About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1982

Report on National Center on Institutions and Alternatives Client Specific Planning, Malcolm M. Feeley

Neighborhood Justice: Assessment of an Emerging Idea, Malcolm M. Feeley and Roman Tomasic


Comment, The Developing Test for State Regulatory Jurisdiction in Indian Country: Application in the Context of Environmental Law, Stephen M. Feldman

Professional Ethics, Organizing Corporations, and the Ideology of Corporate Articles and By-laws, Scott T. FitzGibbon

The Filártiga Case and International Torture Remedies, James P. George

The German Approach to Price Discrimination, David J. Gerber


Commentary: Constitutional Law, Joel M. Gora


Free Speech, Property, and the Burger Court: Old Values, New Balances, Joel M. Gora and Norman Dorsen

Emerson, Haber and Dorsen's Political and Civil Rights in the United States (Supp. 1982), Joel M. Gora, Norman Dorsen, Paul Bender, and Burt Neuborne

Andrés Bello codificador: Historia de la fijación y codificación del derecho civil en Chile, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Cura minorum y excusationes en D. 4. 4. 11. 2, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Historia del referimiento al legislador, II: El derecho nacional chileno, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Historia del referimiento legislativo, I, Derecho Romano, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Las ideas jurídicas de Portales, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Las operaciones practicadas por Bello sobre el derecho vigente para su codificación, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

The Singer Remedy Five Years Later, Lawrence A. Hamermesh


A Reply to Theodore Eisenberg's "Bankruptcy Law in Perspective" , Steven L. Harris


"Entrenchment" Under Section 7 of the Clayton Act: An Approach for Analyzing Conglomerate Mergers, Lawrence K. Hellman

Regulation by Prosecution: The Securities and Exchange Commission versus Corporate America , Roberta S. Karmel

Securities Regulation (bimonthly column), Roberta S. Karmel


Brigitte Bodenheimer - Protector of the Children, Sanford N. Katz

'Marital Property' Broadening, Sanford N. Katz


Rewriting the Adoption Story, Sanford N. Katz


45 Landmark Decisions: Four Experts Look at the Most Significant Cases Handed Down during the Last Two Decades, Sanford N. Katz, Monroe L. Inkler, Frances H. Miller, Walter O. Weyrauch, and Randall M. Chastain

An American Researcher's Guide to European Communities Law and Legal Literature, Timothy G. Kearley


Commentary: Facts, Law, and Equity, Drew L. Kershen


The Written Brief for Criminal Cases in Oklahoma, Drew L. Kershen

Manual on Unemployment Insurance, James M. Klein

Mineral Resources, in Annual Survey of Texas Law, Eric T. Laity

Using the Bible to Make New Drama: Illusion Disillusion and Vision, Daniel Larner


The Requirement of Death: Mandatory Language in the Pennsylvania Death Penalty Statute, Bruce Ledewitz

First National City Bank v. Banco Para El Comericio Exterior de Cuba, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein


Introduction to Cooperative Efforts in International Banking Regulation, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein

Is the 'Codification' of the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity Desirable?, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein


United States: Federal Reserve System Rules Concerning International Banking Facilities: Introductory Note, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein

U.S. Banks and the Eurocurrency Markets: The Regulatory Structure, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein


Trends: The Decision to Block Iranian Assets--Reexamined, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein and Edward Gordon


Maintaining Residential Integration: Municipal Practices and Law, Kermit J. Lind


El "Programa de Entrenamiento para Abogados. El Arte de la Abogacía", Horacio M. LYNCH


La Corte Suprema y las libertades económicas de la Constitución Nacional, Horacio M. LYNCH


Socialismo bajo una Constitución liberal, Horacio M. LYNCH


A Comparison of the American Sherman Antitrust Act and the British Restrictive Trade Practices Act: The Trade Association Experience (with J. Lawniczak), Martin H. Malin

Legal Environment of Business (with J. Blackburn & E. Klayman), Martin H. Malin

Other Federal Laws Covering Age Discrimination in Employment (with Howard Eglit), Martin H. Malin

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act: Enforcement Procedures, (with Howard Eglit), Martin H. Malin

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act: Protections, Prohibitions & Exceptions (with Howard Eglit), Martin H. Malin

Do Transfer Taxes Qualify for the Moving Expense Deduction?, James Edward Maule


Federal Tax Consequences of Surrogate Motherhood, James Edward Maule


The Effect of Federal Income Tax Integration on State Tax Systems, James Edward Maule

Johannes Bassianus — Nachfolger des Vacarius in England?, Laurent Mayali

Labor Law Myth in the Supreme Court, 1981 Term: A Plea for Realistic and Coherent Theory, Gary Minda and F. Bartosic


Labor Law Myth in the Supreme Court, 1981 Term: A Plea for Realistic and Coherent Theory, Gary Minda and F. Bartosic

Labor Law Myth in the Supreme Court, 1981 Term: A Plea for Realistic and Coherent Theory, Gary Minda and F. Bartosic


Rescission Under the Simplification Act: What's New (and Not So New) for Creditors, Daniel J. Morgan


Clandestine Warfare: Morality and Practical Problems Confounded, John F. Murphy

"Customary International Law in U.S. Jurisprudence," International Practitioner’s Notebook, John F. Murphy


Legal Controls and the Deterrence of Terrorism: Performance and Prospects, John F. Murphy

Legal Education in China; Some Impressions, John F. Murphy

"Protecting Against Terrorism: Conference Examines Problems," Intelligence Report (Newsletter of the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Law and National Security), John F. Murphy

"Report of the Committee on Armed Conflict on the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons," Proceedings and Committee of the American Branch of the International Law Association, John F. Murphy

Review of "Human Rights and State Sovereignty," by Richard Falk, American Journal of International Law, John F. Murphy

"The Good Ship Spruance: A Year At The Naval War College," K.U.Law, pp. 8-9, John F. Murphy

"Weinberger v. Rossi, Preview of U.S. Supreme Court Cases," March 11, 1982, pp. 3-4. , John F. Murphy


The Soviet Union and International Terrorism, John F. Murphy and Donald R. Brady


Constitutional Accountability in Section 1983 Litigation, Sheldon Nahmod


Contributory Infringement/Patent Misuse: Metaphysics and Metamorphosis, Samuel Oddi

The Effect of the Cable Television Compulsory License on Program Supply in a Deregulated Environment, Andrew G. Ogden


The Internationalization of the American Economy: The Textile Industry, Joseph Pelzman


A Note on Uncertain Lifetimes: A Comment, Joseph Pelzman and Don Rousslang

La solución de conflictos en la compraventa internacional, Víctor Pérez Vargas


Ploughshares Into Swords From Buffalo Forge?, Henry H. Perritt

Selected Bibliography for Energy Law, Mickie A. Piatt

Supreme Court Reporters: By Date and Title (with G. Camarillo), Mickie A. Piatt

Technology and Legal Education (with R. Mersky), Mickie A. Piatt


Transactions On or Off the Stock Exchanges by Corporate Directors Involving Shares of Their Own or Related Companies, Arthur R. Pinto

Book Review (reviewing R. Karmel, Regulation by Prosecution), Norman Poser


Advertising and Marketing on Cable Television: Whither the Public Interest?, Dee Pridgen and Eric Engel

A Profile of Brig. General Alfred N. A. Duffie, Thomas J. Reed


The Development of the Propensity Rule in Federal Criminal Causes 1840-1975, Thomas J. Reed


Enforcement of Judgments and Liens in Virginia, Doug Rendleman

Handbook of Local Government Law, Osborne M. Reynolds Jr.

Contributing author, Bill Rice


A Theory of Economic Loss in the Law of Torts, Mario Rizzo

Legal Aspects of Prison Riots, Ira P. Robbins

The Law and Processes of Post-Conviction Remedies: Cases and Materials, Ira P. Robbins

Ethical Restraints on Communications with Adverse Expert Witnesses, Ronald D. Rotunda and Robert C. Hacker

The United States Federal System: Legal Integration in the American Experience, Ronald D. Rotunda and Peter Hay

A Comment on the Creation and Resolution of a "Nonproblem": Dames & Moore v. Regan, the Foreign Affairs Power, and the Role of the Court, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak

1982 Supplement to Constitutional Law, Ronald D. Rotunda, John E. Nowak, and J. Nelson Young

Multiple Regression with a Qualitative Dependent Variable, Daniel L. Rubinfeld

Micro Estimates of Public Spending Demand Functions and Tests of the Tiebout and Median Voter Hypotheses, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Edward M. Gramlich

Voting on Public Spending: Differences between Public Employees, Transfer Recipients, and Private Workers, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Edward M. Gramlich


The Collateral Use of Uncounseled Misdemeanor Convictions After Scott and Baldasar, David S. Rudstein


Entrevista a Jorge Luis Borges: el otro, el mismo, Jose Luis Sardon

Free Enterprise in the Woods, Joseph L. Sax

. "In Search of Past Harmony", (August, 1982), pp. 42-51., Joseph L. Sax

Off the Beaten Path in France, Joseph L. Sax

Perspectives on Women's Subordination and the Role of Law (and rev. ed. 1990; 3d ed. 1998; reprinted in Feminist Legal Theory: Foundations (D. Kelly Weisberg ed. 1993); excerpted in Gender and Law (K. Bartlett 1993)), Elizabeth M. Schneider and N. Taub

Contractual Ordering of Marriage: A New Model for State Policy, Marjorie M. Shultz

Microeconomic Systems as an Experimental Auction Market, Vernon L. Smith