The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Book Review: Canadian Maverick: The Life And Times Of Ivan C. Rand, by William Kaplan, Jamie Cameron
Book Review: The Constitutional Protection of Freedom of Expression, by Richard Moon, Jamie Cameron
Cigarette Packages, Tobacco Consumption and the Charter: The Role of Perception and Harm in Charter Analysis, Jamie Cameron
Comment: The Constitutional Domestication of our Courts — Openness and Publicity in Judicial Proceedings under the Charter, Jamie Cameron
Criminal Law (Volume II), Jamie Cameron
Cross Cultural Reflections: Teaching the Charter to Americans, Jamie Cameron
Dialogue and Hierarchy in Charter Interpretation: A Comment on R. V. Mills, Jamie Cameron
Dickson's Law: 'Manifestly One of the Humanities' [A Review of Brian Dickson: A Judge's Journey by Robert J. Sharpe, Kent Roach], Jamie Cameron
Does Section 2(B) Really Make a Difference? Part 1: Freedom of Expression, Defamation Law, and the Journalist-Source Privilege, Jamie Cameron
Due Process, Collective Bargaining, and S. 2(D) of the Charter: A Comment on B.C. Health Services, Jamie Cameron
Enforcing the Charter: Four Remedial Vignettes, Jamie Cameron
Fault and Punishment under Sections 7 and 12 of the Charter, Jamie Cameron
Federalism, Treaties, and International Human Rights Under the Canadian Constitution, Jamie Cameron
Giving and Taking Offence: Civility, Respect, and Academic Freedom, Jamie Cameron
Governance and Anarchy in the S.2(B) Jurisprudence: A Comment on Vancouver Sun and Harper v. Canada, Jamie Cameron
Journalists and Their Secret Sources, Jamie Cameron
Justice for All: Earl Warren and the Nation He Made, by Jim Newton, Jamie Cameron
Language as Violence v. Freedom of Expression: Canadian and American Perspectives on Group Defamation, Jamie Cameron
Law and Feminism: Editor's Note, Jamie Cameron
Liberty, Authority, and the State in American Constitutionalism, Jamie Cameron
Problem Gamblers and the Duty of Care: A Response to Sasso and Kalajdzic, Jamie Cameron
‘Public’ appeal court ruling keeps every detail secret; Trial description and even judge’s name censored in bizarre decision, Jamie Cameron
Reflections on the Legacy of Justice Bertha Wilson, Jamie Cameron
Section 2(b)'s Other Fundamental Freedom: The Press Guarantee, 1982-2012, Jamie Cameron
Supreme Court assisted-suicide ruling just latest contentious moral issue Parliament seems loathe to touch, Jamie Cameron
The Charter and Remedial Choice [A Review of Constitutional Remedies, by K. Roach], Jamie Cameron
The Charter's Impact on the Criminal Justice System, Jamie Cameron
The Death Penalty, Mandatory Prison Sentences, and the Eighth Amendment's Rule against Cruel and Unusual Punishments, Jamie Cameron
The First Amendment and Section 1 of the Charter, Jamie Cameron
The Forgotten Half of Dolphin Delivery: A Comment on the Relationship Between the Substantive Guarantees and Section 1 of the Charter, Jamie Cameron
The Labour Trilogy's Last Rites: B.C. Health and a Constitutional Right to Strike, Jamie Cameron
The Mclachlin Court and the Charter in 2012, Jamie Cameron
The Motor Vehicle Reference and the Relevance of American Doctrine in Charter Adjudication, Jamie Cameron
The Original Conception of Section 1 and its Demise: A Comment on Irwin Toy V. A-G of Quebec, Jamie Cameron
The Past, Present, and Future of Expressive Freedom under the Charter, Jamie Cameron
The van Ert Methodology of Domestic Reception, Jamie Cameron
The Written Word and the Constitution’s Vital Unstated Assumptions, Jamie Cameron
To Amend the Process of Amendment, Jamie Cameron
To the Rescue: Antonio Lamer and the Section 2(b) Cases from Quebec, Jamie Cameron
Toward a Theory of Responsible Justice, Jamie Cameron
Tradition and Change Under the Charter: The Adversary System, Third Party Interests and the Legitimacy of Criminal Justice in Canada, Jamie Cameron
Foreword, Jamie Cameron and Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Foreword, Jamie Cameron and Stephanie Ben-Ishai
The Charter and Criminal Justice: Twenty-five Years Later, Jamie Cameron and James Stribopoulos
7th Annual Seminar on Securities Law, , H. Alexander Campbell, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr., Ivan M. Diamond, Fredrich H. Thomforde, Frederic H. Davis, Cynthia W. Young, C. Craig Bradley Jr, David W. Harper, Gary L. Stage, and Garrison R. Cox
Did I Do That? An Argument for Requiring Pennsylvania to Evaluate the Racial Impact of Medicaid Policy Decisions Prior to Implementation, Michael Campbell
A Tale of Three “Professions”: Search Engine Optimization, Lawyering & Law Teaching, Ray W. Campbell
The End of Law Schools, Ray W. Campbell
The End of Law Schools, Ray Worthy Campbell
Proposed Crowdfunding Regulations Under the Jobs Act: Please, SEC, Revise Your Proposed Regulations in Order to Promote Small Business Capital Formation, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
Proposed Regulation A Amendments Implementing the Jobs Act: Please, SEC, Revise Your Proposed Amendments in Order to Promote Small Business Capital Formation, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
The New Regulation of Small Business Capital Formation: The Impact—If Any—Of the JOBS Act, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.
The New Business Corporation Act: The Basics, , Rutheford B. Campbell Jr., David W. Harper, Stephen B. Catron, and Keith G. Hanley
Avoiding the Guillotine: The Need for Balance and Purpose in Determining Fundamental Rights under the Fourteenth Amendment, Timothy A. Campbell
Avoiding the Guillotine: The Need for Balance and Purpose in Determining Fundamental Rights under the Fourteenth Amendment, Timothy A. Campbell
Avoiding the Guillotine: The Need for Balance and Purpose in Determining Fundamental Rights under the Fourteenth Amendment, Timothy A. Campbell
PANEL 2: Finding a Better Way to Teach, Tom Campbell, David Moss, Clark D. Cunningham, and Neil Dilloff
PANEL 2: Finding a Better Way to Teach, Tom Campbell, David Moss, Clark D. Cunningham, and Neil Dilloff
An Ecological Assessment of Property and Violent Crime Rates Across a Latino Urban Landscape: The Role of Social Disorganization and Institutional Anomie Theory, Jeffrey Michael Cancino, Sean P. Varano, Joseph A. Schafer, and Roger Enriquez
The Effects of Social Disorganization: A Hierarchical Analysis of Perceived Incivilities in a Latino Community, Jeffrey Michael Cancino, Sean P. Varano, Joseph A. Schafer, and Roger Enriquez
A step too far in consumer credit protection: Are external dispute resolution schemes wielding the sword of Damocles?, Franci Cantatore and Brenda Marshall
Avoiding the pitfalls: Advertising in a competitive market, Francina Cantatore
Balancing consumer protection and commercial viability: The impact of the new hardship provisions in the NCCP Enhancements Act, Francina Cantatore
Intellectual Property Rights and the PPSA: Challenges for interest holders, creditors and practitioners, Francina Cantatore
Responsible lending compliance: A “common sense” approach, Francina Cantatore
The Australian Consumer Law in the digital sphere, Francina Cantatore
The migration of the book across territorial borders: Copyright and cultural implications, Francina Cantatore
The migration of the book across territorial borders: Copyright implications for authors in the digital economy, Francina Cantatore
Yours, mine and ours: Managing intellectual property in third sector enterprise, Francina Cantatore
Businesses are people too? Anomalies in widening the ambits of "consumer" under consumer credit law, Francina Cantatore and Brenda Marshall
Intellectual Property Rights management in small and medium size social enterprise in Australia, Francina Cantatore and Elizabeth Crawford Spencer
Romancing the PPSA: Challenges for instructors in teaching and reconciling new concepts with traditional norms, Francina Cantatore and Ian Stevens
Enforcement Overdrive: A Comprehensive Assessment of ICE's Criminal Alien Program, Guillermo Cantor, Mark Noferi, and Daniel E. Martínez
Acuerdo Comercial Unión Europea Colombia Perú, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry, Juan David Barbosa, and Pierino Stucchi
Revisiting the Interplay between Contractual and Relational Governance: A Qualitative and Meta-Analytic Investigation, Zhi Cao and Fabrice Lumineau
Fools Rush in Where Lawyers Would Better Tread: The Right to Self-Representation and Related Standards of Competency, Julia M. Capie
Freedom of Unspoken Speech: Implied Defamation and Its Constitutional Limitations, Julie M. Capie
Commentary: Justice Brennan's Legacy and the Potentially Jilting Souter, John J. Capowski
Working Through The Past: Labor and Authoritorian Legacies in Comparative Perspective, Teri L. Caraway (ed.), Maria Lorena Cook (ed.), and Stephen Crowley (ed.)
Lunch -- Keynote Speakers -- Devon W. Carbado and Russell K. Robinson, UCLA School of Law, Devon W. Carbado and Russell K. Robinson
Diversity and the Civil Jury, Christina S. Carbone and Victoria C. Plaut
Against Marriage Equality, June R. Carbone and Naomi Cahn
Surviving Long-Term Mass Atrocities, Claudia Card, François Tanguay-Renaud, and Alice MacLachlan
Arbitrio para padres engañados, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Cambio de sexo: ¿Qué han dicho nuestros tribunales?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Cine inaccesible contra capacidades especiales, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
"Dama y caballero es otra cosa", Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
¿Dos errores? ¡Nada mal! Precedente del CNM para evaluación y ratificación de magistrados, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
El quechua busca justicia, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Junta de propietarios e impugnación judicial de acuerdos de asociaciones, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Medida cautelar innecesaria y maliciosa. ¿Qué necesidad?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Michele Taruffo “La justicia civil en Italia (siglos XVIII-XX)”, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
No hay que pagar los huesos rotos. Primera sentencia sobre vida o nacimiento no deseados, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Nombre sí, sexo no, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
¡No quiero ser alienado! ¿Qué ha dicho la jurisprudencia sobre el síndrome de alienación parental?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Padre, yo mismo soy, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Reparo sin reparos, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Riccardo Guastini "Las Fuentes del Derecho - Fundamentos teóricos", Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Riccardo Guastini “Las fuentes del derecho – Fundamentos teóricos”, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Sí, entonces no. Motivación ilógica sin motivo razonable (ni racional), Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez