The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
Rumo a uma Teorização Jurídica da Inovação Financeira: Os Negócios Bancários Indiretos, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Where Do We Come From? Innovation and Regulatory Response in the Banking Industry Before the Crisis, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Pharmaceutical Patent Bargains: The Brazilian Experience, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Daniel Benoliel
Pharmaceutical Patent Bargains: The Brazilian Experience, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Daniel Benoliel
Direito Como Liberdade, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Lucas Mendes
O Imutável Conceito de Direito, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Lucas Mendes
O Juiz como Instituição da Ordem Espontânea, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Lucas Mendes
Research Requirements for New Attorneys: Survey Results and Findings, Patrick Meyer
Power, Exit Costs, and Renegotiation in International Law, Timothy L. Meyer
Brunei's Wawasan 2035, Bryane Michael
Foreign Under-Investment in US Securities and the Role of Relational Capital, Bryane Michael
Issues in Anti-Corruption Law: Drafting Implementing Regulations for Anti-Corruption Conventions in Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Bryane Michael
Saving Ukraine One Block at a Time, Bryane Michael
What Does Kosovo Teach Us About Using Human Rights Law to Prosecute Corruption Offences?, Bryane Michael
Do Customs Trade Facilitation Programmes Help Reduce Customs-Related Corruption?, Bryane Michael, Frank Ferguson, and Alisher Karimov
What Do we Know about Corruption (and Anti-Corruption) in Customs?, Bryane Michael and Nigel Moore
The Size and Structure of Government, Bryane Michael and Maja Popov
RFID Implantable Devices for Humans and the Risk versus Reward Debate: "What are we waiting for?", K. Michael
Stop Social Network Pitfalls, K. Michael
The Road from S. and Marper to the Prüm Treaty and the Implications on Human Rights, K. Michael
On Regulating Location Tracking and Implantable Technology for Non-Medical Applications: The Road Ahead, K. Michael, Roba Abbas, and Anas Aloudat
Microchip Implants and the Consequences of Emerging Technologies, K. Michael and Katherine Albrecht
The Social Implications of Emerging Technologies, Katina Michael
An Interview with Mr Peter Mahy of Howells LLP who represented S and Marper at the European Court of Human Rights, Katina Michael and Peter Mahy
The Social Implications of Sexting and the Australian Privacy Foundation's Stance on the Government's Preliminary Proposal to Filter the Mobile Internet, K. Michael, Will Goodings, and Tineka Everaardt
Implementing Namebers Using Implantable Technologies: The Future Prospects of Person ID, K. Michael and M.G. Michael
The Diffusion of RFID Implants for Access Control and ePayments: Case Study on Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, K. Michael and M.G. Michael
Planetary-scale RFID Services in an Age of Uberveillance, K. Michael, George Roussos, George Q. Huang, Rajit Gadh, Arunabh Chattopadhyay, S Prabhu, and Peter Chu
Towards a State of Uberveillance, M.G. Michael and K. Michael
Uberveillance cements its position as an official dictionary word, M.G. Michael and K. Michael
Restoring Tradition: The Inapplicability of TVA v. Hill's Endangered Species Act Injunctive Relief Standard to Preliminary Injunctive Relief of Non-Federal Actors, Brandon M. Middleton
A Comparative Analysis of Hostile Takeover Regimes in the U.S., U.K., and Japan (With Implications for Emerging Markets), Curtis J. Milhaupt
Creating a Workable Legal Standard for Defining an Independent Contractor, Elizabeth Milito
Anchors Away: Why the Anchoring Effect Suggests That Judges Should Be Able To Participate in Plea Discussions, Colin Miller
Anchors Away: Why the Anchoring Effect Suggests That Judges Should Be Able To Participate in Plea Discussions, Colin Miller
Deal or No Deal: Why Courts Should Allow Defendants to Present Evidence That They Rejected Favorable Plea Bargains, Colin Miller
Forget Privacy: The Warren Court’s Regulatory Revolution in Criminal Procedure, Eric J. Miller
Indecisive Reasons For Action: Socrates, Not Hercules, As Judicial Ideal, Eric J. Miller
Fighting the Culture War as a Neutral Observer: A Profile of Justice Scalia’s Machinations in Lawrence v. Texas, George D. Miller
Congress, Corporate Boards, and Oversight: A Private Law / Public Law Comparison, Paul S. Miller
Balancing Security and Liberty in Germany, Russell A. Miller
Collective Discursive Democracy and International Law Personality for Transnational Enterprises, Russell A. Miller
Opening Up to International Arbitration, Yuval Miller and M. Anderson Berry
Enlightened Shareholder Value. Social Responsibility, and the Redefinition of Corporate Purpose Without Law, David K. Millon
Response, The Still-Elusive Quest to Make Sense of Veil-Piercing, David K. Millon
Perpetuating Ageism via Adoption Standards and Practices, Sara C. Mills
Perpetuating Ageism via Adoption Standards and Practices, Sara C. Mills
Experiential Education and the Rule of Law: Teaching Values through Clinical Education in China, Elliott Milstein
Doubting what the Elders have to say, David Milward
Relational Integrity Regulation: Nudging Consumers Toward Products Bearing Valid Environmental Marketing Claims, Jeffrey J. Minneti
Basic Housing Law in Massachusetts, Alan D. Minuskin
Challenges in Mediating Landlord-Tenant Disputes, Alan D. Minuskin
Drafting Mediated Agreements in Summary Process, Alan D. Minuskin
The Law of Surrogacy, Alan D. Minuskin
It’s All About Timing: Will Karns Impact the IRS Battles over Advance Receipts?, Nicholas A. Mirkay III
Los privilegios laborales bajo la ley 24.522, Gaston Mirkin
Toward a New Law and Economics: The Case of the Stock Market, Lawrence E. Mitchell
Impeding Reentry: Agency and Judicial Obstacles to Longer Halfway House Placements, S. David Mitchell
The Supreme Court's Anti-Retaliation Principle, Richard E. Moberly
Human Rights in Europe: Commentary on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, William Mock and Gianmario Demuro
The Wrong Tool for the Job: The IP Problem with Non-Competition Agreements, Viva R. Moffat
Medical Rights for Same-Sex Couples and Rainbow Families, Anisa Mohanty
‘Allontanarsi dalla linea gialla’: distance and access to urban semiosis, Richard Mohr
Response and responsibilty, Richard Mohr
An Empirical Study of the Effect of KSR v. Teleflex on the Federal Circuit’s Patent Validity Jurisprudence, Ali Mojibi
Cheque cancelatorio. Reflexiones a propósito de la Comunicación a 5130/2010 del Banco Central de la República Argentina., Carlos Molina Sandoval
El control de concentraciones económicas y fusiones en el régimen competitivo argentino, Carlos Molina Sandoval
El orden del día en las asambleas de accionistas, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Los daños punitivos en el derecho argentino, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Pautas de funcionamiento del directorio, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Retribución de los directores en las sociedades comerciales, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Transferencia de fondo de comercio, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Professional Responsibility, James E. Moliterno
Introduction to Law, Law Study, and the Lawyer's Role, James E. Moliterno and Fredric I. Lederer
Italian National Reports to 18th World Congress on Comparative Law, Pier Giuseppe Monateri (ed.)
The Supreme Court's Assault on Litigation: Why (and How) It Could Be Good for Health Law, Abigail R. Moncrieff
PRESENTACIÓN: "Regulación de Riesgos: Una doble aproximación a partir del AED", Daniel Monroy
REGULACIÓN DE RIESGOS: Una doble aproximación a partir del Análisis Económico del Derecho, Daniel Monroy
Good Design: A Proposal for the Proper Protection of Market-Entry Industrial Design, Susanna Monseau
The CRC Theory of Children's Rights: Work in Progres, Tamar Morag
The CRC Theory of Children's Rights: Work in Progress, Tamar Morag
Educación jurídica y Derecho Civil. Una propuesta de Reforma académica, Rómulo Morales
El negocio jurídico entre la codificación civil; y la realidad social y económica, Rómulo Morales Hervias