The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
The 5 "Ps" Approach to Understanding Conflict and Developing a More Peaceful World. Workshop, Sherrill W. Hayes
The 5 Ps of Conflict Resolution: Designing Systems to Manage Workplace Disputes. Workshop, Sherrill W. Hayes
The Impact of Social, Economic, and Personal Issues on the Workplace: An Examination of the Public, Health Care, and Manufacturing Sectors, Sherrill W. Hayes
Parenting Coordination and High Conflict Families in Divorce. Workshop, Sherrill W. Hayes, Helen Brantley, and Max Nunez
Community Based Divorce Education Programmes: Short-Term and Longer-Term Impacts, Sherrill W. Hayes and Lori Pelletier
Evaluating a Community-Based Divorce Education Program: Perspectives of Participants, Presenters, and the Longer-Term Impact, Sherrill W. Hayes and Lori Pelletier
Evaluating a Community-Based Divorce Education Program: Perspectives of Participants, Presenters, and the Longer-Term Impact., Sherrill W. Hayes, L. Pelletier, D. Powell, and R. Starnes
The Geography of Discrimination: The Seattle and Louisville Cases and the Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education, Robert L. Hayman
The Stories of American Law, Robert L. Hayman and Nancy Levit
The Stories of American Law, Robert L. Hayman and Nancy Levit
Choosing Equality: Essays and Narratives on the Desegregation Experience, Robert L. Hayman and Leland Ware
Introduction, Robert L. Hayman and Leland Ware
Ethics in the E-Discovery Age, Allyson W. Haynes
Symposium Introduction: Privacy in the Federal Courts, Allyson W. Haynes
The Patentee and Infringer Battlefront Worsens as Courts Sharpen the Infringer’s Sword, David Haynes
The Patentee and Infringer Battlefront Worsens as Courts Sharpen the Infringer’s Sword, David Andrew Haynes
Bentham & Ballots: Tradeoffs Between Secrecy and Accountability in How we Vote, Allison Hayward
Fire Safety in Shopping Malls & Premises Liability, John O. Hayward
Premises Liability for Shopping Mall Fire Safety, John O. Hayward
Human implantable “black-box” technologies need greater scrutiny, Beverley Head and K. Michael
Concerted Action and the Preemption of State Fair Trade Provisions After Leegin, Christopher J. Heck
Concerted Action and the Preemption of State Fair Trade Provisions After Leegin, Christopher J. Heck
Concerted Action and the Preemption of State Fair Trade Provisions After Leegin, Christopher J. Heck
Concerted Action and the Preemption of State Fair Trade Provisions After Leegin, Christopher J. Heck
Concerted Action and the Preemption of State Fair Trade Provisions After Leegin, Christopher J. Heck
Pushing the Envelope: Why Washington, D.C. Airspace Restrictions Do Not Enhance Security, John W. Heck
Pushing the Envelope: Why Washington, DC Airspace Restrictions Do Not Enhance Security, John W. Heck
Anmerkung zu OLG Koblenz, Beschl. vom 05.05.2008 – 1 Ss 31/08, Daniel H. Heinke
Bearbeitung von Todesermittlungsverfahren, Daniel H. Heinke
Das Deliktphänomen „Tottreten“, Daniel H. Heinke
Hunold: Migranten in der Polizei: Zwischen politischer Programmatik und Organisationswirklichkeit, Frankfurt a.M. 2008, Daniel H. Heinke
Pawlik: Der Terrorist und sein Recht. Zur rechtstheoretischen Einordnung des modernen Terrorismus, München 2008, Daniel H. Heinke
Cumulative Jurisprudence and Hate Speech: Sexual Orientation and Analogies to Disability, Age and Obesity, Eric Heinze
The Metaethics of Law: Book One of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Eric Heinze
Wild-West Cowboys versus Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: Some Problems in Comparative Approaches to Extreme Speech, Eric Heinze
On the Boundaries of Cluture as an Affirmative Defense, Eliot Held and Reid G. Fontaine
Speaker, “Process and Pitfalls of Confirming Piskei Din as Arbitration Awards”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Taking Choice-of-Law Provisions Seriously: What Religious Legal Theory Has to Tell Us About the Enforceability of Religious Arbitration Awards”, Michael A. Helfand
The Usual suspect Classifications: Criminals, Aliens and the Future of Same-Sex Marriage, Michael A. Helfand
How the Diversity Rationale Lays the Groundwork for New Discrimination: Examining the Trajectory of Equal Protection Doctrine, Michael A. Helfand
A Prof Who Linked Legal Education to the Legal Profession, Lawrence K. Hellman
Richard E. Coulson: The Indispensable Link Between The Past And The Future Of A Developing Law School, Lawrence K. Hellman
Should Clients Be Told of Better Representation Elsewhere?, Lawrence K. Hellman
On Discounted Partnership Interests and Adequate Consideration, Brant J. Hellwig
When Your Recording Agency Turns into an Agency Problem: The True Nature of the Peer-to-Peer Debate, Lital Helman
Considerations for Prospective Native American Law Students, Taiawagi Helton
Federal and Indian Reserved Water Rights and the State Water System, Taiawagi Helton
Federal and Indian Reserved Water Rights: Definition and Enforcement in Oklahoma, Taiawagi Helton
Federal and Indian Reserved Water Rights for Western Oklahoma Tribes, Taiawagi Helton
Reserved Water Rights in Oklahoma, Taiawagi Helton
The Basics of Reserved Water Rights and Their Role in Oklahoma’s Future, Taiawagi Helton
A Community Under Siege: Bruce Springsteen and Social Justice, Craig Hemmens
"Getting Touchy-Feely: Application of the Plain View Doctrine to Plain Touch, Plain Smell, and Plain Hearing Situations, Craig Hemmens
Recent Legal Developments : Criminal Justice Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, 2008 Term, Craig Hemmens
The Exclusionary Rule, Craig Hemmens
The Good Faith Exception, Craig Hemmens
A State´s legal options and duties to fight genocide, Mario Hemmerling
The fight against piracy at the Gulf of Aden, Mario Hemmerling
A Debate on the Death Penalty, Stephen E. Henderson
Government Data Gathering and Surveillance: Government Access to Records, Stephen E. Henderson
National Security and Civil Liberties in the Obama Administration, Stephen E. Henderson
Reforming Internet Privacy Law, Stephen E. Henderson
Predicting Crime, Todd Henderson
The Nanny Corporation and the Market for Altruism, Todd Henderson
"We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone", Jennifer S. Hendricks
Principles of the Law of Software Contracting: The ALI Passed It. Now What?, William H. Henning
Investment Agreement Claims under the 2004 Model US BIT: A Challenge for State Police Powers?, Laura Henry
On Time: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Law School Admissions Deadlines, Clifford Chad Henson and Paul R. Dorasil
On Time: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Law School Admissions Deadlines, Clifford Chad Henson and Paul R. Dorasil
On Time: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Law School Admissions Deadlines, Clifford Chad Henson and Paul R. Dorasil
Certification Without An Election: The New York Experience, William A. Herbert
The Development and Administration of Non-Electoral Labor Certifications in New York, William A. Herbert
Workplace Electronic Privacy Protections Abroad: The Whole Wide World Is Watching, William A. Herbert
The Head-On Collision of Gasperini and the Derailment of Erie: Exposing the Futility of the Accommodation Doctrine, Armando Gustavo Hernandez
Boumediene v. Bush and Guantanamo, Cuba: Does the 'Empire Strike Back'?, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Boumediene v. Bush and Guantanamo, Cuba: Does the 'Empire Strike Back'?, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Law and Popular Culture: Examples from Colombian Slang and Spanish-Language Radio in the U.S., Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Law and Popular Culture: Examples from Colombian Slang and Spanish-Language Radio in U.S., Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Chronicle of case-law (2000-2009) : the European Court of Human Rights and the protection of patient's data, Jean HERVEG
A European Legal Method? On European Private Law and Scientific Method, Martijn W. Hesselink
A European Legal Method? On European Private Law and Scientific Method, Martijn W. Hesselink
The Common Frame of Reference as a Source of European Private Law, Martijn W. Hesselink
The Consumer Rights Directive and the CFR: Two Worlds Apart?, Martijn W. Hesselink
The New European Legal Culture - Ten Years On, Martijn W. Hesselink
How the CFR Can Improve the Consumer Rights Directive: A Comparison between the Model Rules in the Draft Common Frame of Reference and the European Commission’s Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, Martijn W. Hesselink, Tim Q. Booys de, and Chantal Mak
How the CFR Can Improve the Consumer Rights Directive: A Comparison between the Model Rules in the Draft Common Frame of Reference and the European Commission’s Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, Martijn W. Hesselink, Tim Q. Booys de, and Chantal Mak
Constitutional Aspects of European Private Law: Freedoms, Rights and Social Justice in the Draft Common Frame of Reference, Martijn W. Hesselink, C. Mak, and J.W. Rutgers
Setting the Size of the Supreme Court, F. Andrew Hessick and Samuel P. Jordan
The Fair Tax Fantasy, Hugh Hewitt and Hank Adler
Hate Speech, Public Discourse, and the First Amendment, Steven J. Heyman
Individualized Assessment of Applicants with Convictions, Stacy A. Hickox
Transfer as an Accommodation: Standards from Discrimination Cases and Theory, Stacy A. Hickox
Autonomic and autonomic 'thinking': preconditions for criminal liability, Mireille Hildebrandt