About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

Immigration Through Many Lenses (4 Letters), Arthur R. Landever

Perceptions of Judicial Responsibility: The Views of the Nine United States Supreme Court Justices as They Consider Claims in Fourteenth Amendment Noncriminal Cases: A Post-Bakke Evaluation, Arthur R. Landever

Regional Commissions to Monitor Confinement Institutions: A Proposal, Arthur R. Landever

Regionalism an Alternative in Higher Ed, Too, Arthur R. Landever

Speech on Early Women Lawyers, Arthur R. Landever

Suppressed History or Distorted History? A Review of Rosenfeld's The American Aurora, Arthur R. Landever

The Articles of Confederation: Gateway to the Constitution, Arthur R. Landever

The Constitutional Arguments For and Against the Defense of Marriage Act, Arthur R. Landever

The Founders and Slavery, Arthur R. Landever

The Rights of Children in America - The Differing Perspectives, Arthur R. Landever

The Role of Oral Argument at the U.S. Supreme Court-- A View From the Podium, Arthur R. Landever

The United States Constitution with annotations and introductions to legal theory and decision making, Arthur R. Landever

Those Indispensable Articles of Confederation-Stage in Constitutionalism, Passage for the Framers, and Clue to the Nature of the Constitution, Arthur R. Landever

US Supreme Court Watch: Bell Atlantic v. Twombly, Arthur R. Landever

U.S. Supreme Court Watch: Stoneridge v. Scientific-Atlanta, Arthur R. Landever

Women's Rights and the American Constitutional System, 4 Poly Law Review 43 (1979, Arthur R. Landever

The Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act: A Practitioner's Guide, Arthur R. Landever and Michelle Landever Bond


Reflections on the New Haven School, Molly Land


Toward an International Law of the Internet, Molly Land


Much Ado About Nothing?: What the Numbers Tell Us About How State Courts Apply the Unconscionability Doctrine, Susan D. Landrum


Patent PR, Eric L. Lane

The Political is Personal: TAs on the Front Lines of the Critical Consciousness Campaign, Debra Langan, Marcia Oliver, and Laurel Atkinson


Chezkas HaBatim, Arthur Lang


CV and Resume, Arthur Lang

An Analysis of Claims Regarding Transferable "Legal Title" to Iraqi Oil in the Immediate Aftermath of Gulf War II: Paradigm for Insight on Continuation of UN Juridical Regimes Following the Initiation of Belligerent Occupation, R. Langenkamp and Rex Zedalis

The Demise of "Tests" in the Government Religious Speech Cases, Kyle Langvardt


Judicial Strict Scrutiny and Administrative Compliance: The Case of Public Contracting Preferences, George R. La Noue and Matthew Speake

Religion, Sexuality and Law: Reflections on Catherine MacKinnon’s Agenda for Feminist Theory, Richard Louis Lara



A Mistake of Law Defense as a Remedy for Overcriminalization, Paul J. Larkin Jr.


Clemency, Parole, Good-Time Credits, and Crowded Prisons: Reconsidering Early Release, Paul J. Larkin Jr.


Parole: Corpse or Phoenix?, Paul J. Larkin Jr.


Public Choice Theory and Overcriminalization, Paul J. Larkin Jr.


Public Choice Theory and Overcriminalization, Paul J. Larkin Jr.


Taking Mistakes Seriously, Paul J. Larkin Jr.

Review of: Eugene O’Neill’s The Hairy Ape, by Ghost Light Theatricals, April-May, 201, Daniel Larner

The Impact of Terrorism on Business, Michael D. Larobina and Richard L. Pate

The Status Of Recognition And Enforcement Of Judgments In The European Union, Michael D. Larobina J.D., L.L.M. and Richard L. Pate J.D.

Classer et punir, la construction du type criminel dans les doctrines d'individualisation de la peine / To classify and punish, the construction of criminal type in the legal doctrines of individualization, Julien Larregue


Learning from Our Mistakes: Practical Solutions for Reducing the Rate of Incarceration in Louisiana, Kara Larson


Orphaned Pollution and Corporate Social Responsibility, Rhett Larson


Sacred Cows, Holy Wars: Exploring the Limits of Law in the Regulation of Raw Milk and Kosher Meat, Kenneth Lasson


SACRED COWS, HOLY WARS: Exploring the Limits of Law in the Regulation of Raw Milk and Kosher Meat, Kenneth Lasson

2013 Update, Rogelio Lasso

Mock Torts Class, JMLS Open House for Admitted Students, Rogelio Lasso


Living and Dying in a Digital World: Estate Planning for Digital Assets, Greg Lastowka


The Player-Authors Project, Greg Lastowka


‘Works Well With Others’: Examining The Different Types Of Small Group Learning Approaches And Their Implications For Law Student Learning Outcomes, Julian Laurens, Alex Steel, and Anna Huggins


Valuing Mom & Dad: Calculating Loss of Parental Nurture in a Wrongful Death Action, Andrew J. Laurila

Drawing Lessons From the U.K. Constitutional Reform Act of 2005, Terence Lau


Senator Rufus Blodgett: The Sherman Anti-Trust Act’s Lone Dissenter, Steven Lavender


Taxation of Petroleum Profit under the Nigeria’s Petroleum Profit Tax Act, Kamoru Taiwo Lawal


Sham Constitutions, David S. Law and Mila Versteeg


Patenting Thoughts, J. Ryan Lawlis

New York Pattern Jury Instructions -- Civil, Leon D. Lazer

The Probability of Actual Bias, Objective Standards, and Pandora's Box - Caperton v. A. T. Massey Coal Company, Leon D. Lazer Honorable

Business Interests Cases - October 2009 Term, Leon D. Lazer Honorable and Leon Friedman

Ascertaining the Burden of Proof for an Award for Punitive Damages in New York? Consult Your Local Appellate Division, Leon D. Lazer and John R. Higgitt


El dogma de la limitación de la responsabilidad y las empresas individuales, Patricio Lazo

Haftungsbeschränkung bei Schifffahrtsunternehmen im römischen Recht, Patricio Lazo

La incertidumbre del texto como factor de cambio en la experiencia jurídica romana, Patricio Lazo

Las acciones reales y el desposeímiento, Patricio Lazo

Principios y fundamentos de la limitación de la responsabilidad contractual en el derecho romano, Patricio Lazo

Children, Sex Trafficking, and Technology: Lessons Learned from an Analysis of Federal Caselaw Since the Passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, Mary G. Leary

The Joe Isuzu Dean Search: A Guide to the Interpretation of Announcement Letters, Paul A. LeBel and James E. Moliterno


Changing Your Name in New York: A Guide for Attorneys and the Self-Represented—Part I, Gerald Lebovits


Changing Your Name in New York: A Guide for Attorneys and the Self-Represented—Part II, Gerald Lebovits


Drafting New York Civil-Litigation Documents: Part XXIII—Summary-Judgment Motions Continued, Gerald Lebovits


Drafting New York Civil-Litigation Documents Part XXII—Summary-Judgment Motions Continued, Gerald Lebovits


Drafting New York Civil-Litigation Documents: Part XXI—Summary-Judgment Motions Continued, Gerald Lebovits


Drafting New York Civil-Litigation Documents: Part XXIV—Summary-Judgment Motions Continued, Gerald Lebovits


Drafting New York Civil-Litigation Documents: Part XXVII—Disclosure Motions, Gerald Lebovits


Drafting New York Civil-Litigation Documents: Part XXVIII—Disclosure Motions Continued, Gerald Lebovits


Drafting New York Civil-Litigation Documents: Part XXVI—Notices to Admit Continued, Gerald Lebovits


Drafting New York Civil-Litigation Documents: Part XXV—Notices to Admit, Gerald Lebovits


Legal Writing in the Practice-Ready Law School, Gerald Lebovits


Motion Practice in Suffolk County: Avoiding the Pitfalls, Gerald Lebovits


New York Residential Landlord-Tenant Law and Procedure—2012-2013 (5th ed. 2013), Gerald Lebovits


No Fault, No Foul: Litigating First-Party-Benefit Cases—Part II, Gerald Lebovits


The Goals of a Judicial Opinion, Gerald Lebovits


The Use of Tenant Screening Reports and Tenant Blacklisting—2013, Gerald Lebovits


Winning the Moot Court Oral Argument: A Guide for Intramural and Intermural Moot Court Competitors, Gerald Lebovits


Winning Through Integrity and Professionalism, Gerald Lebovits

The Vietnam Draft Cases and the Pro-Religion Equality Project, Bruce Ledewitz


Using Virtual Bids to Manipulate the Value of Financial Transmission Rights, Shaun D. Ledgerwood and Johannes P. Pfeifenberger

By Eminent Domain or Some Other Name: A Tribal Perspective on Taking Land, Stacy L. Leeds

Defeat or Mixed Blessing - Tribal Sovereignty and the State of Sequoyah, Stacy L. Leeds

The More Things Stay the Same: Waiting on Indian Law's Brown v. Board of Education, Stacy L. Leeds


Copyright-Exempt Nonprofits: A Simple Proposal to Spur Innovation, Edward Lee


The Fight for the Future: How People Defeated Hollywood and Saved the Internet—For Now, Edward Lee


The Game of Clones, Hyun G. Lee


Changing System Not the Answer, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE


We Built This City: Public Participation in Land Use Decisions in Singapore, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE


A Presence of the Past: The Legal Protection of Singapore’s Archaeological Heritage, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee


Hougang By-election Case: What Court Decision on By-election Reveals, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee


International Environmental Law as an Art and a Craft, Jae-Hyup Lee

Problems at the Roots of Law: Essays in Legal and Political Theory by Joel Feinberg (book review), Kevin P. Lee


Religion as Aesthetic Practice: Aesthetic Experience and the Paradox of Religious Toleration, Kevin P. Lee

The Citizen Lawyer in the Coming Era: How Technology is Changing the Practice of Law and What it Might Mean for the Future of the Lawyer's Role in the American Democracy, Kevin P. Lee

The Citizen Lawyer in the Coming Era: How Technology is Changing the Practice of Law and What it Might Mean for the Future of the Lawyer’s role in the American Democracy, Kevin P. Lee