About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013


Our Own Private Sustainable Community: Are Green Covenants, Conditions, And Restrictions A Viable Alternative To A More Environmentally Sustainable Future For Homeowners?, Darren Prum and Robert Aalberts

Commercial Casino Gaming in the United States: A Jurisdictional Analysis of Gaming Taxes, Licenses, and Fees, Darren A. Prum and Shannon Bybee

Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets and Mass Transit: Can the Government Successfully Accomplish Both without a Conflict, Darren A. Prum and Sarah L. Catz


The Income of the 21st Century: Online Advertising as a Case Study for the Implications of Technology for Source-Based Taxation, Assaf Y. Prussak


Reframing Sanity: Scapegoating the Mentally Ill in the Case of Jared Loughner, Katie Rose Guest Pryal


The Genre Discovery Approach: Preparing Law Students to Write Any Legal Document, Katie Rose Guest Pryal


Perry Mason Moments, Elizabeth Pugliese


Clear Depictions Promote Clear Decisions: Drafting Abortion Speech-and-Display Statutes that Pass First And Fourteenth Amendment Muster, Ryan J. Pulkrabek


The Campaign Finance Safeguards of Federalism, Garrick B. Pursley

Adolescent Medical Decision Making and the Law of the Horse, Amanda C. Pustilnik and Leslie Meltzer Henry


Academic Authors and Copyright, Laura Quilter


Copyright and Fair Use in Higher Education, Laura Quilter


Copyright and Fair Use in Higher Education, Laura Quilter


Copyright and Fair Use in Higher Education, Laura Quilter


Copyright for Academics (Comparative Literature Dept.), Laura Quilter


Copyright Futures in the Digital Humanities, Laura Quilter

Copyright Law: History and Discussion Questions (guest lecture), Laura Quilter


Handicapping Kirtsaeng, Laura Quilter


Mapping Participation Gaps in Wikipedia, Laura Quilter


Recent Fair Use Cases, and Trends to Watch : ACRL Copyright Update, Laura Quilter


Rediscovering the Constitutional Origins of Copyright, Laura Quilter


(Visual) Art and Copyright : Copyright in Nonprint Media, Laura Quilter

Bulletproof: Mandatory Rules for Deal Protections, Brian JM Quinn


Corporations - An Open Source Casebook, Brian JM Quinn

Globalization and its Impact on Transactional Law, Brian JM Quinn

Omnicare: Of Fruit Flies and Deal Protections, Brian JM Quinn

Participant, "The 2013 Private Equity M&A Roundtable", Brian JM Quinn

Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: The Performance of Earnouts in Corporate Acquisitions, Brian JM Quinn

Reviving Substantive Coercion, Brian JM Quinn

The Coming Tide, Brian JM Quinn

The Role of M&A in a Corporate Governance System, Brian JM Quinn

Arbitration and the Future of Delaware’s Corporate Law Franchise, Brian J.M. Quinn

Omnicare: Coercion and the New Unocal Standard, Brian J.M. Quinn

A Study in Judicial Sleight of Hand: Did Geier v. American Honda Motor Co. Eradicate the Presumption Against Preemption?, Susan Raeker-Jordan


Arbitration, Women Arbitrators and Sharia, Mohamed Raffa Dr.


Egypt's Legal System, Mohamed Raffa


Amiable Composition and Ex Aequo et Bono Arbitration, Mohamed Raffa and Mohamed Raffa


Desafíos para los derechos de la persona ante el siglo XXI: familia y religión / Sfide per i diritti della persona nel XXI secolo: famiglia e religione / Challenges of individual rights in the XXI century: family and religion, Edoardo C. Raffiotta, Antonio Pérez Miras, and Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Dean’s Message, Lawrence Raful

A Comparison Between India's Patent Law with the US System, Srividhya Ragavan

Becoming and Being a Lawyer: An Introduction, Srividhya Ragavan

Becoming and Being a Lawyer: An Introduction, Srividhya Ragavan

Becoming and Being a Lawyer: An Introduction, Srividhya Ragavan

Becoming and Being a Lawyer: An Introduction, Srividhya Ragavan

Becoming and Being a Lawyer: An Introduction, Srividhya Ragavan

Current Trends in Patenting, Srividhya Ragavan

Impact of the Trade Regime on Developing Countries, Srividhya Ragavan

Indian Patent Law: The Struggle to Balance Innovation with Access, Srividhya Ragavan

India's Role in the Post-Patent World, Srividhya Ragavan

International Legal Education Abroad, Srividhya Ragavan


Patients Win Over Patents, Srividhya Ragavan

Ragavan's book is reviewed in a leading Indian newspaper, The Hindu, Srividhya Ragavan

Science and Its Intersection with Law, Srividhya Ragavan

Software Patent Strategies: From Diehr to Here and Where?, Srividhya Ragavan


The Patent Failure of Novartis with Gleevec, Srividhya Ragavan


The Patent Failure of Novartis with Gleevec, Note on Novartis v. Union of India Judgment, Srividhya Ragavan

The Role of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Preserving Diversity and Reconciling Intellectual Property and Environmental Issues in India, Srividhya Ragavan


A Regulação da Concorrência, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo

A Regulação da Concorrência, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo

A Regulação da Concorrência, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo


One Year After: Premerger Notification Unit in Brazil, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo


Proporcionalidade e melhora regulatória a regulação dos serviços de táxi, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo and eduardo frade rodrigues


O dobro ou nada: regulação dos jogos de azar, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo and gustavo sampaio


Freedmen and Day Laborers: Why Enforcement Matters, Raja Raghunath


Multilevel governance and broadband infrastructure development: Evidence from Canada, Reza Rajabiun and Catherine Middleton


Rural Broadband Development in Canada’s Provinces: An Overview of Policy Approaches, Reza Rajabiun and Catherine Middleton

Gun Control and the Right to Bear Arms, Lynne H. Rambo

How Diversity Fared in the Court’s October 2012 Term, Lynne H. Rambo

The Practical and Philosophical Ramifications of the Windsor Decision, Lynne H. Rambo

The Use of Social Network Evidence at Trial, Lynne H. Rambo


Amores rotos, impactos diferentes: reflexiones sobre las consecuencias patrimoniales del divorcio desde la perspectiva de género, Beatriz Ramirez


HEROÍNAS FORZADAS: reflexiones sobre aborto terapéutico a propósito de las medidas provisionales de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el asunto B. contra El Salvador, Beatriz Ramirez


Los derechos reproductivos en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: apuntes sobre la sentencia en el caso Artavia Murillo y otros contra Costa Rica., Beatriz Ramirez

Mujeres invisibles, progresos incompletos. El control difuso de constitucionalidad de las normas de filiación, Beatriz Ramirez


Mujeres invisibles, progresos incompletos: reflexiones sobre el control difuso de constitucionalidad de normas de filiación, Beatriz Ramirez


El aborto y los derechos fundamentales., Beatriz Ramirez and Juan Carlos Diaz


The Boston Tragedy Reveals the Need for Community-Based Counterterrorism Strategies, Deborah A. Ramirez and Tara Lai Quinlan

Community Partnerships Thwart Terrorism, Deborah A. Ramirez, Tara Lai Quinlan, Sean M. Malloy, and Taylor Shutt

A General Theory of Cultural Diversity, Steven A. Ramirez

Bearing the Costs of Racial Inequality: Brown and the Myth of the Equality/Efficiency Trade-Off, Steven A. Ramirez

Diversity and the Boardroom, Steven A. Ramirez

Fear and Social Capitalism: The Law and Macroeconomics of Investor Confidence, Steven A. Ramirez

Games CEOs Play and Interest Convergence Theory: Why Diversity Lags in America’s Boardrooms and What to Do About It, Steven A. Ramirez

In Defense of the GSES, Steven A. Ramirez

Lawless Capitalism: the Subprime Crisis and the case for an economic rule of law, Steven A. Ramirez

Rethinking the Corporation (and Race) in America: Can Law (and Professionalization) Fix “Minor” Problems of Externalization, Internalization, and Governance?, Steven A. Ramirez

The Economics of Discrimination, in The Encyclopedia of Law and Society, Steven A. Ramirez

The Law and Microeconomics of the New Deal at 70, Steven A. Ramirez

The New Cultural Diversity and Title VII, Steven A. Ramirez

The Professional Obligations of Securities Brokers Under Federal Law: An Antidote for Bubbles?, Steven A. Ramirez

What We Teach When We Teach About Race: The Problem of Law and Pseudo-Economics, Steven A. Ramirez


Algunas consideraciones sobre la aplicación pública de la ley penal, Rafael Ramírez Villaescusa

El análisis económico del derecho en México, sus retos y posibilidades, Rafael Ramírez Villaescusa

El análisis económico del derecho en México, sus retos y posibilidades, Rafael Ramírez Villaescusa

Independencia e imparcialidad. Transparencia y responsabilidad, Rafael Ramírez Villaescusa


Presentación del número 84 de la Revista Alegatos, Rafael Ramírez Villaescusa

China's New Copyright Law Reforms: a Comparative Analysis, Shruti Rana

Philanthropic Innovation and Creative Capitalism: A Historical and Comparative Perspective on Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility, Shruti Rana


Teaching Amidst Transformation: Integrating Global Perspectives on the Financial Crisis into the Classroom, Shruti Rana

Touched by Greatness, Shruti Rana