About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1982

On Divestiture and the Creation of Property Rights in Public Lands, Vernon L. Smith

Reflections on Some Experimental Market Mechanisms for Classical Environments, Vernon L. Smith

Research in Experimental Economics, Vernon L. Smith

Theory and Behavior of Single Object Auctions, Vernon L. Smith, J. Cox, and B. Roberson

A Combinatorial Auction Mechanism for Airport Time Slot Allocation, Vernon L. Smith, S. Rassenti, and R. Bulfin

An Experimental Comparison of Alternative Rules for Competitive Market Exchange, Vernon L. Smith and A. Williams

Effect of Rent Asymmetries in Experimental Auction Markets, Vernon L. Smith and A. Williams

Competitive Market Institutions: Double Auctions versus Sealed Bid Offer Auctions, Vernon L. Smith, A. Williams, K. Bratton, and M. Vannoni

Hewitt v. Hewitt A Dissent (with B. Levin), Michael Spak


Privacy of Association: A Burgeoning Privilege in Civil Discovery, Joan E. Steinman

Handbook of Federal Indian Law (Editor-in-Chief with Cohen Revision Board), Rennard J. Strickland

Historiography of the Forty-Sixth State, Rennard J. Strickland

Magic Images: Contemporary Native American Art, Rennard J. Strickland

Reyer Lectures, Rennard J. Strickland

White Memory, Red Images, and Contemporary Indian Policy, Rennard J. Strickland

Native American Art in the 80's: Magic Images, Rennard J. Strickland and Edwin Wade

“Magic Images: Contemporary Native American Art", Rennard J. Strickland and Edwin L. Wade

Die Diskussion Um Die Reform Der Englischen Sozialhilfe (Social Security Reform in Great Britain), Stephen D. Sugarman

Educational Tax Credits versus School Vouchers, Stephen D. Sugarman

School Sorting and Disclosure: Disclosure to Parents as a School Reform Strategy, Stephen D. Sugarman

Oklahoma Civil Appeals - How Did We Get to Where We Are?, David Swank

Oklahoma Discovery - Sanctions and Protective Orders, David Swank

The Use of Interrogatories and Requests for Admissions, David Swank


The Writ of Prohibition in Arkansas, William M. Tabb


Anywhere But Here: An Introduction to State Control of Hazardous Waste Facility Location, A. Dan Tarlock

Euclid Revisited, A. Dan Tarlock


Federal Proprietary Water Rights for Western Energy Development: An Analysis of a Red Herring? (with S. Fairfax), A. Dan Tarlock


Professor Hagman's Legacy to Legal Scholarship (with D. Mandelker), A. Dan Tarlock


Western Coal in Context, A. Dan Tarlock

Law and history in Australia, Christopher Tomlins and Ian W. Duncanson

Economic History, Christopher Tomlins and Louis P. Galambos


National Product Liability Legislation: In Search for the Best of All Possible Worlds, Aaron D. Twerski


Seizing the Middle Ground Between Rules and Standards in Design Defect Litigation: Advancing Directed Verdict Practice in the Law of Tort, Aaron D. Twerski


Book Review (reviewing Bernard Siegan, Economic Liberties and the Constitution (1980)), Jonathan Van Patten

Book Review (reviewing A Uniform System of Citation (13th ed. 1981)), Marilyn R. Walter


State Acquisition of Interests in Indian Land: An Overview, Blake A. Watson


Husbands and Wives: The Uneasy Case for Antinepotism Rules, Joan G. Wexler


BASIC. FORTRAN.S-ALGOL. and Pascal Benchmarks on microcomputers. including the effects of floating point processor support., Marcus R. Wigan


U.C.C. Article 3 Suretyship and the Holder in Due Course: Requiem for the Good Samaritan,, John D. Wladis

The Changing Legal World of Adolescence, Franklin E. Zimring

Documents from 1981

D´Ors, Xavier, Posiciones programátocas para el estudio del derecho romano, Jorge Adame Goddard

El pensamiento político y social de los católicos mexicanos 1867-1914, Jorge Adame Goddard


Evolución de los interdictos posesorios en México durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX, Jorge Adame Goddard

MOLITOR, Erich y SCHOLESSER, Hans, Perfiles de la nueva historia del derecho privado, Jorge Adame Goddard


Institutional Function and Evolution in the Criminal Process, Richard Adelstein


The Plea Bargain in England and America: A Comparative Institutional Approach, Richard Adelstein

Regulation of Oil and Gas Profits: A Primer, Gary Allison

Concepts in Judgment and Decision Research: Definitions, Sources, Interrelations and Comments, Barry F. Anderson, Donald H. Deane, Kenneth R. Hammond, Gary H. McClelland, and James C. Shanteau

Birth of a Salesman: Lawyer Advertising and Solicitation , Lori B. Andrews


Lawyer Advertising and the First Amendment, Lori B. Andrews

Self-Care and the Law (with L.S. Levin), Lori B. Andrews


Suing as a First Resort (reviewing Marks, The Suing of America: Why and How We Take Each Other to Court and Lieberman, The Litigious Society), Lori B. Andrews


Taking Care of the Doctor-Patient Relationship (reviewing Robert Burt, Taking Care of Strangers), Lori B. Andrews

The Rights of Fair Trial and Free Press: The American Bar Association Standards, Lori B. Andrews


The Alternative Seabed Mining Regime: 1981, Dennis W. Arrow


The Customary Norm Process and the Deep Seabed, Dennis W. Arrow


The Dimensions of the Newly Emergent, Quasi-Fundamental Right to Political Candidacy, Dennis W. Arrow

A Note on the Efficient Design of Investment Incentives, Alan J. Auerbach

Belgium: Entity Classification, Hugh J. Ault and Philip T. Kaplan

Germany: Developments concerning 'Thin Capitalization', Hugh J. Ault and Philip T. Kaplan

Subpart F à la Française [French attitude to tax havens], Hugh J. Ault and Philip T. Kaplan

Introduction to United States International Taxation, Hugh J. Ault and Paul R. McDaniel


Evaluation of Judicial Performance: A Tool for Self-Improvement, Richard L. Aynes

Ohio Death Penalty Manual, Richard L. Aynes

Bevolkingswetgeving: een verwaarloosd terrein, Larry D. Barnett

Zero Population Growth, Inc.: een onderzoek naar een belangengroep in de Verenigde Staten, actieften aanzien van het bolkingsvraagstuk, Larry D. Barnett

Bevolking als Vraagstuk: Dimensies van bevolkingsbeleid in Nederland en de Verenigde Staten, Larry D. Barnett and F. L. Leeuw

The Mixed Roles of the Guardian Ad Litem, Charles H. Baron

To Die Before the Gods Please: Legal Issues Surrounding Euthanasia and the Elderly, Charles H. Baron


Método científico y principios jurídicos del gobierno constitucional, Enrique Barros Bourie


Commentary: The Privileges Article in the New York Proposed Code of Evidence, Margaret Berger

Harvey v. Eastman Kodak Company: Faculty Note, Howard W. Brill

The Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct, Howard W. Brill


Symposium Editor, "Legal Ethics: Ideas in Conflict" 1981 Villanova Law Review Annual Symposium, Doris DelTosto Brogan


"The Battered Spouse Syndrome as a Defense to a Homicide Charge under the Pennsylvania Crimes Code", Doris DelTosto Brogan


The Courts and Grant Reform: A Time for Action, George D. Brown

Tax Aspects of Equipment Leasing Transactions, in 39th Annual New York University Institute on Federal Taxation, Gerald Brown

Article 1 of the Uniform Land Transactions Act: Is Inconsistency with the UCC an Unnecessary Obstacle, Ronald B. Brown

Das Neue Argentinische Kartellrech von 1.8.1980, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Host Country Taxation of Transfer of Technology Transactions, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Comentarios de la Nueva Ley de Marcas, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas and Louis Bertone


Deep Seabed Mining: A Comparative Study of Municipal Legislation by the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany, David D. Caron

Comment, "Breaking Out of the Capitalist Paradigm: The Significance of Ideology in Determining the Sovereign Immunity of Soviet and Eastern-bloc Commercial Entities", David S. Caudill

Comment, "Probability Theory and Constructive Possession of Narcotics: On Finding that Winning Combination", David S. Caudill

The Supreme Court: Trends and Developments 1979-1980, National Practice Institute, Jesse H. Choper

A theory of the intoxication defence, Eric Colvin

Ignorance of wrong in the insanity defence, Eric Colvin

Legal process and the resolution of Indian claims, Eric Colvin


Socrates' New Clothes: Substituting Persuasion for Learning in Clinical Practice Instruction, Robert J. Condlin


Passing on the Monopoly Overcharge: A Further Comment on Economic Theory, Robert D. Cooter


Ideology and Incorporation II: Sir Thomas Ridley, Charles Molloy, and the Literary Battle for the Law Merchant, 1607-1676, Daniel R. Coquillette


Legal Ideology and Incorporation I: The English Civilian Writers, 1523-1607, Daniel R. Coquillette

Implications of United States Labor Laws for Foreign Corporations with Operations in the United States, Michael J. Cozzillio and Laurence J. Hoffman


Spielberg Reconsidered─Problems in Application and Content of the Deferral Doctrine, John G. Culhane

A Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method, John C. Dernbach and Richard V. Singleton

Ciriaco de Urtecho, litigante por amor, Fernando de Trazegnies Granda

Kort begrip van het fiscaal strafrecht, Severin de Wit

Insurance Law in a Nutshell, John Dobbyn


A Reading of the Gospel according to Luke as a Response to the Tragic Tradition, James M. Donovan


Note, United States v. Havens: Impeachment By Illegally Obtained Evidence, Jean M. Eggen