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Documents from 1979
Cálculos para Investigadores Sociales, Julia Barragán
Other Crimes Evidence: A Unified Approach to Severance and Admissibility, Margaret Berger
Dam Safety: The Critical Imperative, Denis Binder
Uninsured Motorist Protection, Denis Binder
Washington Water Rights, Denis Binder
Water Rights, Denis Binder
Note, The Fourth Circuit Threatens Impeachment with Prior Acts of Misconduct in North Carolina, Donald T. Bogan
Federal Funds and National Supremacy: The Role of State Legislatures in Federal Grant Programs, George D. Brown
The Revenue Sharing Gauntlet: Fiscal Federalism at the Crossroads, George D. Brown and James M. Howell
U.C.C. (Sales) As an Introductory Law School Course, Ronald B. Brown
Law and Theology: An Annotated Bibliography, Lynn R. Buzzard
El Régimen de Garantía de Depósitos en Entidades Financieras, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
The Argentine Transfer of Technology Law, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
The Supreme Court: Trends and Developments 1978-1979, National Practice Institute, Jesse H. Choper
Opothleyahola and the Creeks During the Civil War, C. Blue Clark
Family maintenance: the interaction of federal and provincial law, Eric Colvin
Federal jurisdiction over support after divorce, Eric Colvin
Legal theory and the paramountcy rule, Eric Colvin
The division of legal labour, Eric Colvin
A Case For Choice., John E. Coons and Stephen D. Sugarman
A New Expenditure Function, Robert D. Cooter
Liability rules, limited information, and the role of precedent, Robert D. Cooter, Lewis Kornhauser, and David Lane
A Closed Model of Careers in a Simple Hierarchy, Robert D. Cooter and Rodrigo Restrepo
Mosses from an Old Manse: Another Look at Some Historic Property Cases About the Environment, Daniel R. Coquillette
Codification and the Rise of the Restatement Movement, Nathan M. Crystal
Ethical Problems in Marital Practice, Nathan M. Crystal
Some Recent (and Not so Recent) Trends in American Real Estate Law Affecting the Right to a Brokerage Commission, Peter G. Dillon
Incentives for People: The Forgotten Purpose of the Patent System, Jay Dratler
Age Discrimination, Howard C. Eglit
Doing Business with Government: Are Prospective Suppliers Entitled to Procedural Due Process?, C. Peter Erlinder
Civil Practice, Richard Farrell
Foreword [Symposium on Shaffer v. Heitner], Richard Farrell
Approaches to the Study of Court Impact, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Process is the Punishment: Handling Cases in a Lower Court, Malcolm M. Feeley
Effects of Sex of Pressuring Group, Perception of Ability, and Sex of Communicator Influencing Perceived Ability on Conformity of Males and Females, Diane R. Follingstad
Male Aggression Toward Females as a Function of Traditional and Nontraditional Cues and Visibility of the Target, Diane R. Follingstad and Judy C. Sullivan
“Criminal Trial Problems, Parts I, II and III,” State College of the Judiciary, Abraham Gafni
N.Y. State Exec. Adv. Comm. on Sentencing, Crime and Punishment in New York: An Inquiry into Sentencing and the Criminal Justice System: Report to Governor Hugh L. Carey , Marsha Garrison, D. Beier , and S. Landers
La registración inmobiliaria en el Estado de Luisiana, Alejandro Miguel Garro
Crítica al derecho patrio y proyectos para su fijación, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Razón escrita, Alejandro Guzmán Brito
Foreign Banks in the United States After the International Banking Act of 1978: The New Dual System (with C. Lutz), Philip N. Hablutzel
Assessment of Marital Satisfaction and Interaction, Stephen N. Haynes, Diane R. Follingstad, and Judy C. Sullivan
Development of a Model Act to Free Children for Permanent Placement: A Case Study in Law and Social Planning, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe
Medicare and Medicaid, Timothy S. Jost and James Weill
Ambivalent Reflections on Regulation, Roberta S. Karmel
A Skeptical Regulator Looks at the Future of Regulation, Roberta S. Karmel
The Tension Between the First Amendment and the Federal Securities Laws, Roberta S. Karmel
Proposed Legislation for Freeing Children for Permanent Placement, Sanford N. Katz
The Child and the Law: Freeing Children for Permanent Placement, Sanford N. Katz
Preface, Sanford N. Katz and Howard A. Davidson
Fathers, Husbands and Lovers - Legal Rights and Responsibilities, Sanford N. Katz and Monroe L. Inker
Emancipating Our Children - Coming of Legal Age in America, Sanford N. Katz, William A. Schroeder, and Lawrence R. Sidman
The 1978 Constitution of the People'd Republic of China, Chin Kim and Timothy G. Kearley
Unemployment Compensation in Ohio, James M. Klein
Homosexuals' Right to Marry: A Constitutional Test and a Legislative Solution, Roberta R. Kwall
Ordinary Act, Sacred Performance, Daniel Larner
La Corte Suprema y el futuro del país, Horacio M. LYNCH
Title IV of the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Should Intervening Plaintiffs be Permitted to Recover Attorney's Fees?, Martin H. Malin
Short takes, Michael Meltsner
Toward simulation in legal education : an experimental course in pretrial litigation, Michael Meltsner and Philip G. Schrag
Author's guide to journals in law, criminal justice, & criminology, Roy M. Mersky, Robert C. Berring, and James K. McCue
"Bringing the Hostage-Takers to Justice," Newsday, December 11, 1979, Part I, p. 53. , John F. Murphy
Modern Transnational Terrorism, John F. Murphy
Negotiating with Terrorists , John F. Murphy
To Bring To An End The State of War: The Egyptian Israeli Peace Treaty, John F. Murphy
Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Litigation: A Guide to § 1983, Sheldon Nahmod
Development of a Railroad Labor Cost Function, 20 Proceedings, Transportation Research Forum, Henry H. Perritt
Legal Factors, Zygmunt J.B. Plater and David Hiller
Identifying Class Members in Stockholder Class Actions: Oppenheimer Fund, Inc. v. Sanders, James R. Repetti
Time, Uncertainty and Disequilibrium: Exploration of Austrian Themes, Mario J. Rizzo
Attorney Conflicts of Interest, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker
The Duty to Take Remedial Action, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker
The Waiver of Attorney Client Privilege, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker
Essays on the Law and Economics of Local Governments, Daniel L. Rubinfeld
Public Employee Market Power and the Level of Government Spending, Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Paul N. Courant, and Edward M. Gramlich
Tax Limitation and the Demand for Public Services in Michigan, Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Paul N. Courant, and Edward M. Gramlich
Comment, Groundwater Rights in Vermont, John P. Sahl
Contributing author, John P. Sahl
. "Fashioning a Recreation Policy For Our National Parklands: The Philosophy of Choice and the Choice of Philosophy", 12 973 (1979)., Joseph L. Sax
Horse-Trading with Ma Bell: Who Benefits?, Louis J. Sirico
How to Talk Back to the Telephone Company: Playing the Telephone Game to Win, Louis J. Sirico
The Land Rights of Indigenous Canadian Peoples, Brian Slattery
An Experimental Comparison of Three Public GOod Decision Mechanisms, Vernon L. Smith
Incentive Compatible Experimental Processes for the Provision of Public Goods, Vernon L. Smith
Research in Experimental Economics, Vernon L. Smith
Further Comments on the Applicaiton fo Laboratory Experimental Methods to Political Choice, Vernon L. Smith and C. Plott
The Acquisition of Tough Movement , Lawrence M. Solan
A Reevaluation of the Basic Operations Hypothesis, Lawrence M. Solan and H. Goodluck
Lawyering and Client Decisionmaking: Informed Consent and the Legal Profession, Mark Spiegel
Limitation Practice and Procedure, Graydon S. Staring
The Enforcement of Judgments Against the United States, Margaret G. Stewart
The Absurd Ballet of American Indian Policy or Indian Struggling with Ape on Tropical Landscape, Rennard Strickland
Indian Law and Policy: The Historian's Viewpoint, Rennard J. Strickland
The Supreme Court and the Trail of Tears, Rennard J. Strickland