The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
Neuroimaging and Competency to Be Executed after Panetti, Michael L. Perlin
Digital Communications Law, Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Music Markets and Mythologies, Henry H. Perritt
Technologies of Storytelling: New Models for Movies, Henry H. Perritt Jr.
2010 Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Life, Death (Panels), and the Body Politic, Joshua E. Perry
The Protection of Rights Management Information: Modernization or Cup Half Full?, Mark Perry
From Music Tracks to Google Maps: Who Owns Computer-generated Works?, Mark Perry and Thomas Margoni
Legislative Histories and the Practice of Statutory Interpretation in Wyoming, Debora A. Person
Svenskt rättsligt skydd mot säkerhetsrådets beslut [Swedish legal protection against UN Security Council decisions], Vilhelm Persson
Fixing RAM Copies, Aaron K. Perzanowski
In Defense of Intellectual Property Anxiety: A Response to Professor Fagundes, Aaron K. Perzanowski
Unbranding, Confusion & Deception, Aaron K. Perzanowski
“Andre Gide’s The Immoralist: Normality or Abnormality?”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
"Andre Gide's The Immoralist: Normality or Abnormality?", Chien-Yu Kao Peter
“Chivalric Code in ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.'”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
"Chivalric Code in ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.'", Chien-Yu Kao Peter
“The Decadent Writing with Transcendental Spirit: M. P. Shiel’s Prince Zaleski as the Representation of Human’s Free Will.”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
“The Queer Cannot Be Queer But Soul Mate.”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
Lawyers Who Break the Law: What Congress Can Do to Prevent Mental Health Patient Advocates from Violating Federal Legislation, Amanda J. Peters
Book bans are about policing ideas, Jonathan Peters
Michigan Official's Hate Speech Protected by First Amendment, Jonathan Peters
Top 3 New Media Legal Battles of 2010, Jonathan Peters
Losing Face: An Environmental Analysis of Privacy on Facebook, Chris Peterson
The persistence of low expectations in special education law viewed through the lens of therapeutic jurisprduence, Richard Peterson
A Socio-Ecological Analysis of Bio-fuel Production, Sean Peterson
A Socio-Ecological Analysis of Bio-fuel Production, Sean Peterson
The Federal Circuit and Inequitable Conduct: An Empirical Assessment, Lee Petherbridge, Jason Rantanen, and Ali Mojibi
Criminal profiling as expert evidence, Wayne Petherick, David Field, Andrew Lowe, and Elizabeth Fry
Review: Richard Posner, Law and Literature (3rd ed.), Penelope J. Pether
Review: Richard Posner, Law and Literature (3rd ed.), in __ Comparative Critical Studies __ (2010)., Penelope J. Pether
Criminal Law: Cases, Materials, and Strategies (with Neil P. Cohen, David Crump, Laurie L. Levenson, and John Parry), Lexis Publishing (2005) (second edition, forthcoming), Penelope J. Pether
Jus Cogens, markus a. petsche
Jus Cogens as a Vision of the International Legal Order, markus a. petsche
Can The American People, Through Their Legislature, Determine What Remedy Should be Available for Fourth Amendment Violations?, Kevin R. Pettrey
Disabling Able: Why The Virginia Supreme Court Must Address Recent Changes in Narcotics Distribution Law, Kevin R. Pettrey
Beyond the Court of Public Opinion: Military Commissions and the Reputational Pull of Compliance Theory, Keith A. Petty
Beyond the Court of Public Opinion: Military Commissions and the Reputational Pull of Compliance Theory, Keith A. Petty
Professional Responsibility Compliance and National Security Attorneys: Adopting the Normative Framework of Ethical Legal Process, Keith A. Petty
Who Watches the Watchmen? 'Vigilant Doorkeeping,' The Alien Tort Statute, & Possible Reform, Keith A. Petty
Instrumentalizing Jurors: An Argument Against the Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule, Todd E. Pettys
Sodom's Shadow: The Uncertain Line Between Public and Private Morality, Todd E. Pettys
The Vitality of the American Sovereign, Todd E. Pettys
Geographic Variation in Health Care: The Role of Private Markets, Tomas J. Philipson, Seth A. Seabury, Lee M. Lockwood, Dana P. Goldman, and Darius N. Lakdawalla
Brief of Law Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of the Petitioners, Harjo v. Pro-Football Inc., Victoria Phillips and Christine Haight Farley
Reading and Writing Workshop/Road to Law School, Tanya Pierce
Citizens United and the Threat to the Regulatory State, Tamara R. Piety
Academic Freedom and the Courts, Justine Pila
An Australian Copyright Revolution and its Relevance for UK Jurisprudence: IceTV in the light of Infopaq v Danske, Justine Pila
Copyright and its Categories of Original Works, Justine Pila
On the European Requirement for an Invention, Justine Pila
Patents for Genes and Methods of Analysis and Comparison, Justine Pila
The Requirement for an Invention in Patent Law, Justine Pila
Who Owns the Intellectual Property Rights in Academic Work?, Justine Pila
Constitutional Concepts for the Rule of Law: A Vision for the Post-monarchy Judiciary in Nepal, David Pimentel
Legal Pluralism and the Rule of Law: Can Indigenous Justice Survive?, David Pimentel
Rule of Law Reform without Cultural Imperialism: Reinforcing Customary Justice through Collateral Review in Southern Sudan, David Pimentel
Protocolo de Investigación “La flexibilidad en el procedimiento de licitación pública federal de México”, Norma E. Pimentel
Who Let the Dog Out?: On the British Roots of American Bounty Hunting, Brian K. Pinaire
Intermediación directa VS Intermediación indirecta: Retos pendientes, John Pineda Galarza
¿Volviendo al control de precios?, diferenciando entre regulación y supervisión: un enfoque comparativo con la Libre Competencia, John Pineda Galarza and Héctor Figari Costa
Rendition Operations: Does U.S. Law Impose Any Restrictions?, Daniel L. Pines
Por uma teoria da narratologia jurídica: de que modo a teoria literária pode servir à compreensão e crítica do Direito, Douglas Antônio Rocha Pinheiro
Por uma teoria da narratologia jurídica: de que modo a teoria literária pode servir à compreensão e crítica do Direito, Douglas Antônio Rocha Pinheiro
O critério da capacidade econômica na tributação, Julio Pinheiro Faro
Acceso a medicamentos y propiedad intelectual: un conflicto de derechos. Contexto, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Aproximaciones al Análisis Económico del Derecho, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Del Derecho y la Economía al Derecho Económico, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Del Derecho y la Economía al Derecho Económico, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Del Derecho y la Economía al Derecho Económico. Working Paper N. 1, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
El Análisis Económico del Derecho: Una apuesta por una visión incluyente, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Hacía la construcción de las políticas públicas globales: Retos para el Estado Nación de cara a la globalización. Working Paper N. 3, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
La Carrera entre los microbios, los virus y la investigación: Un conflicto de instituciones, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Puntos de encuentro y apoyo de la nueva economía institucional en el análisis de las políticas públicas. Working Paper N. 2, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
A Voice From the Past: Saint Ignatius' Thoughts on the Role of Sacrifice: Impacts Modern Ecclesiology via Church Ministry, Renee A. Pistone
Barriers to Innovative Approaches that Aim to Internationalize American Law & Business School Curriculums, Renee A. Pistone
Case Study: Helping Corporate Board Members Stay Diligent Post-Enron, Renee A. Pistone
Legal Realities: The Fictional Worlds Kafka Creates are Vital to Understanding our Emotions, Renee A. Pistone
Loopholes in Environmental Laws Allow for Incomplete Remediation, Renee A. Pistone
Struggles for Modern Education: Egalitarian Liberalism & Its Quest for Equal Access to Opportunity, Renee A. Pistone
Technology Places Humanity in Shackles Hindering Our Natural Thinking Process, Renee A. Pistone
Writing Center Tutors Have the Luxury to Focus on Individual Student Care Giving as Opposed to Formal Classroom Settings That Are Less Care Centered, Renee A. Pistone
Host's Dilemma: Rethinking EU Banking Regulation in Light of the Global Crisis, Katharina Pistor
Against the Stand-Alone-Cost Test in U.S. Freight Rail Regulation, Russell W. Pittman
The Economics of Railroad “Captive Shipper” Legislation, Russell W. Pittman
Preserving Human Capital: Using the Noncompete Agreement to Achieve Competitive Advantage, Griffin Toronjo Pivateau
Preserving Human Capital: Using The Noncompete Agreement to Achieve Competitive Advantage, Griffin Toronjo Pivateau
El nuevo trato laboral y la mantención del status quo, Sebastián A. Pizarro
The Need to Overrule Mapp v. Ohio, William T. Pizzi
How Much Will BP Really Pay? : The Public Tab, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Learning from Disaster: Lessons for the Future from the Gulf of Mexico, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Legal Perspectives on Oil Spill Liability, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Lessons from Two Gulfs, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Liability Lessons from Deepwater Horizon, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Oil Spill in the Gulf: Assessing the Effects and Policy Implications of Our Nation's Biggest Environmental Disaster, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Oil Spills in Two Gulfs, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Reacting to the BP Experience, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Evolving Public Trust Doctrine, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Exxon Valdez Re-Surfaces in the Gulf of Mexico —Alaska 1989, BP Deepwater Blowout, 2010, and the Hazards of "Centripetal Megasystem Di-Polarity”, Zygmunt J.B. Plater