand
Postscript: Religious Boundaries, Michael A. Helfand
Purpose, Precedent, and Politics: Why Concepcion Covers Less than You Think (Video), Michael A. Helfand
Purpose, Precedent, and Politics: Why Concepcion Covers Less than You Think, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Church Autonomy and Religious Arbitration: Two Models of Legal Pluralism”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Church Autonomy and Religious Arbitration: Two Models of Legal Pluralism”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Litigating Religion”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Litigating Religion”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Litigating Religion”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Litigating Religion”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Litigating Religion”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Litigating Religion”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Religion’s Footnote Four: Church Autonomy as Arbitration”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Religion’s Footnote Four: Church Autonomy as Arbitration”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Taking Beth Din Judgments into Secular Court”, Michael A. Helfand
Symposium Introduction: The Competing Claims of Law and Religion: Who Should Influence Whom?, Michael A. Helfand
The Boundaries of Religious Freedom, Michael A. Helfand
Finding the Treasure Box: Responsible Fundraising, Terri L. Helge
Giving Strategies in the New Tax Climate, Terri L. Helge
Interviewed - Cause & Effect, Terri L. Helge
Legal Update: Corporate Governance, Fiduciary Investment Duties and Internal Fraud, Terri L. Helge
Nuts and Bolts of Unrelated Business Income Tax, Terri L. Helge
Overview of Nonprofit Organizations: The Basic Framework, Terri L. Helge
Public Charities: A Practical Guide to Key Issues, Choices and Risks, Terri L. Helge
Recognizing and Avoiding Self-Dealing: Both Direct and Indirect, Terri L. Helge
Reforming the Private Benefit Doctrine, Terri L. Helge
Tax & Legislative Update: Recent Developments in Charitable Giving, Terri L. Helge
The Librarian’s Copyright Companion, Second Edition, James S. Heller, Paul Hellyer, and Benjamin J. Keele
Government Inc.: The FCPA Realistically Defined, Justin T. Hellman
Examining the Tax Advantage of Founder's Stock, Brant J. Hellwig
American Exceptionalism and the Dann Litigation, Taiawagi Helton
Contemporary Perspectives: Current Legal Issues Surrounding Tribal Membership and Indian Identity, Taiawagi Helton
Oneida Land Claims and the Inequitable Infringement on Tribal Sovereignty and Congressional Power, Taiawagi Helton
Our Changing Environment: Increasing Sustainability, Empowering People—the Alternative Energies, Water Rights, and the Energy-Water Nexus, Taiawagi Helton
Tribal and State Water Rights at the Dawn of Freshwater Scarcity, Taiawagi Helton
Executive Action and the First Amendment's First Word, Daniel J. Hemel
Accomplishing Your Scholarly Agenda While Maximizing Students’ Learning (a.k.a., How to Teach Legal Methods and Have Time to Write Too), Anna P. Hemingway
The Ownership and Exploitation of Personal Identity in the New Media Age, Thomas Hemnes
“El Resto, los Insectos" (What Remains: The Insects), Andrés Fabián Henao Castro and Juan Carlos Henao Castro
Reception of the Antigone, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro and Melissa Mueller
Altruism Trumping Privacy HIPAA, Privacy, Big Data Set Benefits, DOUGLAS J. HENDERSON
Altruism Trumping Privacy HIPAA, Privacy, Big Data Set Benefits, DOUGLAS J. HENDERSON
Commenter, 2012 Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Stephen E. Henderson
Expectations of Privacy in Social Media, Stephen E. Henderson
Expectations of Privacy in Social Media, Stephen E. Henderson
Federalist Society SCOTUS Podcast on Bailey v. United States, Stephen E. Henderson
Fellow, Anonymity and Identity in the Information Age, Stephen E. Henderson
Jones and the Third Party Doctrine: the Best Way Forward, Stephen E. Henderson
Organizer and Moderator, Producing Success: An Interdisciplinary Look at Functions of an Entertainment Enterprise, Stephen E. Henderson
Privacy After the Jones GPS Decision, Stephen E. Henderson
The Crimprof Multipedia Turns Three, Stephen E. Henderson
Creating a Legal Infrastructure to Support Tribal Economic Development, William H. Henning
Things We Like, and Dislike, About Article 9 of the UCC, William H. Henning
Training Seminars for Tribal Judges, William H. Henning
UCC Article 2 and Related Issues, William H. Henning
Individual Mandate is Constitutional, Leslie Meltzer Henry and Maxwell Stearns
Individual Mandate is Constitutional, Leslie Meltzer Henry and Maxwell Stearns
Getting Clear on the Originalism Debate: Is Originalism a Theory of Constitutional Interpretation or a Normative Rule of Law?, Judy Hensley
Who's Calling Wittgenstein a Pragmatist?, Judy Hensley
Emerging Standards for Sustainable Finance of the Energy Sector, Kirk Herbertson and David Hunter
The Chill of a Wintry Light? Borough of Duryea v. Guarnieri and the Right of Petition in Public Employment, William A. Herbert
Citizen Satisfaction Survey Data: A Mode Comparison of the Derived Importance–Performance Approach, Mitchel Norman Herian and Alan J. Tomkins
Renewable Energy Storage Systems, Kyle Herman
Carl Schmitt's Critique of Liberalism and the European Union, Kyle S. Herman
Danish Wind Energy Innovation, Kyle S. Herman
The Carbon Frame: Lobbying for Renewable Energy in the European Union, Kyle S. Herman
Foreword: Global Justice, History and Law: Between Fela's Teachers Teaching "Nonsense" and Bob Marley's "Small Axe" For a Big Tree, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Kiyemba, Guantanamo, and Immigration Law: An Extraterritorial Constitution in a Plenary Power World, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Intimate Partner Violence in Missouri: Adopting Actuarial Assessment to Predict Risk, John M. Herries Mr.
Foundations of American Criminal Due Process, Frank R. Herrmann and Brownlow M. Speer
How Many Systems of Private Law are There in Europe? On Plural Legal Sources, Multiple Identities and the Unity of Law, Martijn W. Hesselink
How to Opt into the Common European Sales Law? Brief Comments on the Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation, Martijn W. Hesselink
Private Law Principles, Pluralism and Perfectionism, Martijn W. Hesselink
The Case for a Common European Sales Law in an Age of Rising Nationalism, Martijn W. Hesselink
Unfair Contract Terms in B2C Contracts, Martijn W. Hesselink and Marco B.M. Loos
Analysis: the diversity lottery: do we need it?, Ted Hesson and Rachel E. Rosenbloom
Webster's Real Estate Law in North Carolina: Possessory Estates and Present Interests in Real Property, Patrick K. Hetrick and James B. McLaughlin Jr.
The World of Whistleblowing: From Jiminy Cricket to the Wicked Witch of the West, Milton Heumann
Victoria Police Assessing Spy Drones, Sonja Heydeman and Katina Michael
To Drink the Cup of Fury: Funeral Picketing, Public Discourse and the First Amendment, Steven J. Heyman
To Drink the Cup of Fury: Funeral Picketing, Public Discourse and the First Amendment (forthcoming 2012), Steven J. Heyman
Oordeelsvorming door mens en machine: heuristieken, algoritmes en legitimatie, Mireille Hildebrandt
Oordeelsvorming door mens en machine: heuristieken, algoritmes en legitimatie, Mireille Hildebrandt
Oordeelsvorming door mens en machine: heuristieken, algoritmes en legitimatie, Mireille Hildebrandt
Oordeelsvorming door mens en machine: heuristieken, algoritmes en legitimatie, Mireille Hildebrandt
Oordeelsvorming door mens en machine: heuristieken, algoritmes en legitimatie, Mireille Hildebrandt
Oordeelsvorming door mens en machine: heuristieken, algoritmes en legitimatie, Mireille Hildebrandt
Oordeelsvorming door mens en machine: heuristieken, algoritmes en legitimatie, Mireille Hildebrandt