The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Alternative Learning Formats in a Land Use Seminar, Michael E. Lewyn
Alternative Learning Formats in a Land Use Seminar, Michael E. Lewyn
Judaism and Sprawl, Michael E. Lewyn
Regulated Into Automobile Dependence: How City Hall Mandates Sprawl and What Planners Can Do About It, Michael E. Lewyn
Sprawl in Canada and the United States (powerpoint), Michael E. Lewyn
What Would Coase Do?, Michael E. Lewyn
Validity and structure of a self-report measure of youth psychopathy, Frances J. Lexcen, Gina M. Vincent, and Thomas Grisso
Outlook for the Establishment of China’s International Board, Tao Liang
SAIC Confirmed the Regime of Debt-for-Equity Swap, Tao Liang
Start Your Financial Leasing Business in China, Tao Liang
Evolution of the right to remain silent in Mexico, Renee C. Licona
Public Forum 2.0, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Bentham on Codification, David Lieberman
Intervention and Consent: Consensual Forcible Interventions in Internal Armed Conflicts as International Agreements, Eliav Lieblich
Message concernant l’adoption d’une loi sur l’assistance administrative fiscale (LAAF), Fabien LIEGEOIS
El Uso de Nuevas Tecnologías en el Sistema Judicial: experiencias y precauciones, Ricardo Lillo
Absolute Immunity for Sovereign Debtors in Hong Kong, Chin Leng Lim
East Asia’s Engagement with Cosmopolitan Ideals Under its Trade Treaty Dispute Provisions, Chin Leng Lim
On Free Trade and the Post-American World, Chin Leng Lim
State Immunity in Post-Handover Hong Kong, Chin Leng Lim
The Politics of Competing Jurisdictional Claims in WTO and RTA Disputes, Chin Leng Lim and Henry S. Gao
Economic Diplomacy: Essays and Reflections by Singapore's Negotiators, Chin Leng Lim and Margaret Liang
Chinese Independent Director Mechanism under the Changing Macro Political-Economic Settings, Chien-Chung Lin
Rule of Law for Whom? Strengthening the Rule of Law as a Solution to Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ryan S. Lincoln
Disposable Victims: How the TVPA Fails to Protect Victims of Human Trafficking, Amanda Lindberg-Aganga
International Legal Hierarchy Revisited: The Status of Obligations Erga Omnes, Ulf Linderfalk
The Application of International Legal Norms Over Time: The Second Branch of Intertemporal Law, Ulf Linderfalk
The Creation of Jus Cogens: Making Sense of Article 53 of the Vienna Convention, Ulf Linderfalk
The Many Functions of International Legal Conceps, Ulf Linderfalk
Remissvar: till betänkandet SOU 2010:72 Folkrätt i väpnad konflikt - svensk tolkning och tillämpning, Ulf Linderfalk, Gregor Noll, Matilda Arvidsson, and Britta Sjöstedt
Holding Schools Accountable for their Sex-ed Curricula, Rena M. Lindevaldsen
Only One Mommy: A Woman's Battle for Her Life, Her Daughter, and Her Freedom, Rena M. Lindevaldsen
Same-sex Relationships and the Full Faith and Credit Clause: Reducing America to the Lowest Common Denominator, Rena M. Lindevaldsen
Code Compliance Enforcement in the Mortgage Crisis, Kermit J. Lind
Trusts as Institutions in China's Financial Markets, Eric Linge
Trusts as Institutions in China’s Financial Markets, Eric Linge
End Farm Subsidies & Make Agriculture Sustainable, Baylen J. Linnekin
Mopping Up the Raw-Milk Mob, Baylen J. Linnekin
Diffusion Through Democracy, Katerina Linos
Overseeing Controlling Shareholders: Do Independent Directors Constrain Tunneling in Taiwan?, Yu-Hsin Lin
Just a Matter of Fairness: Tax Consequences of the Revised Community Property Treatment of California Registered Domestic Partners, Francine J. Lipman
The "Illegal Tax", Francine J. Lipman
Cyberlaw 2.0, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Who Are Refugees?, Matthew J. Lister
Readers' Copyright, Jessica Litman
Creditor Rights and Corporate Risk-Taking, Lubomir P. Litov, Yakov Amihud, and Viral Acharya
Coerced Debt: An Empirical Examination of the Role Consumer Credit in Domestic Violence, Angela K. Littwin
A Swift Retreat from States Rights: The Shady Opinion in Shady Grove, Lisa Litwiller
The Not So Great Wall of China: Intellectual Property Enforcement Issues March On in the People’s Republic, Anna K. Liu
The Not So Great Wall of China: Intellectual Property Enforcement Issues March On in the People’s Republic, Anna K. Liu
Chevron as a Doctrine of Hard Cases, Frederick Liu
The Meaning of Religious Symbols after the Grand Chamber Judgment in Lautsi v. Italy, Hin-yan Liu
Copyright Law's Theory of the Consumer, Joseph P. Liu
Sports Merchandizing, Publicity Rights, and the Missing Role of the Sports Fan, Joseph P. Liu
The New Public Domain, Joseph P. Liu
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A. for 2011-15, Joseph P. Liu
Owning Digital Copies: Copyright Law and the Incidents of Copy Ownership, Joseph P. Liu
Regulatory Copyright, Joseph P. Liu
Third-Party and Copyright ISP Liability in the U.S.: Recent Developments, Joseph P. Liu
Toward a Defense of Fair Use Enablement, or How U.S. Copyright Law is Hurting My Daughter, Joseph P. Liu
Hazard in the Courtroom: Moral Hazard's Ability to Explain an Insured's Behavior and What It Means for Federal Rules of Evidence Rule 411, Jared S. Livingston
Invasion Contracts: The Privacy Implications of Terms of Use Agreements in the Online Social Media Setting, Jared S. Livingston
Avi's Story: A Day in the Life of a Middle-Tier (But In All Other Respects Outstanding) Law Professor, Michael A. Livingston
Tutela de los Intereses Difusos " Desde una perspectiva ambientalista", Jorge Rolando Llanos Garcia
Women as a Particular Social Group: A Comparative Assessment of Gender Asylum Claims in the United States and United Kingdom, Bethany C. Lobo
Ethically Impossible: STD Research in Guatemala, 1946-1948, Paul A. Lombardo
From Better Babies to the Bunglers: Eugenics on Tobacco Road, Paul A. Lombardo
Finding Room for Fairness in Formalism--The Sliding Scale Approach to Unconscionability, Melissa T. Lonegrass
RCW 82.04.294: Washington’s Failing Attempt to Attract Manufacturers and Wholesalers of Solar Energy Components, Adam R. Long
Trade Secrets and Traditional Knowledge: Strengthening International Protection of Indigenous Innovation, Doris E. Long
Unitorriality': Trademarks, Territory and Sovereignty in the 21st Century, Doris E. Long
Global Copyright in the Digital Age (Digital), Doris E. Long
International Art Law: Challenges for the 21st Century (Digital), Doris E. Long
International Intellectual Property in Today’s Global, Digital World (Digital), Doris E. Long
Checking the Staats: How Long is Too Long to Give Adequate Public Notice in Broadening Reissue Patent Applications?, David M. Longo
Law in High Heels: Performativity, Alterity, and Aesthetics, Monica Lopez Lerma
Immigration Law Spanish- Style II: A Study of Spain’s Voluntary Immigrant Return Plan and Circular Migration, Maria P. Lopez
Elementos para la sostenibilidad de la garantía del derecho al agua en Colombia, Julián Daniel López Murcia
Entrevista en hecha por Daniel Mera V., Julián Daniel López Murcia
Superación de la "trampa de los malos servicios públicos " en Colombia, Julián Daniel López Murcia
Business Law and the Legal Environment of Business, 2nd edition, Victor D. Lopez
O Passado e o Futuro Financeiro dos Estados Unidos da America: O Experimentalismo Americano sem o Excepcionalismo Americano, Tamara Lothian
RETHINKING FINANCE THROUGH LAW: A Theoretical Perspective, Tamara Lothian
The Past and Future of American Finance: American Experimentalism without American Exceptionalism, Tamara Lothian
Crisis, Slump, Superstition and Recovery: Thinking and acting beyond vulgar Keynesianism, Tamara Lothian and Roberto Mangabeira Unger
40 Years Later, The State Constitution Still Works, Ann M. Lousin
Darrow's Dream: Ending the Death Penalty, Ann M. Lousin
Drawing Congressional Distrcits, Ann M. Lousin
How the U.S. Constitution Caused the Civil War, Ann M. Lousin
Judicial independence in an era of accountability, Ann M. Lousin