The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Equilibrio de partidos, Jose Luis Sardon
Esperando a La Haya, Jose Luis Sardon
Estímulos económicos, Jose Luis Sardon
Fragmentación legislativa, Jose Luis Sardon
Introducción, Jose Luis Sardon
Legislador platónico, Jose Luis Sardon
Libre iniciativa privada, Jose Luis Sardon
Mercados y jerarquías, Jose Luis Sardon
Observaciones personales, Jose Luis Sardon
Primus inter pares, Jose Luis Sardon
¿Qué hacer?, Jose Luis Sardon
Remedio necesario, Jose Luis Sardon
Réplica, Jose Luis Sardon
Revocación y reforma, Jose Luis Sardon
Ronald Coase: debe y haber, Jose Luis Sardon
Sana competencia, Jose Luis Sardon
Scalia y el textualismo, Jose Luis Sardon
Thatcher y los impuestos, Jose Luis Sardon
Inacción y Reacción Un Panorama cada vez más Cotidiano, Gerardo Fabian Sarmiento Juarez
Government Choices in Innovation Funding (With Reference to Climate Change), Joshua D. Sarnoff
Carlos Nieto Sánchez, San Clemente de Bolonia (1788-1889). El fin del Antiguo Régimen en el último colegio mayor español, Joaquín Sarrión Esteve
Current challenges for a Changing Europe: a social and legal perspective, Joaquín Sarrión Esteve
Social rights protection in times of crisis, Joaquín Sarrión Esteve
Slump Sale Transactions - Taxation Issues in India, Mubashshir Sarshar
International investment law, renewable energy, and national policy-making: on ‘green’ discrimination, double regulatory squeeze, and the law of exceptions, Mavluda Sattorova
Historical Evidence for Energy Consumption Rebound in 30 US Sectors and a Toolkit for Rebound Analysts, Harry D. Saunders
Is what we think of as ‘‘rebound’’ really just income effects in disguise?, Harry D. Saunders
Recent Evidence for Large Rebound: Elucidating the Drivers and their Implications for Climate Change Models, Harry D. Saunders
Toward a neoclassical theory of sustainable consumption: eight Golden Age propositions, Harry D. Saunders
A Matter of Class: The Impact of Brown v. McLean on Employee Discharge Cases, Christina M. Sautter
Auction Theory And Standstills: Dealing With Friends And Foes In A Sale Of Corporate Control, Christina M. Sautter
Auction Theory And Standstills: Dealing With Friends And Foes In A Sale Of Corporate Control, Christina M. Sautter
Promises Made to be Broken? Standstill Agreements in Change of Control Transactions, Christina M. Sautter
Promises Made to be Broken? Standstill Agreements in Change of Control Transactions, Christina M. Sautter
Lock-Up Creep, Christina M. Sautter and Steven M. Davidoff
Advanced issues under North Carolina's "unfair trade practices" law, Matthew W. Sawchak
Appellate Procedure, Matthew W. Sawchak
Business Torts as Little FTC Act Claims: Does the Difference Really Make a Difference?, Matthew W. Sawchak
Top Ten Myths and Missteps on Privilege and Work Product, Matthew W. Sawchak
Revisiting Authorisation Liability in Copyright Law, Cheng Lim SAW and Warren B. CHIK
Informed Consent beyond the Physician-Patient Encounter: Tort Law Implications of Extra-Clinical Decision Support Tools, Nadia N. Sawicki
Patient Protection and Decision Aid Quality: Regulatory and Tort Law Approaches, Nadia N. Sawicki
The Hollow Promise of Freedom of Conscience, Nadia N. Sawicki
Virtural Mentor, Nadia N. Sawicki
Social and Legal Effects on Monitoring and Adaptive Management: A Case Study of National Forest Grazing Allotments, 1927–2007, Nathan F. Sayre, Eric Biber, and Greta Marchesi
Stirring the Melting Pot: A Recipe for Immigrant Acceptance (review of The Immigration Crucible: Transforming Race, Nation, and the Limits of the Law by Philip Kretsedemas), Michael Scaperlanda
Synaptic Plasticity in Neurological Deficit as a Form of Indemnification: The Utility of Analogical Thinking, Madeleine Schachter and Madeleine Schachter
From Ownership to Access: Re-Engineering Library Services, Jay Schafer and Glenda A. Thornton
From Ownership to Access: Re-Engineering Library Services, Jay Schafer and Glenda A. Thornton
Fuzzy Toys and Fuzzy Feelings: How the "Disney" Culture Provides the Necessary Psychological Link To Improving Animal Welfare, Lindsay Schafer
ALL-SIS Legal Research Roundtable: Librarian-Taught For-Credit Classes (Moderator), Deborah Schander
ALL-SIS Legal Research Skills and Knowledge Roundtable: From the Academy to Practice (conference report), Deborah Schander
Innovations in Teaching FCIL: Using News Stories and Podcasts to Introduce Topics in Class (Ignite Session), Deborah Schander
Student Advisory Councils: Honing Your Outreach Efforts by Focusing on Your Audience, Deborah Schander
I Shot the Serif: Creating Effective and Attractive Marketing Materials for Your Law Library, Deborah Schander, Jordan A. Jefferson, and Liz Johnson
Prize Buckets, Pop Culture Shots, and Other Ways to Remind Students Legal Research is All Business Up Front and All Party Down the Back! (Poster Session), Deborah Schander, Jordan A. Jefferson, Ellen Richardson, and Carla Wale
A People's Guide to U.S. Immigration Law, Irene Scharf
Breathe Deeply: The Tort of Smokers' Battery, Irene Scharf
Kosovo's War Victims: Civil Compensation or Criminal Justice for Indentity Elimination?, Irene Scharf
Living among Guatemalan Mayans is fascinating experience, Irene Scharf
Nourishing Justice and the Continuum: Implementing a Blended Model in an Immigration Law Clinic, Irene Scharf
Preemption by Fiat: The Department of Labor's Usurpation of Power over Noncitizen Workers' Right to Unemployment Benefits, Irene Scharf
The Exclusionary Rule in Immigration Proceedings: Where It Was, Where It Is, Where It May Be Going, Irene Scharf
The Waivers Book: Advanced Issues in Immigration Law Practice, Irene Scharf
Un-torturing the Definition of Torture and Employing the Rule of Immigration Lenity, Irene Scharf
What Process is Due?: Unaccompanied Minors' Rights to Deportation Hearings, Irene Scharf and Christine Hess
UMD law students travel to Haiti on fact-finding trip, Irene Scharf and Justin Steele
An Alternative Universe to §1113 of the Bankruptcy Code: The Mediation Between American Airlines and its Workforce, Max Schatzow
The Emperor's New Clothes: Intellectual Dishonesty and the Unconstitutionality of Plea Bargaining, Robert C. Schehr
Utilizing Credit Reports for Employment Purposes: Casting a Wider Net into the Ocean of Employment Practices Results in Unintended yet Much Needed Outcomes, David D. Schein and James D. Phillips
Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Estimates of Charge Partitioning between Bjerrum and Ionic Defects in Ice, Steve Scheiner and John F. Nagle
The Battle for the Soul of International Shoe, Eric H. Schepard
"Application of Adverse Impact to Employment Decisions" Chapter 4 in EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW (4th ED. 2007), Published by the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law, Douglas D. Scherer
"Sex Discrimination" Chapter 13 in EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW (3D. ED.),Cumulative Supplements 2000, 2002, 2005. Published by the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law, Douglas D. Scherer
William E. Nelson, Fighting for the City: A History of the New York City Corporation Counsel, Douglas D. Scherer
An Alternate View of the Parol Evoidenmce Rule; A Rejection of the Restatement (Second) of Contracts; Mitchill v. Lath Revisited, Frank L. Schiavo
Animal Law (2nd edition) 2013, Anne Louise Schillmoller
Mapping the terrain of earth jurisprudence: landscape, thesholds and horizons, Anne Louise Schillmoller and Alessandro Pelizzon
Mapping the terrain of earth jurisprudence: landscape, thesholds and horizons, Anne Louise Schillmoller and Alessandro Pelizzon
Recognising rights for nature: a negotiation of principle and pragmatism, Anne Louise Schillmoller and Aidan Ricketts
Recognising rights for nature: a negotiation of principle and pragmatism, Anne Louise Schillmoller and Aidan Ricketts
Coase Minus the Coase Theorem--Some Problems with Chicago Transaction Cost Analysis, Pierre Schlag
Introduction: Prison Reform, Margo Schlanger
Jail Strip-Search Cases: Patterns and Participants, Margo Schlanger
Offices of Goodness: Influence without Authority in Federal Agencies, Margo Schlanger
Plata v. Brown and Realignment: Jails, Prisons, Courts, and Politics, Margo Schlanger
Plata v. Brown and Realignment: Jails, Prisons, Courts, and Politics, Margo Schlanger
Prison Segregation: Symposium Introduction and Preliminary Data on Racial Disparities, Margo Schlanger
Prison Segregtion: Symposium Introduction and Preliminary Data on Racial Disparities, Margo Schlanger
Regulating Segregation: The Contribution of the ABA Criminal Justice Standards on the Treatment of Prisoners, Margo Schlanger
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Structural Reform of the American Workplace, Margo Schlanger and Pauline Kim
Symposium: Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Litigating Under the Eighth Amendment: Preserving the Rule of Law in America's Jails and Prisons: The Case for Amending the Prison Litigation Reform Act, Margo Schlanger and Giovanna Shay
American Legal History, 1920-1970, Christopher W. Schmidt
Beyond the Opinion: Supreme Court Justices and Extrajudicial Speech (symposium editor), Christopher W. Schmidt