About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1977

Book Review, Anne Strick, "Injustice For All", Louis J. Sirico

Control Theory Applied to Natural and Environmental Resources: An Exposition, Vernon L. Smith

Economics of Natural and Environmental Resources, Vernon L. Smith

Littering, Derelicts, and the Pricing System, Vernon L. Smith

Mechanisms for the Optimal Provisions of Public Goods, Vernon L. Smith

The Principle of Unanimity and Voluntary Consent in Social Choice, Vernon L. Smith

Water Deeds: A Proposed Solution to the Water Valuation Problem, Vernon L. Smith

Intertemporal Competitive Equilibrium: An Empirical Study of Speculation, Vernon L. Smith, R. Miller, and C. Plott


A Sexual Enhancement Workshop: Beyond Group Systematic Desensitization for Women's Sexual Anxiety, Wayne M. Sotile, Peter R. Kilmann, and Diane R. Follingstad

In Search of Cherokee History, Rennard J. Strickland

A Case of Choice, Stephen D. Sugarman

Amicus Brief Supporting Court-Ordered Voluntary Integration Plan in Crawford v. Los Angeles Unified School District, Stephen D. Sugarman

Choice and Integration: A Model Statute, Stephen D. Sugarman

Education Reform at the Margin, Stephen D. Sugarman


Education Reform at the Margin: Two Ideas, Stephen D. Sugarman


Principled Serrano Reform, Stephen D. Sugarman

A Management Lawyer's View of Seniority--Its Impace on Law Under Executive Order 11246, Harry F. Tepker Jr. and Stephen E. Tallent


From Defect to Cause to Comparative Fault -- Rethinking Some Product Liability Concepts, Aaron D. Twerski


The Use and Abuse of Comparative Negligence in Products Liability, Aaron D. Twerski

Documents from 1976

Subdivision Exactions and Congestion Externalities (with Noel Edelson)


Subdivision Exactions and Congestion Externalities (with Noel Edelson)

Civil Procedure: Written Specification of Reasons for New Trial Orders, Charles Adams


Comment, California's New Homestead Law, Charles W. Adams

Germany - The New Corporation Tax System, Hugh J. Ault

[commentators and translators] The German Corporation Tax Reform Law 1977, Hugh J. Ault and Albert J. Rädler

A Study of the Membership of the National Organization for Non-Parents, Larry D. Barnett and Richard H. MacDonald

Lawyer Advertising Gets Press, Charles H. Baron

Review of Lawyers' Ethics in an Adversary System, by Monroe H. Freedman, Charles H. Baron

Review of Verdicts on Lawyers, edited by Ralph Nader and Mark Green, Charles H. Baron

The Law Student's Stake in the Consumer Movement Toward Improved Legal Services Delivery, Charles H. Baron

'Voluntary' Sterilization of the Mentally Retarded, Charles H. Baron

Will You be Missing a Few Million Clients?, Charles H. Baron

Quality Control Moves to Center Stage, Charles H. Baron and Richard Hofrichter

Handbook for Trial Judges, Martin H. Belsky


Introduction to a Symposium on the Federal Rules of Evidence, Margaret Berger


Privileges, Presumptions and Competency of Witnesses in the Federal Court: A Federal Choice-of-Laws Rule, Margaret Berger

Book Review: R.H. Mundheim, Sixth Annual Institute on Securities Regulation, Denis Binder

Book Review: William Thoms, Travelers and Tonnage: The Vanishing Mixed Train, Denis Binder

Book Review: Verdicts on Lawyers, Howard W. Brill


Verdicts on Lawyers Book Review, Howard W. Brill


Civilian Protection in Internal Armed Conflicts: The Second Diplomatic Conference, Charles Cantrell


Introduction to the Welfare Law Issue, John J. Capowski


Chickasaw Colonization in Oklahoma, C. Blue Clark

District Attorney of Oklahoma County (1976-1980), Andrew M. Coats


Sex Discrimination: Social Security Benefits, Neil Cohen

Slicing the Big Tomato, Daniel R. Coquillette


Contempt Power of the Equity Court Over Outside Agitators, John Dobbyn

So You Want to Go to Law School, John Dobbyn

The Constitutionality of State Restrictions Imposed Upon the Dental Hygiene Education System (with C. Hauber), Howard C. Eglit


Civil Practice, Richard Farrell


Dole v. Dow Chemical Co.: The Kaleidoscopic Impact of a Leading Case, Richard Farrell and D. Wilner

Report on the Wider City Parish Bonding Program, Malcolm M. Feeley, Daniel J. Freed, and Diane Pike


Prediction of Self-Actualization in Male Participants in a Group Conducted by Female Leaders, Diane R. Follingstad, Peter R. Kilmann, and Elizabeth A. Robinson

“Abolition of the Indicting Grand Jury Effects Many Procedural Changes,”, Abraham Gafni

The United States Sugar Quota Program: A Study in the Direct Congressional Control of Imports, David J. Gerber

Dos estudios en torno a la historia de la tutela romana, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Dos notas en tema tutela romana, I: Super pecunia tutelave; II: Dativus-dativa, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

La responsabilidad del tutor mulieris, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Leibniz y la codificación del derecho, Alejandro Guzmán Brito


Pro Se Litigation -- Litigating Without Counsel: Faretta or For Worse, Susan N. Herman


Custody Rights of Lesbian Mothers: Legal Theory and Litigation Strategy, Nan D. Hunter and N. Polikoff

The Changing Legal Status of Foster Parents, Sanford N. Katz


The Law on Child Abuse and Neglect: A Review of the Research, Sanford N. Katz, Lillian Ambrosino, Melba McGrath, and Kitt Sawitsky


Subsidized Adoption in America, Sanford N. Katz and Ursula M. Gallagher


Introduction, Symposium on Agricultural Law, Drew Kershen


A Liberal Arts Discipline of Law, Drew L. Kershen


Vicinage, Drew L. Kershen


Effects of a Marathon Group on Self-Actualization and Attitudes Toward Women, Peter R. Kilmann, Diane R. Follingstad, M. Gail Price, Kay F. Rowland, and Elizabeth A. Robinson

The 1972 Socialist Constitution of North Korea, Chin Kim and Timothy G. Kearley

Introductory Practice Materials,, James M. Klein


Casenote: Employment Discrimination - Title VII - Unlawful to Use Conviction Records as an Absolute Bar to Employment, Thomas C. Kohler


Frihandel och missbruk av marknadsdominerande ställning, Hans Henrik Lidgard


Missbruk av dominerande marknadsställning i Sverige och EEC, Hans Henrik Lidgard


Missbruk av marknadsdominerande ställning och möjligheterna till fusionskontroll enligt svensk rätt, Hans Henrik Lidgard


Exclusionary Zoning As a Reasonable Exercise of the Police Power, Vicki Lawrence MacDougall


Report from a CLEPR colony, Michael Meltsner and Philip G. Schrag


An International Convention on Invasion of Privacy, John F. Murphy

Trade Integration in the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance: Creation and Diversion 1954-1970, Joseph Pelzman


Trade Integration in the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance: Creation and Diversion 1954-1970, Joseph Pelzman

El principio de igualdad y las relaciones patrimoniales entre los cónyuges en los países socialistas, Víctor Pérez Vargas

The Nonstatutory Public Trust - Affirmative New Environmental Powers for Attorneys General, Zygmunt J.B. Plater


Illegitimacy and Family Privacy: A Note on Material Cooperation in Paternity Suits, Anne Poulin


Agua Caliente Revisited: Recent Developments as to Zoning of Indian Reservations, Osborne M. Reynolds Jr.


Is "Public Necessity" Necessary?, Osborne M. Reynolds Jr.

Book Review: Brothers of Gulag, Ira P. Robbins

Litigating without Counsel: Faretta or for Worse, Ira P. Robbins and Susan N. Herman

Book Review: Freedman's Lawyers' Ethics in an Adversary System, Ronald D. Rotunda

Comment, Ronald D. Rotunda

Congressional Power to Restrict the Jurisdiction of the Lower Federal Courts and the Problem of School Busing, Ronald D. Rotunda

The Commercial Speech Doctrine in the Supreme Court, Ronald D. Rotunda

Conforming Stock Ownership Plans to the Securities Acts, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker

Problems and Materials on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and Thomas D. Morgan

America's National Parks, Their Principles, Purposes and Prospects, Joseph L. Sax

. “Helpless Giants: The National Parks and the Regulation of Private Lands”, 75 Mich. L. Rev. 239-74 (Dec., 1976)., Joseph L. Sax

Bidding and Auctioning Institutions: Experimental Results, Vernon L. Smith

Avoiding Teacher Malpractice: A Legal Handbook for the Teaching Professional, Rennard J. Strickland


Hugo Black and Marcus Aurelius: Classical Wisdom and Modern Justice (review of My Father: A Remembrance by Hugo Black, Jr. and Mr. Justice Black and His Books by Daniel J. Meador), Rennard J. Strickland


Hugo Black's Congressional Investigation of Lobbying and the Public Utilities Holding Company Act: A Historical View of the Power Trust, New Deal Politics, and Regulatory Propoganda, Rennard J. Strickland


Learning from Lincoln: The Lessons of Pigs and Philosophy, Rennard J. Strickland


The Lawyer as Secular Priest: A Call for Attorneys Who are More Than Legal Engineers, Rennard J. Strickland