The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
Voluntary Client Testimony As A Privilege Waiver: Is Ohio's Law Caught In A Time Warp?, David B. Alden and Matthew P. Silversten
High Seas Shipwreck Pits Treasure Hunters Against a Sovereign Nation: The Black Swan Case, Kimberly L. Alderman
International Law, State Sovereignty and transboundary waters, Aguinaldo Alemar
Would an Opt In Requirement Stop Class Action Strike Suits and Sweetheart Deals? Evidence from the Fair Labor Standards Act, Charlotte S. Alexander
Property and Community, Gregory S. Alexander and Eduardo Peñalver
"Book Review" of CORPORATIONS AND CITIZENSHIP by Andrew Crane, et al., Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis
After Shame; Before Corporate Moral Obligation (CMO): Ethical Lag and the Credit Crisis, Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis and Steve Pressman
Getting Down to Business: The Work of the State's Littlest Commission", Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis and Michael Rave
International Law Colloquia, Spring 2006 Series, Roger P. Alford, Laura A. Dickinson, Mark A. Drumbl, Karen Knop, Diane Orentlicher, Brad R. Roth, and Edward T. Swaine
المساعــي التشريعيــة نحــو توطيــن العمــل في دولــة الكويــت, Mashael Alhajeri
Measuring Success in Devolved Collaboration, Shahla F. Ali
Resolving Financial Disputes in the Context of Global Civil Justice Reform: Will Court Sponsored Mediation Overtake Litigation?, Shahla F. Ali
Multi-Stakeholder Dispute Resolution: Building Social Capital Through Access to Justice at the Community Level, Shahla F. Ali, William E. Davis, and Joanna Lee
The Future of Financial Dispute Resolution in Hong Kong: Promoting a Comprehensive “Multi-Tier Dispute Resolution System” with reference to the “Lehman Brothers Mediation Scheme”, Shahla F. Ali and John Koon Wang Kwok
Women, Decision Making and Sustainability: Exploring the Experience of the Badi Foundation in China, Shahla F. Ali and Lori M. Noguchi
Comments on the Detention Procedure Assessment Tool Assessment Methodology Manual, Cynthia J. Alkon
Crawford v. Washington Panel Discussion, Cynthia J. Alkon
Kosovo Legal Education Reform Index (LERI), Cynthia J. Alkon
Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic: Rule of Law Development Assistance to Countries in Conflict, Cynthia J. Alkon
Bringing Peace to Darfur and Uganda: A Matter for Sovereign States or the ICC?, Kate Allan Miss
Human Trafficking: Iraq - A Case Study, Ali Allawi
HIGH-STAKES SLEUTHING - What You Should Know About Protecting Your Trade Secrets, Matthew P. Allen
SEC Opens the Door for Climate Change-Related Shareholder Proposals and Disclosure Requirements, with Potential New Liabilities for Public Companies, Matthew P. Allen, Eric Jamison, and Mark J. Bennett
SEC Opens the Door for Climate Change-Related Shareholder Proposals and Disclosure Requirements, With Potential New Liabilites for Public Companies, Matthew P. Allen, Eric M. Jamison, and Mark J. Bennett
Conley as a Special Case of Twombly And Iqbal: Exploring the Intersection of Evidence and Procedure and the Nature of Rules, Ronald Allen
Conley as a Special Case of Twombly And Iqbal: Exploring the Intersection of Evidence and Procedure and the Nature of Rules, Ronald Allen
Conley as a Special Case of Twombly And Iqbal: Exploring the Intersection of Evidence and Procedure and the Nature of Rules, Ronald J. Allen and Alan Guy
how the global crime syndicates fuel planet destruction, Global Alliance
Creating a Table of Contents and a Table of Authorities in a Microsoft Word Document, Jennifer Allison
Discovering Canadian Law, Jennifer Allison
Research Guide: United Nations Legal Materials, Jennifer Allison
The Bavarian State Library (Die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek), Jennifer Allison
The Bluebook: A Guide for Law Students, Jennifer Allison
Counting Victims and Multiplying Counts: Business Robbery, Faux Victims, and Draconian Punishment, Jennifer Allison and Harry M. Caldwell
How a Changing Nation Is Fueling the Rise of Trade Secret Litigation, David S. Almeling
A Statistical Analysis of Trade Secret Litigation in Federal Courts, David S. Almeling, Darin W. Snyder, Michael Sapoznikow, Whitney E. McCollum, and Jill Weader
A Statistical Analysis of Trade Secret Litigation in State Courts, David S. Almeling, Darin W. Snyder, Michael Sapoznikow, Whitney E. McCollum, and Jill Weader
Incrementalism, Civil Unions, and the Possibility of Predicting Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage, Erez Ben Zion Aloni
The Socio-Ethical Considerations Surrounding Government Mandated Location-Based Services during Emergencies: An Australian Case Study, Anas Aloudat and K. Michael
Oklahoma's lethal injection process not fit for animals, Ty Alper
The Role of State Medical Boards in Regulating Physician Participation in Executions, Ty Alper
'Yes They Can': Exposing the Myths About Doctors and Executions, Ty Alper
Changing Tides: A LesserExpectation of Privacy Post 9/11, derek m. Alphran
Ohio Secondary Sources CALI Lesson, Sue M. Altmeyer and Kristina Niedringhaus
Beyond the Sex- Ed Wars: Addressing Disadvantaged Single Mothers’ Search for Community, helen m. alvare
Beyond the Sex- Ed Wars: Addressing Disadvantaged Single Women’s Search for Community, helen m. alvare
Father-Absence, Social Equality, and Social Progress, helen m. alvare
Father-Absence, Social Equality, and Social Progress, helen m. alvare
Obrigações de realizar obras de conservação patrimonial, de acordo com o art. 19 do Decreto-lei 25/1937, Rafael de Oliveira Alves
Operações urbanas em Belo Horizonte: apontamentos sobre as Leis 9952/2010 e 9959/2010, Rafael de Oliveira Alves and Helena Dolabela Pereira
Teratology Primer-2nd Edition (7/9/2010), Sura Alwan; Steven B. Bleyl; Robert L. Brent; Christina D. Chambers; George P. Daston; Elaine M. Faustman; Richard H. Finnell; F. Clarke Fraser; Jan M. Freidman; Adriane Fugh-Berman; John M. Graham, Jr.; Barbara F. Hales; Deborah K. Hansen; Lewis B. Holmes; Ronald D. Hood; Robert J. Kavlock; Thomas B. Knudsen; Joseph Lary; Donald R. Mattison; Richard K. Miller; James L. Mills; Janine E. Polifka; Sonja A. Rasmussen; Bernard Robaire; John M. Rogers; Gary C. Schoenwolf; Anthony R. Scialli; Gary M. Shaw; Amar V. Singh; William Slikker, Jr.; Ann P. Streissguth; Melissa S. Tassinari; Janet Uriu-Adams; Charles V. Vorhees; and Elora J. Weringer
Diversity in laboratory animal science: Issues and initiatives., L Alworth, K L. Ardayfio, A Blickman, L Greenhill, W Hill, P Sharp, P Talmage, V C. Plaut, and M Goren
Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Business Judgment Rule: A Critique In Light of the Financial Meltdown, Todd Aman
Delaware's Freedom of Contract Approach to Limited Liability Companies, Todd M. Aman
Compilador. “Debate Interamericano", Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal
La responsabilidad internacional del Estado por actos no prohibidos en el derecho internacional: una aproximación desde los derechos humanos, Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal
Debate Interamericano 3. Conceptos clave del Sistema Interamericano de Protección de los Derechos Humanos”, Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal and Juana Ines Acosta-LopezDebate Interamericano 3. Conceptos clave del Sistema Interamericano de Protección de los Derechos Humanos”
Final Report: Submitted to the Honorable Jack Markell, Governor, State of Delaware: Independent Review of the Earl Brian Bradley Case, Linda L. Ammons
Negotiating Paths, Creepy Crawly Creatures and Things That Go Bump in the Night: The Cautionary Tale of a Fourth-Year Dean, Linda L. Ammons
Bad Faith in North Carolina Insurance Contracts : A Growing Part of Insurance Practice, Constance A. Anastopoulo
Bad Faith in South Carolina Insurance Contracts : From Tyger River Pine Co. v. Maryland Cas. Co. to Mitchell v. Fortis Ins. Co., Constance A. Anastopoulo
Teaching Privacy in the Age of Octomom: Enhancing Case/Socratic Method with Structured Class Discussion, Constance A. Anastopoulo and Thomas P. Gressette, Jr.
Harmonising and Regulating Financial Markets, Mads Andenas
CALI Ethics for Clinics Tutorials, Alexis Anderson
Co-Presenter, Challenges of Sameness, Alexis Anderson
Taught a class on professional ethics and the legal profession for the visiting law students from Renmin University in Beijing, Alexis Anderson
Co-Presenter, Challenges of Sameness, Alexis Anderson, Maritza Karmely, and Lynn Barenberg
Environmental Law Practice: Problems and Exercises for Skills Development, Jerry L. Anderson and Dennis D. Hirsch
Targeted Killing in U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy and Law, Kenneth Anderson
The Rise of International Criminal Law: Intended and Unintended Consequences, Kenneth Anderson
United Nations Collective Security and the United States Security Guarantee in an Age of Rising Multipolarity: The Security Council as Talking Shop of the Nations, Kenneth Anderson
What NGO Accountability Means - and Does Not Mean, Kenneth Anderson
Expanding Horizons of Risk in Criminology, Leon Anderson and Michelle Brown
3D Seismic and Geophysical "Trespass", Owen L. Anderson
From Summer of Optimism to Summer of Despair, Owen L. Anderson
Subsurface "Trespass": A Man's Subsurface is Not His Castle, Owen L. Anderson
Stays on Appeal, Steven J. Andre
The Transformation of Freedom of Speech: Unsnarling the Twisted Roots of Citizens United v. FEC, Steven J. Andre
The Transformation of Freedom of Speech: Unsnarling the Twisted Roots of Citizens United v. FEC, Steven J. Andre
The Transformation of Freedom of Speech: Unsnarling the Twisted Roots of Citizens United v. FEC, Steven J. Andre
Statistical Evidence on the Gender Gap in Law Firm Partner Compensation, Marina Angel, Eun Young Whang, Rajiv Banker, and Joseph F. Lopez
Non-Compactness and Voter Exchange; Towards a Constitutional Cure for Gerrymandering, Shlomo Angel
Monitoring Managers Through Corporate Compliance Programs, Charles Angelucci and Martijn Han
Tolerance and Rule of Law: Lessons from Imperial Governance, SEONGJO AN
Tolerance and Rule of Law: Lessons from Imperial Governance, SEONGJO AN
Tolerance and Rule of Law: Lessons from Imperial Governance, SEONGJO AN
The Pinkerton Problem, Bruce A. Antkowiak
Antarctic Whaling: Australia's Attempt to Protect Whales in the Southern Ocean, Donald K. Anton
False Sanctuary: the Australian Antarctic Whale Sanctuary and Long-Term Stability in Antarctica, Donald K. Anton
The Essential Facilities Doctrine Before European Community Courts: Ostracised or Expanded?, Anastasios A. Antoniou
Education for the Law: Reflective Education for the Law, Filippa M. Anzalone
Ghana's Extended Continental Shelf and Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf under Article 76 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982, Lawrence Apaalse and Edwin E. Egede
Insider Trading as Misfeasance: The Yielding of the Fiduciary Requirement, Joanna B. Apolinsky
Ghosts in the Postmodern Family, annette appell