About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2000

Named a Founder, Francine Sherman

Probation and the Delinquent Girl, Francine Sherman

Prostitution and Teenage Girls, Francine Sherman

Speaker, Girls in the Justice System, Francine Sherman

Speaker, Girls in the Juvenile Justice System Nationally, Francine Sherman

Speaker, Women in the Criminal Justice System, Francine Sherman

What's In a Name: Runaway Girls Pose Challenges for Justice Professionals, Francine Sherman


Transforming Social Inquiry, Transforming Social Action: New Paradigms for Crossing the Theory/Practice Divide in Universities and Communities, Francine Sherman, ed. and William R. Torbet, ed.


My First Grade Teacher, Jeffrey G. Sherman


Questions Over Harry Potter's Magic in China , Jacylyn Y.J. Shi

Conflict of Interest and the Law's Role in Medical Research Ethics, Marjorie M. Shultz

Confrence on "Bringing the Patient from Periphery to Center" A Complex Sorrow: The Management of Medical Error, Marjorie M. Shultz

Intimacy and Commodification, Marjorie M. Shultz

Reflections on Contracts and Labor Law, Marjorie M. Shultz

The Fate of Traditional Ethics Under Managed Care, Marjorie M. Shultz


Globalization and the U.S. Market in Legal Services – Shifting Identities, Carole Silver

‘Entitlement to Cruelty’: The End of Welfare and the Punitive Mentality in the United States, Jonathan S. Simon

Miami: Governing the City through Crime, Jonathan S. Simon

Day-to-Day Feedback for Students and Teachers, Louis J. Sirico

Materials for Teaching Plain English: The Jury Instructions in Palsgraf, Revisited, Louis J. Sirico


The Citing of Law Reviews by the Supreme Court: 1971-1999, Louis J. Sirico


Making Sense of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, Brian Slattery


The Nature of Aboriginal Title, Brian Slattery


Urinating on the Pennsylvania Constitution? Drug Testing of High School Athletes and Article I, Section 8 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, Amanda Smith


Consumer Boycotts v. Civil Litigation: A Rudimentary Efficiency Analysis, Andre L. Smith

Friend-or-Foe Intentionality Priming in an Extensive Form Trust Game, Vernon Smith

Bargaining and Market Behavior, Essays in Experimental Economics (Collected works), Vernon L. Smith

Monetary Rewards and Decision cost in Strategic Interactions, Vernon L. Smith

Efficiency and Income Shares in High Demand Energy Network: Who Receives the Congestion Rents When a Line is Constrained?, Vernon L. Smith, S. Backerman, and S. Rassenti

Dividend Timing and Behavior in Laboratory Asset Markets, Vernon L. Smith, Mark Van Boening, and Charissa P. Wellford


Overreaction, Momentum, Liquidity, and Price Bubbles in Laboratory and Field Asset Markets, Vernon L. Smith, Gunduz Caginalp, and David Porter

Theory-of-Mind Mechanism in Personal Exchange, Vernon L. Smith, Georgio Coricelli, and Kevin McCabe

The Design of 'Smart' Water Market Institutions Using Laboratory Experiments, Vernon L. Smith, A. Dinar, R. E. Howitt, J. J. Murphy, and S. J. Rassenti

The Impact of Exchange Context on the Activation of Equity in Ultimatum Games, Vernon L. Smith, E. Hoffman, and K. McCabe

A Comparison of Naive and Sophisticated Subject Behavior with Game Theoretic Predictions, Vernon L. Smith and K. A. McCabe

Intentionality Detection and "Mindreading": Why Does Game Form Matter, Vernon L. Smith, K. A. McCabe, and M. LePore

The Design of Smart Water Market Institutions Using Laboratory Experiments, Vernon L. Smith, J. J. Murphy, A. Dinar, R. E. Howitt, and S. J. Rassenti


Momentum and Overreaction in Experimental Asset Markets, Vernon L. Smith, David Porter, and Gunduz Caginalp

Adaptation And Convergence Of Behavior In Repeated Experimental Cournot Games, Vernon L. Smith, Stephen Rassenti, Stanley S. Reynolds, and Ferenc Szidarovszky

The Good Samaritan in European Private Law; On the Perils of Principles without a Programme and a Programme for the Future, Jan M. Smits

Trusts in Mixed Legal Systems:A Challenge to Comparative Trust Law, Jan M. Smits and J. Michael MIlo

Remedies in het Belgisch en Nederlands contractenrecht, Jan M. Smits and Sophie Stijns

Book Review, The Origins of the Bill of Rights (Leonard W. Levy), Rodney A. Smolla

Prayer Has No Place in Public Schools: Ideals of Religious Freedom Hurt by Two Virginia Measures, Rodney A. Smolla

Virginia Court Undercut Fair Housing, Rodney A. Smolla

Let Us Never Forget Our Humanity: Reflections on Justice Stewart Pollock, Lawrence M. Solan

Un Effect du Principe C Chez l'Enfant Francophone, Lawrence M. Solan and H. Goodluck


Separation of Powers Shell Game: The Federal Witness Immunity Act, Leonard N. Sosnov

Don't Ask (and) Don't Tell Don't Work: Now What?, Michael Spak


Rights, Equality, and Liberty: Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Law and Philosophy Lectures 1995-1997, Horacio Spector and Guido Pincione


International Child Custody Jurisdiction and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, Robert G. Spector

Recent Developments in Family Law, Robert G. Spector

The Hidden Law: An Analysis of Unpublished Family Law Opinions from the Court of Civil Appeals 1999-2000, Robert G. Spector

The New Uniform Law with Regard to Jurisdiction Rules in Child Custody Cases in the United States, Robert G. Spector


The 1% Solution: American Judges Must Enter the Internet Age (with Henry H. Perritt, Jr.), Ronald W. Staudt


Constitutional Process: a Social Choice Analysis of Supreme Court Decision Making, Maxwell L. Stearns


An appropriate test for dishonesty?, Alex Steel


The Right to Silence Helps the Innocent: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Fifth Amendment Privilege, Alex Stein and Daniel Seidmann


Part II: Special Considerations Applicable to Anti-Suit Injunctions in Class Actions, Joan E. Steinman


The Newest Frontier of Judicial Activism: Removal Under the All Writs Act, Joan E. Steinman


Achieving Legal and Business Order in Cyberspace: A Report on Global Jurisdictional Issues Created by the Internet, Margaret G. Stewart

Book (Oxford University Press): Governing with Judges, ch. 3: Legislating, Alec Stone Sweet

Book (Oxford University Press), Governing with Judges, ch. 5: The Politics of Judging, Alec Stone Sweet

Polemics: “The Concept of Legalization” – or - “The Concept of Plagiarism”, Alec Stone Sweet

Polemics: “The Concept of Legalization” – or - “The Concept of Plagiarism”?, Alec Stone Sweet

Polemics: The Concept of Legalization - or - The Concept of Plagiarism, Alec Stone Sweet

Sociedad Abierta, Libre Mercado y Utilitarismo, Eduardo Stordeur

Alternate Visions of a Democratic Future, Andrew L. Strauss

Creating a Citizen Centered International System, Andrew L. Strauss

Democratizing the Institutions of the Global Order, Andrew L. Strauss

Democratizing the United Nations, Andrew L. Strauss

Envisioning a Global Peoples Assembly, Andrew L. Strauss

Institutional Concerns of an Expanded Trade Regime: Where Should Global Social and Regulatory Policy Be Made?, Andrew L. Strauss

The Case for a Global Parliament, Andrew L. Strauss

Governing the Whole World, Andrew L. Strauss and Richard Falk

Singing Sheriffs, Laughing Cowboys, Lady Desperadoes: Law and Order Hollywood Style, Rennard J. Strickland

Spiders, Toads, and Lawyers: Justice in the Cultural Context of Native and Anglo-Americans, Rennard J. Strickland

The Harry Batchelor Address, Rennard J. Strickland

Implied Contracts of Employment: What Does "Good Cause" Mean After Cotran?, Mary Rose Strubbe


A Century of Change in Personal Injury Law, Stephen D. Sugarman


International Aspects of Tobacco Control, Stephen D. Sugarman

Introduction, Stephen D. Sugarman


Liberals and the School Choice Debate, Stephen D. Sugarman


Review of Salomone "Visions of Schooling", Stephen D. Sugarman

School Choice and Public Funding, Stephen D. Sugarman


School Choice for Low Income Families, Stephen D. Sugarman

The Nature and Extent of School Choice, Stephen D. Sugarman

A Century of Change in Personal Injury Law, Stephen D. Sugarman

Judges as Tort Law Un-makers: Recent California Experience with "New" Torts, Stephen D. Sugarman

It's Not a Good Choice for Our Poor Families: A California Initiative on School Vouchers would Benefit Students who Least Need the Help, Stephen D. Sugarman and John E. Coons

Vouchers, Prop 38, and a Populist Hope Betrayed, Stephen D. Sugarman and John E. Coons

School Choice and Social Controversy, Stephen D. Sugarman and Frank Kemerer

Citizens, Public Law and Market Power, Yane Svetiev


Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management, Paul Swamidass

Eficiência alocativa das normas que regem o direito de propriedade e a reforma agrária, Rachel Sztajn

Notas em matéria de leasing cambial, Rachel Sztajn

Notas sobre privatização, Rachel Sztajn

Zivilrechtliche Regelungen zur Absicherung der Patientenautonomie, Rachel Sztajn

Can Cowboys Become Indians: The Protection of At Risk Communities As Remnants of an Endangered Culture, A. Dan Tarlock

Genetic Susceptibility and Risk Assessment: An Emerging Link, A. Dan Tarlock