The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2004
Applying principles of forensic mental health assessment to capital sentencing, Kirk Heilbrun, David DeMatteo, Geoffrey Marczyk, Christina Finello, Rebecca Smith, and Jenette Mack-Allen
Anmerkung zu VG Neustadt a.d.W., Beschl. v. 01.08.2003 – 2 L 1819/03.NW, Daniel H. Heinke
Echo: Senkung des Strafmündigkeitsalters, Daniel H. Heinke
Fahruntüchtigkeit aufgrund drogeninduzierter Einschränkung der Sehfähigkeit, Daniel H. Heinke
Criminal Case Complexity: An Empirical Perspective, Michael Heise
Litigated Learning and the Limits of Law, Michael R. Heise
Surprise Symphony: The Supreme Court’s Major Criminal Law Rulings of the 2002 Term [Symposium: The Fifteenth Annual Supreme Court Review], William E. Hellerstein
Basics of Legal Ethics Remain Constant Even as Rules Evolve, Lawrence K. Hellman
Conceptualizing a Law School as an Integral Part of the Legal Profession, Lawrence K. Hellman
Memorial to Bob Lyman, Lawrence K. Hellman
Reflections on the Career of Nancy I. Kenderdine, Lawrence K. Hellman
Ensuring Academic Success for Native American Students, Taiawagi Helton
Sovereigns Conflicts: Contemporary Issues in Indian Law, Taiawagi Helton
Year in Review: Tenth Circuit Developments in Indian and Environmental Law, Taiawagi Helton
Hemingway Oil and Gas Law and Taxation, 4th, Richard W. Hemingway and Owen L. Anderson
Current Issues in Law Reform, William H. Henning
A Bedroom of One's Own: Law and Sexual Privacy After Lawrence v. Texas, Marybeth Herald
Protections for Public Employees Who 'Blow the Whistle" Appear to Be Inadequate, William A. Herbert
The First Amendment and Public Sector Labor Relations, William A. Herbert
Introduction [Trager Symposium: Our New Federalism? National Authority and Local Autonomy in the War on Terror], Susan N. Herman
Foster Care Placement: Reducing the Risk of Sibling Incest, David J. Herring
Foster Care Placement: Reducing the Risk of Sibling Incest, David J. Herring
The Uses of History in Crawford v. Washington, Frank R. Herrmann
Shame and Scandal: Clinical and Canon Law Perspectives on the Crisis in the Priesthood, Frank R. Herrmann and Gerald E. Kochansky
Revamping the EU Corporate and Takeover Law Agenda - and Making it a Model for the U.S, Gerard Hertig and Joseph A. McCahery
The Concept of Good Faith, Martijn W. Hesselink
The European Commission's Action Plan: Towards a More Coherent European Contract Law?, Martijn W. Hesselink
The Politics of a European Civil Code, Martijn W. Hesselink
Social Justice in European Contract Law: A Manifesto, Martijn W. Hesselink and and others
If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat, Hugh Hewitt
The Duty to Rescue: A Liberal-Communitarian Approach, Steven J. Heyman
Double Non-Taxation - Sweden, Maria Hilling
Electronic Communications by Lawyers, Louise L. Hill
Rebellious Lawyering, Settlement, and Reconciliation: Soko Bukai v. YWCA, Bill Ong Hing
Law School Education in the 21st Century: Adding Information Technology Instruction to the Curriculum, Kenneth J. Hirsh and Wayne Miller
Ethics, Parenthood and Human Rights: an Evaluation of the Reactions to the Genetic Revolution, Barbara Ann Hocking and Eva Ryrstedt
Vantage Point & Issue Editor, Examining the Clean Air Act Issue, David R. Hodas
America the Virtuous: The Crisis of Democracy and the Quest for Empire (2003), Christopher H. Hoebeke
Disarming the prophets. Thomas Hobbes and predictive power, kinch Hoekstra
An Empirical Study of Public Defender Effectiveness: Self-Selection by the ‘Marginally Indigent’, Morris B. Hoffman, Paul H. Rubin, and Joanna M. Shepherd
The Effects of Jury Ignorance about Damage Caps: The Case of the 1991 Civil Rights Act, Rebecca Hollander-Blumoff and Matthew T. Bodie
Cases and Materials on Bankruptcy, Margaret Howard
Consent of the Governed: Political Attitudes of Women Voters, Sydney Howe-Barksdale, Gerri Budd, and Tasha Toy
[Issue Co-editor] Are You Ready? Meeting the Needs of Twenty-first Century Clients: How Demographic Changes Will Alter Your Practice, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe
Fairness Versus Efficiency in Environmental Law, Shi-Ling Hsu
Fairness Versus Efficiency in Environmental Law, Shi-Ling Hsu
Assessing the Constitutionality of Laws that are Both Content Based and Content Neutral, Wilson R. Huhn
Constitutional Calculus for Freedom of Expression, Wilson R. Huhn
Does the Meaning of the Constitution Change Over Time?, Wilson R. Huhn
Editorial: Finding Common Ground on Gay Marriage, Wilson R. Huhn
Jurisprudential Revolution Unlocking Human Potential in Lawrence and Grutter, Wilson R. Huhn
Legal Reasoning, Wilson R. Huhn
One Hard Nut to Crack , Wilson R. Huhn
Panel discussion on federal and state jurisdiction over the law of gay marriage, Wilson R. Huhn
Presented one-hour program on Thurgood Marshall and Brown v. Board of Education, Wilson R. Huhn
Reimportation of Prescription Drugs from Canada, Wilson R. Huhn
Scienter, Causation, and Harm: The Right-Hand Side of the Constitutional Calculus, Wilson R. Huhn
Living with Lawrence, Nan D. Hunter
Sexual Orientation and the Paradox of Heightened Scrutiny [Colloquium: The Boundaries of Liberty after Lawrence v. Texas, Nan D. Hunter
Sexuality, Gender and the Law , Nan D. Hunter and William N. Eskridge, Jr.
The Rights of Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals, and Transgender People , Nan D. Hunter, Courtney G. Joslin, and Sharon M. McGowan
Classification of Legal Families Today - Is it Time for Memorial Hymn?, Jaakko Husa
The Sine Qua Non of Copyright, Deborah M. Hussey Freeland
Valuation in Veterinary Malpractice, Rebecca J. Huss
Diversity, Tolerance, and Human Rights: The Future of Labor Unions and the Union Dues Dispute, Harry G. Hutchison
A Noteless Approach, Christine Hutton
Courtroom Observation, Christine Hutton
Laying the Foundation, Christine Hutton
Motion to Suppress, Christine Hutton
Music and Movies, Not Notes, Christine Hutton
Powell, Wiggins, and Turow: Competent Counsel for the Capital Defendant, Christine Hutton
Rethinking the Unilateral Application of the Lanham Act, Jinku Hwang
Clarifying the Federal Fair Housing Act's Exemption for Reasonable Occupancy Restrictions, Tim Iglesias
How Can International Experiential Education be Integrated into Academic Disciplines?, Shin Imai
Lecture on Constitutional Developments, Shin Imai
El Abuso de Posición Dominante y Prácticas Monopolísticas: La Tradición Estadounidense vs. La Tradición Europea, Mónika Infante Henríquez
The Rise of the Code of Conduct in Japan: Legal Analysis and Prospect, Koji Ishikawa
When Daddy Doesn't Want to Be Daddy Anymore: An Argument against Paternity Fraud Claims, Melanie B. Jacobs
Congressional Testimony: A Review of Hospital Billing and Collection Practices, Melissa B. Jacoby
Negotiating Bankruptcy Legislation through the News Media, Melissa B. Jacoby
Negotiating Bankruptcy Legislation Through the News Media, Melissa B. Jacoby
Prepacks and the Deal-Litigation Tension, Melissa B. Jacoby
Review Essay on Comparative Consumer Insolvency Regimes (by Jacob Ziegel, 2003), Melissa B. Jacoby
The Bankruptcy Code at Twenty-Five and the Next Generation of Lawmaking, Melissa B. Jacoby
The Debtor-Patient: In Search of Non-Debt Alternatives, Melissa B. Jacoby
Lisbon reinvented. Setting the Lisbon Process back on track, a European Policy Centre conference, Brussels, 8 March 2004, Romuald Jagodziński
Australian legal education and the instability of critique, Nickolas J. James
Expertise as privilege: Australian legal education and the persistent emphasis upon doctrine, Nickolas J. James
Handing Over the Keys: Contingency, Power and Resistance in the Context of Section 3LA of the Australian Crimes Act 1914, Nickolas J. James
Liberal legal education: The gap between rhetoric and reality, Nickolas J. James
Power-knowledge in Australian legal education: Corporatism's reign, Nickolas J. James
The good law teacher: The propagation of pedagogicalism in Australian legal education, Nickolas J. James
Why has vocationalism propagated so successfully in Australian law schools?, Nickolas J. James