About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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ExpressO is a web-based manuscript delivery tool servicing more than 400 law reviews. All papers uploaded via ExpressO are eligible for inclusion in the bepress Legal Repository at no extra charge.

Documents from 2013

Predicting Fair Use, Matthew Sag


Supreme Authority: On the Establishment of the Supreme Court of Israel, Yair Sagy


The Legacy of Social Darwinism: From Railroads to the 'Reinvention' of Regulation, Yair Sagy


Battling Collateral Consequences: The Long Road to Redemption, Joann M. Sahl

Criterios_de_Cuantificacion_de_danos_a_P.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos

Derechos_Fundamentales_de_Empresa_y_Pers.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos

Derechos_Fundamentales_y_Personas_Juridi.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos

Regulacion_Educativa_de_Universidades_y (1).pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos

1998 Survey of Ethics in Land-Use Planning, Patricia E. Salkin

2002 U.S. Supreme Court Term Includes Zoning Referendum Case, Patricia E. Salkin

Abandonment, Discontinuance and Amortization of Nonconforming Uses: Lessons for Drafters of Zoning Regulations, Patricia E. Salkin

American Law of Zoning, Patricia E. Salkin

Congress Misses Twice With The Community Character Act: Will Three Times Be A Charm?, Patricia E. Salkin

Effective Disaster Mitigation Depends Upon Well-Coordinated Local Land Use Planning and Zoning, Patricia E. Salkin

Ensuring Continuing Community Amenities Through Golf Course Redevelopment, Patricia E. Salkin

Environmental Justice And Land Use Planning And Zoning, Patricia E. Salkin

Ethics in Land Use: Using Ethical Allegations as a Sword Rather Than a Shield, Patricia E. Salkin

Examining Land Use Planning and Zoning Ethics from a Planner’s Perspective: Lessons for All Stakeholders in the Real Estate Game, Patricia E. Salkin

Implementation of the APA Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook: Beginning to Benchmark Success, Patricia E. Salkin

Irresponsible Legislating: Reeling in the Aftermath of Kelo, Patricia E. Salkin

Law of the Land – Year in Review, Patricia E. Salkin

Linking Land Use with Climate Change and Sustainability Topped State Legislative Land Use Reform Agenda in 2008, Patricia E. Salkin

Michigan Supreme Court Overturns Landmark Eminent Domain Case, Patricia E. Salkin

New York Zoning Law and Practice, 4th edition, Patricia E. Salkin

New York Zoning Law and Practice Report, Patricia E. Salkin

Planning for Conflicts of Interest in Land Use Decisionmaking: The Use of Alternate Members of Planning and Zoning Boards, Patricia E. Salkin

Regulating Controversial Land Uses, Patricia E. Salkin

Relationships, the Rules of Professional Conduct and Land Use: Ethical Quagmires for Land Use Attorneys, Patricia E. Salkin

States Beginning to Recognize that Training is Essential for Members of Planning and Zoning Boards and Local Legislative Bodies, Patricia E. Salkin

The Green Development Movement: Smart Growth With a Green Label, Patricia E. Salkin

The Key to Unlocking the Power of Small Scale Renewable Energy: Local Land Use Regulation, Patricia E. Salkin

The Next Generation of Planning & Zoning Enabling Acts Is On the Horizon: 2002 Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook Is a Must-Read for Land Use Practitioners, Patricia E. Salkin

The Quiet Revolution And Federalism: Into The Future, Patricia E. Salkin

U.S. Supreme Court Hands Two Big Wins to Municipal Governments in 2001-2002 Term, Patricia E. Salkin

U.S. Supreme Court’s 2004 Term Includes Significant Land Use Decisions with a Trilogy of Takings Cases, Patricia E. Salkin

Where Will the Baby Boomers Go? Planning and Zoning for An Aging Population, Patricia E. Salkin

Zoning for Home Occupations: Modernizing Zoning Codes to Accommodate Growth in Home-Based Businesses, Patricia E. Salkin

Engaging Deliberative Democracy at the Grassroots: Prioritizing the Effects of the Fiscal Crisis in New York at the Local Government Level, Patricia E. Salkin and Charles Gottlieb

Government "Green" Requirements and "LEEDigation", Patricia E. Salkin, Graham Grady, Nicole Mueller, and Susan Herendeen

A Companion to Bordering on Madness: An American Land Use Tale, Second Edition: Cases, Scholarship, and Case Studies, Patricia E. Salkin, Andrew F. Popper, and David Avitabile

Deeply Within: Catholicism, Faith and History, Nick Salvatore

Introduction to Eugene V. Debs: Citizen and Socialist, Nick Salvatore

Introduction to Faith and the Historian: Catholic Perspectives, Nick Salvatore

Introduction to We All Got History: The Memory Books of Amos Webber, Nick Salvatore

An Interprofessional Geriatric Clinical Skills Fair: A “Train the Trainer” Workshop, Brooke Salzman, Lauren Collins, Emily Hajjar, Danielle Snyderman, Tracey Vause-Earland, and Leigh Ann Hewston


Dr. Danilo Samà - The Effectiveness of Competition Policy: An Econometric Assessment in Developed and Developing Countries, Dr. Danilo Samà


The Past, Present, and Future of Energy in Mexico: Prospects for Reform Under the Peña Nieto Administration, Tim R. Samples and Jose Luis Vittor


Copyright: The Aftermath of Aaron Swartz's Death, Pamela Samuelson

Oracle America, Inc. v. Google Inc. , Brief of Amici Curiae Intellectual Property Professors in Support of Defendant-Cross Appellant and Affirmance, Pamela Samuelson


Statutory Damages: A Rarity in Copyright Laws Internationally, but for How Long?, Pamela Samuelson

Propriedade Intelectual e Tendências Regulatórias nos Acordos Internacionais de Comércio.pdf, Michelle R Sanchez-Badin Mrs. and Milena da Fonseca Azevedo


China e seus acordos regionais e preferenciais de comércio: líder ou seguidora?, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs., Marina Carvalho, João Roriz, and Lucas Tasquetto


International trade regulatory challenges for Brazil and some lessons from the promotion of ethanol, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs. and Daniela Helena Godoy mS.


Commensal Microbiotica - Biological Frontier and Legal Challenge, Kenneth L. Sanders MD

Frau Gisela Schmidt's Boson and others, Kenneth L. Sanders MD

Frau Gisela Scmidt's Boson and Funding High Energy Research, Kenneth L. Sanders MD


Frau Gisela Scmidt's Boson and Funding High Energy Research, Kenneth L. Sanders MD


Voir dire and Frye-Daubert Hearings: Choosing the Proper Tool, Kenneth L. Sanders MD, FACP, Esq and Geoffrey Bradford Sanders Esq


Shelby County v. Holder Impacting Voting Rights in Arizona, Tracy Sanders

ISET ORS Bus Standards and Prototype, Gurpartap Sandhoo, Mark Johnson, William Raynor, Michael Hurley, Patrick Stadter, Michael Marley, Clint Apland, Robert Lee, Jonathan Bruzzi, Bruce Williams, Edward Schaefer, Steven Vernon, Paul Schwartz, George Moretti, and Thomas Doyne

Placing Physicians Between Scylla and Charybdis: Chemical Disclosure Law Forces Health Professionals to Sign Confidentiality Agreements, Creating Risk of Liability to Physicians and Impeding Protection of Public Health, eric p. sando


New Legal Challenge to Guantanamo Confinement, Robert M. Sanger


The Admissibility of Bayesian Likelihood Ratios, Robert M. Sanger


The Anniversaries of the Right to Counsel and theCreation of the Public Defender’s Office,, Robert M. Sanger


The FDA and the FTC Join Forces,, Robert M. Sanger


The National Academy of Sciences and Juvenile Justice, Robert M. Sanger


The New Rules for Admissibility of Expert Testimony: Part I, Robert M. Sanger


The New Rules for Admissibility of Expert Testimony: Part II, Robert M. Sanger


Brevi note sulle eccezioni d'incompetenza sollevate nel corso dell'arbitrato, Valerio Sangiovanni


Commento agli artt. 94 e 95-bis Testo Unico della Finanza, Valerio Sangiovanni


Contratti di acquisizione e rimedi del compratore (Prima parte), Valerio Sangiovanni

Contratti di acquisizione e rimedi del compratore (Prima parte), Valerio Sangiovanni


Contratti di acquisizione e rimedi del compratore (Seconda parte), Valerio Sangiovanni


Contratto di apertura di credito, calcolo del tasso effettivo globale medio e usura civilistica, Valerio Sangiovanni


Contratto di opzione su azioni e nozione di contratto "finanziario", Valerio Sangiovanni


Dichiarazione di operatore qualificato, onere della prova e gerarchia delle fonti, Valerio Sangiovanni


Esclusione di valori mobiliari e immobili dalla comunione legale fra coniugi, Valerio Sangiovanni


Il contratto di escrow nella compravendita di partecipazioni sociali, Valerio Sangiovanni


Il contratto di gestione di portafogli, Valerio Sangiovanni


Indebitamento della società, scissione ed elusione della tutela dei creditori, Valerio Sangiovanni


La Cassazione sull'equiparazione delle polizze unit linked a strumenti finanziari, Valerio Sangiovanni


Le pattuizioni di co-vendita quali limiti alla circolazione di azioni e quote, Valerio Sangiovanni


Mancato pagamento di rate di mutuo e segnalazione legittima in Centrale rischi, Valerio Sangiovanni


Risoluzione del contratto preliminare di appalto e inefficacia della clausola penale, Valerio Sangiovanni


Segnalazioni alla Centrale dei rischi e questioni di responsabilità civile, Valerio Sangiovanni


Trasformazione in s.a.s., cessione della quota e fallimento in estensione dell'accomandatario, Valerio Sangiovanni


Social Media and Our Misconceptions of the Realities, Richard Sanvenero Jr.


Concern people without latest technology will miss fire warnings, Sally Sara, Ashley Hall, Peter Johnson, and Katina Michael

Director, "Authority, Leadership, Power and Justice Here and Now", Evangeline Sarda

Panelist, "The Pedagogy of Resistance and its Limitations: the Impact of Group Identity on Movements for Change", Evangeline Sarda


20 años, Jose Luis Sardon


Acceso al mercado, Jose Luis Sardon


Bosques sin dueño, Jose Luis Sardon


Comisión por saldo, Jose Luis Sardon


Compra inconstitucional, Jose Luis Sardon


Democracia sin populismo: cómo lograrlo, Jose Luis Sardon


Dinero fiduciario, Jose Luis Sardon


Elección individual, Jose Luis Sardon


El fracaso brasileño, Jose Luis Sardon


El legado de Buchanan, Jose Luis Sardon