The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Avatar Experimentation: Human Subjects Research in Virtual Worlds, Joshua A.T. Fairfield
Avatar Experimetnation: Human Subjects Research in Virtual Worlds, Joshua A.T. Fairfield
Mixed Reality: How the Laws of Virtual Worlds Govern Everyday Life, Joshua A.T. Fairfield
Hitting the Wall as a Legal Writer, Elizabeth Fajans
Images of the Arab World and Middles East— Debates About Development and Regional Integration, Michael Fakhri
Reconstruing WTO Legitimacy Debates, Michael Fakhri
Reconstruing WTO Legitimacy Debates, Michael Fakhri
The 1937 International Sugar Agreement: Neo-Colonial Cuba and Economic Aspects of the League of Nations, Michael Fakhri
Funding Stem Cell Research: The Convergence of Science, Religion & Politics in the Formation of Public Health Policy, Edward A. Fallone
A Broader View of the U.S. Immigration Adjudication Problem, Jill E. Family
Beyond Decisional Independence: Uncovering Contributors to the Immigration Adjudication Crisis, Jill E. Family
Murky Immigration Law and the Challenges Facing Immigration Removal and Benefits Adjudication, Jill E. Family
Rascals, Scoundrels, Villains and Knaves: The Evolution of the Law of Piracy from Ancient Times to the Present, Rebecca M. Fantauzzi
A Typical Day of Environmental Suits, Daniel A. Farber
“Cadenzas” Constitucionais, Daniel A. Farber
Changing Property, Changing Climate, Daniel A. Farber
Clean Technology: Challenges for the Legal System and Legal Education, Daniel A. Farber
Issues of Scale in Climate Governance,, Daniel A. Farber
Legal Guidelines for Cooperation Between the EU and American State Governments, Daniel A. Farber
State Climate-Change Regulation: Will It Survive the Federal Challenge?, Daniel A. Farber
The Court Revisits Preemption, Daniel A. Farber
The UNCC as a Model for Climate Compensation,, Daniel A. Farber
White Paper, Making Good Use of Adaptive Management, Daniel A. Farber and Holly Doremus
White Paper, Making Good Use of Adaptive Management, Daniel A. Farber and Holly Doremus
The World Bank Group Sanctions Process and its Recent Reforms, Frank Fariello and Anne-Marie Leroy
Targeting Anwar al-Aulaqi: A Case Study in U.S. Drone Strikes and Targeted Killings, Benjamin R. Farley
Clinical Legal Education and the Public Interest in Intellectual Property Law, Christine Haight Farley, Peter A. Jaszi, Joshua D. Sarnoff, Ann Shalleck, and Victoria F. Phillips
The Collateral Imprisonment of Afghan Children: An Obstacle to Building the Afghan State, malalai farooqi
Civil Justice, Privatization and Democracy, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Public Nuisance at the Crossroads: Policing the Intersection Between Statutory Primacy and Common Law, Richard O. Faulk
Uncommon Law: Ruminations on Public Nuisance, Richard O. Faulk
A Political Question: Public Nuisance, Climate Change and the Courts, Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
Defendants Win "Round One" of Climate Change Litigation in United States Supreme Court, Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
Public Nuisance at the Crossroads: Policing the Intersection Between Statutory Primacy and Common Law, Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
Artificial Photosynthesis: Feeding and Fuelling the Future, Thomas A. Faunce
Global Artificial Photosynthesis: A Scientific and Legal Introduction., Thomas A. Faunce
Governing Nanotechnology for Solar Fuels: Towards a Jurisprudence of Global Artificial Photosynthesis, Thomas A. Faunce
Will International Trade Law Promote or Inhibit Global Artificial Photosynthesis, Thomas A. Faunce
Arreglos institucionales de los órganos de mejora regulatoria: una propuesta de reforma para la Cofemer, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Autotransporte transfronterizo, ¿apertura al fin?, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Cassez y el Convenio de Estrasburgo, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Chatarra regulatoria, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
¿Cómo se determina una expropiación indirecta bajo tratados internacionales en materia de inversión?, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Competencia, ¿el caldo o las albóndigas?, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Disparos de salva, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Equivalencias...¿equivalencia jurídica?, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Gol de la Cofetel, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
IED, telefonía fija y reciprocidad: los absurdos, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Iniciativa anticorrupción, ¿paso firme?, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Interconexión, bases legales desconectadas, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Ley Antimonopolios: la secuela, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Lucha de gigantes, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Mancha en la reforma de competencia, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Topes a la IED, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
Mediator Qualification Regulations and the 2008 EU Mediation Directive: A Necessity or An Impediment ?, Ashley Feasley
The DREAM Act and the Right to Equal Educational Opportunity: An Analysis of, Ashley Feasley
Climate Policy Coherence and Border Adjustment Regulation: Clarifying the Debate, Donald Feaver and Benedict Sheehy
The Guilty Plea and Appellate Review in Criminal Cases in the United States, Malcolm M. Feeley
Academic Copyright in the Publishing Game: A Contest Perspective, Eberhard Feess and Marc Scheufen
The Plus One Policy: An Autonomous Model of Family Reunification, Jessica R. Feinberg
A Review of Amendment 16 to the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan, Jonathon N. Feinberg and Chad J. McGuire
Reforming Adult Felony Probation to Ease Prison Overcrowding: An Overview of California S.B. 678, Jessica K. Feinstein
Whose Body Is It Anyway? Human Cells and the Strange Effects of Property and Intellectual Property Law, Robin C. Feldman
The Giants Among Us, Robin C. Feldman and Thomas Ewing
Conservative Eras in Supreme Court Decision Making: Employment Division v. Smith, Judicial Restraint, and Neoconservatism, Stephen M. Feldman
Working the Crowd: Employment and Labor Law in the Crowdsourcing Industry, Alek L. Felstiner
Failed Exactions, Mark Fenster
The Ancient and Honorable Court of Dover: Mock Trials, Fraternal Orders, and Solemn Foolery in Nineteenth-Century New York State, Angela Fernandez
The Ancient and Honorable Court of Dover: Mock Trials, Fraternal Orders, and Solemn Foolery in Nineteenth-Century New York State, Angela Fernandez
Contratos de Crédito Bancário e Exigibilidade Antecipada [Credit agreements and acceleration], Bruno Ferreira
D. Joaquín Garrigues: Mestre dos mercantilistas espanhóis, Bruno Ferreira
Restructuring in Portugal: a fresh start, Bruno Ferreira
“The law of corporate restructuring and insolvency in Portugal: a brief introduction from a financial creditor’s perspective", Bruno Ferreira
7 (Hipó)teses sobre o Facebook, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
A Constituição em Perigo, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
A Constituição em Perigo, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
A Constituição Laboral em Alto Risco, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
A Pessoa, o Político e o Cientista em Direito Constitucional, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Biblioteca Aberta, Jornal Positivo, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Concretizar a Constituição, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Constituição e Utopia. E o Exemplo da Constituição Basileira de 1988, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Constituição, Polícia da Dívida?, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Crise & Democracia, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Crítica da Razão Jurídica, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Crítica da Razão Jurídica, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Cultura constitucional & revisões constitucionais, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
De Keynes aos Desafios Futuros, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Desafios Constitucionais, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Desafios Constitucionais, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Direito e Poder em Nietzsche, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Direito pensado, sentido e vivido em L. A. Warat, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Direitos, Trabalho, Ócio e Felicidade, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Entrelinhas Políticas, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Fernando Pessoa, Hermenêutica Jurídica e Retórica, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Filosofia e Constituição. Simbolismo das Origens. A Lição de Brotero, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Identidade e Atraso, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha