The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
U.S. and Canadian Federalism: Implications for International Trade Regulation, Gregory W. Bowman
The Harmony Between Professional Conscience Rights and Patients’ Right of Access, Matthew S. Bowman
Impact of Electronic Health Record Systems on Information Integrity, Sue Bowman
Can a Computer Intercept Your Email?, Bruce E. Boyden
Genealogies of Risk: Searching for Safety, 1930s-1970s, William Boyd
Report of the Working Group on Confidentiality, Bruce Boyer
Ethical Issues in the Respresentation of Parents in Child Welfare Cases, Bruce A. Boyer
Advocating for Children in Care in a Climate of Economic Recession: The Relationship Between Poverty and Child Maltreatment, Bruce A. Boyer and Amy E. Halbrook
Advocating for Children in Care in a Climate of Economic Recession: The Relationship Between Poverty and Child Maltreatment., Bruce A. Boyer and Amy E. Halbrook
Atticus Finch Looks At Fifty, Michael L. Boyer
Nuclear Enlightenment, Daniel J. Boyle
A Manifesto on WIPO and the Future of Intellectual Property, James Boyle
Anachronism of the Moral Sentiments? Integrity, Postmodernism, and Justice, James Boyle
A Nondelegation Doctrine for the Digital Age?, James Boyle
A Nondelegation Doctrine for the Digital Age?, James Boyle
A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the Net?, James Boyle
A Process of Denial: Bork and Post-Modern Conservatism, James Boyle
A Theory of Law and Information: Copyright, Spleens, Blackmail, and Insider Trading, James Boyle
Cruel, Mean, or Lavish? Economic Analysis, Price Discrimination and Digital Intellectual Property, James Boyle
Cultural Environmentalism and Beyond, James Boyle
Foreword: The Opposite of Property?, James Boyle
Foucault in Cyberspace: Surveillance, Sovereignty, and Hardwired Censors, James Boyle
Ideals and Things: International Legal Scholarship and the Prison-House of Language, James Boyle
Intellectual Property Policy Online: A Young Person’s Guide, James Boyle
Introduction: A Symposium of Critical Legal Studies, James Boyle
Is Subjectivity Possible - the Post-Modern Subject in Legal Theory, James Boyle
Legal Realism and the Social Contract: Fuller’s Public Jurisprudence of Form, Private Jurisprudence of Substance, James Boyle
Mertonianism Unbound?: Imagining Free, Decentralized Access to Most Cultural and Scientific Material, James Boyle
Open Source Innovation, Patent Injunctions, and the Public Interest, James Boyle
The Anatomy of a Torts Class, James Boyle
The First Amendment and Cyberspace: The Clinton Years, James Boyle
The PC Harangue, James Boyle
The Politics of Reason: Critical Legal Theory and Local Social Thought, James Boyle
The Second Enclosure Movement and the Construction of the Public Domain, James Boyle
Thomas Hobbes and the Invented Tradition of Positivism: Reflections on Language, Power, and Essentialism, James Boyle
Telling the Springfield Story: Project Report, Elizabeth Brabec
The Use of Spatial and Mixed Methods in Analyzing Cultural Landscapes, Elizabeth Brabec, Chingwen Cheng, and Kristina Molnarova
South Hadley Falls: Report on the Public Process, Elizabeth Brabec and Mark Hamin
Using Locative Media in Heritage Landscapes: A review of current practice, Elizabeth Brabec and Gordon McLennan
"Because That's Where the Money Is": A Theory of Corporate Legal Compliance, william bradford
"Because That's Where the Money Is": A Theory of Corporate Legal Compliance, william bradford
An Experiment in Creative Financing to Promote South African Reconciliation and Development, Daniel Bradlow
Debt, Development, and Human Rights: Lessons from South Africa, Daniel Bradlow
Developing Country Debt Crises, International Financial Institutions, and International Law: Some Preliminary Thoughts, Daniel Bradlow
Differing Conceptions of Development and the Content of International Development Law, Daniel Bradlow
How Well Does the G20 Reflect African Interests and Priorities?: Some Thoughts Following the Los Cabos, Mexico Summit, Daniel Bradlow
International Financial Reform and Africa: What is to Be Done?, Daniel Bradlow
International Organizations and Private Complainants: The Case of the World Bank Inspection Panel, Daniel Bradlow
Precedent-Setting NGO Campaign Saves the World Bank's Inspection Panel, Daniel Bradlow
Private Finance, Social Responsibility, and Transitional Justice: The Case for South African Reconciliation and Development, Daniel Bradlow
Reforming the Global Financial Architecture: Is Real Change Coming?, Daniel Bradlow
Stuffing New Wine into Old Bottles: The Troubling Case of the IMF, Daniel Bradlow
The Changing International Business Context and the Challenge it Poses for the Education of International Business Lawyers, Daniel Bradlow
The Governance of the IMF: The Need for Comprehensive Reform, Daniel Bradlow
The Reform of the Governance of the IFIs: A Critical Assessment, Daniel Bradlow
World Bank, the IMF, and Human Rights, Daniel Bradlow
Public Participation and the Private Sector: The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in the Evolution of International Legal Standards, Daniel Bradlow and Megan Chapman
Development Decision-Making and the Content of International Development Law , Daniel D. Bradlow
A Critical Introduction, Daniel D. Bradlow
Assessing International Financial Reform, Daniel D. Bradlow
International Law and the Operations of the International Financial Institutions, Daniel D. Bradlow
Operational Policies and Procedures and an Ombudsman, Daniel D. Bradlow
Reconciliation Financing: An Innovative Approach to Poverty, Inequality, and Social Conflict, Daniel D. Bradlow
Reforming Global Economic Governance: A Strategy for Middle Powers in the G20, Daniel D. Bradlow
The G20 and Sustainable IMF Reform, Daniel D. Bradlow
The World Commission on Dams' Contribution to the Broader Debate on Development Decision-Making, Daniel D. Bradlow
Training Law Students to be International Transactional Lawyers-Using An Extended Simulation to Educate Law Students About Business Transactions, Daniel D. Bradlow and Jay Gary Finkelstein
Limited Mandates and Intertwined Problems: A New Challenge for the World Bank and the IMF, Daniel Bradlow and Claudio Grossman
Conclusion: The Future of International Law and International Financial Institutions, Daniel Bradlow and David Hunter
Introduction: International Financial Institutions and International Law, Daniel Bradlow and David Hunter
The Expanding International Trade Regime: New Challenges and Opportunities for Legal Practitioners, Daniel Bradlow, Chang S. Oh-Turkmani, Ronald E. Pump, Robin L. Rosenberg, Seymour J. Rubin, and Franciso J. Velasquez
Security workshop brings 'sousveillance' under the microscope, Jemma Bradwell and Katina Michael
The Distinctiveness of Religion: Founding Insights for Rethinking Religion Clause Jurisprudence (forthcoming), Kathleen A. Brady
Passing the Sniff Test: Police Dogs as Surveillance Technology, Irus Braverman
Algunas cuestiones durante el procedimiento de selección: Convocatoria, calificación y otorgamiento de la buena pro, Jonnathan Bravo and Rodolfo Miranda
Encontrar las diferencias: Ley de Contrataciones del Estado y Ley de APP's, Jonnathan Bravo and Rodolfo Miranda
Mayores inversiones en turismo: El rol de las Asociaciones Público – Privadas en el Perú – Parte I, Jonnathan Bravo and Rodolfo Miranda
Obligaciones contractuales para la generación de inversiones: A propósito de la Ley de Asociaciones Público – Privadas, Jonnathan Bravo and Rodolfo Miranda
Mayores inversiones en turismo: El rol de las Asociaciones Público – Privadas en el Perú – Parte II, Juan Jonnathan Bravo and Rodolfo Miranda
US judge rules Netflix subject to disability act, Hiawatha Bray
Asserting Patents to Combat Infringement Via 3D Printing: It's No "Use", Daniel Harris Brean
Local Government Assistance for Home-Based Businesses: Is it Working?, John Breen, Shameen Ali, Elizabeth Walker, and Rafael Paguio
John Paul II, The Structures of Sin and the Limits of the Law., John M. Breen
Love, Truth and the Economy: A Reflection on Benedict XVI's Caritas in Veritate, John M. Breen
Modesty and Moralism: Justice, Prudence, and Abortion: A Reply to Skeel & Stuntz, John M. Breen
Neutrality in Liberal Legal Theory and Catholic Social Thought, John M. Breen
Never Get Out’a the Boat: Stenberg v. Carhart and the Future of American Law., John M. Breen
Priest, Prophet, and King: Abortion, the Vocation of Catholic Politicians, and the Culture of Life, John M. Breen
Religion and the Purification of Reason: Why the Liberal State Requires More Than Simple Tolerance, John M. Breen
Statutory Interpretation and the Lessons of Llewellyn, John M. Breen
The Air in the Balloon: Further Notes on Catholic and Jesuit Identity in Legal Education, John M. Breen
The Catholic Lawyer: “Faith” in Three Parts., John M. Breen
The Golden Age That Never Was: Catholic Law Schools From 1930-1960 and the Question of Identity, John M. Breen
The Road Not Taken: Catholic Legal Education at the Middle of the Twentieth Century., John M. Breen
International Arbitration Scholarship and the Concept of Arbitration Law, Stavros Brekoulakis
The Dynamic Last-In-Time Rule, Emily S. Bremer
The Unwritten Constitution of the Fourth Branch, Emily S. Bremer
When Apology is Not Enough: Ireland's Ryan Commission, Carol Brennan LLB, MA, PhD
Review of Patrick J. Hayes, A Catholic Brain Trust: The History of the Catholic Commission on Intellectual Affairs, 1945-1965 (University of Notre Dame Press 2011), Patrick McKinley Brennan