The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2007
When Scholarly Analysis Because a Billable Event: Copyright, Cultural Criticism, and the Contemporary Clearance Culture, Kembrew McLeod
Legislative, Judicial, Soft Law, and Cooperative Approaches to Harmonizing Corporate Income Taxes in the US and the EU, Charles E. McLure
Creating Norms of Attorney Conduct in International Tribunals: A Case Study of the ICTY, Judith A. McMorrow
ICC Inability Determinations in Light of the Dujail Case, Gregory S. McNeal
ICC Inability Determinations in Light of the Dujail Case , Gregory S. McNeal
Snatch and Grab Ops: Justifying Extraterritorial Abduction, Gregory S. McNeal and Brian Field
Applying the Restorative Justice Model to Medical Malpractice, Chris McNeil
Expert Report on Aboriginal Title at Common Law, Kent McNeil
Review: A New Understanding of Tax, Charles E. McWilliams
2006 Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Robyn L. Meadows, Russell A. Hakes, and Stephn L. Sepinuck
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Robyn L. Meadows, Russell A. Hakes, and Stephn L. Sepinuck
Kerala State Financial Enterprises Ltd. vs. Official Liquidator, Aparna Meduri
Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act of 2006 (Miner Act), USA , Aparna Meduri
The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2006 (India), Aparna Meduri
The Employment Equality (Age) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2006 (United Kingdom), Aparna Meduri
The NELSI Landscape, Michele L. Mekel and Nigel M. De S. Cameron
Towards an Explicit Balancing Inquiry: R.A.V. and Black Through the Lens of Foreign Freedom of Expression Jurisprudence , Matthew S. Melamed
Seguridad Jurídica en el Estado Regulador, Carlos Mena-Labarthe
Intellectual Property Law, Peter Menell and Suzanne A. Scotchmer
Second Life and Other Virtual Worlds: A Roadmap for Research, Brian Mennecke, Edward Roche, David A. Bray, Benn Konsynski, John Lester, Michael Rowe, and Anthony Townsend
"A Diddle at the Brobdingnag:" Confidence and Caveat Emptor During the Market Revolution, Robert E. Mensel
Originalism and Ancestor Worship in the Post-Heroic Era: The Dred Scott Opinions, Robert E. Mensel
Get some chips with your beer, Mercury Staff and K. Michael
China/US IP Issues: Software Patents and Interoperability Presentation, Robert P. Merges
IP Under Attack? Worldwide IP issues in Perspective, Robert P. Merges
Kant on Intellectual Property Rights: Concepts and Principles for the Digital Era, Robert P. Merges
Patent Law Presentation, Robert P. Merges
Review of The Democratization of Invention: Patents and Copyrights in American Economic Development, 1790-1920 by B. Zorina Khan, Robert P. Merges
Software and Business Method Patents: A Review and Update, Robert P. Merges
The Future of Property, Robert P. Merges
Patent Law and Policy, Robert P. Merges and John Duffy
Software and Internet Law, Robert P. Merges, Mark A. Lemley, Pamela Samuelson, and Peter Menell
Software and Internet Law, Robert P. Merges, Mark A. Lemley, Pamela Samuelson, and Peter Menell
Intellectual property in the new technological age : 2007 statutory supplement, Robert P. Merges, Peter Seth Menell, and Mark A. Lemley
Jefferson's Failed Anti-Slavery Proviso of 1784 and the Nascence of Free Soil Constitutionalism, William G. Merkel
BMW v. Gore, Jesse R. Merriam
Finding a Ceiling in a Circular Room: Locke v. Davey, Religious Neutrality, and Federalism, Jesse R. Merriam
Locke v. Davey, Jesse R. Merriam
Neutral Principles, Jesse R. Merriam
Virginia State Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council, Jesse R. Merriam
Why Don’t More Public Schools Teach Sex Education?: A Constitutional Explanation and Critique, Jesse R. Merriam
Bias, the Brain, and Student Evaluations of Teaching, Deborah J Merritt
Legal Education in the Age of Cognitive Science and Advanced Classroom Technology, Deborah J Merritt
The Future of Religious Pluralism: Justice O'Connor and the Establishment Clause, Deborah J. Merritt and Daniel C. Merritt
California's Three Tiered Approach to Temper The Injustice of the Unlawful Act Involuntary Manslaughter Rule, George L. Mertens
A TUDOMÁNYOS ÜGYNÖKHÁLÓZAT CSAPDÁJÁBAN (In the trap of scientific agents-network), Milan Meszaros
Az emberi tudat eredete, Milan Meszaros
Beyond the Contemporary Physics, Milan Meszaros
Mind-Matter Quantum Tense Physics, Milan Meszaros
Origin of Human Consciousness, Milan Meszaros
Preventive Economic Development Strategy, Milan Meszaros
James Hughes: Kentucky's First Nominative Reporter, Kurt X. Metzmeier
Review: Calvin H. Johnson, Righteous Anger at the Wicked States: The Meaning of the Founders’ Constitution, Kurt X. Metzmeier
Israel: Public Law, Assaf Meydani
Public Policy on Human Rights in Israel: The Perspective from a Local Military Court, Assaf Meydani
Security and Human Rights Policy: Israel and the Interrogation Case of 1999, Assaf Meydani
The Evaluation of Land Policy in Israel – a Question of practicability, Assaf Meydani
Policy and Law in Israel: the case of the Tourism Services Act 1976–2002, Assaf Meydani and Natan Uriely
Tourism Law in Israel – Public Policy, Politics and Law, Assaf Meydani and Natan Uriely
Tourism Law in Israel – Public Policy, Politics and Law (in Hebrew), Assaf Meydani and Natan Uriely
A discussão de custos e benefícios pode conferir maior legitimidade às decisões judiciais, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
El Modelo Político y Económico Brasileño, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
In search of a broad research agenda in Law & Economics for Latin America, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
O que é “Direito e Economia”? Uma introdução à epistemologia da disciplina para o estudante, o profissional e o pesquisador em Direito, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Privatizing Risks: Making Economic Development Incentives Contingent, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
The Insurance Function of Contracts Revisited, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Três Efeitos das Normas Sociais Sobre o Direito: Expressão, Dissuasão e Internalização, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
The Transatlantic Divide Over The Implementation and Enforcement of Security Council Resolutions, Daniel S. Meyers
Between Law and Culture: Rwanda's Gacaca and Postcolonial Legality, Ariel Meyerstein
Review of PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILTY: DESIGNS, DILEMMAS, AND EXPERIENCES, by Michael Dowdle (ed.), Ariel Meyerstein
The Law and Lawyers as Enemy Combatants, Ariel Meyerstein
The Specific Costs of Arbitrary Detention and Torture: A Response to Eugene Kontorovich, Ariel Meyerstein
Transitional Justice and Post-Conflict Israel/Palestine: Assessing the Applicability of the Truth Commission Paradigm, Ariel Meyerstein
Federalism and Accountability: State Attorneys General, Regulatory Litigation, and the New Federalism, Timothy L. Meyer
Virtual World Taxation: Theories of Income Taxation Applied to the Second Life Virtual Economy, Timothy J. Miano
Communicating Anti-Corruption Campaigns, Bryane Michael
Corporate Social Responsibility in Ukraine: Why to Do It and How to Do It, Bryane Michael
Drafting Implementing Regulations for International Anti-Corruption Conventions, Bryane Michael
Fighting Corruption on the Transdnistrian Border: Lessons from Successful and Failed Anti-Corruption Programmes, Bryane Michael
Implementing International Anti-Corruption Conventions, Bryane Michael
Implementing the UN Convention Against Corruption, Bryane Michael
Problems and Prospects of the Second Wave of Anti-Corruption, Bryane Michael
Suing Against Corruption, Bryane Michael
What Does the UN Convention on Corruption Teach Us About International Regulatory Harmonisation?, Bryane Michael
Информирование общественности о вопросах коррупции: практика Европейского Союза в применении внутреннего и внешнего социального маркетинга, Bryane Michael
Улучшение эффективности работы государственного сектора , Bryane Michael
Policy Briefing Note: Drafting Executive Regulations to Fight Corruption, Bryane Michael and Habit Hajredini
Book Review: "IP Location" by Martin Dawson et al., K. Michael
The Nuremburg International Military Tribunal and Universal Crimes, K. Michael
Total Curriculum Management: A Lifecycle Approach, K. Michael
Total Curriculum Management (TCM): An Integrated Curriculum Using Distributed Content, K. Michael
The Second Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security, K. Michael and Jemma
Microchip Implants and Location-Based Services, K. Michael and R. Margetson
From Dataveillance to Überveillance (Uberveillance) and the Realpolitik of the Transparent Society, K. Michael and M. G. Michael
Welcome to the rise of homo electricus, K. Michael and M. G. Michael