The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
A New and Improved Energy Reality—It's No Pipedream, Daniel Hare
Blue Jeans, Chewing Gum, and Climate Change Litigation: American Exports to Europe, Daniel Hare
Blue Jeans, Chewing Gum, and Climate Change Litigation: American Exports to Europe, Daniel Hare
Privatization and Liberalization in the Middle East, Iliya Harik, Denis Sullivan, and Marcie J. Patton
Limited Leverage: Federal Remedies and Policing Reform, Rachel A. Harmon
The Problem of Policing, Rachel A. Harmon
Why Do We (Still) Lack Data on Policing?, Rachel A. Harmon
The Denial of Future Tort Claims in In re Piper Aircraft: Will the Court's Quick-Fix Solution Keep the Debtor Flying High or Bring It Crashing Down?, Michelle M. Harner
Sublicensing from a Distressed Company: Are You Placing Your Future in the Debtor's Hands?, Michelle M. Harner and David A. Beck
A Chapter 11 Debtor's Life after Oct. 17: Not So Bad if You Effectively Plan, Michelle M. Harner and Carl E. Black
Protective Orders in the Bankruptcy Court: The Congressional Mandate of Bankruptcy Code Section 107 and Its Constitutional Implications, Michelle M. Harner and William T. Bodoh
Is Legal Scholarship Out of Touch? An Empirical Analysis of the Use of Scholarship in Business Law Cases, Michelle M. Harner and Jason A. Cantone
The Naked Fiduciary, Michelle M. Harner and Jamie Marincic
Conceptualizing the Self (with M. Spencer & D. Swanson), Vinay Harpalani
Diversity Within Racial Groups and the Constitutionality of Race Conscious Admissions, Vinay Harpalani
They (don’t) care about education: A counternarrative on Black male students’ responses to inequitable schooling, Shaun R. Harper and Charles H.F. Davis III
2012 Supplement to Alvin C. Harrell, 4A, 4B & 4C Vernon's Oklahoma Forms 2D, Alvin C. Harrell
Book Review and Commentary, James Steven Rogers, The End of Negotiable Instruments, Alvin C. Harrell
Case Note: Fraudulent Transfers and Attorney Obligations in Bankruptcy, Alvin C. Harrell
(forthcoming) Truth in Lending, Alvin C. Harrell
Supplement to 13 West's Legal Forms, Negotiable Instruments, Alvin C. Harrell
Supplement to 15 West's Legal Forms, Documents of Title, Alvin C. Harrell
The Dodd-Frank Act and the Future of State Commercial Transactions Law, Alvin C. Harrell
Introduction to the 2012 Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law, Alvin C. Harrell, Therese G. Franzen, and John L. Ropiequet
Emerging Commercial Law and UCC Issues for the next Farm and Business Credit Crisis, Alvin C. Harrell, Drew K. Theophilus, Brooke Schumm III, and Charles J. Sullivan
News From The Inter-American System, William Clark Harrell and Richard J. Wilson
Advances in Neuroimaging and the Vegetative State, Implications for End-of-Life Care, Maxine M. Harrington
Critical Race Theory, Angela P. Harris
Critical Theories of Race and Racism in World Perspective, Angela P. Harris
Rotten Social Background and the Temper of the Times, Angela P. Harris
Entativity and Ideology- A grounded theory of disengagement.pptx, Kira J. Harris
Voluntary Acknowledgments of Paternity for Same-Sex Couples, Leslie J. Harris
A Nihilistic View of the Efficient Breach, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Book Review: Confession and Bookkeeping: The Religious, Moral, and Rhetorical Roots of Modern Accounting, Charles S. Hartman
Missed It by That Much: Phase-out Provisions in the Internal Revenue Code, Charles S. Hartman
When the Issue Is Funding, No News Isn't Good News: Rosenberger v. Rector & Visitors of University of Virginia, 115 S.Ct. 2510 (1995), Charles S. Hartman
"Me and My Drank:" Exploring the Relationship between Exposure to Popular Music and 'Purple Drank' Experimentation, Melanie Hart, Laura E. Agnich, Bryan Lee Miller, and John M. Stogner
Skepticism and Expertise: The Supreme Court and the EEOC, Melissa Hart
U.S. Supreme Court Amicus Brief of Civil Procedure Professors in Support of Respondents, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, No. 10-277, Melissa Hart, Alexandra D. Lahav, Arthur Miller, Paul M. Secunda, and Adam Steinman
Implicit Bias in Employment Litigation, Melissa R. Hart
A Matter of Context: Social Framework Evidence in Employment Discrimination Class Actions, Melissa Hart and Paul M. Secunda
Collateral Consequences in the State of Montana, Sarah Montana Hart Esq.
"Destinations:" A Comparison of Sex Trafficking in India and the United States, Sarah Montana Hart
Restorative Justice in Islam: Should Qisas be Considered a Form of Restorative Justice?, Susan C. Hascall
Siblings in Law, Jill Elaine Hasday
Partnership Special Allocations: Time to Reboot, David Hasen
Chronic Pain Guidelines in Workers' Compensation, Dean M. Hashimoto
Chronic Pain Treatment: Massachusetts as a Case Study, Dean M. Hashimoto
Clinical Management of Chronic Pain and Narcotics, Dean M. Hashimoto
Employment Law Issues and Biological Exposures, Dean M. Hashimoto
Employment Law Issues and Biological Exposures, Dean M. Hashimoto
Issues of Chronic Pain Treatment and Narcotics: What is the Massachusetts' Experience?, Dean M. Hashimoto
Massachusetts Chronic Pain Guideline, Dean M. Hashimoto
Putting Guidelines into Practice: The Case of Partners HealthCare, Dean M. Hashimoto
The Role of Employer-based Health Insurance in Health Care Reform, Dean M. Hashimoto
William B. Patterson Memorial Lecture: As Health Care Reform Evolves, What is Our Role?, Dean M. Hashimoto
The LASPO Act 2012: abolition of IPP Sentence and introduction of the new TERS Scheme, Patrick Matthew Hassan-Morlai
The new scheme for foreign national prisoners: vigilance is key, Patrick Matthew Hassan-Morlai
Rainfall variability and Crop Zones classification for the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria, Shaibu M. Hassan PhD
Case note on Supreme Court of Cyprus (2008), Aresti v. LOEL Ltd (2008) 1 Α.Α.Δ. 1305 [in Greek] Λυσίας (Lysias) 3 (2010): 47-50, Nikitas E. Hatzimihail
Case note on Supreme Court of Cyprus (2008), Beogradska Banka D.D. v. Westacre Investments Inc. (2008) 1 Α.Α.Δ. 1217 [in Greek] Λυσίας (Lysias) 3 (2010): 106-1110, Nikitas E. Hatzimihail
Cross-border aspects of litigating in Europe civil claims arising out of the Cyprus problem: thoughts on the Orams case (in Greek), Nikitas E. Hatzimihail
The Many Lives — and Faces — of Lex Mercatoria: History as Genealogy in International Business Law, Nikitas E. Hatzimihail
Can the CEO Learn From the Condemned? The Application of Capital Mitigation Strategies to White Collar Cases, Todd Haugh
Domestic Money Laundering: 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1), Todd Haugh
International Money Laundering: 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(2), Todd Haugh
Reasonable Grounds Evidence Involving Sexual Violence in Darfur (with J. Hagan & R. Brooks), Todd Haugh
Undercover “Sting” Operations: 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(2)(B) & (a)(3), Todd Haugh
Political Insiders and Social Activists: Coalition Building in New York and Los Angeles, Marco Hauptmeier and Lowell Turner
A Meta-Analytic Study of the Effectiveness of Publicly Funded Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Programs: Findings from the Field, Alan J. Hawkins Dr. and Kaylene J. Fellows
The Legal Salience of Taxation, ANDREW HAYASHI
Experimental Evidence of Tax Salience and the Labor-Leisure Decision: Anchoring, Tax Aversion, or Complexity?, ANDREW HAYASHI; BRENT K, NAKAMURA; and DAVID GAMAGE
Sports as a Tool of Identity Maintenance And Development: A Case Study of the Triad International Soccer League, Sherrill W. Hayes
Teaching Peace from the Sports Pages: Using Sports to Open Dialogue about Global Conflict and Conflict Resolution, Sherrill W. Hayes
What Can We Learn from the Sport Pages?: Engaging Students in Difficult Dialogues about Social, Economic, and Political Issues, Sherrill W. Hayes
The Greensboro Landlord Tenant Dispute Program, Sherrill W. Hayes and Jessica Roberts
The Greensboro Landlord Tenant Dispute Program: Developing and Sustaining a Responsive Dispute Resolution Program, Sherrill W. Hayes, Jessica Roberts, Robert Nunn, and Cathie Witty
Virtual Blinds: Finding Online Privacy in Offline Precedents, Allyson W. Haynes
Women in the Post Conflict Process: A Review of the Impact of UN Resolution 1325 and UN Women in Achieving Gender Gains from Conflict, Dina Francesca Haynes, Abraham D. Sofaer, Johanna Bond, and Beth Van Schaack
Hysteria Over Sexting: A Plea For a Common Sense Approach, John O. Hayward
Hysteria Over Sexting: A Plea for a Common Sense Approach, John O. Hayward
Police Cell Phone Searches: Where's The Privacy?, John O. Hayward
Police Cell Phone Searches: Where's The Privacy, John O. Hayward
Police Cell Phone Searches: Where's The Privacy, John O. Hayward
Human Dignity at Trial: Hard Cases and Broad Concepts in International Criminal Law, J.Benton Heath
Mapping Expansive Uses of Human Dignity in International Criminal Law, J.Benton Heath
EEG in adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Patrick C. Heaven, Robert J. Barry, Mitchell K. Byrne, Adam R. Clarke, Rory McCarthy, and Mark Selikowitz
The Likelihood of Turkey's Accession into the European Union: A Controversial Inquiry, Ashleigh E. Hebert
The Supreme Court's 2011-2012 Labor and Employment Law Decisions: From the Controversial to the Peripheral, L. Camille Hebert
The Supreme Court's 2011-2012 Labor and Employment Law Decisions: From the Controversial to the Peripheral, L. Camille Hebert
The Supreme Court's 2011-2012 Labor and Employment Law Decisions: From the Controversial to the Peripheral, L. Camille Hebert
Childhood Immunization Information System Exchange with Payers: State and Federal Policies, Erika M. Hedden, Amy B. Jessop, and Robert I. Field
Childhood immunization reporting laws in the United States: Current status, Erika M. Hedden, Amy B. Jessop, and Robert I. Field
Taxes and Takings - and First Principles, George B. Hefferan Jr
Introducing the law, Gary N. Heilbronn, P Latimer, and Jennifer M. Nielsen