The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
Documents from 2020
The Affordable Care Act, Remedy, and Litigation Reform, Brendan S. Maher
The Benefits of Opt-In Federalism, Brendan S. Maher
The Civil Judicial Subsidy, Brendan S. Maher
Thoughts on the Latest Battles over ERISA's Remedies, Brendan S. Maher
Understanding and Regulating the Sport of Mixed Martial Arts, Brendan S. Maher
Unlocking Exchanges, Brendan S. Maher
Unlocking Exchanges, Brendan S. Maher
Regulating Employment-Based Anything, Brendan S. Maher
Some Thoughts on Health Care Exchanges: Choice, Defaults, and the Unconnected, Brendan S. Maher
The Affordable Care Act, Remedy, and Litigation Reform, Brendan S. Maher
The Benefits of Opt-In Federalism, Brendan S. Maher
Thoughts on the Latest Battles over ERISA's Remedies, Brendan S. Maher
Understanding and Regulating the Sport of Mixed Martial Arts, Brendan S. Maher
Understanding and Problematizing Contractual Tort Subrogation, Brendan S. Maher and Radha A. Pathak
Enough About the Constitution: How States Can Regulate Health Insurance Under the ACA, Brendan S. Maher and Radha A. Pathak
Enough About the Constitution: How States Can Regulate Health Insurance Under the ACA, Brendan S. Maher and Radha A. Pathak
Understanding and Problematizing Contractual Tort Subrogation, Brendan S. Maher and Radha A. Pathak
ERISA & Uncertainty, Brendan S. Maher and Peter K. Stris
ERISA & Uncertainty, Brendan S. Maher and Peter K. Stris
Afterword - Outsider Citizenships and Multidimensional Borders: The Power and Danger of Not Belonging, Pedro A. Malavet
Cluster Introduction: Puerto Rico: Interrogating Economic, Political, and Linguistic Injustice, Pedro A. Malavet
Cuba, Puerto Rico, el Código Civil y el Problema de la Transculturación, Pedro A. Malavet
Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Civil Code, and the Problem of Transculturation, Pedro A. Malavet
LatCritical Encounters with Culture, in North-South Frameworks, Pedro A. Malavet
Literature and the Arts as Antisubordination Praxis: LatCrit Theory and Cultural Production: The Confessions of an Accidental Crit, Pedro A. Malavet
Puerto Rico: Cultural Nation, American Colony, Pedro A. Malavet
Reparations Theory and Postcolonial Puerto Rico: Some Preliminary Thoughts, Pedro A. Malavet
The Accidental Crit II: Culture and the Looking Glass of Exile, Pedro A. Malavet
"The Constitution Follows the Flag...but Doesn't Quite Catch Up with It": The Story of Downes v. Bidwell, Pedro A. Malavet
The Inconvenience of a “Constitution [that] follows the flag … but doesn’t quite catch up with it”: From Downes v. Bidwell to Boumediene v. Bush, Pedro A. Malavet
Regulating AI within the Human Rights Framework: A Roadmapping Methodology, Alessandro Mantelero
Bostock v. Clayton County and the Problem of Bisexual Erasure, Nancy C. Marcus
The Rise, Fall and Rise Again of the "Presumed" Will of the Deceased to Reproduce After his Death?, yehezkel Margalit
Panel 3: Architecture, Fashion and Design, Giovanni Marini, Barbara Pozzo, and J. Janewa Osei-Tutu
Curso de Análise Econômica do Direito, Antonio Maristrello Porto and Nuno Garoupa
Securities & Exchange Commission vs. Elon Musk & the First Amendment, Jerry W. Markham
Customer Rights Under the Commodity Exchange Act, Jerry W. Markham and Kyra K. Bergin
Atmospheric Intervention? The Climate Change Crisis and the Jus ad Bellum Regime, Craig Martin
Diferimiento de pagos de saldos deudores de tarjetas de crédito generados durante la cuarentena. Breve análisis de la comunicación a 6964 del Banco Central de la Republica Argentina, Gabriel Martinez Medrano
Efectos de la emergencia sanitaria sobre los contratos de crédito a los consumidores, Gabriel Martinez Medrano
La caducidad de instancia en los procesos colectivos, Gabriel Martinez Medrano
La comunicación publicitaria de ‘influencers’ en redes sociales. Análisis de la regulación en el Derecho Comparado y panorama en Argentina.”, Gabriel Martinez Medrano
Requisitos procesales de admisión para las acciones colectivas de consumo en el Proyecto de reforma de la Ley de Defensa del Consumidor (año 2019), Gabriel Martinez Medrano
Comparative Law Reflections on the Use of Soft Law in the Belt and Road Initiative, Giuseppe Martinico
Functional Disobedience, National Courts and the ECtHR, Giuseppe Martinico
Navigating Through Concepts and Images of Power: On Beyond the People by Zoran Oklopcic, Giuseppe Martinico
Between_Democracy_and_Law_The_Amorality.pdf, Giuseppe Martinico, Carlos Closa Montero, and Costanza Margiotta
Italian Populism and Constitutional Law: Strategies, Conflicts and Dilemmas, Giuseppe Martinico, Giacomo Delledonne, Matteo Monti, and Fabio Pacini
COVID-19, tratos diferenciados y test de escrutinio estricto, Javier Martín Reyes
Entre la influencia, la deferencia y la indiferencia: El papel de las y los ministros en el engrose, Javier Martín Reyes
Jurisprudencia que crece torcida... La aparición del test de proporcionalidad en las tesis de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, Javier Martín Reyes
Ni tanto que borre al candidato, ni tan poco que no lo regule, Javier Martín Reyes
Corrupción e impunidad en México: ¿cómo salir de un callejón sin salida?, Javier Martín Reyes, José Antonio Caballero Juárez, and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
¿Por qué importa el CIDE?, Javier Martín Reyes, Guillermo M. Cejudo, and Sandra Ley
Hacia dónde va la enseñanza del Derecho, Javier Martín Reyes, Raúl Contreras Bustamante, Iliana Rodríguez Santibañez, Ana María Zorrilla Noriega, José María Aramburu, and Gerardo Laveaga
Caso Lozoya: cuando la política le gana a la justicia, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
De la justicia abierta al correo electrónico: Los absurdos del Tribunal Electoral en tiempos del COVID-19, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
Doctorados honoris farsa, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
El concierto de inconstitucionalidades de la consulta lopezobradorista, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
El procedimiento de renuncia de Medina Mora: mal por donde se vea, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
La sobrerrepresentación como fraude a la Constitución, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
Ni Corte, ni Suprema, ni de Justicia, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
¿Quiénes son las víctimas del pacto entre Javier Duarte y la Fiscalía?, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
Renovar el espacio público, un Congreso para el futuro, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
Tres doctorados con chingos de salsa, ‘per favore’, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
Un tribunal decadente, Javier Martín Reyes and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
Democracia en vilo —y la constitución también, Javier Martín Reyes, Juan Jesús Garza Onofre, Sergio López Ayllón, Issa Luna Plá, and Pedro Salazar Ugarte
Normalizar la militarización: análisis jurídico del acuerdo presidencial, Javier Martín Reyes, Juan Jesús Garza Onofre, Sergio López Ayllón, Issa Luna Plá, and Pedro Salazar Ugarte
¿Qué propone la iniciativa de reforma judicial de AMLO y Zaldívar?, Javier Martín Reyes, Juan Jesús Garza Onofre, and Saúl López Noriega
Gobernar por discurso, Javier Martín Reyes, Juan Jesús Garza Onofre, Issa Luna Plá, Sergio López Ayllón, and Pedro Salazar Ugarte
Democracia en vilo —y Constitución también—, Javier Martín Reyes, Juan Jesús Garza Onofre, Issa Luna Plá, Pedro Salazar Ugarte, and Sergio López Ayllón
Caso Nexos: la dimensión jurídica, Javier Martín Reyes and Sergio López Ayllón
Consejeros para la democracia, Javier Martín Reyes and Sergio López Ayllón
Del bonillazo al decretazo, Javier Martín Reyes and Sergio López Ayllón
El Presidente y el 'derecho a la calumnia', Javier Martín Reyes and Sergio López Ayllón
La “libertad de expresión” del poder, Javier Martín Reyes and Sergio López Ayllón
Los saldos del Tribunal Electoral, Javier Martín Reyes and Sergio López Ayllón
Todo por la razón y el derecho (hasta que estorben). La tensión entre Constitución, reformas y gobierno, Javier Martín Reyes, Sergio López Ayllón, and Saúl López Noriega
Después de la Corte: el futuro de la consulta popular, Javier Martín Reyes, Sergio López Ayllón, Pedro Salazar Ugarte, Juan Jesús Garza Onofre, and Issa Luna Plá
Normalizar la militarización: análisis jurídico del acuerdo presidencial, Javier Martín Reyes, Pedro Salazar Ugarte, Issa Luna Plá, Sergio López Ayllón, and Juan Jesús Garza Onofre
México necesita una política clara de acceso a terapia intensiva, Javier Martín Reyes, Adrián Soto Mota, Andrés Castañeda Prado, Juan Gutiérrez Mejía, and Luis F. Fernández Ruiz
Un dilema inevitable del Covid-19: ¿Cómo salvar más vidas cuando se acaben las camas?, Javier Martín Reyes, Adrián Soto Mota, Andrés Castañeda Prado, Juan Gutiérrez Mejía, and Luis F. Fernández Ruiz
Via v. Putnam, 656 So. 2d 460 (Fla. 1995): Judgment, Elena Marty-Nelson
Fostering Student Authorship, Amy R. Mashburn and Sharon E. Rush
Matevosyan NR. Digital Knowledge Management and Medical Informatics., Naira R. Matevosyan
Matevosyan NR. Health-Care Prometrics In The Era Of Redeployment, Naira R. Matevosyan
Naira Renault: CRANIECTOMY: Medical & Legal Survey, Naira R. Matevosyan
The Chinese Advantage in Emergency Law.pdf, Ugo Mattei, Emanuele Ariano, and Guanghua Liu
What Is Caesar's, What Is God's: Fundamental Public Policy for Churches, Lloyd Histoshi Mayer and Zachary B. Pohlman
Business Models for Post-Crisis Information Ecosystems, Antje Mays
Legacy Missions in Times of Change: Defining and Shaping Collections in the 21st Century, Antje Mays and Oya Y. Rieger
Legacy Missions in Times of Change: Defining and Shaping Collections in the 21st Century, Antje Mays and Oya Y. Rieger
Deterring Wartime Atrocities: Hard Lessons from the Yugoslav Tribunal, Jacqueline McAllister
Do International Criminal Tribunals Actually Deter War Crimes? Global Dispatches (podcast) with Mark Goldberg, Jacqueline McAllister
Episode 6: Deterring Wartime Atrocities and the Yugoslav Tribunal, Jacqueline McAllister
The Peace versus Justice Debate Revisited: The ICTY's Impact on the Bosnian Peace Process, Jacqueline McAllister
Deterring Wartime Atrocities: Hard Lessons from the Yugoslav Tribunal, Jacqueline R. McAllister