The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Sousveillance and the Social Implications of Point of View Technologies in the Law Enforcement Sector, Katina Michael and M.G. Michael
Converging and coexisting systems towards smart surveillance, Katina Michael and MG Michael
Microchip Implants for Employees in the Workplace: Findings from a Multi-Country Survey of Small Business Owners, Katina Michael, Christine Perakslis, and M.G. Michael
Privacy- The Times They Are A-Changin', M.G. Michael and Katina Michael
Case Law Supplement, Karin Mika
The History of Legal Writing (Video), Karin Mika
One Way To Be Born? Legislative Inaction and the Posthumous Child, Karin Mika and Bonnie Hurst
Guide to Legal Writing Style, Karin Mika and Terri LeClercq
Acknowledging our Roots: Setting the Stage for the Legal Writing Institute, Karin M. Mika
Chris's Story: My Life With a Teenage Chemotherapy Patient, Karin M. Mika
Developing Internal Consistency in Writing Assignments by Involving Students in Problem Drafting, Karin M. Mika
Games in the Law School Classroom: Enhancing the Learning Experience, Karin M. Mika
Information v. Commercialization: The Internet and Unsolicited Electronic Mail, Karin M. Mika
Innovative Teaching Methods and Practical Uses of Literature in Legal Education, Karin M. Mika
Life Changing Moments: Learning to Accept Your Students' Choices, Karin M. Mika
Lovewell v. Physicians Insurance Co.: Personal Liability for Prejudgment Interest, Karin M. Mika
Mix-It Up for Optimal Learning, Karin M. Mika
Of Cell Phones and Electronic Mail: Disclosure of Confidential Information under Disciplinary Rule 4-101 and Model Rule 1.6, Karin M. Mika
One Way to Be Born? Legislative Inaction and the Posthumous Child, Karin M. Mika
Self-Reflection within the Academy: The Absence of Women in Constitutional Jurisprudence, Karin M. Mika
The Benefits of Podcasting, Karin M. Mika
What Teenagers Can Teach Us About Good Teaching, Karin M. Mika
Would You Say That To Your Children? Enhancing Learning Through Improved Communication, Karin M. Mika
Private Dollars on the Reservation: Will Recent Native American Economic Development Amount to Cultural Assimilation?, Karin M. Mika and Bonnie Hurst
Commercial Exploitation or Protected Use? Stern v. Delphi Internet Services Corporation and the Erosion of the Right of Publicity, Karin M. Mika and Aaron J. Reber
Internet Jurisdictional Issues: Fundamental Fairness in a Virtual World, Karin M. Mika and Aaron J. Reber
Democratic Excess in the Use of Zoning Referenda, Karin M. Mika, Aaron J. Reber, and )
Responsibilities of Employers toward Mentally Disabled Persons under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Karin M. Mika and Denise Wimbiscus
Cybermedicine, Telemedicine, and Data Protection in the United States, Karin Mika and Barbara J. Tyler
From Clay Tablets to AJAX: Replicating Writing and Documents in Internet Transactions, Eliza MIK
Faculty Colloquia, Fall 2010 Series, John Mikhail; Nelson Tebbe; Anita S, Krishnakumar; Lawrence B. Solum; Stephen I. Vladeck; Fred Smith; Albert Yoon; Ted Blumoff; Charlene Luke; Stephen B. Burbank; Jayne Barnard; Chaim Saiman; Amy Gajda; and Radhika Rao
Detection of mammaglobin mRNA in peripheral blood is associated with high grade breast cancer: Interim results of a prospective cohort study, Kaidi Mikhitarian, Renee Hebert Martin, Megan Baker Ruppel, William E. Gillanders, Rana Hoda, Del H. Schutte, Kathi Callahan, Michael Mitas, and David J. Cole
A New Form of Business Entity Is Needed to Promote Social Entrepreneurship: The Not-for-Loss Corporation, Jay Milbrandt
Overcoming Obstacles to Gay-Straight Alliances through Law, Policy and Research, Jeffrey Miles
The Role Law Schools Should Play in Filling the Justice Gap, Karen Millard
Indecisive Reasons for Decision, Eric J. Miller
Shareholder Rights: Citizens United and Delaware Corporate Governance Law, Paul S. Miller
Shareholder Rights: Citizens United and Delaware Corporate Governance Law, Paul S. Miller
A Constitutional Struwelpeter: A Survey of German Constitutional Law, Russell A. Miller
Balancing Security and Liberty in Germany, Russell A. Miller
Militant Democracy: Germany's Struggle Against Domestic Terrorism, Russell A. Miller
The German Constitutional Court and Europe, Russell A. Miller
The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany, Russell A. Miller and Donald Kommers
Using an Alumni Survey to Assess Whether Skills Teaching Aligns with Alumni Practice, Sheila F. Miller Ms.
Fee (Not So) Simple: Prevailing on Injunctive Relief in the Third Circuit After Singer Management, Thomas J. Miller
Enron and the Dark Side of Worker Ownership, David Millon
The Impact on Shareholders and Other Constituents, David Millon
Theories of the Corporation, David Millon
Worker Ownership Through 401(k) Retirement Plans: Enron's Cautionary Tale, David Millon
Two Models of Corporate Social Responsibility, David K. Millon
A Tribute to Frederic L. Kirgis, David K. Millon
Book Review, Blackstone in America: Selected Essays of Kathryn Preyer (Mary Sarah Bilder et al. eds., 2009), David K. Millon
Book Review, (reviewing Norman Doe, Fundamental Authority in Late Medieval English Law (1990)), David K. Millon
Circumspect Agatis Revisted, David K. Millon
Corporate Law and Human Rights, David K. Millon
Criminalization of Corporate Law: The Impact on Shareholders and Other Constituents, David K. Millon
Default Rules, Wealth Distribution, and Corporate Law Reform: Employment at Will Versus Job Security, David K. Millon
Enlightened Shareholder Value, Social Responsibility, and the Redefinition of Corporate Purpose without Law, David K. Millon
Human Rights and Delaware Corporate Law, David K. Millon
Institutional Shareholders and Corporate Responsibility, David K. Millon
Keeping Hope Alive, David K. Millon
Klobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., David K. Millon
New Directions In Corporate Law Communitarians, Contractarians, And The Crisis In Corporate Law, David K. Millon
New Game Plan or Business as Usual? A Critique of the Team Production Model of Corporate Law, David K. Millon
Objectivity and Democracy, David K. Millon
Piercing the Corporate Veil, Financial Responsibility, and the Limits of Limited Liability, David K. Millon
Redefining Corporate Law, David K. Millon
Roger Groot, Legal Historian, David K. Millon
Shareholder Social Responsibility, David K. Millon
State Takeover Laws: A Rebirth of CorporationLaw?, David K. Millon
The Enron Pension Disaster, David K. Millon
The First Antistrust Statute, David K. Millon
The Sherman Act and the Balance of Power, David K. Millon
Who "Caused" the Enron Debacle?, David K. Millon
Reforming the Third Year of Law School, David K. Millon and Robert T. Danforth
Reforming the Third Year of Law School, David K. Millon and Robert T. Danforth
Reforming the Third Year of Law School, David K. Millon and Robert T. Danforth
Title Experiential Education and the Rule of Law: Teaching Values through Clinical Education in China, Elliott Milstein
Sweating it Out: Facilitating Corrections and Parole in Canada through Aboriginal Spiritual Healing, David Milward
Featured Articles, Fred Mintzer and Katina Michael
Web-based Services in University Libraries: A Pakistani Perspective, Muhammad Sajid Mirza and Khalid Mahmood
The European Social Charter and its implementation in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Zaka Mirzayev Zaka
The European Social Charter and its implementation in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Zaka Mirzayev
Ailing Health Status In West Bengal Critical Analysis, BHABANI PRASAD MISHRA Mr. and PRANAB KUMAR RANA Dr
Incessant Discrimination of Same-Sex Couples: A Case Study of Varying Interpretations of “Family,” Second-Parent Adoptions, and the Legal Rights of Non-Biological Parents, Preston D. Mitchum
Screaming to be Heard: Black Feminism and the Fight for a Voice from the 1950s - 1970s, Preston D. Mitchum
Screaming to be Heard: Black Feminism and the Fight for a Voice from the 1950s - 1970s, Preston D. Mitchum
Screaming to be Heard: Black Feminism and the Fight for a Voice from the 1950s - 1970s, Preston D. Mitchum
Screaming to be Heard: Black Feminism and the Fight for a Voice from the 1950s - 1970s, Preston D. Mitchum
Screaming to be Heard: Black Feminism and the Fight for a Voice from the 1950s - 1970s, Preston D. Mitchum
Screaming to be Heard: Black Feminism and the Fight for a Voice from the 1950s - 1970s, Preston D. Mitchum
Screaming to be Heard: Black Feminism and the Fight for a Voice from the 1950s - 1970s, Preston D. Mitchum
Screaming to be Heard: Black Feminism and the Fight for a Voice from the 1950s - 1970s, Preston D. Mitchum
The Four into One Platform: New Reform Initiatives Compound China's Dissected Public Procurement Governance, Daniel J. Mitterhoff