The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Rights in Separate Property of Hindu Female – Challenge to acquire a new self, Archana Mishra
Oklahoma Administrative Procedures: Cases and Materials, Michael Mitchelson
The Court of Arbitration for Sport and its Global Jurisprudence: International Legal Pluralism in a World Without National Boundaries, Matthew J. Mitten
Turning Off the Tap on Thailand's Graft Pipeline: Renewed Emphasis on Mega-Projects and Counter-Corruption Needs Renewed Emphasis on Public Procurement Law, Daniel J. Mitterhoff
1. Analysing the Legislative Gaps in the Detention Scheme of the Foreigners in Bangladesh: The Released Prisoners, Arpeeta Shams Mizan
Archaeological Sites and Mangrove Forest: A Legal Overview of the Ecologically Critical Areas in the Bangladesh Context, Arpeeta Shams Mizan
Diverse Streams of Education in Bangladesh and Realisation of Right to Education, Arpeeta Shams Mizan
Learning Education in Flux: New Strategies to Reach the Modern Student, William Mock
Transparency, William Mock
LEGITIMATION, Mark C. Modak-Truran
TWAIL and International Organisations: Setting the Agenda, Aymen Mohammed
Transnational Litigation, Mahdev Mohan
The Smokable Goods Tax: Crafting a Constitutional Marijuana Tax, Nima H. Mohebbi and Samuel T. Greenberg
El fideicomiso en la planificación sucesoria, Carlos Molina Sandoval
La empresa familiar como enfoque metodológico, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Le empresa familiar como enfoque metodológico, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Peticion de quiebra directa por el acreedor, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Planificación sucesoria y patrimonial en la empresa familiar, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Reorganizaciones empresariales, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Sociedades anónimas unipersonales, Carlos Molina Sandoval
L'ontologia dei danni non patrimoniali, Pier Giuseppe Monateri
Symposium: Title IX: Women, Athletics and the Law - Foreword, Paula A. Monopoli
Ebola and Bioterrorism, Joshua P. Monroe
Cooling-off periods and the law [En español] Periodos en enfriamiento y el derecho, Daniel A. Monroy
MAJORITARIAN DEFAULT RULES IN CIVIL CONTRACT LAW: Legal doctrine and Law & Economics [En español], Daniel A. Monroy
The Homo [not so] economicus and the law: A critique of positive theory of rational choice in the law [En español], Daniel A. Monroy
There are penalty defaults rules in the Colombian contract law [En español], Daniel A. Monroy
El principio de precaución en la jurisprudencia constitucional colombiana: Incertidumbre y omisiones selectivas, Daniel A. Monroy and Camilo E. Ossa
The precautionary principle in the Colombian constitutional jurisprudence: scientific uncertainty and selective omissions [En español], Daniel A. Monroy and Camilo E. Ossa
Expert Testimony in Capital Sentencing: Juror Responses, John H. Montgomery, J. Richard Ciccone, Stephen P. Garvey, and Theodore Eisenberg
401(k) Plan Fees: A Trifecta of Governmental Oversight, Kathryn L. Moore
A Comparison of the Role of the Employer in the French and U.S. Health Care Systems, Kathryn L. Moore
An Overview of the U.S. Retirement Income Security System and the Principles and Values It Reflects, Kathryn L. Moore
Book Review | The Battle for Social Security: From FDR’s Vision to Bush’s Gamble by Nancy J. Altman (2005), Kathryn L. Moore
Kentucky Law Survey: Taxation, Kathryn L. Moore
Lessons from the French Funding Debate, Kathryn L. Moore
Partial Privatization of Social Security: Assessing Its Effect on Women, Minorities, and Lower-Income Workers, Kathryn L. Moore
President Bush's Personal Retirement Accounts: Saving or Dismantling Social Security, Kathryn L. Moore
Privatization of Social Security: Misguided Reform, Kathryn L. Moore
Raising the Social Security Retirement Ages: Weighing the Costs and Benefits, Kathryn L. Moore
Redistribution under a Partially Privatized Social Security System, Kathryn L. Moore
Redistribution Under the Current Social Security System, Kathryn L. Moore
Reforming Retirement Systems: Why the French Have Succeeded When Americans Have Not, Kathryn L. Moore
Social Security in an Era of Retrenchment: What Would Happen if the Social Security Trust Funds were Exhausted?, Kathryn L. Moore
Social Security Reform: An Analysis of the Ball/Altman Three-Point Plan, Kathryn L. Moore
Social Security Reform: Fundamental Restructuring or Incremental Change?, Kathryn L. Moore
Social Security Reform in 2005 and Beyond, Kathryn L. Moore
State and Local Taxation of Interstate and Foreign Commerce: The Second Best Solution, Kathryn L. Moore
The Best of Times and the Worst of Times: Lessons from Recent Reforms of the French Retirement System, Kathryn L. Moore
The Effects of Partial Privatization of Social Security upon Private Pensions, Kathryn L. Moore
The Future of Employment-Based Health Insurance After the Patient Protection and Affordable Case Act, Kathryn L. Moore
The Future of Social Security: Principles to Guide Reform, Kathryn L. Moore
The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Board of Adjustment: Fifty Years Later, Kathryn L. Moore
The New Retiree Health VEBAs, Kathryn L. Moore
Article Two Warranties in Commercial Transactions: An Update, Kathryn L. Moore, Debra L. Goetz, Douglas E. Perry, and David S. Rabb
La desnaturalización de la categoría del negocio jurídico por obra y gracia del Quinto Pleno Casatorio Civil, Rómulo Morales
¿La impugnación o la invalidez de los negocios jurídicos unilaterales colegiales asociativos?, Rómulo Morales
¿La impugnación o la invalidez de los negocios jurídicos unilaterales colegiales asociativos?, Rómulo Morales
The Troubled State of America's Nursing Homes, Albert Moran
Industrial Hemp: Canada Exports, United States Imports, Courtney N. Moran LL.M.
Claims Under the Administrative Procedure Act Before the Court of International Trade — A General Overview and Analysis of Significant Recent Jurisprudence, Mark A. Moran and Wentong Zheng
The Farmer In Chief: Obama's Local Food Legacy, Sarah J. Morath
They Know Their Colors: Using Color-Coded Comments to Facilitate Revisions, Sarah J. Morath
Training the Superstar Associate: Teaching Workplace Professionalism in Legal Writing Courses, Sarah J. Morath and Elizabeth Shaver
Commentary: The Rules of Law and the Point of Law , Thomas Morawetz
Empathy and Judgment, Thomas Morawetz
Fantasy, Celebrity and Homicide, Thomas Morawetz
Reconstructing the Criminal Defenses: The Significance of Justification, Thomas Morawetz
Understanding Disagreement, the Root Issue of Jurisprudence: Applying Wittgenstein to Positivism, Critical Theory, and Judging, Thomas Morawetz
Institutional Conscience: From Free Exercise to Freedom of Association and Church Autonomy, Michael P. Moreland
Preemption as Inverse Negligence Per Se, Michael P. Moreland
Book Review: Z. K. Bankowski, N. R. Hutton et J. J. McManus, Lay Justice?, Olivier Moreteau
Codes as Straight-Jackets, Safeguards, and Alibis: The Experience of the French Civil Code, Olivier Moreteau
François-Xavier Martin Revisited: Louisiana Views on Codification, Jurisprudence, Legal Education and Practice, Olivier Moreteau
Les Frontières de la Langue et du Droit: Vers une Méthodologie de la Traduction Juridique, Olivier Moreteau
Louisiana 1812-2012: 200 Years of Statehood and 300 Years of French Law Influence, Olivier Moreteau
Opening Remarks, Olivier Moreteau
Policing the Compensation of Victims of Catastrophes: Combining Solidarity and Self-Responsibility, Olivier Moreteau
Post Scriptum to Law Making in a Global World: From Human Rights to a Law of Mankind, Olivier Moreteau
Tributes to Professor Edward Tomlinson, Olivier Moreteau
An Introduction to Contamination, Olivier Moréteau
Avant-Propos, Olivier Moréteau
Avant-Propos , Olivier Moréteau
De Revolutionibus: The Place of the Civil Code in Louisiana and in the Legal Universe, Olivier Moréteau
Foreword, Olivier Moréteau
France: French Tort Law in the Light of European Harmonization, Olivier Moréteau
Hans-Albrecht Schwarz-Liebermann von Wahlendorf (1922-2011) , Olivier Moréteau
L'estoppel et la Protection de la Confiance Légitime: Eléments d'un Renouveau du Droit de la Responsabilité (Droit Anglais et Droit Français), Olivier Moréteau
Mare Nostrum as the Cauldron of Western Legal Traditions: Stirring the Broth, Making Sense of Legal Gumbo whilst Understanding Contamination, Olivier Moréteau
N. Whitty & R. Zimmermann, Rights of Personality in Scots Law , Olivier Moréteau
The Future of Civil Codes in France and Louisiana, Olivier Moréteau
The Louisiana Civil Code Translation Project: An Introduction , Olivier Moréteau
L’enseignement de Droit National aux Étudiants Étrangers en France, Olivier Moreteau and Frédérique Ferrand
L’interprétation des Textes Juridiques Rédigés dans plus d’une Langue, Olivier Moreteau and Didier Lamèthe
Recodification in Louisiana and Latin America, Olivier Moreteau and Agustín Parise
The Bicentennial of the Louisiana Civil Code (1808-2008), Olivier Moréteau and Agustín Parise
Chapter 9 Plan Confirmation Standards and the Role of State Choices, Juliet M. Moringiello