The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
The international control of illegal drugs and the U.N. treaty regime: Preventing or causing human rights violations?, Daniel P.P. Heilmann Ph.D., LL.M.
Post-Sale Restrictions on Patented Seeds: Which Law Governs?, Rita S. Heimes
Bedingter Tötungsvorsatz bei lebensgefährlichen Handlungen – ein Fallbeispiel (Besprechung von LG Bremen, Urt. vom 16.03.2007 – 24 Ks 210 Js 33203/06), Daniel H. Heinke
Das Deliktphänomen "Tottreten", Daniel H. Heinke
Detterbeck: Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht mit Verwaltungsprozessrecht, 8th Ed., München 2010, Daniel H. Heinke
Gefährlichkeitseinschätzung und Verletzungserwartung beim Deliktphänomen „Tottreten“, Daniel H. Heinke
Göhler (Begr.): Ordnungswidrigkeitengesetz, 15th Ed., München 2009, Daniel H. Heinke
Rechtsgrundlagen des Katastrophenschutzes im Bund-Länder-Gefüge, Daniel H. Heinke
Rechtsmedizinische und kriminologische Aspekte des „Tottretens“, Daniel H. Heinke
Reich: Beamtenstatusgesetz. Kommentar, München 2009, Daniel H. Heinke
Stalking - rechtliche und kriminologische Aspekte, Daniel H. Heinke
Tottreten: Eine kriminalwissenschaftliche Untersuchung, Daniel H. Heinke
Tritte in den Bauch als das Leben gefährdende Behandlung, Daniel H. Heinke
Have Some Standards: How the Sports Agent Profession Should Be Effectively Regulated, Darren A. Heitner
A Law We Don't Need, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Case Update and Analysis: Matter of Nachum Brisman v. Hebrew Academy”, Michael A. Helfand
Speaker, “Fighting for the Debtor’s Soul: Church Autonomy, Religious Arbitration and Bankruptcy’s Automatic Stay”, Michael A. Helfand
The Young Israel Dilemma: Disengagement or Confrontation, Michael A. Helfand
Impact of Estate Tax Repeal on Probate, Terri L. Helge
Transactions Between Nonprofit and For-Profit Organizations, Terri L. Helge
Understand how the Obama Tax Reforms will Impact Your Organization, Terri L. Helge
Have Intellect, Charm, Curiosity, and Courage--Will Travel: A Tribute to Norwood Beveridge, Lawrence K. Hellman
In Appreciation of Judy Morgan, Lawrence K. Hellman
The Perpetual Influence of the Master of the Rule Against Perpetuities: A Tribute to Fred Schwartz, Lawrence K. Hellman
An Overview of Indian Water Rights, Taiawagi Helton
Considerations for Prospective Native American Law Students in Choosing a Law School, Taiawagi Helton
Federal Indian Water Law: Winters, Allotment and the Five Tribes Theory, Taiawagi Helton
U.S. Statutory Protections of Native American Art, Artifacts, and Archaeological Resources: ARPA, NAGPRA, and NHPA, Taiawagi Helton
Making Effective Use of Practitioners' Briefs in the Law School Curriculum, Anna P. Hemingway
The Supreme Court and Traffic Stops: 2008 Term, Craig Hemmens
Criminal Courts: A Contemporary Perspective, Craig Hemmens, David Brody, and Cassia Spohn
Cyberwar und die völkerrechtlichen Grenzen des Internet, Mario Hemmerling
“Fraude académico: comparaciones entre dos universidades colombianas”, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro, Mauricio García Villegas, José Fernando Mejía, and Claudia Lucía Ordóñez
Lost in Transition, DOUGLAS J. HENDERSON
A Debate on Gun Control, Stephen E. Henderson
Arizona Senate Bill 1070, Stephen E. Henderson
Commenter, 2010 Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Stephen E. Henderson
The Fourth Amendment and New Technologies: Computer Searches, Cell Phones, and Location Tracking, Stephen E. Henderson
Do Accounting Rules Matter? The Dangerous Allure of Mark to Market, Todd Henderson
Do Accounting Rules Matter? The Dangerous Allure of Mark to Market, Todd Henderson
Do Accounting Rules Matter? The Dangerous Allure of Mark to Market, Todd Henderson
Insider Trading and CEO Pay, Todd Henderson
Insider Trading and CEO Pay, Todd Henderson
Do Accounting Rules Matter? The Dangerous Allure of Mark to Market, Todd Henderson and Richard Epstein
Do Accounting Rules Matter? The Dangerous Allure of Mark to Market, Todd Henderson and Richard Epstein
International Business Regulation, William H. Henning
Book Review: "Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President's Council on Bioethics, Leslie Meltzer Henry
Deciphering Dignity, Leslie Meltzer Henry
Undesirable Implications of Disclosing Individual Genetic Results to Research Participants, Leslie Meltzer Henry
Antidote: Strategies for Containing America's Runaway Health Care Costs, Leslie Meltzer Henry and M. Gregg Bloche
Playing God: The Legality of Plans Denying Scarce Resources to People with Disabilities in Public Health Emergencies, Wendy F. Hensel and Leslie E. Wolf
An Overview of Caribbean Securities Exchanges, Clifford Chad Henson
Judging CERCLA: an Empirical Analysis of Circuit Court Decision-Making, Clifford Chad Henson
Judging CERCLA: an Empirical Analysis of Circuit Court Decision-Making, Clifford Chad Henson
Beyond the Binary: What Can Feminists Learn from Intersex and Transgender Jurisprudence?, Marybeth Herald
Situation, Frames, and Stereotypes: Cognitive Barriers on the Road to Nondiscrimination, Marybeth Herald
Card Check Labor Certification: Lessons from New York, William A. Herbert
Procedural and Substantive Issues in Employment Retaliation Claims “Whistleblower Jurisdiction”, William A. Herbert
Ahl al Kitab: Mechanisms of Social Cohesion Among Monotheisms of the Iberian Convivencia, shael herman
Lucy v. Adams, SAGE Encyclopedia of African American Education, Armando G. Hernandez
Guantanamo as a 'Legal Black Hole': A Base for Expanding Space, Markets, and Culture, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Guantanamo as Outside and Inside the U.S.: Why is a Base a Legal Anomaly?, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Guantanamo as Subordination: Detainees as Resisting Empire, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Defining Terrorism within International Law and Legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, rahim hesenov
A Toolbox for European Judges, Martijn W. Hesselink
The Concept of Good Faith, Martijn W. Hesselink
The General Principles of Civil Law: Their Nature, Roles and Legitimacy, Martijn W. Hesselink
Towards a Sharp Distinction between B2B and B2C? On Consumer, Commercial and General Contract Law after the Consumer Rights Directive, Martijn W. Hesselink
Just Kids: Baltimore’s Youth in the Adult Criminal Justice System, Wendy Hess
The Invading Waters: Climate Change Dispossession, State Extinction, and International Law, Jared D. Hestetune
The Dark Side of the Force: The Legacy of Justice Holmes for First Amendment Jurisprudence, Steven J. Heyman
The Dark Side of the Force: The Legacy of Justice Holmes for First Amendment Jurisprudence, Steven J. Heyman
The Dark Side of the Force: The Legacy of Justice Holmes for First Amendment Jurisprudence, Steven J. Heyman
The Dark Side of the Force: The Legacy of Justice Holmes for First Amendment Jurisprudence, Steven J. Heyman
Standardizing Liability for Negligent Hiring of Ex-Offenders, Stacy A. Hickox
The Underwhelming Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments, Stacy A. Hickox
Human rights as preconditions for intercultural society, Mireille Hildebrandt
Juridische bescherming 'by design'?, Mireille Hildebrandt
Law at a Crossroads: Losing the Thread of Regaining Control? The Collapse of Distance in Real Time Computing, Mireille Hildebrandt
Privacy en identiteit in slimme omgevingen, Mireille Hildebrandt
Proactive Forensic Profiling: Proactive Criminalization?, Mireille Hildebrandt
Recht en markt: met falen en opstaan, Mireille Hildebrandt
The Indeterminacy of an Emergency: Challenges to Criminal Jurisdiction in Constitutional Democracy, Mireille Hildebrandt
The Meaning and the Mining of Legal Texts, Mireille Hildebrandt
The Challenges of Ambient Law and Legal Protection in the Profiling Era, Mireille Hildebrandt and Bert-Jaap Koops
Bridging the Accountability Gap: Rights for New Entities in the Information Society?, Mireille Hildebrandt, Bert-Jaap Koops, and David-Olivier Jaquet-Chiffelle
Zorg om voorzorg, Mireille Hildebrandt and Roel Pieterman
Peer Editing: A Comprehensive Pedagogical Approach to Maximize Assessment Opportunities, Integrate Collaborative Learning, and Achieve Desired Outcomes, Cassandra L. Hill
The Psychology of Hope: Legal Educators Must Strengthen Students' "Waypower" to Succeed, Cassandra L. Hill
Guest Worker Programs Are No Fix For Our Broken Immigration System: Evidence from the Northern Mariana Islands, Dorothy E. Hill Professor
2010 Supreme Court Review, Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger
Conference Organizer, Anatomy of a Distressed Business, Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger
Important Bankruptcy-Article 9 Issues, Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger
Taxation of Workers in Sweden, Maria Hilling
Emerging Technology and Client Confidentiality: How Changing Technology Brings Ethical Dilemmas, Louise L. Hill