The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Matevosyan NR. Periodontal disease and perinatal outcomes.
Matevosyan NR. Periodontal disease and perinatal outcomes.
Matevosyan NR. Schizophrenia and Stein–Leventhal syndrome: comorbidity features
Matevosyan NR. Schizophrenia and Stein–Leventhal syndrome: comorbidity features
Neo-Traditional Salafi Qur’an-Sunna Hermeneutics and Its Interpretational Implications
Neo-Traditional Salafi Qur’an-Sunna Hermeneutics and Its Interpretational Implications
States of Passion: Law, Identity, and the Social Construction of Desire
Regulatory Overlap, Overlapping Legal Fields, and Statutory Discontinuities, Todd S. Aagaard
Statement of David E. Aaronson in Support of HB 1075 to Repeal the Death Penalty, David Aaronson
Safeguarding or cleaning up democratic transitions? Judicial activism in Spain., Antoni Abad i Ninet
Emerging Forms of Covert Surveillance Using GPS-Enabled Devices, Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, M.G. Michael, and Anas Aloudat
Emerging Forms of Covert Surveillance Using GPS-Enabled Devices, Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, M.G. Michael, and Anas Aloudat
An Inside Look at How Indiana Educrats Expand a Federal Law, Jeff Abbott
A Risky Act - The FWCS Bond Issue, Jeff Abbott
Courting Failure: How School Finance Lawsuits Exploit Judges' Good Intentions and Harm Our Children, Jeff Abbott
Freedom Schools: A Third Dimension to the Upcoming Debate over the Consolidation of Indiana Government Schools, Jeff Abbott
School Construction Question: Can Community Afford It?, Jeff Abbott
Shifting Money to the Indiana Classroom, Jeff Abbott
THE BRIGHT: Government Schools, Jeff Abbott
Theories in Support of Teacher and Principal Empowerment as Proposed by the Freedom School Model of School governance, Jeff Abbott
Theories in Support of Teacher and Principal Empowerment as Proposed by the Freedom School Model of School Governance, Jeff Abbott
The Politicians Still Don’t Get It: The Corruption of Public Education, Jeff Abbott
WHITE PAPER: Projected Savings from School Reform, Jeff Abbott
Will Your School Corporation’s Debt Exceed Capacity?, Jeff Abbott
Yes, Indy Schools are Broken, But They’re Not the Only Ones, Jeff Abbott
Constructing a University/Public School Partnership: Scholar-Practitioner Pursuits., Jeff Abbott and Barry Kanpol
Duties and Liabilities of Corporate Managers under Argentine Law, Martin Eugenio Abdala Prof. Dr.
Spatial Distribution of Commercial Banks in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria, I B. Abdullahi, M A. Ijaiya, A Abdulraheem, R I. Abdulkadir, and R O. Ibrahim
Role of Agents in Migration to Malaysia., Dr Rohani Abdul Rahim and Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -
Immigration and Social Solidarity in a Time of Crisis: The Welfare State and Integration, David Abraham
Professor Janet Spragens: In Memory of a Friend, In Celebration of an Idea, Nancy S. Abramowitz
Thinking About Conflicting Gravitational Pulls LITCS: The Academy and the IRS, Nancy S. Abramowitz
Accreditation Expands Law School's Role in Community, Andy Abrams
Fannie and Freddie Flipped: A Backwards Induction Analysis of the GSEs' Meltdowns, Charles J. Abrams
Introduction: The Distinctive Energies of 'Normal Science', Kathryn Abrams
Selecting Mediators and Representing Clients in Cross-Cultural Disputes, Harold Abramson
Administrative Procedures for Resolving Complex Policy Questions: A Proposal for Proof Dissection, Harold I. Abramson
A Primer on Resolving Disputes: Lessons From Alternative Dispute Resolution, Harold I. Abramson
Mediation Representation, Harold I. Abramson
Mediation Representation, Harold I. Abramson
Mediation Representation, Harold I. Abramson
Mining Mediation Rules for Representation Opportunities and Obstacles, Harold I. Abramson
Problem-Solving Advocacy in Mediations, Harold I. Abramson
Regulating the Regulators in New York State: Part I, Harold I. Abramson
Regulating the Regulators in New York State, Part II: The Office of Business Permits and Regulatory Assistance, Harold I. Abramson
Integrated Eastern states water management: borrowing from the Coastal Zone Management Act, Robert H. Abrams
Copyright and the Vagueness Doctrine, Bradley E. Abruzzi
Changing the People: Legal Regulation and American Democracy, Tabatha Abu El-Haj
On the Judicial Interest Rate: A Comparative Law and Economics Perspective, Hugo A. Acciarri and Nuno Garoupa
Social Norms and Behavior. An experiment on the influence of social norms on the choices involved in the Ultimatum Game, Hugo Acciarri, Andrea Castellano, and Fernando Tohme
Fórmulas Empleadas por la Jurisprudencia Argentina Para Cuantificar Indemnizaciones por Incapacidades y Muertes, Hugo Acciarri and Matias Irigoyen Testa
ICJ's Kosovo Decision: Economical Reasoning of Law and Question of Legitimacy of the Court, Upendra Acharya
El Project finance. Una aproximación a la luz de la teoría de los contratos coligados, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo and Rocio de Lily Llanos Navarro
Análisis de la reforma constitucional en derechos humanos, Jorge Adame Goddard
Análisis de la sentencia de la Suprema Corte que valida el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, Jorge Adame Goddard
Análisis del proyecto de reforma constitucional en derechos humanos, Jorge Adame Goddard
Deberes del oficio universitario, Jorge Adame Goddard
El proyecto de sentencia contra la vida de los no nacidos, Jorge Adame Goddard
La acción política de los católicos y los obispos, Jorge Adame Goddard
La guerra y la paz, Jorge Adame Goddard
La Navidad, un encuentro con Jesús, Jorge Adame Goddard
La reforma sobre derechos humanos vulnera la soberanía local, Jorge Adame Goddard
Las guerras que producen paz, Jorge Adame Goddard
La supuesta inconstitucionalidad de la protección de la vida del no nacido, Jorge Adame Goddard
Por qué no debe aprobarse la reforma sobre derechos humanos, Jorge Adame Goddard
Por una educación sexual con principios éticos, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿Pueden los senadores aprobar una reforma constitucional sin conocer su contenido?, Jorge Adame Goddard
Resultados 1a vuelta junio 2011, Jorge Adame Goddard
Resultados examen, junio 1911, Jorge Adame Goddard
Spoliation of Evidence: Sanctions versus Advocacy, Charles Adams
Contract Law: Trends and Shifts in 2010, Dr. Yehuda Adar
Restitution, Compensation, Accumulation of Remedies and Freedom of Contract (An Analysis of Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 4630/04, rendered 13.12.2006), Dr. Yehuda Adar and Dr. Moshe Gelbard
The Reform of the Standard Contracts Statute – A Critical Commentary, Dr. Yehuda Adar and Dr. Moshe Gelbard
The Role of Remedies in the Relational Theory of Contract: A Preliminary Inquiry, Dr. Yehuda Adar and Dr. Moshe Gelbard
The Role of Remedies in the Relational Theory of Contract: A Preliminary Inquiry, Dr. Yehuda Adar and Dr. Moshe Gelbard
Gay rights and lefts: rights critique and distributive analysis for real law reform, Libby Adler
Just the Facts: The Perils of Expert Testimony and Findings of Fact in Gay Rights Litigation, Libby Adler
Just the facts: the perils of expert testimony and findings of fact in gay rights litigation, Libby Adler
Just the Facts: The Perils of Expert Testimony and Findings of Fact in Gay Rights Litigation, Libby Adler
Balancing Compassion and Risk in Climate Adaptation: U.S. Water, Drought and Agricultural Law, Robert W. Adler
A Shareholders’ Put Option: Confronting the Agency Costs and Behavioral Biases of Acquirers, Afra Afsharipour
Aviation Drug-Trafficking Control Act, Laura E. Agnich
Educational Inequalities and School Violence, Laura E. Agnich
Examining School Violence Cross-Nationally: A Test of Social Disorganization and Institutional Anomie, Laura E. Agnich
Resistance Meets Spirituality: "I Prayed on It", Vonzell Agosto and Zorka Karanxha
WJP Rule of Law Index, Mark Agrast, Juan Botero, and Alejandro Ponce
Isn’t it Amazing We Survived? Or It’s Not Over Yet, Ashok Agrwaal
Maya, Ashok Agrwaal
On Precision or The Importance of Riyaz, Ashok Agrwaal