The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Cuando el cálculo político sofoca al Derecho, Eduardo Mayora
Divorcio y sensibilidad por derecho, Eduardo Mayora
El Romanticismo Político de los Guatemaltecos, Eduardo Mayora
Los verdes y el sistema de justicia, Eduardo Mayora
¿Para qué sirve una Constitución?, Eduardo Mayora
Race, Colorblindness and Equality in Recent Supreme Court Jurisprudence: Assessing an Evolving Standard, Steven V. Mazie
The meaning of community-rehabilitation for schizophrenia patients in Israel, Uri Mazor and Israel Doron Dr.
Copyright and Educational Uses: the Unbearable Case of Italian Law from a European and Comparative Perspective, Giuseppe Mazziotti
New Licensing Models for Online Music Services in the European Union: From Collective to Customized Management, Giuseppe Mazziotti
My Childhood and A Trip to Nigeria, Jacqueline McAllister
Consulting the Architect when Problems Arise – The Divine Law, Brian M. McCall
The Corporation as Imperfect Society, Brian M. McCall
Panel III: NCAA as a Commercial Enterprise, Michael McCann, Joseph P. Liu, and Jon Wertheim
Taxing Family Work: Aid for Affluent Husband Care, Martha T. McCluskey
Taxing Family Work: Aid for Affluent Husband Care, Martha T. McCluskey
Recalcitrant Vessels: In Search of Justifications for Compelled Medical Care of Pregnant Women, Carolyn A. McConnell
The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: A Legal Primer to an Emerging International Regime, co-authored with Dr Moiram McConnell and Dominick Devlin, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, May 2011., Moira L. McConnell, Dominick Devlin, and Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
Calibrating divergence times on species tree versus gene trees: Implications for speciation history of Aphelocoma jays, John E. McCormack, Joseph Heled, Kathleen S. Delaney, A. Townsend Peterson, and L. Lacey Knowles
Bankruptcy Trustee Liability: Is There a Method in the Madness, Elizabeth McCullough
The Criminalization of the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Providing a Statutory Regime to Criminalize and Prosecute Nuclear Weapons Proliferators., Patrick A. McDade
Enforcing the Enforcer: Enhancing the FBI’s Accountability for the Use of National Security Letters, Joshua C. McDaniel
The Carnegie Report and Legal Writing: Does the Report Go Far Enough?, Lisa McElroy, Christine Nero Coughlin, and Deborah S. Gordon
The Myth of Supplemental Jurisdiction over Permissive Counterclaims, Douglas D. McFarland
Opening the Industry Playbook: Myths and Truths in the Debate over BPA Regulation, Thomas McGarity, Rena I. Steinzor, Matthew Shudtz, and Lena Pons
Generation X in Law School: The Dying of the Light or The Dawn of a New Day, Tracy L. McGaugh
Pedagogic Techniques: Using Collaborative Writing Technology to Teach Contract Drafting, Tracy L. McGaugh
Cultural Wars, Then and Now, Richard McGowan
Ethics of Collaboration, Richard McGowan, Matthew K. McGowan, and Garrett J. McGowan
A Framework for Analyzing Information Flows in Public Policy Decision-making: A Move Towards Building Sustainable Policy Instruments, Chad J. McGuire
The Nonexistence of Sustainability in International Maritime Shipping: Issues For Consideration, Chad J. McGuire and Helen Perivier
How Does It Feel To Be the Problem: White graduate students experiences with racial tension., Keon M. McGuire, Jonathan Berhanu, Connie Chang, and Charles H.F. Davis III
Innovation and Effectiveness in Multilateral Treaty Practice: The Role of the Emerging Developmental Model, Thomas F. McInerney
The Yang Obeys, But the Yin Ignores: Copyright Law and Speech Suppression in the People's Republic of China, Stephen J. McIntyre
Student Affairs Program Evaluation: A Factor Analytic Solution, Oscar T. McKnight
A Primer For Economic Development Directors and Other Social Entrepreneurs: Using 'CASH' As a Management Practice, Oscar T. McKnight, Ronald Paugh, Aaron McKnight, and Melinda Belden
Exploring the First Amendment Rights of Teens in Relationship to Sexting and Censorship, Julia Halloran McLaughlin
Exporting U.S. Criminal Justice, Allegra M. McLeod
Cutting across media : appropriation art, interventionist collage, and copyright law, Kembrew McLeod
Media Pranks: A Three-Act Essay, Kembrew McLeod
On Pranks, Kembrew McLeod
Creative license - the law and culture of digital sampling, Kembrew McLeod and P. DiCola
Honest Services Update: Director's Liability Concerns After Skilling and Black, Lori A. McMillan
Civil Disobedience and the Lawyer’s Obligation to the Law, Judith A. McMorrow
Law and Lawyers in the U.S.: The Hero-Villain Dichotomy, Judith A. McMorrow
Professional Responsibility in an Uncertain Profession: Legal Ethics in China, Judith A. McMorrow
The Advocate as Witness: Understanding Context, Culture and Client, Judith A. McMorrow
The Moral Responsibility of the Corporate Lawyer, Judith A. McMorrow
The Moral Responsibility of the Corporate Lawyer, Judith A. McMorrow and Luke M. Scheuer
ALIMONY: What Social Science and Popular Culture Tell Us about Women, Guilt and Spousal Support after Divorce, Judith G. McMullen
Content Management Systems and the Degradation of Intellectual Work in the 21st Century, Michael McNally
Supporting Alternative Incentive Mechanisms for Digital Content: A Comparison of Canadian and US Policy, Michael B. McNally
Towards a Political Ontology of Intellectual Goods, Michael B. McNally
Mobilizing User-Generated Content for Canada’s Digital Content Advantage, Michael McNally, Caroline Whippey, and Lola Wong
Information Failures in Structured Finance and Dodd'Frank's "Improvements to the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies", Steven R. McNamara
The Federal Protective Power and Targeted Killing of U.S. Citizens, Greg McNeal
The Status Quo Bias and Counterterrorism Detention, Greg McNeal
The U.S. Practice of Collateral Damage Estimation and Mitigation, Greg McNeal
Administrative Agency Litigation, Christopher B. McNeil
Developing a World Vision: An Introduction to International Environmental Policy, Beverly McQueary Smith
Ethics, The Legacy of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Movement Toward Environmental Justice, Beverly McQueary Smith
The Imposition of the Death Penalty in the United States of America: Does it Comply with International Norms?, Beverly McQueary Smith
For Carrying into Execution the Foregoing Powers: Interpretative Theories of the Necessary and Proper Clause in Light of United States v. Comstock, Marianella Medelius
For Carrying Into Execution the Foregoing Powers: Interpretative Theories of the Necessary and Proper Clause in Light of United States v. Comstock, Marianella Medelius
FOR CARRYING INTO EXECUTION THE FOREGOING POWERS. Interpretative Theories of the Necessary and Proper Clause in Light of United States v. Comstock, Marianella Medelius
The Invisible Man: How The Sex Offender Registry Results In Social Death, Elizabeth B. Megale
The Invisible Man: How the Sex Offender Registry Results in Social Death, Elizabeth B. Megale
Resume, Michele L. Mekel
Juvenile and Family Violence Issues, April Meldrum
¿Viva la Data Protection? Chile as a Touchstone for the Future of Information Privacy, Nicola C. Menaldo
America Giveth, and America Taketh Away: The Fate of Article 9 after the Futenma Base Dispute, Allen P. Mendenhall
America Giveth, and America Taketh Away: The Fate of Article 9 after the Futenma Base Dispute, Allen P. Mendenhall
"Flourishing and Synthesis" (review essay), Allen P. Mendenhall
Holmes and Dissent, Allen P. Mendenhall
Holmes and Dissent, Allen P. Mendenhall
Holmes and Dissent, Allen P. Mendenhall
'Mass of Madness': Jurisprudence in E.M. Forster's A Passage to India, Allen P. Mendenhall
Shakespeare's Place in Law-and-Literature, Allen P. Mendenhall
Transnational Law: An Essay in Definition with a Polemic Addendum, Allen P. Mendenhall
The untapped potential of alternative markets, Jose Miguel Mendoza
Definition of “Publication", Peter Menell and D Nimmer
The Historic Right of Publication, Peter Menell and D Nimmer
The Distribution Right, Peter Menell and D. Nimmer
STANDING AT THE CROSSROADS: A Review of the Novel Issues of Standing at Play in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, Natasha Mennecke
The Use and Abuse of Patent Reexamination: Sham Petitioning Before the USPTO, Raymond A. Mercado
Justifying Intellectual Property, Robert P. Merges
Trademarks, Unfair Competition, and Business Torts, Robert P. Merges, Barton Beebe, Thomas Cotter, Mark A. Lemley, and Peter S. Menell
Software & Internet Law, Robert P. Merges, Mark S. Lemley, Peter S. Menell, Pamela Samuelson, and Brian W. Carver
Software & Internet Law, Robert P. Merges, Mark S. Lemley, Peter S. Menell, Pamela Samuelson, and Brian W. Carver
Mr. Justice Horace Gray: Judicial Philosophy and Supreme Court Jurisprudence, Nick John Peter Meros
A Clarification of the Constitution’s Application Abroad: Making the "Impracticable and Anomalous" Standard More Practicable and Less Anomalous, Jesse R. Merriam
Painting Black Spaces Red, Black, and Green: The Constitutionality of the Mural Movement, Jesse R. Merriam
The Stoics and Legal Conservatives: Strange Bedfellows or Just Strange Fellows?, Jesse R. Merriam
Overcoming CFIUS Jitters: A Practical Guide for Understanding the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, Margaret L. Merrill
Toward a Compassionate Solution: The UNHCR Guidance Note and Asylum for Parents of Female Genital Mutilation Vulnerable Children, Jennifer Mesko
A III. világháború küszöbén (At the Threshold of World War 3), Milan Meszaros physicist