The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Why the Affordable Care Act Authorizes Tax Credits on the Federal Exchanges, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
Commentary on "When Policy Opportunity is not Enough: College Access and Enrollment Patterns among Texas Percent Plan Eligible Students", Liliana M. Garces and Gary Orfield
Keynote Address, Global Justice and International Economic Law, Frank J. Garcia
Panel Chair, New Theoretical Perspectives on WTO Law, Frank J. Garcia
With the Eyes that are Given Me: Transcendentalist Individualism and Feminist Colonial Poetics in Sophia Peabody's Cuba Journal, Ivonne Garcia
Complex Problems: Granularity is Necessary, Granularity Helps, Oscar N. Garcia, Vladik Kreinovich, Luc Longpre, and Hung T. Nguyen
Multiplicity of Marriage Forms in Contemporary South Africa, Roberto A. Garetto Ph.D.
Are ‘We the People’ Meeting Our Responsibilities?, Alan E. Garfield
Court Considers Space Restrictions on First Amendment, Alan E. Garfield
Here’s Some Malarkey: Judges Are Umpires, Alan E. Garfield
Instead of Government Truth Police, a Wiser Course is Informed Citizenry, Alan E. Garfield
Is Contraception Mandate ‘No Big Deal?’, Alan E. Garfield
Making the Case for Contraception over Religious Views, Alan E. Garfield
Should Musicians Be Jailed for Their Threatening Lyrics?, Alan E. Garfield
Supreme Court Religious Freedom Case Should Give Us Pride, Alan E. Garfield
The Contraception Mandate Debate: Achieving a Sensible Balance, Alan E. Garfield
Who Deserves the Right to Decide on Abortion?, Alan E. Garfield
Who Speaks for the ‘People’ on Policy?, Alan E. Garfield
Legislation in support of crime victims: the Australasian experience, Sam Boris Garkawe
The role of abolitionist nations in stopping the use of the death penalty in Asia: the case of Australia, Sam Boris Garkawe
Book Review, Peter D. Garlock
Contributing to the Delinquency of Minors, Peter D. Garlock
The Boston Juvenile Court, 1908-30: Implementing the Rehabilitative Ideal, Peter D. Garlock
Wayward Children and the Law, 1820-1900: The Genesis of the Status Offense Jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court, Peter D. Garlock
American Health Care's Temporal Order, Craig B. Garner
Another Healthcare Crisis: Closing Hospitals, Craig B. Garner
Formation Before Consolidation, Craig B. Garner
Health Care Reform Without a Revolution, Craig B. Garner
Just As Fragile As A Patient, Craig B. Garner
Lessons Learned From Dial-Up, Craig B. Garner
Medicare: The Perpetual Balance Between Performance and Preservation, Craig B. Garner
Pandemic or Panacea: The Financial Impact of the ACA on the Modern Health Care Industry, Craig B. Garner
Regulatory Compliance Has No Speed Traps, Craig B. Garner
The Latest Paradigm Shift in Health Care, Craig B. Garner
The Light at the End of the Tunnel . . . or Cliff, Craig B. Garner
The Nexus Between Compliance and Reputation, Craig B. Garner
The Problem With Value-Based Purchasing, Craig B. Garner
What Are We Fighting to Reform?, Craig B. Garner
Unconstitutional Regulatory Seizures under the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991: The Final Blow to the Business of National Banks , Craig Boyd Garner
Reimagining Homeownership: A Working Conference, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of the Church, Richard Garnett
Hesburgh Lecture: Faith, Politics, and the Constitution: Understanding the Separation of Church and State, Richard Garnett
Rick Garnett was a guest speaker and quoted in several media sources on the SCOTUS Hobby Lobby case decision on July 1, Richard Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted by the Associated Press article "Justices' new term has expectations on gay unions" on October 5, Richard Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in The New York Times article Among Justices, Considering a Divide Not of Gender or Politics, but of Beliefs , July 11, Richard Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in the South Bend Tribune article What do recent botched executions mean for death penalty? on August 31., Richard Garnett
Symposium: Religious Pluralism, Civic Unity, and the Judicial Role, Richard Garnett
A conservative Supreme Court swerves to avoid easy definition (Quotes: Richard Garnett) Washington Post, June 27, 2013, Richard W. Garnett
A New Plot to Change the Pledge - (Quotes: Richard Garnett) The American Prospect, September 9, 2013, Richard W. Garnett
Hesburgh Lecture Series: "Faith, Politics and the Constitution", Richard W. Garnett
Individuals Institutions religious freedom poster Individuals, Institutions and Religious Freedom, November 29, 2012, Richard W. Garnett
Is Anthony Kennedy 'the first gay justice'? (Quotes: Richard Garnett) CNN - June 28, 2013, Richard W. Garnett
Is Religious Freedom in America at Risk?" - Panelist at Institute for Law and Religion Debate by Univ San Diego School of Law - October 31, 2012 (iTunes video), Richard W. Garnett
Op-ed: Worth Worrying About? Same-Sex Marriage & Religious Freedom - Commonweal, July 17, 2013, Richard W. Garnett
Quoted in the Christian Science Monitor article and video, "Botched Oklahoma execution shakes even death penalty supporters", Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett appeared on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer Prayer in America on May 5., Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett authored an op-ed article "Solidarity, Not a Scolding" in the National Review Online on February 5, 2014, Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett quoted in AP article Protests at Abortion Clinics Back at High Court on January 15, Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett quoted in New Yort Times article Indiana Finds It's Not So Easy to Buck Gay Marriage Trend on December 24., Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett quoted in the L.A. Times article Single mothers-to-be and gays fight firings from Catholic school jobs on February 7, 2014, Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett quoted in the LA Times article Supreme Court halts Utah gay marriages, signaling cautious approach on January 6., Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett was in 3 Questions Facing the Supreme Court in Contraception Case via ABC News on March 20, 2014, Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in • National Catholic Register, Hobby Lobby Has Its Day in Court March 26, Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in the ABC News in Supreme Court Upholds Prayer at Town Meetings on May 5., Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in the CNN article Oklahoma’s botched lethal injection marks new front in battle over executions on May 1., Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in • The Columbus Dispatch, Obamacare, religion are focus of arguments today before justices, March 25, Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in the New York Times article Contraception Ruling Could Have Reach Far Beyond Women’s Rights on March 24, 2014, Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in the NPR story Prayers Before Town Hall Meetings Are Constitutional, High Court Finds on May 5, Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in the Religion News Service article Does Hobby Lobby have religious rights? The Supreme Court will decide, March 18, 2014, Richard W. Garnett
Rick Garnett was quoted in the Religion News Service article Supreme Court approves sectarian prayer at public meetings on May 5, Richard W. Garnett
Simple Justice: Kids Deserve School Choice – (Opinion: by Richard Garnett) Public Discourse – February 4, 2013, Richard W. Garnett
Supreme Court Extends Gay-Marriage Rights With Two Rulings (Quotes: Richard Garnett) NPR, June 26, 2013, Richard W. Garnett
The Conscience of a Judicial Conservative, Richard W. Garnett
What does separation of church and state mean? Guest on PBS Constitution USA with Peter Sagal. (video), Richard W. Garnett
What is the Mission of the Catholic Law School?, Richard W. Garnett
Who Gets Religious Exemptions And Why - (Guest) NPR Talk of the Nation - February 21, 2013, Richard W. Garnett
Accommodation, Establishment, and Freedom of Religion, Richard W. Garnett
Christian Witness, Moral Anthropology, and the Death Penalty, Richard W. Garnett
To Promote the Progress: Incentives, Exclusives, and Values to Build a More Perfect Creative Culture, Jon M. Garon
Globalization and Deregulation of Legal Services, Nuno Garoupa
Delegation, Discretion, and Deference in Comparative Administrative Law, Nuno Garoupa and Jud Matthews
A Law and Economics Perspective on Legal Families, Nuno Garoupa and Mariana Pargendler
Can Shaming Punishments Educate?, Stephen Garvey
Aggravation and Mitigation in Capital Cases: What Do Jurors Think?, Stephen P. Garvey
Are Housekeepers Like Judges?, Stephen P. Garvey
"As the Gentle Rain from Heaven": Mercy in Capital Sentencing, Stephen P. Garvey
Dealing with Wayward Desire, Stephen P. Garvey
Death-Innocence and the Law of Habeas Corpus, Stephen P. Garvey
Did Making Over the Prisons Require Making Up the Law , Stephen P. Garvey
Freeing Prisoners' Labor, Stephen P. Garvey
Introduction to the Symposium: Religion's Role in the Administration of the Death Penalty, Stephen P. Garvey
Is it Wrong to Commute Death Row? Retribution, Atonement, and Mercy, Stephen P. Garvey
Lifting the Veil on Punishment, Stephen P. Garvey
Passion's Puzzle, Stephen P. Garvey
Punishment as Atonement, Stephen P. Garvey
Questions of Mercy, Stephen P. Garvey
Racism, Unreasonable Belief, and Bernhard Goetz, Stephen P. Garvey
Restorative Justice, Punishment, and Atonement, Stephen P. Garvey