About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Nullifying the Debt Ceiling Threat Once and for All: Why the President Should Embrace the Least Unconstitutional Option, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf

Law in Transition: Human Rights, Development and Transitional Justice, Ruth Margaret Buchanan and Peer Zumbansen

Global Restructuring and the Law: The Internationalization of Legal Fields and the Creation of Transnational Arenas, Ruth Buchanan, David M. Trubek, Yves Dezalay, and John R. Davis

Gender Differences in Professional Development Among AP-LS Members: Results of the Professional Development of Women Survey, Julie Buck, Jennifer Eno Louden, Terese Hall, Matthew Huss, Christian Meissner, and Ekaterina Pivovarova

Problems of Proof When There's a Computer Goof: Consumers Versus ATMs, 2 Computer L.J. 49 (1980), Mark Budnitz

The Finicky Computer, the Paperless Telex and the Fallable Swiss: Bank Technology and the Law, Mark Budnitz

The Finicky Computer, the Paperless Telex and the Fallable Swiss: Bank Technology and the Law, Mark Budnitz

The Finicky Computer, the Paperless Telex and the Fallable Swiss: Bank Technology and the Law, Mark Budnitz

Arbitration of Disputes Between Consumer and Financial Institutions: A Serious Threat to Consumer Protection, Mark E. Budnitz

Arbitration of Disputes Between Consumer and Financial Institutions: A Serious Threat to Consumer Protection, Mark E. Budnitz

Arbitration of Disputes Between Consumers and Financial Institutions: A Serious Threat to Consumer Protection, Mark E. Budnitz

Buyer Beware: Georgia Consumers Can't Rely on the Fair Business Practices Act, Mark E. Budnitz

Chapter 11 Business Reorganizations and Shareholder Meetings: Will the Meeting Please Come to Order, or Should the Meeting Be Cancelled Altogether?, Mark E. Budnitz

Checking Account Protections, Mark E. Budnitz

Checking Account Protections, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer ADR in the Borderless Online Marketplace, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer ADR in the Borderless Online Marketplace, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Banking and Payments Law, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Bankruptcy Developments, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Issues in Revised Articles 3 and 4 of the UCC, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Payment Products and Systems: The Need for Uniformity and the Risk of Political Defeat, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Payment Systems: New Products and Services, New Laws and New Problems, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumer Privacy in Electronic Commerce: As the Millennium Approached, Minnesota Attacked, Regulators Refrained, and Congress Compromised, Mark E. Budnitz

Consumers Surfing for Sales In Cyberspace: What Constitutes Acceptance and What Legal Terms and Conditions Bind the Consumer?, Mark E. Budnitz

Developments in Consumer Arbitration Case Law: 1997 - April 2000, Mark E. Budnitz

Developments in Payments Law 2008, Mark E. Budnitz

Developments in Payment Systems Law 2005-2006, Mark E. Budnitz

Electronic Money in the 1990s: A Net Benefit or Merely a Trade-off?, Mark E. Budnitz

Ensuring the Future, Mark E. Budnitz

Federal Regulation of Consumer Disputes in Computer Banking Transactions, Mark E. Budnitz

Fees of Professionals and Expenses of Members Appointed to Official Committees in Chapter 11 Cases, Mark E. Budnitz

Home Banking Agreements: Don't Bank on Them, Mark E. Budnitz

Implementation of the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act, Mark E. Budnitz

Mobile Banking: Gaps in the Law Impede Risk Assessment, Mark E. Budnitz

Mobile Financial Services: The Need for a Comprehensive Consumer Protection Law, Mark E. Budnitz

Note, Criminal Law - Statutory Offenses - Vagrancy Laws Invalid as Too Vague and as Improper Exercise of Police Power, Mark E. Budnitz

Payment Protection Advocacy, Mark E. Budnitz

Payment Protection Advocacy, Mark E. Budnitz

Payment Systems Update 2005, Mark E. Budnitz

Payment Systems Update 2005: Checks, Remotely-Created Items, Payroll Cards and Other New-Fangled Products, Mark E. Budnitz

Privacy Protection for Consumer Transactions in Electronic Commerce: Why Self-Regulation is Inadequate, Mark E. Budnitz

Privacy Rules: Areas of Concern and Controversy, Mark E. Budnitz

Recent Developments In Consumer Arbitration Case Law: 1997- Jan 1999, Mark E. Budnitz

Recent Developments In Consumer Arbitration Case Law: 1997- Jan 1999, Mark E. Budnitz

Stored Value Cards and the Consumer: The Need for Regulation, Mark E. Budnitz

Technology as the Driver of Payment System Rules: Will Consumers Be Provided Seatbelts and Air Bags, Mark E. Budnitz

The Check 21 Challenge: Will Banks Take Advantage of Consumers?, Mark E. Budnitz

The Check 21 Challenge: Will Banks Take Advantage of Consumers?, Mark E. Budnitz

The Consequences of Bulk in Our Banking Diet: Bulk Filing of Checks and the Bank's Duty of Ordinary Care under the 1990 Revision to the Uniform Commercial Code When It Honors Forged Checks, Mark E. Budnitz

The Development of Consumer Protection Law, The Institutionalization of Consumerism, and Future Prospects and Perils, Mark E. Budnitz

The Duties Imposed by Bankruptcy Courts upon Mortgagees at Foreclosure Sales: How to Avoid Avoidance under Section 548, Mark E. Budnitz

The Federalization and Privatization of Public Consumer Protection Law in the United States: Their Effect on Litigation and Enforcement, Mark E. Budnitz

The FTC's Consumer Protection Program During the Miller Years: Lessons for Administrative Agency Structure and Operation, Mark E. Budnitz

The High Cost of Mandatory Consumer Arbitration, Mark E. Budnitz

The Impact of EFT upon Consumers: Practical Problems Faced by Consumers, Mark E. Budnitz

The National Consumer Law Center From Its Birth to 2013, Mark E. Budnitz

The Revision of U.C.C. Articles Three and Four: A Process Which Excluded Consumer Protection Requires Federal Action, Mark E. Budnitz

The Sale of Credit Life Insurance: The Bank as Fiduciary, Mark E. Budnitz

Truth in Lending Finance Charges, Mark E. Budnitz

Truth in Lending Finance Charges, Mark E. Budnitz

The Law of Lender Liability, Mark E. Budnitz and Helen Davis Chaitman

Deceptive Claims for Prepaid Telephone Cards and the Need for Regulation, Mark E. Budnitz, Martina Rojo, and Julia Marlowe

Consumer Banking and Payments Law: Credit, Debit & Stored Value Cards, Checks, Money Orders, E-Sign, Electronic Banking and Benefit Payments, Mark E. Budnitz and Margot Freeman Saunders

Counseling and Representing Financially Distressed Businesses, Mark E. Budnitz and Gary Shapiro


American Judicial Power: The State Perspectice, Michael Buenger

Ohio Appellate Practice Before and After Polikoff: Are Things Really All That Much Clearer?, Michael L. Buenger

Bankruptcy Law in European Countries Emerging from Communism: The Special Legal and Economic Challenges, Samuel Bufford

Chapter 11 Case Management and Delay Reduction: An Empirical Study, Samuel Bufford

Global Venue Controls Are Coming: A Reply to Professor LoPucki, Samuel Bufford

International Insolvency Case Venue in the European Union: The Parmalat and Daisytek Controversies, Samuel Bufford

International Rule of Law and the Market Economy - An Outline, Samuel Bufford

Introduction to the Articles Presented by Three Rising Stars in Bankruptcy Scholarship, Samuel Bufford

Promoting Commercial Law Reform in Eastern Europe, Samuel Bufford

Romanian Bankruptcy Law: A Central European Example, Samuel Bufford

The Chapter 13 Alternative: a Legislative Solution to Undersecured Home Mortgages, Samuel Bufford

What is Right about Bankruptcy Law and Wrong about its Critics, Samuel Bufford

Center of Main Interests, International Insolvency Case Venue, and Equality of Arms: The Eurofood Decision of the European Court of Justice, Samuel L. Bufford

United States International Insolvency Law, Samuel L. Bufford

Principio de culpabilidad: responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas, Diana María Buitrago Useche


Conversatorio sobre Responsabilidad Civil, Alfredo Bullard González and Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco

Becoming a Trusted Scholarly Communications Expert, Jonathan Bull

Contributions to the Scholarly Record: Conferences & Symposia in the Repository, Jonathan Bull and Stephanie Davis-Kahl


Retraining Staff for Digital Initiatives, Jonathan Bull and Patricia Hogan-Vidal

The Past, Present, & Future of Capturing the Scholarly Record of a Small Comprehensive U.S. Institution: Toward a Sustained Repository Content Recruitment and Workflow Strategy, Jonathan Bull and Teresa Auch Schultz


Market Corrective Rulemaking: Drawing on EU Insights to Rationalize U.S. Regulation, Reeve T. Bull

Welcome Day 2012 - Dean's Welcome, Mya Bulwa, Lorne Sossin, Shelley A. M. Gavigan, Bruce Ryder, Ronda Bessner, Marcel Malfitano, Stephanie Marple, John Tobin, Russell G. Juriansz, Margaret Best, Gerald Chan, and Susan Wolburgh Jenah

Welcome Day 2012 - Dean's Welcome, Mya Bulwa, Lorne Sossin, Shelley A. M. Gavigan, Bruce Ryder, Ronda Bessner, Marcel Malfitano, Stephanie Marple, John Tobin, Russell G. Juriansz, Margaret Best, Gerald Chan, and Susan Wolburgh Jenah

Welcome Day 2012 - Dean's Welcome, Mya Bulwa, Lorne Sossin, Shelley A. M. Gavigan, Bruce Ryder, Ronda Bessner, Marcel Malfitano, Stephanie Marple, John Tobin, Russell G. Juriansz, Margaret Best, Gerald Chan, and Susan Wolburgh Jenah

Stages in the Principle of Proportionality (article).pdf, Natasha Buontempo

Stages_of_the_Principle_of_Proportionali.pdf, Natasha Buontempo

Can Development Impact Fees Help Mitigate Urban Sprawl?, Gregory S. Burge and Julian C. Juergensmeyer

Regulatory Reform and the Chevron Doctrine: Can Congress Force Better Decisionmaking by Courts and Agencies, Mark Burge

Regulatory Reform and the Chevron Doctrine: Can Congress Force Better Decisionmaking by Courts and Agencies, Mark Burge

Thinking Outside the Four Corners of Contract Doctrine, Mark E. Burge

Thinking Outside the Four Corners of Contract Doctrine in the Legal Education Crisis, Mark E. Burge

Thinking Outside the Four Corners of Contract Doctrine in the Legal Education Crisis, Mark E. Burge

Too Clever by Half: Reflections on Perception, Legitimacy, and Choice of Law Under Revised Article 1 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Mark Edwin Burge

Too Clever by Half: Reflections on Perception, Legitimacy, and Choice of Law Under Revised Article 1 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Mark Edwin Burge

Without Precedent: Legal Analysis in the Age of Non-Judicial Dispute Resolution, Mark Edwin Burge

Without Precedent: Legal Analysis in the Age of Non-Judicial Dispute Resolution, Mark Edwin Burge