The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Automated Metadata Creation: Possibilities and Pitfalls, Wilhelmina Randtke
Chronique de la recherche internationale en sciences criminelles, Sacha Raoult
Cours DU ISPEC - Sociologie pénale / Criminologie appliquée, Sacha Raoult
Cours M2 Lutte contre l'insécurité - Contrôle judiciaire, assignation à résidence et détention provisoire, Sacha Raoult
La production sociale du savoir sur le crime et les institutions pénales : de la peine de mort à l'évaluation de la récidive, Sacha Raoult
Le modèle inquisitoire dans l'imaginaire juridique américain, Sacha Raoult
Les réponses à Durkheim et à Rusche & Kirchheimer dans la Société Punitive, Sacha Raoult
Affirmative Action and Admissions at a Jesuit Law School, Alan Raphael
Criminal Procedure: From Bail to Jail, 2002, Alan Raphael
Criminal Procedure: From Bail to Jail, 2005, Alan Raphael
Criminal Procedure: From Bail to Jail, 2012, Alan Raphael
Book Review, Brian Z. Tamanaha, Failing Law Schools (2012), Nancy Rapoport
Managing U.S. News & World Report—The Enron Way, Nancy Rapoport
Rethinking U.S. Legal Education: No More “Same Old, Same Old", Nancy Rapoport
Plus Ça Change, Plus C’est La Même Chose, Nancy B. Rapoport
Overcoming Writer's Block and Procrastination for Attorneys, Law Students, and Law Professors, Meehan Rasch
Understanding the Cycle of Procrastination, Meehan Rasch
The legal effect of implementation of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in the corporate workplace., Mamonor Rashid
Export and innovation in Cambodian clothing manufacturing firms, Rajah Rasiah Prof, Vignes Gopal Dr, and Puvanesvaran Sanjivee Dr
Beyond the Chilling Effect: Immigrant Workers and the Regulation of Occupational Safety & Health, Jayesh Rathod
Immigrant Labor and the Occupational Safety & Health Regime; Part I: A New Vision for Workplace Regulation, Jayesh Rathod
Protecting Immigrant Workers Through Interagency Cooperation, Jayesh Rathod
The AFL-CIO — NDLON Agreement: Five Proposals for Advancing the Partnership, Jayesh M. Rathod
Blame It on the Man: Theorizing the Relationship Between § 1983 Municipal Liability and the Qualified Immunity Defense, Teressa E. Ravenell
Sea Level Rise and Maritime Zones: Preserving the Maritime Entitlements of ‘Disappearing’ States, Rosemary Rayfuse
War and the Environment: International Law and the Protection of the Environment in Relation to Anned Conffict — Introduction to the Special Issue, Rosemary Rayfuse
Illusory Control of State Controlled Resources Through Stabilisation Clauses: Renegotiation Clauses May Save the Contract, Jeffery R. Ray
Shale Gas: Evolving Global Issue for the Environment, Regulation and Energy Security, Jeffery R. Ray
Shale Gas: Evolving Global Issue for the Environment, Regulation and Energy Security, Jeffery R. Ray
¿La Consulta Previa es el mecanismo idóneo para proteger la integridad de los pueblos indígenas y es eficaz al momento de ser ejecutada?, Jairo Andrés Realpe Portilla
Examining the Links between Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Mental Health Court Completion, Allison D. Redlich and Woojae Han
Of whales and ships-impacts on the great whales of underwater noise pollution from commercial shipping and proposals for regulation under international law, Lora L. Nordtvedt Reeve
The Quagmire that Nobody in the Federal Government Wants to Talk About: Marijuana, Melanie M. Reid
United States v. Jones: Big Brother and the "Common Good" Versus the Fourth Amendment and your Right to Privacy, Melanie M. Reid
West Africa, the EU's Mexico: Extraditions and Drug Prosecutions in the EU could be the Answer, Melanie M. Reid
Think of the Children: Advancing Marriage Equality by Renewing the Focus on Same-Sex Adoption Litigation, Jacob M. Reif
CLE Lecture on Negotiation, Peter R. Reilly
Negotiating Bribery: Toward Increased Transparency, Consistency, and Fairness in Pre-Trial Bargaining under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Peter R. Reilly
Asking the First Question: Reframing Bivens after Minneci, Alexander A. Reinert and Lumen N. Mulligan
'Gay' Gypsy Moths and Porn Addiction, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Groomed for Sodomy: What’s Taught to Young Students Today Used to Be Illegal, Judith A. Reisman PhD
How the 'Gay' Child-Sex-Abuse Cover-Up Kills Young Men, Judith A. Reisman PhD
Military Sodomite Abuse: The Untold Story, Judith A. Reisman PhD
The Emperor's New Loans: A Cautionary Tale from the Subprime Era, David J. Reiss
Cleaning Up the Financial Crisis of 2008: Prosecutorial Discretion or Prosecutorial Abdication?, David J. Reiss and Bradley T. Borden
Dirt Lawyers and Dirty REMICs, David J. Reiss and Bradley T. Borden
Dirty REMICs, Revisited, David J. Reiss and Bradley T. Borden
Goliath Versus Goliath in High-Stakes MBS Litigation, David J. Reiss and Bradley T. Borden
Once a Failed REMIC, Never a REMIC, David J. Reiss and Bradley T. Borden
Show Me The Note Q&A, David J. Reiss and Bradley T. Borden
Dirt Lawyers and Dirty REMICs: A Debate, David J. Reiss, Bradley T. Borden, and Joshua Stein
The Uncertain Promise of Predictive Coding, Dana Remus
A Cap on the Defendant's Appeal Bond?: Punitive Damages Tort Reform, Doug Rendleman
A Cap on the Defendant's Appeal Bond?: Punitive Damages Tort Reform, Doug Rendleman
Common Law Restitution in the Mississippi Tobacco Settlement: Did the Smoke Get in Their Eyes?, Doug Rendleman
Common Law Restitution in the Mississippi Tobacco Settlement: Did the Smoke Get in Their Eyes?, Doug Rendleman
Enforcement of Judgments and Liens in Virginia, Doug Rendleman
Irreparability Irreparably Damaged, Doug Rendleman
Irreparability Irreparably Damaged, Doug Rendleman
More on Void Orders, Doug Rendleman
Quantum Meruit for the Subcontractor: Has Restitution Jumped Off Dawson's Dock?, Doug Rendleman
Quantum Meruit for the Subcontractor: Has Restitution Jumped Off Dawson's Dock?, Doug Rendleman
Rejecting Property Rules-Liability Rules for Boomer's Nuisance Remedy: The Last Tour You Need of Calabresi and Melamed's Cathedral, Doug Rendleman
Rejecting Property Rules-Liability Rules for Boomer's Nuisance Remedy: The Last Tour You Need of Calabresi and Melamed's Cathedral, Doug Rendleman
Remedies: A Guide for the Perplexed, Doug Rendleman
Remedies - The Law School Course, Doug Rendleman
Remedies - The Law School Course, Doug Rendleman
Simplification- A Civil Procedure Perspective, Doug Rendleman
Simplification- A Civil Procedure Perspective, Doug Rendleman
Moderator, Tax Policy and Economic Efficiency, James R. Repetti
Noncompensatory Capital Shifts Beyond the Proposed Noncompensatory Regulations, James R. Repetti
Occupy the Tax Code: Using the Estate Tax to Reduce Inequality, James R. Repetti
Using the Estate Tax to Reduce Inequality, James R. Repetti
Occupy the Tax Code: Using the Estate Tax to Reduce Inequality and Spur Economic Growth, James R. Repetti and Paul L. Caron
Occupy the Tax Code: Using the Estate Tax to Reduce Inequality and Spur Economic Growth, James R. Repetti and Paul L. Caron
Occupy the Tax Code: Using the Estate Tax to Reduce Inequality and Spur Economic Growth, James R. Repetti and Paul L. Caron
Occupy the Tax Code: Using the Estate Tax to Reduce Inequality and Spur Economic Growth, James R. Repetti and Paul L. Caron
2013 Supplement, James R. Repetti; Paul R, McDaniel; and Paul L. Caron
Horizontal Equity Revisited, James R. Repetti and Diane M. Ring
Copyright, Neuroscience, and Creativity, Erez Reuveni
Conflictos en el Estado: entre choques y contrapesos, Javier Revelo-Rebolledo
Reelección, paz y democracia, Javier Revelo-Rebolledo and Mauricio García-Villegas
Climate Engineering Research: A Precautionary Response to Climate Change?, Jesse Reynolds and Floor Fleurke
Luther Martin, Maryland and the Constitution , William L. Reynolds II
The Life and Times of Chief Judge Robert Bell, William L. Reynolds
Tributes to Professor Bernard Auerbach, William L. Reynolds, John Brumbaugh, and Melvin J. Sykes
Foreword, Robert J. Rhee
Reflections on Team Production in Professional Schools and the Workplace, Robert J. Rhee
Specialization in Law and Business: a Proposal for a J.D./"MBL" Curriculum, Robert J. Rhee
The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act: Time to End the Corporate Welfare, Robert J. Rhee
The Tort Foundation of Duty of Care and Business Judgment, Robert J. Rhee
Reflections from the Wearable Computing Conference in Toronto, Canada, Nick Rheinberger, Katina Michael, and Alexander Hayes
Reflections from the Wearable Computing Conference in Toronto, Canada, Nick Rheinberger, Katina Michael, and Alexander Hayes