About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2020

Impacto del coronavirus en los contratos de arrendamiento: ¿Puede el arrendatario invocar la excesiva onerosidad para reducir la renta?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Impacto del coronavirus en los contratos de arrendamiento. ¿Puede el arrendatario invocar la excesiva onerosidad para reducir la renta?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Inquilino con contrato a plazo indeterminado. ¿Cómo lo desalojo?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

La escritura pública en el contrato de hipoteca: ¿formalidad solemne? A propósito del Encuentro Jurisdiccional Nacional de Jueces en Materia Civil, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Libro Fe Pública Registral.pdf, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Modificaciones en la Ley de desalojo notarial: bienvenidos arrendadores financieros, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Modificaciones en la Ley de Desalojo Notarial: Bienvenidos, arrendadores financieros, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Parte 1 ¿Es inconstitucional el Proyecto de Ley que suspende el pago de la renta en los contratos de arrendamiento?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Parte 2 ¿Es inconstitucional el Proyecto de Ley que suspende el pago de la renta en los contratos de arrendamiento?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

¿Puedo prescribir contra mi cónyuge para apropiarme de los bienes sociales?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Santidad Contractual en tiempos del Covid.pdf, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Sí es necesario el proyecto de ley que suspende el pago de alquileres: Los mecanismos de tutela del Código Civil no son útiles, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Si tomo en arrendamiento un inmueble, ¿cómo me protejo ante la eventual venta del bien?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Sucesión Posesoria y suma de plazos.pdf, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Health Insurance and Federalism-in-Fact, Radha A. Pathak and Brendan S. Maher

The Impact of Brexit on UK’s Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Industry, Jo-Ann Pattinson and Subhajit Basu

Legal issues in automated vehicles: critically considering the potential role of consent and interactive digital interfaces, Jo-Ann Pattinson, Subhajit Basu, and Haibo Chen

Immigration Basics for Criminal Defense and Family Law Attorneys CLE, Alison Peck

Interview - NPR Cross Currents with Scott Widmeyer, VOTE: The 2020 Election, Alison Peck

Appraisal Confusion: The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Delaware's Nascent Pristine Deal Process Standard, Alex Peña and Brian JM Quinn

Hungría: Multa a Coca-Cola por su campaña LGBTI, Cristina Vidreras Pérez and Luis González Vaqué

Spain: The publication of a controversial document regarding ultra-processed foods has gained the unanimous support of the most credible and qualified scientists and technicians, Cristina Vidreras Pérez and Luis González Vaqué

Against Bidimensional Supremacy in EU Constitutionalism, Vlad F. Perju

Identity Federalism in Europe and the United States, Vlad F. Perju

3LA1, V-2354, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

U.S. Taxes Corporate Income at Comparatively Low Rates, Andrew Pike

Acoso y hostigamiento sexual, Norma E. Pimentel Méndez

Contingencia Feminista, Norma E. Pimentel Méndez

Criminal Law: Concepts and Practice, 4th edition, Ellen S. Podgor, Peter J. Henning, Alfredo Garcia, and Cynthia E. Jones

The Right to Privacy: How the Supreme Court Got Government Out of the Bedroom - Revised 2020.docx, Albert E. Poirier Jr.

A Mother Should Not Have to Adopt Her Own Child: Parentage Laws for Children of Lesbian Couples in the Twenty-First Century, Nancy Polikoff

Ending Marriage as We Know It, Nancy Polikoff

Law that Values All Families: Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage, Nancy Polikoff

Professors Do Not Provide Childs Support, Gregg D. Polsky and Brant J. Hellwig

An Irrevocably Tainted Opinion: Zen's Threat to Public Discourse, Andrew F. Popper

A One Term Tort Reform Tale: Victimizing the Vulnerable, Andrew F. Popper

Averting Malpractice by Information: Informed Consent in the Pediatric Treatment Environment, Andrew F. Popper

More than the Sum of All Parts: Taking on IP and IT Theft Through a Global Partnership, Andrew F. Popper

On The Necessity of Preserving Access to State Courts and Civil Justice: Rediscovering Federalism & Debunking “Fraudulent” Joinder, Andrew F. Popper

Rethinking Feres: Granting Access to Justice for Service Members, Andrew F. Popper

The Affordable Care Act is Not Tort Reform, Andrew F. Popper

Unavailable and Unaccountable: A Free Ride for Foreign Manufacturers of Defective Consumer Goods, Andrew F. Popper

The Misuse of Product Misuse: Victim Blaming at Its Worst, Andrew F. Popper and Robert Adler

Regional Economic Arrangements and the Rule of Law in the Americas: The Human Rights Face of Free Trade Agreements, Stephen J. Powell

Toward a Vibrant Peruvian Middle Class: Effects of the Peru-United States Free Trade Agreement on Labor Rights, Biodiversity, and Indigenous Populations, Stephen J. Powell and Paola A. Chavarro

Beyond Labor Rights: Which Core Human Rights Must Regional Trade Agreements Protect?, Stephen J. Powell and Trisha Low

Adquirente y tercero: Su situación después del VIII Pleno Casatorio Civil, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Adquirente y tercero: su situación después del VIII Pleno Casatorio Civil, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Análisis del VIII Pleno Casatorio Civil, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Covid-19: remedios contractuales en el arrendamiento de local comercial, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Derechos Reales (semana 1, 2 y 3) Curso Gratuito Legis- PPTS.pdf, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Fábrica social sobre bien propio: a propósito de un precedente del Tribunal Registral., Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

II Pleno Casatorio Civil, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

La Posesión, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Los conflictos sobre mejor derecho de posesión, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Mascotas-cuarentena a propósito del Estado de Emergencia, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Medidas adoptadas por la junta de propietarios frente al coronavirus. ¿ Son válidas?, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Ni bueno ni malo: lo que ya sabíamos antes del VIII Pleno Casatorio Civil, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Otras materias y normas a favor del Derecho de Propiedad_stamped.pdf, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Poseedor Precario y el IV Pleno Casatorio, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Recuperación extrajudicial de bienes a propósito del DL 1467, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Situación de los contratos de arrendamiento: una mirada panorámica a los supuestos y en favor del interés público, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Suspender por ley el pago de alquileres de vivienda debe tener por objeto proteger al arrendador, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

Syllabus del curso gratuito de Derechos Reales 2020, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

VIII Pleno Casatorio: ¿y cómo queda el adquirente?, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

VII Pleno Casatorio Civil adicional a la tercera semana, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez

El arrendamiento y el desalojo en tiempos del Covid-19.pdf, Julio Eduardo Pozo Sánchez and Liz Mayra Lino Chavez

Differential Treatment Among Creditors Under India's Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016: Issues and Solutions, C. Scott Pryor

Gender Stereotypes and Gender Identity in Public Schools, Dara Purvis

Developing Fiduciary Culture in Vietnam, Brian JM Quinn

A Case Against the Use Doctrine in Trademark Law (Draft), Srividhya Ragavan

Coronavirus & Restoring Trade: Access to Healthcare as the Solution, Srividhya Ragavan

Reconsidering the Rational for the Duration of Data Exclusivity (Draft), Srividhya Ragavan

Justifying India's Patent Position to the United States International Trade Commission and Office of United States Trade Representative, Srividhya Ragavan, Sean Flynn, and Brook Baker

COVID-19 Throws Harsh Spotlight on The Human Cost of Misguided International Trade & IP Policies, Srividhya Ragavan and Doris E. Long

COVID-19 Should Change the U.S. Posture on Global Access to Medication, Srividhya Ragavan and Michael Palmedo

Can International Patent Law Help Mitigate Cancer Inequity in LMICs?, Srividhya Ragavan and Amaka Vanni

Justicia de género. Aportes de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional en casos de violencia contra las mujeres, Beatriz Ramirez

Familias y reforma legislativa. La agenda del Derecho de las Familias para el Congreso 2020-2021., Beatriz Ramírez Huaroto


Overruling Democracy: The Supreme Court vs. The American People, Jamin B. Raskin

The Wealth Primary: Campaign Fundraising and the Constitution, Jamin B. Raskin and John Bonifaz

Casey Skit: A Pedagogical Tool for Interviewing Young Women and Proceeding Through a Judicial Bypass Hearing, Jamin B. Raskin and Ann Shalleck

A Snapshot of the Law in the Streets: Reflections of a Former Parkdale Academic Director, Sean Rehaag

Got Guts? The Iconic Streams of the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Law’s Ephemeral Edge, Jesse Reiblich and Thomas T. Ankersen

Monaghan, Henry P. First Amendment Due Process, 83 Harv. L. Rev. 518 (1970), Amanda Reid

Social Utility of Music: A Case For A Copyright Exemption For Therapeutic Uses, Amanda Reid

Goodbye Marijuana Schedule I-Welcome to A Post-Legalization World, Melanie M. Reid

Prosecutor Appeals After Acquittal and the Oscar Pistorius Case, Melanie M. Reid

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing II – The Gender Agenda, Judith A. Reisman PhD

GEN XXX, Judith A. Reisman PhD

The Sordid History and Deadly Consequences of ‘Ed’ at School, Judith A. Reisman PhD

Traumatizing 3 Generations, Judith A. Reisman PhD

Kali Psychi, Judith A. Reisman PhD, Aaron Nazif J.D., and Mary McAlister Esq.

Preserving the Nationwide National Government Injunction to Stop Illegal Executive Branch Activity, Doug Rendleman

Rehabilitating the Nuisance Injunction to Protect the Environment, Doug Rendleman

The Defamation Injunction Meets the Prior Restraint Doctrine, Doug Rendleman

When Policy Comes to Town: Discourses and Dilemmas of Implementation of a Statewide Reentry Policy in Kansas, Andres F. Rengifo, Don Stemen, and Ethan Amidon

Cents and sensibility: A case study of corrections reform in Kansas and Michigan, Andres F. Rengifo, Don Stemen, Brendan D. Dooley, Ethan Amidon, and Amanda Gendon

Engineering Biological Diversity: The International Governance of Synthetic Biology, Gene Drives, and De-extinction for Conservation, Jesse Reynolds