The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Reproducing empire in same sex relationship recognition and immigration law reform, Nan Seuffert
Responses to systemic risk after the global financial crisis: Canada and New Zealand, Nan Seuffert
Revolution, national identity and law reform: from derivatives to demonstrations, Nan Seuffert
Same-sex immigration: domestication and homonormativity, Nan Seuffert
Sexual citizenship and the Civil Union Act 2004, Nan Seuffert
Shaping the Modern Nation: Colonial Marriage Law, Polygamy and Concubinage in Aotearoa New Zealand, Nan Seuffert
Shares and caring: stories of law, identity, culture and enterprise, Nan Seuffert
Taming the wild beast: the regulation of equity derivatives in New Zealand, Nan Seuffert
Time to Tame the "Wild Beast" in the Wild West? The Regulation of Disclosure of Equity Derivatives in New Zealand, Nan Seuffert
Tracing empire in same sex relationship recognition and immigration in New Zealand, Nan Seuffert
Law, History and Postcolonial Theory and Method, Nan Seuffert and C. Coleborne
The TPPA and financial sector deregulation, Nan Seuffert and Jane Kelsey
Introduction, contents and contributors LTC15, Nan Seuffert and Tahu Kukutai
16 and Pregnant: Minors' Consent to Abortion and Adoption, Malinda L. Seymore
16 & Pregnant: Minors’ Consent to Abortion & Adoption, Malinda L. Seymore
Evidence Summit, Faculty Member, Malinda L. Seymore
The Law is Male, Malinda L. Seymore
Municipal Securities: The Crises of State and Local Government Indebtedness, Systemic Costs of Low Default Rates, and Opportunities for Reform, Christine Sgarlata Chung
Governing the Final Frontier: A Polycentric Approach to Managing Space Weaponization and Debris, Scott Shackelford
Neither Magic Bullet nor Lost Cause: Land Titling and the Wealth of Nations, Scott Shackelford
Toward Cyber Peace: Managing Cyber Attacks through Polycentric Governance, Scott Shackelford
Vendor Evaluation: A Selected Annotated Bibliography, 1955-1987, Zary M. Shafa, Julie S. Alexander, Kristine L. Murphy, Thomas E. Nisonger, Glenda A. Thornton, and Audrey V. Vanderhoof
Judicial Oversight in the Comparative Context: Biodiversity Protection in the US, Australia, and Canada, Robert B. Shaffer
Feminist Theory and Feminist Method: Transforming the Experience of the Classroom, Ann Shalleck
Foundational Myths and the Reality of Dependency: The Role of Marriage , Ann Shalleck
Introduction Comparative Family Law: What is the Global Family? Family Law in Decolonization, Modernization and Globalization , Ann Shalleck
Introductory Remarks: The Burden of Judicial Bypass Proceedings , Ann Shalleck
Revisiting Equality: Feminist Thought About Intermediate Scrutiny, Ann Shalleck
Symposium: Institutions and the Development of Legal Theory: The Significance of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project, Ann Shalleck
Justice Scalia and the Art of Rhetoric, Jeffrey M. Shaman
Rules of General Applicability, Jeffrey M. Shaman
Only Delaware: Exploring the Viability of Exclusive Forum Selection Provisions in Corporate Governing Documents, Megan Wischmeier Shaner
Revisiting and Re-Evaluating Omnicare 10 Years Later, Megan Wischmeier Shaner
Revisiting and Re-Evaluating Omnicare 10 Years Later, Megan Wischmeier Shaner
Revisiting and Re-Evaluating Omnicare 10 Years Later, Megan Wischmeier Shaner
Service, Megan Wischmeier Shaner
Some Concerns About Sua Sponte, Bradley S. Shannon
Some Concerns about Sua Sponte, Bradley S. Shannon
Some Concerns About Sua Sponte, Bradley S. Shannon
Some Concerns About Sua Sponte, Bradley S. Shannon
Why Denials of Summary Judgment Should Be Appealable, Bradley S. Shannon
Why Denials of Summary Judgment Should Be Appealable, Bradley S. Shannon
Current Developments in International Arbitration: An Institutional Perspective, Victoria A. Shannon
The 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration, Victoria Shannon and Jason Fry
What's Beneath the Graham Cracker?: The Potential Impact of Comparative Law on the Future of Juvenile Justice Reform after Graham v. Florida, David A. Shapiro
What's Wrong with Shareholder Empowerment?, Bernard S. Sharfman
Why Proxy Access is Harmful to Corporate Governance, Bernard S. Sharfman
Assisted death and the slippery slope—finding clarity amid advocacy, convergence, and complexity, Mary J. Shariff
Hey DJ What You Waiting For? Top Ten DJ Tricks for Law Profs, Mary J. Shariff PhD
More Than One Lane Wide: Against Hierarchies of Helping in Progressive Legal Advocacy, Rebecca Sharpless
Illuminating Innovation, Lea B. Shaver
Illuminating Innovation: From Patent Racing to Patent War, Lea B. Shaver
A Heretical View of Teaching: A Contrarian Looks at Teaching, the Carnegie Report and Best Practices, Gary Touro Shaw
LOST IN D.C., concerning passage of the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty, Miller W. Shealy Jr.
Supreme Prescriptions America, Take Your Medicine - A Review of the 2011-2012 U.S. Supreme Court Term, Miller W. Shealy Jr.
United States v. Jones: A Signal Event in Fourth Amendment History, Miller W. Shealy Jr.
South Carolina Crimes: Elements and Defenses with 2012 Cumulative Supplemenet, Miller W. Shealy and Margaret Lawton
Passing on, Indirect Purchasers and Loss Allocation between Claimants, Duncan Sheehan
Forensic Science Evidence: Can the Law Keep Up with Science?,, Hon. Donald E. Shelton
Global Gatekeeping?: A Comparative Analysis of the Judicial Process for Determining the Reliability of Proffered Expert Testimony, Hon. Donald E. Shelton
Juror Expectations for Scientific Evidence in Criminal Cases: Empirical Studies of the “CSI Effect” Myth, Hon. Donald E. Shelton
Rights at Risk: Refugees in the New South Africa, Jaclyn Sheltry
The Catholic and Jewish Court: Explaining the Absence of Protestants on the Nation's Highest Judicial Body, Zachary Baron Shemtob
The Vinson Court and the Idol of Restraint, Zachary Baron Shemtob
It’s All About the Principal: Preserving Consumers’ Right of Rescission Under the Truth in Lending Act, Lea K. Shepard
A Negative Externality by Any Other Name: Using Emissions Caps as Models for Constraining Dead-Weight Costs of Regulation, Scott A. Shepard
A Uniform Perpetuities Reform Act, Scott A. Shepard
From Cap-and-Trade to Cap-on-Regs: Using Emissions-Cap Programs as a Model for Curbing Regulatory-Compliance Costs, Scott A. Shepard
Illinois Water Law: Common-Law Foundations and Statutory Adjustments - Riparian, Surface and Groundwater, Scott A. Shepard
The Great Lakes Compact, Scott A. Shepard
Which the Deader Hand? A Counter to the American Law Institute's Proposed Revival of Dying Perpetuities Rules, Scott A. Shepard
Advisory Board Member, Francine Sherman
Board President, Artistic Noise, Inc. (2009-present), Francine Sherman
Featured Speaker, Improving the Juvenile Justice System for Girls: Lessons from the States, Francine Sherman
Featured Speaker, Systemic Impediments to Girls’ Success, Francine Sherman
Featured Speaker, Working with Adolescent Girls, Francine Sherman
Justice for Girls: Are We Making Progress?, Francine Sherman
Member, Board of Directors, Francine Sherman
Member, National Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women, Francine Sherman
Moderator and Speaker, The Legal Lives of Girls, Francine Sherman
Panelist, Stop the Pipeline to Prison: Create Educational Opportunities, Jobs and Wealth, Francine Sherman
Symposium Speaker, Overpoliced and Underprotected: Women, Race and Criminalization, Francine Sherman
Technical Assistance Provider, Francine Sherman
Testimony, Institute of Medicine Workshops: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children/Sex Trafficking, Francine Sherman
Visiting Lecturer, Francine Sherman
Foreword, Francine T. Sherman and William Talley Jr
The Last Legally Allowed Form of Discrimination: Why Weight Should Be the Next Protected Class Under Title VII, Jennifer Bennett Shinall
Legal Treatment of Same-Sex Relationships for Immigration Purposes: A Comparative Study Among Canada, Japan, and the U.S., Yuki Shirato
Time shifting in a networked digital world: Optus TV Now and copyright in the cloud, Sampsung Xiaoxiang Shi
Remedies, Cases and Problems, Elaine W. Shoben, William M. Tabb, and Rachel M. Janutis
"The Evolution of a New International System of Justice in the United Nations: The First Sessions of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal", Tamara A. Shockley
Alternative Visions of the Family: The European Constitutional Perception of Family Law: Comparison with American Jurisprudence., Allen E. Shoenberger
Change in the European Civil Law Systems: Infiltration of the Anglo-American Case Law System of Precedent into the Civil Law System, Allen E. Shoenberger
Connecticut Yankee Speech in Europe's Court: An Alternative Vision of Constitutional Defamation Law to "New York Times Co. V. Sullivan?, Allen E. Shoenberger
Loyola Law School, State Secrets, the American Revolution, the War of 1812: The Maritime Connections of the Middle Temple, Allen E. Shoenberger