About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013


Captación pública de ahorros e intermediación no autorizadas en el mercado de valores (art. 310 CP), Martin Paolantonio

Conveniencia de una reforma integral de la Ley 24.083 de Fondos Comunes de Inversión, Martin Paolantonio


Conveniencia de una reforma integral de la Ley 24.083 de Fondos Comunes de Inversión, Martin Paolantonio


Fideicomiso y Concurso: Panorama Actual, Martin Paolantonio


Fondos Comunes de Inversión y Derecho Privado, Martin Paolantonio


Intereses en las operaciones financieras, Martin Paolantonio


La oferta pública irregular en el mercado de valores y la ley 26.831, Martin Paolantonio


Ley 26.680 de Exteriorización de Divisas y su reglamentación, Martin Paolantonio


Régimen de Agentes Productores y Agentes Asesores de Mercados de Capitales, Martin Paolantonio


Reglamentación de la ley de mercado de capitales, Martin Paolantonio


Reglamentación de la ley de mercado de capitales: Normas de la Comisión Nacional de Valores sobre FCI, Martin Paolantonio


Natural disasters and early warning systems in Australia, Emma Papaemanuel, Katina Michael, and Peter Johnston


CAS - The Court of Arbitration for Sport, Marios Papaloukas




Legal History Seminar: Leading Maryland Cases, Edward C. Papenfuse and Garrett Power

Quasi-Patents and Semi-Patents in Biobanking, Gideon Parchomovsky and Michael Mattioli


Bill, Baby, Bill: How The Billable Hour Emerged As The Primary Method Of Attorney Fee Generation and Why Early Reports of Its Demise May Be Greatly Exaggerated, stuart l. pardau

Annex 1 to "The Chilean Constitutional Court and the 2005 Reform: A Castling Between Career Judges and Academics", Diego G. Pardow

Annex 2 to "The Chilean Constitutional Court and the 2005 Reform: A Castling Between Career Judges and Academics", Diego G. Pardow

Annex 3 to "The Chilean Constitutional Court and the 2005 Reform: A Castling Between Career Judges and Academics", Diego G. Pardow

Annex 4 to "The Chilean Constitutional Court and the 2005 Reform: A Castling Between Career Judges and Academics", Diego G. Pardow


El Desempeño como Litigante de la FNE Una Mirada Cuantitativa, Diego G. Pardow


The Chilean Constitutional Court and the 2005 Reform: A Castling Between Career Judges and Academics, Diego G. Pardow


Direito e Consequência no Brasil: Em Busca de um Discurso Sobre o Método, Mariana Pargendler and Bruno Meyerhof Salama

Identity, Beliefs, and the Experiences of Faith-based Schools, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

When ‘Race’ and Religion Merge: the social, personal and school context, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor

Affirmative Action: Protecting the Untenured Minority Professor During Extreme Financial Exigency, Johnny Parker

Company Liability for a Life Insurance Agent's Financial Abuse of an Elderly Client, Johnny Parker

Does Lack of an Insurable Interest Preclude an Insurance Agent from Taking an Absolute Assignment of His Client's Life Policy?, Johnny Parker

Educational Malpractice: A Tort Is Born, Johnny Parker

Equal Protection Minus Strict Scrutiny Plus Benign Classifications Equals? Equality of Opportunity, Johnny Parker

Mississippi Law of Damages, Johnny Parker

Note, Civil Rights Legislation: Getting Black Executives Off First Base in Professional Team-Sports, Johnny Parker

Parental Consortium: Assessing the Contour of the New Tort in Town, Johnny Parker

Replacement Cost Coverage: A Legal Primer, Johnny Parker

The Automobile Libaility Coverage Step-Down Clause: The Real Deal or Merely the Calm Before the Storm?, Johnny Parker

The Common Fund Doctrine: Coming of Age in the Law of Insurance Subrogation, Johnny Parker

The Development of First-Party Extracontractual Insurance Litigation in Oklahoma: An Analytical Examination, Johnny Parker

The Expansion of Defense Counsel Liability to Include Malpractice Claims by Insurance Companies: How the West Was Won, Johnny Parker

The Made Whole Doctrine: Unraveling the Enigma Wrapped in the Mystery of Insurance Subrogation, Johnny Parker

The Wacky World of Collision & Comprehensive Coverages: Intentional Injury & Illegal Activity Exclusions, Johnny Parker

Understanding the Insurance Policy Appraisal Clause: A Four-Step Program, Johnny Parker

Uninsured Motorist Law in Oklahoma, Johnny Parker

When Johnny Came Marching Home Again: A Critical Review of Contemporary Equal Protection Interpretation, Johnny Parker


Recognizing Discrimination: Lessons from White Plaintiffs, Wendy Marie Parker


How Quickly We Forget: The Short and Undistinguished Career of Affirmative Action, Robert Parrish

Global-Change Scenarios: Their Development and Use, Edward Parson, Virginia Burkett, Karen Fisher-Vanden, David Keith, Linda Mearns, Hugh Pitcher, Cynthia Rosenzweig, and Mort Webster

Gullible, Greedy or Just Unlucky? How Bernie Madoff Scammed About 15,000 Investors, Louise Parsons


Combatant Immunity in Non-International Armed Conflict, Past and Future, Rymn J. Parsons


El Tribunal Constitucional en el abritraje. De la intromisión a la seguridad jurídica y…¿hasta que el Tribunal se contradiga?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco


La Corte Suprema revalora la posesión y plantea una nueva forma de entender el principio de fe pública registral en su relación con la prescripción contra tabulas. A propósito de una aproximación comparativa al sistema español: ¿hacia dónde puede seguir virando nuestra jurisprudencia?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco


Sembrando la duda razonable en el Juez sobre la precariedad del demandado: la ausencia de circunstancias justificantes de la posesión., Alan A. Pasco Arauco


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Stigma and Denial in Social Security Disability Hearings, Chris E. Pashler

Access to Medicine in an Era of Fractal Inequality, Frank Pasquale

Accountable Care Organizations in the Affordable Care Act, Frank Pasquale

Asterisk Revisited: Debating a Right of Reply on Search Results, Frank Pasquale

Asterisk Revisited: Debating a Right of Reply on Search Results, Frank Pasquale

Beyond Innovation and Competition: The Need for Qualified Transparency in Internet Intermediaries, Frank Pasquale

Breaking the Vicious Circularity: Sony's Contribution to the Fair Use Doctrine, Frank Pasquale

Cognition-Enhancing Drugs: Can We Say No?, Frank Pasquale

Copyright in an Era of Information Overload: Toward the Privileging of Categorizers, Frank Pasquale

Dominant Search Engines: An Essential Cultural & Political Facility, Frank Pasquale

Grand Bargains for Big Data: The Emerging Law of Health Information, Frank Pasquale

Internet Nondiscrimination Principles: Commercial Ethics for Carriers and Search Engines, Frank Pasquale

Joining or changing the conversation? Catholic Social Thought and Intellectual Property, Frank Pasquale

Privacy, Antitrust, and Power, Frank Pasquale

Rankings, Reductionism, and Responsibility, Frank Pasquale

Rankings, Reductionism, and Responsibility , Frank Pasquale

Reclaiming Egalitarianism in the Political Theory of Campaign Finance Reform, Frank Pasquale

Restoring Transparency to Automated Authority, Frank Pasquale

Technology, Competition, and Values, Frank Pasquale

The Hippocratic Myth: Why doctors are under pressure to ration care, practice politics, and compromise their promise to heal, Frank Pasquale

The Three Faces of Retainer Care: Crafting a Tailored Regulatory Response, Frank Pasquale

Toward an Ecology of Intellectual Property: Lessons from Environmental Economics for Valuing Copyright's Commons, Frank Pasquale

Two Concepts of Immortality: Reframing Public Debate on Stem-Cell Research, Frank Pasquale

Ending the Specialty Hospital Wars: A Plea for Pilot Programs as Information-Forcing Regulatory Design, Frank A. Pasquale

The Cost of Conscience: Quantifying our Charitable Burden in an Era of Globalization, Frank A. Pasquale

Trusting (and Verifying) Online Intermediaries' Policing, Frank A. Pasquale


Diagnosing Finance's Failures: From Economic Idealism to Legal Realism, Frank A. Pasquale

The Credit Scoring Conundrum, Frank A. Pasquale

The Future of HIPAA in the Cloud, Frank Pasquale and Tara Adams Ragone


Neoliberalism and the Henry Tax Review, John Passant


My Invention Idea For Actual Water Proof Motorcycle Boots, Angela R. Passaro


“Ahead of the Lawmen”: Law and Morality in Disney Animated Films 1960–1998, Nehal A. Patel


Family Life Cycle Revisited: Age and Life Course Effects on Church Attendance at “Conventional” and Middle Age, Nehal A. Patel


4th Neera Desai Memorial Lecture by Prof. Nabneeta Deb Sen on 23-9-2013, Professor Vibhuti Patel



Communal Clashes Alienating Muslims in the State, Professor Vibhuti Patel


Grassroots_grassroots grassroots Rs 15 August 15, 2012 - Volume 4 Issue 8 I N S I D E A journal of the Press Institute of India promoting reportage on the human condition, Professor Vibhuti Patel


Indian Association of Women's Studies Newsletter, January, 2013, Professor Vibhuti Patel


IV Neera Desai Memorial Lecture by Prof. Nabneeta Dev Sen on 23-9-2013, Professor Vibhuti Patel


Janata Weekly: Union budget 2012-13, Professor Vibhuti Patel


Memorial Meeting for Shri. Vajubhai Patel at Gandhi Respected Prof. Pushpendra Singh, Sending my train details. regards Vibhuti Patelshikshan Bhavan, Professor Vibhuti Patel

Notions to improve gender budget strategy with special reference to Right to Pee Dr. Vibhuti Patel,, Professor Vibhuti Patel


Notions to improve gender budget strategy with special reference to Right to Pee Dr. Vibhuti Patel,, Professor Vibhuti Patel


Prayas: Social Work in Criminal Justice prayas_1990@rediffmail.com, prayas.rnd@gmail.com, Professor Vibhuti Patel

Prof. Vibhuti Patel Gender Equality and Human Rights in Journal of National Human rights commission NHRC 30-11-2013.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel


Prof. vibhuti Patel's Obituary for Dr. Vina Mazumdar, Professor Vibhuti Patel


Prof. vibhuti Patel's Tribute to Dr. Vina Mazumdar 31-5-2013, Professor Vibhuti Patel