The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
The Birth of Modern Kosher, Timothy D. Lytton
Permanent Replacements: Organized Labor’s Fall, Employment Law’s (Incomplete) Rise, and the Way Forward, Alexander T. MacDonald
The Architecture of Ignorance, Gregg Macey
Still on the repayment of indirect taxes, Hugo B. Machado
Religiosity, Secularism, and Social Health: A Research Note, Thomas S. Mach, Gerson Moreno-Riano, and Mark Caleb Smith
Australian land law in context, Ken Mackie, Elise Bennett Histed, and John Page
Global Poverty and the Right to Development in International Law, Patrick Macklem
A Prosecutor’s Response to Professor Freedman’s Allegations of Rampant and Institutionalized Prosecutorial Misconduct (forthcoming), Charles E. MacLean
Creating a Wanted Poster from a Drop of Blood: Using DNA Phenotyping to Generate an Artist's Rendering of an Offender Based Only on DNA Shed at the Crime Scene (forthcoming), Charles E. MacLean
Keeping Arrows in the Quiver: Mapping the Contours of Prosecutorial Ethics, A 50-State Snapshot (forthcoming), Charles E. MacLean and Stephen Wilks
Commercial Marriage Trafficking--Uncovering a Growing New Form of Transnational Human Trafficking, and Shaping International Law to Respond, Douglas MacLean
At and Along: A Review of the Law and Ethics of Medicine, Adam MacLeod
At and Along: Meditation in a Toolshed on the Inviolability of Life, Adam MacLeod
Economic Justice and the Internal Point of View, Adam MacLeod
Is Welching on Public Pension Promises an Option for Illinois? An Analysis of Article XIII, Section 5 of the Illinois Constitution, Eric M. Madiar
Book Review -- William Patry, How to Fix Copyright, Michael J. Madison
IP Things as Boundary Objects: The Case of the Copyright Work, Michael J. Madison
Reply: The Complexity of Commons, Michael J. Madison, Brett M. Frischmann, and Katherine J. Strandburg
How the Government Gives, Ray D. Madoff
Mourning in America: What's Law Got to Do With It?, Ray D. Madoff
The Perverse History of Dead Bodies under American Law, Ray D. Madoff
Chief Justice Roberts' Individual Mandate: The Lawless Medicine of NFIB v. Sebelius, Gregory P. Magarian
Quale futuro per la funzione sociale della proprietà? Abbandonare Weimar per tornare a Locke?, Geo Magri
Sackett v. EPA Six Months Out: A Wide-Ranging Effect With an Uncertain Significance, Colin W. Maguire
The Great Lakes State & Algae Biofuels, Colin W. Maguire
Democratizing Investment Laws: Ensuring Minimum Standards for Host States, Nida Mahmood
Revisiting the Social Contract: Tracing the Basis for National Minimum Standard of Protection for Host States, Nida Mahmood
Religious Freedom in the Jurisprudence of the Egyptian and European Court of Human Rights, Saba Mahmood and Peter G. Danchin
PPACA and Public Health: Creating a Framework to Focus on Prevention and Wellness and Improve the Public's Health, Gwendolyn R. Majette
A Search for an Equilibrium between Users’ Access & Fair Use Rights and Protection for Software Owner’s Rights; Modern Day Solutions for an Unfixed Problem, Eshika Maji and Jaimini A. Vyas
Collective Representation and Employee Voice in the U.S. Public Sector Workplace: Looking North for Solutions?, Martin H. Malin
Constructing a Comprehensive Curriculum in Labor and Employment Law, Martin H. Malin
Does Public Employee Collective Bargaining Distort Democracy? A Perspective from the United States, Martin H. Malin
Two Models of Interest Arbitration, Martin H. Malin
Ethics in Global Biopharmaceutical Environment, Michael Malinowski
Ethics in Global Biopharmaceutical Environment, Michael Malinowski
A Discourse on the Public Nature of Research in Contemporary Life Science: A Law-Policy Proposal to Promote the Public Nature of Science in an Era of Academia-Industry Integration, Michael J. Malinowski
Choosing the Genetic Makeup of Children: Our Eugenics Past-Present, and Future?, Michael J. Malinowski
Dealing with the Realities of Race and Ethnicity: A Bioethics-Centered Argument in Favor of Race-Based Genetics Research, Michael J. Malinowski
Doctors, Patients, and Pills--A System Popping Under Too Much Physician Discretion? A Law-Policy Prescription to Make Drug Approval More Meaningful in the Delivery of Health Care, Michael J. Malinowski
Doctors, Patients, and Pills--A System Popping Under Too Much Physician Discretion? A Law-Policy Prescription to Make Drug Approval More Meaningful in the Delivery of Health Care, Michael J. Malinowski
Doctors, Patients, and Pills--A System Popping Under Too Much Physician Discretion? A Law-Policy Prescription to Make Drug Approval More Meaningful in the Delivery of Health Care, Michael J. Malinowski
Drug Development--Stuck in a State of Puberty?: Regulatory Reform of Human Clinical Research to Raise Responsiveness to the Reality of Human Variability, Michael J. Malinowski
Ethics in a Global Biopharmaceutical Environment, Michael J. Malinowski
Government RX--Back to the Future in Science Funding? The Next Era in Drug Development, Michael J. Malinowski
Law, Policy, and Market Implications of Genetic Profiling in Drug Development, Michael J. Malinowski
Patents for Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology: Fundamentals of Global Law, Practice and Strategy by Philip W. Grubb, Michael J. Malinowski
Respecting, Rather than Reacting to, Race in Biomedical Research: A Response to Professors Caulfield and Mwaria, Michael J. Malinowski
Taking Genomics to the Bio Bank: Access to Human Biological Samples and Medical Information, Michael J. Malinowski
Throwing Dirt on Doctor Frankenstein's Grave: Accesss to Experimental Treatments at the End of Life, Michael J. Malinowski
Throwing Dirt on Doctor Frankenstein’s Grave: Access to Experimental Treatments at the End of Life, Michael J. Malinowski
Throwing Dirt on Doctor Frankenstein’s Grave: Access to Experimental Treatments at the End of Life, Michael J. Malinowski
All that is Gold Does Not Glitter in Human Clinical Research: A Law– Policy Proposal to Brighten the Global “Gold Standard” for Drug Research and Development, Michael J. Malinowski and Grant G. Gautreaux
Introduction, Michael J. Malinowski, Bartha Maria Knoppers, and Claude Bouchard
A stochastic-based performance prediction model for road network pavement maintenance, Putu Mandiartha, Colin F. Duffield, Russell G. Thompson, and Marcus R. Wigan
Damning Dictum: The Default Duty Debate in Delaware, Mohsen Manesh
Lessons from Personhood’s Defeat: Abortion Restrictions and Side Effects on Women’s Health, Maya Manian
Proprietary Right to a Cooperative Apartment: A Survival of the Socialist Legal Tradition in Polish Private Law, Rafal Manko
Weeds in the Gardens of Justice?The Survival of Hyperpositivism in PolishLegal Culture as a Symptom/Sinthome, Rafal Manko
Multilingualism at the Court of Justice of the European Union: Theoretical and Practical Aspects, Rafał Mańko and Olga Łachacz
Louisiana Public Records Doctrine After Wede v. Niche Marketing, Joseph S. Manning
Economists are from Mercury, Policymakers are from Saturn, Roberta F. Mann
Lightning in a Bottle: Using Tax Policy to Solve Renewable Energy's Storage Challenges, Roberta F. Mann
Smart Incentives for the Smart Grid, Roberta F. Mann
IEEE ISTAS13: Smart World- The Social Implications of Wearable Computers and Augmediated Reality in Everyday Life, Steve Mann and Katina Michael
A Primer of Public Land Law, Marla Mansfield
A Reexamination of the Temporal Dimension in Property and Takings, Marla Mansfield
A Tale of Two Owners: Real Property Co-Ownership and Mineral Developments, Marla Mansfield
Book Review: Protection of Global Biodiversity: Converging Strategies, by Lakshman D. Guruswamy and Jeffrey McNeely (eds.), Marla Mansfield
Book Review: The Contentious Lands: A Review of Western Public Lands and Environmental Politics, by Charles Davis, ed., Marla Mansfield
Book Review: The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Redefining America's Wilderness Heritage, by Robert B. Keiter and Mark S. Boyce (eds)., Marla Mansfield
By the Dawn's Early Light: The Administrative State Still Stands after the 2000 Supreme Court Term (Commerce Clause, Delegation, and Takings), Marla Mansfield
Energy Law and Policy for the 21st Century, with the Energy Law Group, Marla Mansfield
Energy Policy: The REEL World: Cases and Materials on Resources, Energy and Environmental Law, Marla Mansfield
Mineral Law Newsletter, Marla Mansfield
Mines and Minerals, Marla Mansfield
Oil and Gas Law in the Year 2004 , Marla Mansfield
On the Cusp of Property Rights: Lessons from Public Land Law, Marla Mansfield
Petroleum & Pipelines, Marla Mansfield
Regulatory Takings, Expectations and Valid Existing Rights, Marla Mansfield
Standing and Ripeness Revisited: The Supreme Court's "Hypothetical" Barriers, Marla Mansfield
Takings and Threes: The Supreme Court's 2004-2005 Term, Marla Mansfield
The "New" Old Law of Judicial Access: Toward a Mirror-Image Nondelegation Theory, Marla Mansfield
The "Public" in Public Land Appeals: A Case Study in "Reformed" Administrative Law and Proposal for Orderly Participation, Marla Mansfield
Through the Forest of the Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Controversy Toward a Paradigm of NEPA Compliance, Marla Mansfield
Tahoe-Sierra Returns Penn Central to the Center Track, Marla E. Mansfield
When 'Private Rights' Meet 'Public Rights': Problems of Labelling Regulatory Rulings, Marla Mansfield and R.S. Fausett
BACKGROUND BRIEFING: Living in a smart world - people as sensors-20130620 0104-1, Rob Manson, Alexander Hayes, Susannah Sabbine, Katina Michael, and Lucy Simmonds
BACKGROUND BRIEFING: Living in a smart world - people as sensors-20130620 0104-1, Rob Manson, Alexander Hayes, Susannah Sabbine, Katina Michael, and Lucy Simmonds
Competitive value of data protection: the impact of data protection regulation on online behaviour, Alessandro Mantelero
The EU Proposal for a General Data Protection Regulation and the roots of the ‘right to be forgotten’, Alessandro Mantelero