The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
Documents from 2020
Is solar geoengineering ungovernable? A critical assessment of governance challenges identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Jesse Reynolds
No Title, Jesse Reynolds
No Title, Jesse Reynolds
Nonstate Governance of Solar Geoengineering Research, Jesse Reynolds and Edward A. Parson
Born Filipina, Somewhere in Between, Kim D. Ricardo
Ensuring Quality Instruction, Kim D. Ricardo and Olympia Duhart
Information about the research project being conducted on incorporation of social purpose organizations, Carolee M. Rigsbee, Carol Jessup, Celeste M. Hammond, Stephanie Black, and Julia Wasik
A Right to Repair for Australia — Forum, Matthew Rimmer
Free the Flag: Copyright Law and Indigenous Intellectual Property, A Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Aboriginal Flag, Matthew Rimmer
Get Me PPE: 3D Printing, the Maker Movement, and the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis: Creative Commons Summit 2020, Matthew Rimmer
Lady Ada: Limor Fried, Adafruit Industries, Intellectual Property and Open Source Hardware, Matthew Rimmer
Lady Ada: Limor Fried, Adafruit Industries, Intellectual Property and Open Source Hardware, Matthew Rimmer
Make and Share: Intellectual Property, Higher Education, Technology Transfer, and 3D Printing in a Global Context, Matthew Rimmer
Open GLAM: Copyright Law, 3D Printing, and Cultural Heritage, Matthew Rimmer
The Internet Archive and the National Emergency Library: Copyright Law and the Coronavirus COVID-19, Matthew Rimmer
The Internet Archive and The National Emergency Library: Copyright Law and the Coronavirus COVID-19: Creative Commons Summit 2020, Matthew Rimmer
The People’s Vaccine: Intellectual Property, Access to Medicines, and the Coronavirus COVID-19, Matthew Rimmer
The People’s Vaccine: Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines in the Age of COVID-19: Creative Commons Summit 2020, Matthew Rimmer
The Right to Repair in Australia: Patent Law and 3D Printing in a Circular Economy, Matthew Rimmer
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Intellectual Property and Trade in the Pacific Rim, Matthew Rimmer
What is the "Free the Flag" Movement All About?, Matthew Rimmer
A Path to International Tax Reform and Improved Wealth Distribution Across the Globe, Diane M. Ring
Taxation of Permanent Establishments: United States, Diane M. Ring
Falling Short in the Digital Age, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
Tax Law's Workplace Shift, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
The Importance of Qualitative Research Approaches to Gig Economy Taxation, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
Alcance y límites del principio de jerarquía. Criterios para jerarquizar derechos, valores, bienes y otros elementos, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
El amor y sus efectos en la música pop y en la filosofía clásica, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
Estado de extremísima excepción reconocido tácitamente en la constitución y su aplicación al sector privado, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
Límites y posibilidades del Anarquismo. Propuesta de un anarquismo focalizado, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba and Ricardo Iván López
Are general inflexible rules stable? An examination of David Hume's jurisprudence, Mario J. Rizzo
Escaping Paternalism: Rationality, Behavioral Economics, and Public Policy, Mario J. Rizzo and Glen Whitman
Cities and Citizens Seethe: A Case Study of Local Efforts to Influence Natural Gas Pipeline Routing Decisions, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
This Year's Law School Grads Can Be Verified As Ready to Practice Law, Without In-Person July Bar Exams, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Toledo's Doomed Lake Erie Bill of Rights and the Future of Environmental Protection, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson and Isaac M. Bleich
Florida Wills, Trusts, and Estates Cases and Materials, 4th ed., Eloisa C. Rodriguez-Dod and Elena Maria Marty-Nelson
INSIGHT: President Trump’s Misunderstanding of Federalism, Ediberto Roman
INSIGHT: Trump Bemoans a DACA Decision He Should Celebrate, Ediberto Roman
Professor Roman was quoted in article: 'No Chance' Seattle's CHAZ Demand for Retrials for People of Color Happens, Ediberto Roman and Jenni Fink
Build the Wall and Wreck the System: Immigration Policy in the Trump Administration, Ediberto Roman and Ernesto Sagas
Professor Roman was quoted in article: Trump Has Key Ally for His Immigration Halt: The Supreme Court, Ediberto Roman and Greg Stohr
El impacto de la crisis sanitaria del Covid 19 en los contratos de arrendamiento.pdf, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual
El Octavo Pleno Casatorio Civil. Sus enigmas, problemas y posibles soluciones.pdf, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual and Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual
College students should proclaim solidarity with Hong Kong protesters, Gary L. Rose
The Poverty Law Canon: Exploring the Major Cases, Ezra Rosser and Marie Failinger
La finance à l’ère de TikTok.pdf, Sébastien Ruche
Oh, What a Truism the Tenth Amendment Is: State Sovereignty, Sovereign Immunity, and Individual Liberties, Sharon E. Rush
A Short History of the Public Trust Doctrine and its Intersection with Private Water Law, Erin Ryan
The Twin Environmental Law Problems of Preemption and Political Scale, Erin Ryan
Jailing Immigrant Detainees: A National Study of County Participation in Immigration Detention, 1983–2013, Emily Ryo and Ian Peacock
Collective Criminality and Sexual Violence: Fixing a Failed Approach, Susana L. SaCouto
The Utter Failure of the Trump Administration’s Antitrust Chief, Chris Sagers
Zoning and Planning Law Handbook, Patricia E. Salkin
Groundwater Management in the Borderlands of Mexico and Texas: The Beauty of the Unknown, the Negligence of the Present, and the Way Forward, Rosario Sanchez and Gabriel Eckstein
Microsoft’s New ‘Productivity Score’ Lets Your Boss Monitor How Often You Use Email And Attend Video Meetings, Rachel Sandler
Applying the STAMP Safety Model to Prevent False Convictions Based on Eyewitness Misidentifications, Boaz Sangero
Safe Convictions, Boaz Sangero
Comentario a la ponencia Exp. 00006-2020-PI/TC (suspensión peajes), Jose Luis Sardon
Fundamento de voto Exp. 00002-2020-CC (vacancia presidencial por incapacidad moral), Jose Luis Sardon
Peru's political crisis, Jose Luis Sardon
Sentencia Exp. 00016-2018-AI (Puerto Manoa), Jose Luis Sardon
Sentencia Exp. 01833-2019-HC (Defilippi Rodríguez: internamiento por salud mental), Jose Luis Sardon
Vacancia de Martín Vizcarra no fue un golpe de Estado | Entrevista Diario Expreso, Jose Luis Sardon
Voto conjunto c/Ramos Exp. 00014-2018-AI (motos en vías expresas), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto conjunto en mayoría c/Ferrero y Blume Exp. 03206-2015-HC (Francisco Morales Bermúdez: aplicación en el tiempo de calificación de crímenes de lesa humanidad), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto Exp. 00022-2018-PI/TC (corridas de toros, y peleas de gallos y toros), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular conjunto c/ Blume Exp. 00016-2019-AI (reparación civil a favor del Estado), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular conjunto c/ Ferrero Exp. 00002-2020-CC (medida cautelar sobre vacancia presidencial por incapacidad moral), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular conjunto c/ Ferrero Exp. 04038-2016-HC (Máxima Acuña: habeas corpus no tutela posesión), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular conjunto con Blume y Ferrero: Exp. 00014-2015-AI (imprescriptibilidad predios estatales de uso privado), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular conjunto Ferrero - Sardón. Exp. 00021-2014-AI/TC (régimen laboral MYPE), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular Exp. 00006-2014-PI/TC (comunicación de actividades sospechosas), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular Exp. 00006-2016-AI (Decreto Legislativo del Notariado II: extralimitación de facultades legislativas), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular Exp. 00006-2019-CC/TC (disolución del Congreso), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular Exp. 00011-2015-AI (importación directa de plaguicidas), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular Exp. 01739-2018-AA (Óscar Ugarteche: matrimonio "igualitario"), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular Exp. 02064-2018-AA (Marino Costa: plazo razonable de investigación fiscal), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular Exp. 02287-2013-HC (Pando Beltrán: terrorismo y fiscales sin rostro), Jose Luis Sardon
Voto singular Exp. 05436-2014-HC (hacinamiento de penales), Jose Luis Sardon
COVID-19 Highlights Need for Rights to Repair and Produce in Emergencies, Joshua D. Sarnoff
Rights, Dignity, and Public Accommodations, Christopher W. Schmidt
The Fourteenth Amendment and the Transformation of Civil Rights, Christopher W. Schmidt
Court's Decision on Reg BI Lawsuit Could Come Down Near Implementation Date, Mark Schoeff
Reflections on Moving Toward Integration and Modern Exclusionary-Zoning Cases Under the Fair Housing Act, Robert G. Schwemm
Source-of-Income Discrimination and the Fair Housing Act, Robert G. Schwemm
INSIGHT: Supreme Court Upturns Constitutional Federalism, Yet Again, Steven D. Schwinn