The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Constitutionalism, Legal Pluralism, and International Regimes, Alec Stone Sweet
On the Constitutionalisation of the Convention: The European Court of Human Rights as a Constitutional Court, Alec Stone Sweet
Version Française: On the Constitutionalisation of the Convention: The European Court of Human Rights as a Constitutional Court, Alec Stone Sweet
L’Arbitrage International: Du Contrat Dyadique au Système Normatif, Alec Stone Sweet and Florian Grisel
Sub Silentio: The Rise and (Quiet) Fall of A Strict Products Liability Cause of Action for Design Defect in New York, Timothy J. Stostad
Evolving Innovation Paradigms and the Global Intellectual Property Regime, Katherine J. Strandburg
Norms and the Sharing of Research Materials and Tacit Knowledge, Katherine J. Strandburg
User Innovator Community Norms at the Boundary Between Academic and Industrial Research, Katherine J. Strandburg
Who's in the Club? A Response to Oliar and Sprigman, Katherine J. Strandburg
Patent Citation Networks Revisited: Signs of a Twenty-First Century Change, Katherine J. Strandburg, Gabor Csardi, Laszlo Zalanyi, Jan Tobochnik, and Peter Erdi
The University as Constructed Cultural Commons, Katherine J. Strandburg, Michael J. Madison, and Brett M. Frischmann
A Civic Critique of Democracy: Civic Organizing as the Generating Force of a Civic Concept of Law, palma joy strand
An Originalist Theory of Precedent: The Epistemic and Metaphysical Attitudes Toward Originalist Precedent, Lee J. Strang
Constitutional social rights and "possible reserve clause": an analysis of current cases of the Brazilian Justice, carlos luiz strapazzon
International treaties, fundamental rights and individual freedom: changes and developments in 60 years of judgments of the brazilian Supreme Court, carlos luiz strapazzon
Tratados internacionais, direitos fundamentais e liberdade individual: rupturas e evoluções em 60 anos de jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, carlos luiz strapazzon
Interstate Marriage Recognition and the Right to Travel, Mark Strasser
Life after DOMA, Mark Strasser
Passive Observers, Passive Displays, and the Establishment Clause, Mark Strasser
Tribal Marriages, Same-Sex Unions, and an Interstate Recognition Conundrum, Mark Strasser
You Take the Embryos but I Get the House (and the Business): Recent Trends in Awards involving Embryos upon Divorce, Mark Strasser
How the Cleveland Bar Became Segregated: 1870-1930, Robert N. Strassfeld
A New Era for the International Court of Justice, Andrew L. Strauss
Climate Change Litigation: Opening the Door to the International Court of Justice, Andrew L. Strauss
Insights from Normative Theory: International Law as Democratic Law, Andrew L. Strauss
International Law as Democratic Law, Andrew L. Strauss
Is the World Ready for a Parliamentary Assembly?, Andrew L. Strauss
Models of Parliamentary Representation, Andrew L. Strauss
Should Citizens Be Democratically Represented in the 21st Century International System?, Andrew L. Strauss
The Role of International Environmental Law in Transnational Governance, Andrew L. Strauss
Three Years After eBay (2009) What do Patent Holders Need to Prove to Get an Injunction? What is the Significance of Competition Between the Parties?, Stacy B. Streur
Spirit Red: Visions of Native American Artists From the Collection of Rennard Strickland, Rennard J. Strickland
“Spirit Red: Visions of Native American Artists from the Collection of Rennard Strickland", Rennard J. Strickland and Gail Anderson
"But He Told Me It Was Safe!": The Expanding Tort of Negligent Misrepresentation., Alissa J. Strong
Gaiben & Bengoshi LLP: Cross-border Legal Practice in Japan, Erich W. Struble
Coming To Illinois May Mean Loss of Rights To Decide Under Guardianship, James T. Struck
Coming To Illinois May Mean Loss of Rights To Decide Under Guardianship, James T. Struck
Geneva Conventions Apply to us Should Be extended to apply to soldiers, contractors and civilians, James T. Struck
Second Hand Smoking and Geneva Convention Concerns Retaliated Against By Judges, Nursing Homes and Guardians, James T. Struck
Why Linguistics Matters To Law-Communism, Heaven, Princess, Prostitute, and Words That should not Result in discrimination, James T. Struck
Los actos de competencia desleal que distorsionan la valoración de la oferta en la nueva Ley de Represión de la Competencia Desleal, Pierino Stucchi
Does the Rule of Reason Violate the Rule of Law?, Maurice E. Stucke
New Antitrust Realism, Maurice E. Stucke
Should the Government Prosecute Monopolies?, Maurice E. Stucke
Toward A Better Competition Policy For The Media, Maurice E. Stucke and Allen P. Grunes
Law & Globalization, Bocconi School of Law Student-Edited Papers
An Appeal for Guidance, Lee Stuesser
A reflection on the Bond model of teaching, Lee Stuesser
Australian Principles of Evidence (2nd Ed, 2004), Jeremy Gans and Andrew Palmer, Cavendish Publishing Limited, Lee Stuesser
Experts on Eyewitness Identification: I Just Don't See It, Lee Stuesser
Using the statements of co-accused, Lee Stuesser
How can we ensure justice to future generations?, Marcel Stuessi
Kirchturm und Glockengeläut in islamischen Ländern, Marcel Stuessi
Schweizer Minarettverbot: Ein Einzelfall?, Marcel Stuessi
Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Religionsgemeinschaften, Marcel Stuessi
Verfassungsrechtliche Bedeutung des Minarettverbots, Marcel Stuessi
Repeal Tax Incentives for ESOPs, Andrew Stumpff and Norman P. Stein
Fitting Punishment, Juliet P. Stumpf
How Retailers Could Help Us Cut Salt Intake, Stephen D. Sugarman
Land Possessor Liability in the Restatement Third of Torts: Too Much and Too Little, Stephen D. Sugarman
No More Buisness as Usual: Enticing Companies to Sharply Lower the Public Health Costs of the Products they Sell, Stephen D. Sugarman
Performance-based Regulation: Enterprise Responsibility for Reducting Death, Injury and Disease Caused by Consumer Products, Stephen D. Sugarman
Salt, High Blood Pressure and Performace-based Regulation, Stephen D. Sugarman
Innovative Legal Approaches to Address Obesity, Stephen D. Sugarman, Pomeranz, Teret, Rutkow, and Brownell
Can Pro Baseball Save itself?, Stephen D. Sugarman and Jasper Rine
A Dialogue in Search of Meaning, Robert E. Suggs
Bringing Small Business Development to Urban Neighborhoods, Robert E. Suggs
Business Combination Antitakeover Statutes, the Unintended Repudiation of the Internal Affairs Doctrine, and Constitutional Constraints on Choice of Law, Robert E. Suggs
Copyright for a Social Species, Robert E. Suggs
Minorities and privatization: economic mobility at risk, Robert E. Suggs
Multi-Community Membership, Free Riders, and Effective Governance, Robert E. Suggs
Poisoning the Well: Law & Economics and Racial Inequality, Robert E. Suggs
Racial Discrimination in Business Transactions, Robert E. Suggs
Rethinking Minority Business Development Strategies, Robert E. Suggs
Are Gender Stereotypes Bad for Women? Rethinking Antidiscrimination Law and Work-Family Conflict, Julie C. Suk
Whistleblowers' Protection Legislation: in Search for Model for Nigeria, Ibrahim Sule
Certified Trouble Ahead For Activist Shareholders?: The SEC, Delaware Certification & Shareholder Bylaw Proposals After CA, Inc. v. AFSCME Employees Pension Plan, Matthew F. Sullivan
A Faustian Bargain: Creating A Successful Agreement In The WTO Negotiations On Trade In Maritime Services, Rod Sullivan
Disassembling the Administrative State: Do We Need Overlapping Federal and State Workers' Compensation Programs, Rod Sullivan
La Pobreza como Desastre, Óscar Súmar
Pobreza, desastres y su relación con el Derecho, Óscar Súmar
Publicidad para los medicamentos, Óscar Súmar
Referéndum propuesto por el Gobierno y Reforma Constitucional, Óscar Súmar
Una perspectiva adicional en relación con el Reglamento de Tránsito, Óscar Súmar
Paradoxical regulation and child malnutrition: The ban on the advertising of infant formula, Óscar Súmar and Julio Avellaneda
Regístrame, Pezweón, Óscar Súmar and Carlos Patrón
A New Alliance, Manik V. Suri
A Comparative Analysis of the approaches of St.Thomas Aquinas v Legal Positivism, Zieneb Susi
Unresolved Conflicts: How Revisiting NEPA § 102(2)(E) Could Increase Efficiency, Simplify Government, and Save Taxpayers Money, Jeremy M. Suttenberg, Tison A. Campbell, and Lisa G. London
Environmental Law: The Policy Implications of the Reaction to Climate Change, Jeffrey S. Sutton, Jonathan Adler, John C. Dernbach, Steven F. Hayward, and Jeremy A. Rabkin
Svantesson on the law of obligations, Dan Svantesson
“Imagine there’s no countries...” – Geo-identification, the law and the not so borderless Internet, Dan J B Svantesson
A Bulletin Board is a Bulletin Board (Even if it is Electronic) – Certain Intermediaries are Protected From Liability After All, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
Amlink Technologies Pty Ltd and Australian Trade Commission [2005] AATA 359 – Software finally recognised as “goods”, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
An introduction to jurisdictional issues in cyberspace, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
An Update on the proposed Hague Convention on Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson