About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2012

The Story of the Apple Eating Samsung, Srividhya Ragavan


A Eficácia Jurídica da Norma de Preço Abusivo, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo


From Post to Pre Merger Notification: The Ultimate Outreach Challenge, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo


Screens in the Gas Retail Market: The Brazilian Experience, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo


Beyond Detection: The Management of Cartel Cases, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo and diogo thomson de andrade

Synthetic Biology: Caught Between Property Rights, the Public Domain, and the Commons, Arti K. Rai and James Boyle


Criminal Liability and the Clean Air Act: Should We Rely on Prosecutorial Discretion?, Rich Raiders

Multilevel Governance and Broadband Infrastructure Development: Evidence from Canada, Reza Rajabiun


Private Enforcement and Judicial Discretion in the Evolution of Antitrust in the United States, Reza Rajabiun


The Second Amendment: What "Arms" are Protected?, James M. Ramey


Are Short Sellers Really the Enemy of Efficient Securities Markets or Are They Just Public Patsies?, Abel C. Ramirez Jr.


Are Short Sellers Really the Enemy of Efficient Securities Markets or Are They Just Public Patsies?, Abel C. Ramirez Jr.

Are Short Sellers Really the Enemy of Efficient Securities Markets or Are They Just Public Patsies?, Abel C. Ramirez Jr.


Are Short Sellers Really the Enemy of Efficient Securities Markets or Are They Just Public Patsies?, Abel C. Ramirez Jr.


Protección contra la violencia sexual hacia las/los adolescentes y respeto de sus derechos fundamentales: a propósito del artículo 173.3 del Código Penal y la Resolución en el Expediente Nº 00018-2011-PI/TC, Beatriz Ramirez


Profundizando la igualdad desde la orientación sexual: a propósito de la sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos del caso Karen Atala e hijas contra Chile, Beatriz Ramirez and Jeannette Llaja

Affirmative jury selection: a proposal to advance both the deliberative ideal and jury diversity, Deborah A. Ramirez


Criminal Affirmance: Going Beyond the Deterrence Paradigm to Examine the Social Meaning of Declining Prosecution of Elite Crime, Mary K. Ramirez

Lessons from the Subprime Debacle: Stress Testing CEO Autonomy, Steven Ramirez

Depoliticizing Financial Regulation, Steven A. Ramirez

A Flaw in the Sarbanes-Oxley Reform: Can Diversity in the Boardroom Quell Corporate Corruption?, Steven A. Ramirez

American Corporate Governance and Globalization., Steven A. Ramirez

Arbitration and Reform in Private Securities Litigation: Dealing with the Meritorious as Well as the Frivolous, Steven A. Ramirez

Dodd-Frank as Maginot Line., Steven A. Ramirez

Endogenous Growth Theory, Status Quo Efficiency, and Globalization., Steven A. Ramirez

Enterprise-Wide Risk Management and Corporate Governance., Steven A. Ramirez

Games CEOs Play and Interest Convergence Theory: Why Diversity Lags in America's Boardrooms and What To Do About It, Steven A. Ramirez

Rethinking the Corporation (and Race) in America: Can Law (and Professionalization) Fix "Minor" Problems of Externalization, Internalization, and Governance?, Steven A. Ramirez

Subprime Bailouts and the Predatory State., Steven A. Ramirez

Taking Economic Human Rights Seriously After the Debt Crisis., Steven A. Ramirez

Taking Voting Rights Seriously: Race and the Integrity of Democracy in America., Steven A. Ramirez

The Chaos of 12 U.S.C. Section 1821(k): Congressional Subsidizing of Negligent Bank Directors and Officers, Steven A. Ramirez

The Chaos of Smith., Steven A. Ramirez

The End of Corporate Governance Law: Optimizing Regulatory Structures for a Race to the Top., Steven A. Ramirez

The Special Interest Race to CEO Primacy and the End of Corporate Governance Law., Steven A. Ramirez


La economía del delito y de las penas: una aproximación, Rafael Ramírez Villaescusa


¿Qué es transparencia?, Rafael Ramírez Villaescusa

Chevron Without the Courts? The Supreme Court's Recent Chevron Jurisprudence Through an Immigration Lens, Shruti Rana

Citizenship Under Fire: The Forging of the New Americans, Shruti Rana

Chevron Without the Courts? The Supreme Court's Chevron Revision Project Through an Immigration Lens, Shruti Rana

Restricting the Rights of Poor Mothers: an International Human Rights Critique of "Workfare", Shruti Rana

The Development of the New Chinese Banking System: Domestic Modernization or Global Financial Manipulation?, Shruti Rana

The Emergence of the New Chinese Banking System: Implications for Global Politics and the Future of Financial Reform, Shruti Rana

China's New Copyright Law Reforms: A Comparative Analysis, Shruti Rana and Garland Rowland


Spatial Symbolism, Ceremonial Dance and Masonic Ritual, Kelly X. Ranasinghe


The Need for a Unified and Cohesive National Anti-SLAPP Law, Marc John Randazza


In the Eyes of Custody, Andrew Randolph


Tools for Reducing and Managing Link Rot in LibGuides, Wilhelmina Randtke


How ownership of penal history was lost: An anti synthesis of modern criminal law, Sacha Raoult

L'histoire du droit pénal est-elle soluble dans l'archéologie du savoir ? Une rétrospective sur les émotions et les indifférences suscitées par Michel Foucault, Sacha Raoult

Mesurer l'effet des peines / Assessing the Effect of Sentences, Sacha Raoult


Announcing Remedies for Medical Injury: A Proposal for Medical Liability Reform Based On the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Steven E. Raper MD


Confrontation Clause and Testimonial Evidence: After Two Supreme Court Decisions, Standard Remains Unclear., Alan Raphael

Conversational Avoidance To Sexual And Non-Sexual Verbal Cues By Counselors-In-Training In An Initial Interview With Young Or Elderly Married Males, Alan Jay Raphael


Analysis and the Arts, Nancy Rapoport


Black Swans, Ostriches, and Ponzi Schemes, Nancy Rapoport


Changing the Modal Law School: Rethinking U.S. Legal Education in (Most) Schools, Nancy Rapoport


Changing the Modal Law School: Rethinking U.S. Legal Education in (Most) Schools, Nancy Rapoport


The Case for Value Billing in Chapter 11, Nancy Rapoport

An Intimate Portrait of Peter M. Cicchino, Jamin B. Raskin

Arkansas Educational Television Commission v. Forbes: Betraying Freedom of Political Expression and Undermining Democracy, Jamin B. Raskin

Introduction to the American Constitution and the Protection of Civil Liberties: The Supreme Court’s Role in American Democracy, Jamin B. Raskin

Opening Remarks, Jamin B. Raskin

Polling Establishment: Judicial Review, Democracy, and the Endorsement Theory of the Establishment Clause - Commentary on Measured Endorsement, Jamin B. Raskin

Reason, Justice and Love: The Constitutional Humanism of Peter Cicchino, Jamin B. Raskin

Roe v. Wade and the Dred Scott Decision: Justice Scalia's Peculiar Analogy in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Jamin B. Raskin

Symposium: No Enclaves of Totalitarianism: The Triumph and Unrealized Promise of the Tinker Decision , Jamin B. Raskin

The Paradox of Judicial Bypass Proceedings , Jamin B. Raskin

Transcript for Introduction: The Constitutional Importance of the District of Columbia, Jamin B. Raskin

We the Students: Supreme Court Cases for and about Students, Jamin B. Raskin

Democracy and Disenfranchisement in Washington, D.C., Jamin B. Raskin and Cathleen Caron

Disfavored Speech About Favored Rights: Hill v. Colorado, The Vanishing Public Forum and the Need for an Objective Speech Discrimination Test, Jamin B. Raskin and Clark L. LeBlanc

Casey Skit: A Pedagogical Tool for Interviewing Young Women and Proceeding Through a Judicial Bypass Hearing , Jamin B. Raskin and Ann Shalleck

Casey Skit: A Pedagogical Tool for Interviewing Young Women and Proceeding Through a Judicial Bypass Hearing , Jamin B. Raskin and Ann Shalleck

Conference Highlight-Northstar Award: Spotlight on Angela Davis , Jamin Raskin and Cynthia Jones


MONSTERS OF THE MIDWAY Love and Redemption in College Football, Jeff Rasley

The Force of Law: Judicial Enforcement of the War Powers Resolution, Michael Ratner and David Cole


Health Cover(age)ing, Rebecca L. Rausch


Reframing Roe: Property Over Privacy, Rebecca L. Rausch


Politicians as Fiduciaries, D. Theodore Rave

International Law in the Era of Climate Change, Rosemary Rayfuse (ed.) and Shirley V. Scott (ed.)

The Challenge of Food Security: International Policy and Regulatory Frameworks, Rosemary Rayfuse (ed.) and Nicole Weisfelt (ed.)

Climate Change Mitigation Activities in the Ocean: Regulatory Frameworks and Implications, Rosemary Rayfuse

Differentiating the Common? The Responsibilities and Obligations of States Sponsoring Deep Seabed Mining Activities in the Area, Rosemary Rayfuse

Precaution and the Protection of Marine Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction, Rosemary Rayfuse


Workshop on Protection of the Environment in relation to Armed Conflict, Rosemary Rayfuse and Britta Sjöstedt


A Modest Memoir: Justice Stevens’s Supreme Court Life, Laura K. Ray


Circumstance and Strategy: Jointly Authored Supreme Court Opinions, Laura K. Ray


Doctrinal Conversation: Justice Kagan's Supreme Court Opinions, Laura K. Ray


From the Bench to the Screen: The Woman Judge in Film, Laura K. Ray

A Growing Threat to the ADA: An Empirical Study of Mass Filings, Popular Backlash, and Potential Solutions Under Titles II and III, Casey L. Raymond


Role of Agriculture in Economic Growth of Pakistan, Syed Ali Raza Mr, Yasir Ali, and Farhan Mehboob


Sentry boxes back? Who goes where?, Dr Leonardo J. Raznovich


Joint Ventures And Other Competitor Collaborations As Single Entity—What Did American Needle Do To Copperweld And What About Dagher?, Ernest N. Reddick

Likes Attract: The Sociopolitical Groupthink of (Social) Psychologists, Richard E. Redding

Parent Training Programs, Richard E. Redding and C. Mulford


The Role of the Hunter/Seattle Doctrine in Adjudicating Measures Against Affirmative Action, Gautam Y. Reddy


Is plea bargaining in the "shadow of trial" a mirage?, Allison D. Redlich


Voluntary, knowing, and intelligent pleas: Understanding plea inquiries, Allison D. Redlich