The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Prenatal Drug Exposure: The Impetus for Overreaction by the Legal Community or a Serious Problem Needing a Serious Solution, Janet W. Steverson
Review of Joel F. Handler and Yeheskel Hasenfeld, Blame Welfare, Ignore Poverty and Inequality, Lindsay Stirton
Excluding Religion Excludes More than Religion, Richard Stith
Punishment, Invalidation, and Nonvalidation: What H.L.A. Hart Did Not Explain, Richard Stith
Sharing Our Stories of Survival: Native Women Surviving Violence, Kelly Stoner, Sarah Deer, Bonnie Clairmont, and Carrie A. Martell
Creative Civil Remedies Against Non-Indian Offenders in Indian Country., Kelly Gaines Stoner, Hallie Bongar White, and James G. White
Le Conseil Constitutionnel et la Transformation de la République, Alec Stone Sweet
The Constitutional Council and the Transformation of the Republic, Alec Stone Sweet
Assessng the Impact of the ECHR on National Legal Systems, Alec Stone Sweet and Helen Keller
The Reception of the ECHR in National Legal Orders, Alec Stone Sweet and Helen Keller
Proportionality Balancing and Global Constitutionalism, Alec Stone Sweet and Jud Mathews
A Feminist Perspective on Natality Policies in Multicultural Societies, Gila Stopler
On Conceptual Dichotomies and Social Oppression, Gila Stopler and Dana Freibach Heifetz
Federal Patent Takings, Christopher S. Storm
Methinks the Lady Doth Protest Too Little: Reassessing the Probative Value of Silence, Mikah K. Story Thompson
The Principle of Non-refoulement and the Right of Asylum-seekers to enter State Territory, Vladislava Stoyanova
Evolving Innovation Paradigms and the Global Intellectual Property Regime, Katherine J. Strandburg
Freedom of Association in a Networked World: First Amendment Regulation of Relational Surveillance, Katherine J. Strandburg
Freedom of Association in a Networked World: First Amendment Regulation of Relational Surveillance, Katherine J. Strandburg
Sharing Research Tools and Materials: Homo Scientificus and User Innovator Community Norms, Katherine J. Strandburg
Users as Innovators: Implications for Patent Doctrine, Katherine J. Strandburg
What If There Were a Business Method User Exemption to Patent Infringement?, Katherine J. Strandburg
Electoral systems and its constitutional principles, carlos luiz strapazzon
Electoral systems and its constitutional principles, carlos luiz strapazzon
Electoral systems and its leading principles, carlos luiz strapazzon
Foundations of the Paraná State: The Zacarias de Goes e Vasconcellos´s first report to the Provincial Legislative Assembly on July 15, 1854., carlos luiz strapazzon
Principles of electoral systems: classical theory and contemporary electoral systems on the majority and proportional representation, carlos luiz strapazzon
Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Illusory Safeguards against Funding Pervasively Sectarian Institutions of Higher Learning, Mark Strasser
Religion in the Schools, Mark Strasser
Repudiating Everson: On Buses, Books, and Teaching Articles of Faith, Mark Strasser
State Funding of Devotional Studies: A Failed Jurisprudence that Has Lost Its Moorings, Mark Strasser
The Coercion Test: On Prayer, Offense, and Doctrinal Inculcation, Mark Strasser
The Endorsement Test, Mark Strasser
The Protection and Alienation of Religious Minorities: On the Evolution of the Endorsement Test, Mark Strasser
When Churches Divide: On Neutrality, Deference, and Unpredictability, Mark Strasser
Expanding the Advisory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, Andrew L. Strauss
International Courts as Law Makers, Andrew L. Strauss
Leadership, Economic Crisis and the Global Architecture: An International Law Professor’s Perspective, Andrew L. Strauss
Give Citizens a Voice, Andrew L. Strauss and Richard Falk
The Sounds of Silence: Reconsidering the Right to Remain Silent Under Miranda, Marcy S. Strauss
Marilyn, Elvis and Jimmy on the Silver Screen: A Baker’s Dozen of Films that Entertained, Excited, and Educated the Muskogee Central High Class of 1958, Rennard J. Strickland
The Tribal Struggle for Indian Sovereignty: The Story of the Cherokee Cases, Rennard J. Strickland
Under Treaty Oaks: Lingering Shadows of Unfinished Business, Rennard J. Strickland
Lawyers and Law Programs, Rennard J. Strickland and Sharon Blackwell
The Lawyer Myth: A Defense of the American Legal Profession, Rennard J. Strickland and Frank T. Read
Green-lighting Brown: A Cumulative Process Conception of Judicial Impact, Vincent James Strickler
Green-lighting Brown: A Cumulative-Process Conception of Judicial Impact, Vincent James Strickler
No Right to Vote: Suffrage in the District of Columbia and U.S. Territories, Jennifer L. Stringfellow
Libre Comercio de Mercancías y Servicios, Pierino Stucchi
El Sistema de Solución de Controversias entre Estados, Pierino Stucchi and Luis García-Corrochano
Better Competition Advovacay, Maurice E. Stucke
Banning of Minarets: Addressing the Validity of a Controversial Swiss Popular Initiative, Marcel Stuessi
Muss das Parlament die Minarettverbotsinitiative für ungültig erklären?, Marcel Stuessi
حقوق الإنسان والمتعلقة بالتعديلات الدستورية السويسرية (in Arabic), Marcel Stuessi
Framing Public Interventions With Respect to Children as Parent Empowering, Stephen D. Sugarman
Should Tobacco Companies Be Required to Reduce Their Number of Customers?, Stephen D. Sugarman
Should We Use Regulation to Demand Improved Public Health Outcomes from Industry? Yes, Stephen D. Sugarman
How Gun Makers Can Help Us: make firearms manufacturers figure out how to reduce the 12,000 shooting deaths each year, Stephen D. Sugarman and Jeffrey Fagan
Using Performance-Based Regulation to Reduce Childhood Obesity, Stephen D. Sugarman and Nirit Sandman
Human Rights Protection under the Nigerian Constitution, Ibrahim Sule
Bargaining in the Shadow of Violence: The NPT, IAEA, and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Negotiations, Arsalan M. Suleman
Ultra Vires Statutes: Alive, Kicking, and a Means of Circumventing the Scalia Standing Gauntlet in Environmental Litigation, Adam J. Sulkowski
Los recursos impugnatorios y el amparo contra resoluciones judiciales en Perú: un análisis funcional, Óscar Sumar
Berkeley estudia la relación entre Derecho y Desastre, Óscar Súmar
Matrimonio con hijos: acerca de la disímil protección a la familia en la jurisprudencia del TC, Óscar Súmar
El Colegio de Abogados como un cartel: Efectos económicos y sociales de la restricción de publicidad de los abogados, Óscar Sumar and Julio Avellaneda
Tres son multitud: TC fija nuevos criterios para el otorgamiento de pensiones por enfermedades de trabajos de riesgo, Óscar Súmar and Luis Alberto Chang
Derechos Reales y reconstrucción tras el sismo en Pisco: testimonios tras el Shock del Derecho en zonas de desastre, Óscar Súmar and Antonio Peña Jumpa
Forensic Genetics and the Ascendancy of Modern “Race Science:” Establishing the Inadmissibility of DNA Estimates of Race, Christian B. Sundquist
The Meaning of Race in the DNA Era: Science, History and the Law, Christian B. Sundquist
Reforming the State Corporate Income Tax: A Market State Approach to the Sourcing of Services, John A. Swain
Theodore Price Roberts A Tribute to Professor Theodore P. Roberts, David Swank
True Sooner Ted, David Swank
Constitutional Validity of Restitution of Conjugal Rights: Scope and Relevance, Aditya Swarup
Grievance Settlement Authorities: Emerging Trends, Aditya Swarup
Sovereignty, Law and the State of Exception: Analysing Agamben in the Indian Context, Aditya Swarup
Who's Your Daddy?: A Psychoanalytic Exegesis of the Supreme Court's Recent Patent Jurisprudence, Gretchen S. Sween
Consumers as Producers: The Personal Mainframe and the Law of Computing, Peter P. Swire
The Moral Judge, Keith Swisher
The Troubling Rise of the Legal Profession’s “Good” Moral Character, Keith Swisher
In Conflict, Daniel Sylvester
Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U.S. 254 (1970), Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319 (1976), and Lalli v. Lalli, 439 U.S.259 (1978), Karen M. Tani
The Truth Be Damned: The First Amendment, Attorney Speech, and Judicial Reputation, Margaret C. Tarkington
Equitable Apportionment of Water Resources Among States, Dan Tarlock
The Fear Factor in International Water Allocation: Can Law Mitigate It? (forthcoming) (symposium), Dan Tarlock
Water Security, Fear Mitigation and International Water Law (symposium), Dan Tarlock
Water War in the Klamath Basin: Macho Law, Combat Biology, and Dirty Politics (with H. Doremus), Dan Tarlock
Wrongly Accused Redux: How Race Contributes to Convicting the Innocent: The Informants Example, Andrew E. Taslitz
Corso: Istituti di tutela del patrimonio, Thomas Tassani
I trust: trattamento tributario, Thomas Tassani
Master in Diritto Tributario "Antonio Berliri", Thomas Tassani
Osservazioni in merito alla tassazione del contratto preliminare per persona da nominare, Thomas Tassani
Seminari Diritto tributario 2008-2009, Thomas Tassani
Slide corso diritto tributario 2008-2009 n.1, Thomas Tassani
Slide corso diritto tributario 2008-2009 n.2, Thomas Tassani