The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2007
Pursuing Preservation of Pre-Bankruptcy Entitlements: Corporate Bankruptcy Law's Self-Executing Mechanisms, Yaad Rotem
Holding Enemy Combatants in the Wake of Hamdan, Ronald D. Rotunda
Legal Ethics in a Nutshell, Ronald D. Rotunda
Modern Constitutional Law: Cases and Notes, Ronald D. Rotunda
Professional Responsibility: A Student's Guide, Ronald D. Rotunda
Remembering Robert J. Drinan, S.J., Ronald D. Rotunda
Teaching Professional Responsibility and Ethics, Ronald D. Rotunda
Legal Ethics: The Lawyer's Deskbook on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and John S. Dzienkowski
Freedom of Speech and the American Constitution, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak
Principles of Constitutional Law, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak
Treatise on Constitutional Law: Substance and Procedure, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak
Catholic Social Thought and the New Urbanism -- A Shared Vision to Confront the Problem of Urban Sprawl, Vincent D. Rougeau
Pilgrim Law: Overcoming False Consciousness through the Witness of London’s Economic Migrants., Vincent D. Rougeau
Human Genes and Neoliberal Governance (outline), Antoinette Rouvroy
Self-determination as the "key" concept, Antoinette Rouvroy and Yves Poullet
Introducing A Take-Down for Trade Secrets on the Internet, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Uniform Commercial Code Survey, Sales, Keith A. Rowley, Robyn L. Meadows, Larry T. Garvin, and Carolyn L. Dessin
Fear and Loathing in Insanity Law: Explaining the Otherwise Inexplicable Clark v. Arizona, Susan D. Rozelle
Federalism and Interpretation, Edward L. Rubin and Malcolm M. Feeley
Empirical Methods in Antitrust: New Developments in Merger Simulation, Daniel L. Rubinfeld
The American Law and Economics Association, Daniel L. Rubinfeld
A Damage-Revelation Rationale for Coupon Remedies, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and A. Mitchell Polinsky
Criminal Law – Cases, Materials, and Problems, David S. Rudstein
Retrying the Acquitted in England, Part I: The Exception to the Rule Against Double Jeopardy for "New and Compelling Evidence", David S. Rudstein
A Proposal to Amend Rule 407 of the Federal Rules of Evidence to Conform with the Underlying Relevancy Rationale for the Rule in Negligence and Strict Liability Actions, Ralph Ruebner and Eugene Goryunov
Climate Change and the Endangered Species Act, J.B. Ruhl
Ecosystem Services and the Public Trust Doctrine: Working Change from Within, J.B. Ruhl
Blogs, Working Papers, Electronic Publishing: Will Changes in Legal Scholarship Afffect the Future Developments of Library Collections?, Gordon R. Russell
Integrating Advanced Legal Research into Upper-level Seminar Courses., Gordon R. Russell
Reinventing Technical Services in the Digital Age, Gordon R. Russell
Reinventing the Law School Library, Gordon R. Russell
What to Count, What to Report: The Revised ABA Annual Questionnaire, Gordon R. Russell
Integrating Real-time Feedback in the Classroom with New Technology , Gordon R. Russell and Syd Beckman
Integrating Real-time Feedback in the Classroom with New Technology , Gordon R. Russell and Syd Beckman
Integrating Feedback: Create a Response Oasis in an IT Mirage. , Gordon R. Russell and Sydney Beckman
The Internet Revolution: Savvy Research Strategies for Paralegals, Gordon R. Russell, Rachel Fisher, Russell Altman, and Douglas Lineberty
Arbitration and Article III, Peter B. Rutledge
Whither Arbitration, Peter B. Rutledge
The Future of School Finance Litigation, James E. Ryan
The Restyling of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: A Solution in Search of a Problem, Rory M. Ryan and Jeremy Counseller
Navigating the Bylaw Maze in NCAA Major-Infractions Cases, Rory M. Ryan and Michael Rogers
To Define Family Belonging – Starting Points for Family Benefits, Eva Ryrstedt
Adult Rights as the Achilles’ Heel of the Best Interests Standard: Lessons in Family Law from Across the Pond, Margaret Ryznar
Los efectos de la revocabilidad del negocio jurídico testamentario en el sistema jurídico peruano, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Los negocios jurídicos mortis causa en el sistema jurídico peruano: Los contratos mortis causa y los pactos sucesorios, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Los negocios mortis causa: Los negocios post mortem, trans mortem y de última voluntad, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Responsabilidad precontractual, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Crédito e judiciário no Brasil, uma análise de direito & economia, Jairo Saddi
Chain Reaction: How Property Begets Property, Sabrina Safrin
Conversion to Peace: Narratives of Individualism in UN Pedagogies, Tehila Sagy
Even Heroes Need to Talk: Psycho-Legal Soft Spots in the Field of Asylum Lawyering, Tehila Sagy
Jesus' Legal Theory - A Rabbinic Reading, Chaim Saiman
Restating Restitution: A Study in Contemporary Common Law Conceptualism, Chaim Saiman
The Individualization Fallacy in Forensic Science Evidence, Michael J. Saks and Jonathan J. Koehler
El impacto de justicia ciudadana en la procuración de justicia en Puebla, Juan Pablo Salazar Andreu
El Senado Poblano. Una curiosa institución surgida en el ocaso del Juarismo, Juan Pablo Salazar Andreu
Libertad_de_Asociacion_Tipos_Legales_Cor.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
Sociedades de Capital Fijo y Variable, Max Salazar Gallegos
Sociedades_de_Capital_Fijo_y_Variable.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
The Integrated Law School Practicum: Synergizing Theory and Practice, Robert S. Salem and Susan R. Martyn
Corporate Insolvency and the Protection of Creditors, Mohammad Rizal Salim
Fiduciary Duties of Shareholders in Joint Venture Companies, Mohammad Rizal Salim
The Oppression Remedy in Malaysia: A Critique on the Reform Proposal, Mohammad Rizal Salim
Guía InDret de jurisprudencia sobre responsabilidad de producto (I): alimentos y botellas, Pablo Salvador Coderch
Recensión a Cees van Dam, European Tort Law, Pablo Salvador Coderch
El defecto en las instrucciones y advertencias en la responsabilidad de producto , Pablo Salvador Coderch and Sonia Ramos Gonzalez
El Derecho Español de Daños Hoy: Características Diferenciales, Pablo Salvador Coderch, Sonia Ramos González, Álvaro Luna Yerga, and Juan Antonio Ruiz García
El Derecho Español de Daños en 2005: Características Diferenciales, Pablo Salvador Coderch, Sonia Ramos González, Álvaro Luna Yerga, Juan Antonio Ruiz García, Victor M. Sánchez Álvarez, Àngels Gili Saldaña, and Antonio Fernandez Crende
The Principle contra proferentem in Standard Form Contracts. In particular, the Spanish Case., Pablo Salvador Coderch and Juan Antonio Ruiz Garcia
Clientelism In Argentina: Piqueteros and Relief Payments to the Unemployed Plans. An Example of Failure of Civil Society´s Role, Carlos Ramiro Salvochea
The End of Nevada's Ban on Partisan Judicial Campaign Speeches, Tuan Samahon
Administrative Procedure followed in Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Navajyoti Samanta
Throwing Down the International Gauntlet: Same-Sex Marriage as a Human Right, Vincent J. Samar
Court Opinions Affecting PTO Trademark Practice: The Year in Review, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels
Trademark Jurisprudence of Judge Rich, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels
Civil Society Participation in Mercosur: Some Critical Points, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs.
É possível pensar em sociedade civil no Mercosul?, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs.
Mudanças nos paradigmas de participação direta de atores não-estatais na OMC e sua influência na formulação da política comercial pelo Estado e sociedade brasileiros, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs.
Participação da Sociedade Civil: comércio, saúde e meio ambiente na OMC - Comunidades Européias vs Brasil: o caso dos pneus, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs., Juliana Kweitel, Priscila Spécie, and André Barbosa
Ecuador: El indio como problema, Francisco Sánchez
Detection Avoidance, Chris Sanchirico
Harnessing Adversarial Process: Proof Burdens, Affirmative Defenses, and Optimal Complementarities in Litigation, Chris Sanchirico
Detection Avoidance, Chris William Sanchirico
Evidence, Procedure, and the Upside of Cognitive Error, Chris William Sanchirico
The Tax Advantage to Paying Private Equity Fund Managers with Profit Shares: What is it? Why is it Bad? , Chris William Sanchirico
Inequality and Uncertainty: Theory and Legal Applications, Chris William Sanchirico and Matthew D. Adler
Implementing the Federal Endangered Species Act in Indian Country: The Promise and Reality of Secretarial Order 3206, Marren Sanders
Are All Forms of Joint Crime Really "Organized Crime"?, Boaz Sangero
Miranda Is Not Enough: A New Justification for Demanding "Strong Corroboration" to a Confession, Boaz Sangero
Why a Conviction Should Not Be Based on a Single Piece of Evidence: A Proposal for Reform, Boaz Sangero and Mordechai Halpert
Contratto di negoziazione, forma convenzionale e nullità per inosservanza di forma, Valerio Sangiovanni
Contratto di swap e nozione di operatore qualificato, Valerio Sangiovanni
Emissioni di obbligazioni e scandali finanziari fra diritto internazionale privato e diritto comunitario, Valerio Sangiovanni
Esclusione dell'indennità di fine rapporto dell'agente nel diritto comunitario, italiano e tedesco, Valerio Sangiovanni
Finanziamenti dei soci di s.r.l. e fallimento della società, Valerio Sangiovanni