The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1999
The Ethics Backlash and the Independent Counsel Statute, George D. Brown
Survey of Florida Law: Real Property, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman
Survey of Florida Law: Real Property, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman
Federal Initiatives to Promote Access to Electronic Government Information: The Impact on the Federal Depository Library Program, Wendy R. Brown
One Hundred Years of Federal Bankruptcy Law and Still Clinging to an In Rem Model of Bankruptcy Jurisdiction, Ralph Brubaker
A User's Guide to Proposals to Replace the U.S. Tax System and Strangle Fiscal Policy, Neil H. Buchanan
Taxes, Saving, and Macroeconomics, Neil H. Buchanan
Domestic Violence and the Law: An Impassioned Exploration for Family Peace, SARAH M. BUEL
La Relación Jurídica Patrimonial: Reales vs. Obligaciones, Alfredo Bullard González
El Otro Poder Electoral. Apuntes Sobre la Experiencia Peruana en Materia de Protección Contra la Competencia Desleal, Alfredo Bullard González and Carlos A. Patrón
Violence in Lesbian and Gay Relationships: Theory, Prevalence, and Correlational Factors, Leslie K. Burke and Diane R. Follingstad
Judicial Corruption in Developing Countries: Its Causes and Economic Consequences , Edgardo Buscaglia
An Analysis of the Causes of Corruption in the Judiciary , Edgardo Buscaglia and Maria Dakolias
Análisis jurídico de opciones institucionales para la organización de museos, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Aspectos procesales de las sociedades extranjeras, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
El uso atípico de la marca ajena, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Regulación jurídica del comercio interior, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Giving Legal Life to the Ex Corde Ecclesiae Norms: Corporate Strategies and Practical Difficulties, Nicholas P. Cafardi
Are the Venue Provisions of the Federal Arbitration Act Exclusive?, John Cannon
Banking and Financial Reform at the Crossroads of the Neoliberal Contagion, Timothy A. Canova
Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell
Book Review (reviewing A. Taslitz, Rape and the Culture of the Courtroom), Stacy Caplow
Still in the Dark: Disappointing Images of Women Lawyers in the Movies (reprinted in part in Woman's Law (M. Canavan 2000)), Stacy Caplow
An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Statements to Mental Health Professionals Under the Diagnosis or Treatment Hearsay Exception, John J. Capowski
Remarks, David D. Caron
Ships: Nationality and Status, David D. Caron
Stefan A. Riesenfeld (1908-1999), David D. Caron
The Long-Term Contribution of the Tribunal to International Law, David D. Caron
Fabricating Authenticity: Law Students As Country Music Stars, David S. Caudill
Law and the Science Wars: Introduction to the Forum, David S. Caudill
On the Object of Arrigo's Critique, David S. Caudill
The Sports Law Course as Advanced Legal Skills Training, David S. Caudill
Regulatory Improvement Legislation: Judicial Review of Provisions Regarding Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis, Mary Ann Chirba, Frederick Anderson, E. Donald Elliott, Cynthia Farina, Ernest Gelhorn, John D. Graham, C. Boyden Gray, Jeffrey R. Holmstead, Ronald M. Levin, Lars Noah, Katherine Rhyne, and Jonathan Weiner
Regulatory Improvement Legislation: Judicial Review of Provisions Regarding Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis, Mary Ann Chirba, Frederick Anderson, E. Donald Elliott, Cynthia Farina, Ernest Gelhorn, John D. Graham, C. Boyden Gray, Jeffrey R. Holmstead, Ronald M. Levin, Lars Noah, Katherine Rhyne, and Jonathan Weiner
Federal Constitutional Issues, Jesse H. Choper
Religion Clauses in Interaction, Jesse H. Choper
Book Review: John H. Jackson & Alan Sykes (eds), Implementing the Uruguay Round, Sungjoon Cho
Globalization in Search of Justification: Toward a Theory of Comparative Constitutional Interpretation, Sujit Choudhry
La Paix Et la Loi. ¿Absolutismo Constitucional?, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
Lovelace Versus Canada: Indigenous Rights Versus Constitutional Culture, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
Positive Morality: la Incógnita Decimonónica del Derecho Internacional, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador
The Limits of Cultural Pluralism: An Israeli Perspective, raphael cohen-almagor
Internationalizing the Law of Secured Credit, Neil Cohen
International Secured Transactions and Revised UCC Article 9 [Symposium on Revised UCC Article 9], Neil Cohen and E. E. Smith
The Second Revolution in Informed Consent: Comparing Physicians to Each Other, Neil Cohen and Aaron D. Twerski
Jury Selection and Cross-Examination skills for experienced trial lawyers, Dana K. Cole
Use of Psychodrama in Capital Cases, Dana K. Cole
Between State and Market: Retirement Income in Canada, Mary Condon
Commodifying Liability, Robert D. Cooter
Mongolia: Avoiding Tragedy in the World's Largest Commons, Robert D. Cooter
The Strategic Constitution, Robert D. Cooter
Truth-Bonding and other Truth-Revealing Mechanisms for Courts [Technical Version], Robert Cooter and Winand Emons
Safeguarding the Heritage, Daniel R. Coquillette
The Anglo-American Legal Heritage: Introductory Materials, Daniel R. Coquillette
The Lawyer's Duty to Disclose Material Facts in Contract or Settlement Negotiations, Nathan M. Crystal
Comentary, Same-Sex Marriage: The Depth of the Opposition and the Importance of Victory, John G. Culhane
Uprooting the Arguments Against Same-Sex Marriages, John G. Culhane
Opening Remarks from the SALT Teaching Conference, Karen Czapanskiy
Making Law Therapeutic For Lawyers: Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Preventive Law, and the Psychology of Lawyers, Susan Daicoff
The Law of Partner Expulsions: Fiduciary Duty and Good Faith, Paula J. Dalley
The Limits of the Constitutional Imagination: Equal Protection in the Era of Assimilation, Erin Daly
Predictors of Attrition in a Treatment Program for Battering Men, Dana D. DeHart, Robert J. Kennerly, Leslie K. Burke, and Diane R. Follingstad
Una mirada al artículo Nº 1489, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza and Álvaro Jana Linetzky
Book Review of Cholewinksi, Ryszard, Migrant Workers in International Human Rights Law: Their Protection in Countries of Employment, Connie de la Vega
The Supreme Court of the United States Has Been Called Upon to Determine the Legality of the Juvenile Death Penalty in Michael Domingues v. State of Nevada, Connie de la Vega and Jennifer Fiore
Custom-Built Solutions for International Disputes, Joseph W. Dellapenna
China and Hong Kong in Legal Transitions: Commercial and Humanitarian Aspects: The Report of the ILEX Briefing Trip to Bejing and Hong Kong, May 6-13, 1998, Joseph W. Dellapenna and Patrick Norton
A Reappraisal of Article I, Section 27, John C. Dernbach
Committee on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: 1998 Annual Report, John C. Dernbach
Taking the Pennsylvania Constitution Seriously When It Protects the Environment, John C. Dernbach
Clarifying the Tactical use of the Dutch Cross-Border Injunction in International Patent Litigation, Severin de Wit
Van de Brug af Gezien 1998, Severin de Wit
Conflict of Laws and the Dangerous Instrumentality Doctrine in Florida, Michael P. Dickey
Why We Should Discount the Views of Those Who Discount Discounting, John Donohue
Nondiscretionary Concealed Weapons Law: A Case Study of Statistics, Standards of Proof, and Public Policy, John Donohue and Ian Ayres
Nondiscretionary Concealed Weapons Law: A Case Study of Statistics, Standards of Proof, and Public Policy, John Donohue and Ian Ayres
Symposium: Federal Tax Policy in the New Millennium, Introduction, Frank J. Doti
Civil, Constitutional and Criminal Justice Responses to Female Partner Abuse: Proposals for Reform, Mark A. Drumbl
Taking Justice Thomas Seriously, John C. Eastman
Quality Choice and Vertical Integration, Nicholas Economides
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and Its Impact, Nicholas Economides
Diversity Rhetoric and the Managerialization of Law, Lauren Edelman
Organizational Response to the Americans With Disabilities Act, Lauren Edelman
Symbols and Substance in Organizational Response to Law, Lauren Edelman
The Endogeneity of Law, Lauren Edelman
Symbols and Substance in Organizational Response to Civil Rights Law, Lauren Edelman and Stephen Petterson
When the 'Haves' Hold Court: The Internalization of Disputing in Organizational Fields, Lauren Edelman and Mark C. Suchman
The Endogeneity of Legal Regulation: Grievance Procedures as Rational Myth, Lauren Edelman, Christopher Uggen, and Howard S. Erlanger
Market-based Transfer Prices and Intracompany Discounts, Aaron S. Edlin, Tim Baldenius, and Stefan Reichelstein
The Welfare Losses from Price-Matching Policies, Aaron S. Edlin and Eric Emch
The Welfare Losses from Price-Matching Policies, Aaron S. Edlin and Eric R. Emch
Age Discrimination, Howard C. Eglit
Diagnosis, Management and Treatment of Dementia , Howard C. Eglit
Confessions and Culture: The Interaction of Miranda and Diversity, Floralynn Einesman
Transporte internacional de mercancías, David Enríquez Rosas