The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
The Moral Undercurrent beneath the Regulatory Regime of Investor Protection, Huhnkie Lee
Applying Software Development Techniques to Statutory Drafting, Hyun G. Lee
Hard Determinism, Moral Responsibility and Free Will, Hyun G. Lee
Reforming Restorative Justice for Legal Philosophy, Hyun G. Lee
Equality and Singapore’s First Constitutional Challenges to the Criminalization of Male Homosexual Conduct, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
Foreign Precedents in Constitutional Adjudication by the Supreme Court of Singapore, 1963–2013, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
Fundamental Constitutional Concepts and the Roles of the Branches of Government, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
We Built This City: Public Participation in Land Use Decisions in Singapore, Jack Tsen-Ta Lee
Contemporary Land Grabbing: Research Sources and Bibliography, Jootaek Lee
Frontiers of Legal Information: U.S. Law Librarians of the Future, Jootaek Lee
Gatekeepers of legal information: evaluating and integrating free internet legal resources into the classroom, Jootaek Lee
Venn Diagrams: Meet Me At the Intersection of Estate and Income Tax, Paul S. Lee, Cassady V. Brewer, and Ellen K. Harrison
Venn Diagrams: Meet Me At the Intersection of Estate and Income Tax, Paul S. Lee, Cassady V. Brewer, and Ellen K. Harrison
The Supreme Assimilation of Patent Law, Peter Lee
Beyond the War on Terrorism: Towards the New Intellligence Network, Ronald D. Lee and Paul M. Schwartz
Delivery infrastructure and land use-transport integration policy: examining good governance issues in Melbourne and Perth, Crystal Legacy, Sophie Sturup, Carey Curtis, and Marcus Wigan
New Markets Tax Credits Stimulate Community Development, Michael A. Lehmann and Cassady V. Brewer
L’investimento pubblico in banda larga nelle aree rurali. Un reality check dell’esperienza italiana, Rossella Lehnus and Nicola Matteucci
Right-sizing Spectrum Auction Licenses: The Case for Smaller Geographic License Areas in the TV Broadcast Incentive Auction, William H. Lehr PhD and J. Armand Musey CFA
Redefining the Traditional Pillars of German Legal Studies and Setting the Stage for Contemporary Interdisciplinary Research, Stephan Leibfried, Christoph Möllers, Christoph Schmid, and Peer Zumbansen
Scenarios for peer-to-peer learning in construction with emerging forms of collaborative computing, Teemu Leinonen, Jukka Purrna, Kiarii Ngua, and Alexander Hayes
Reading the Future?: Legal and Ethical Challenges of New Predictive Genetic Testing, Trudo Lemmens, Mireille Lacroix, and Roxanne Mykitiuk
Access to Justice: Can Domestic Violence Courts Better Address the Need of Non-English Speaking Victims of Domestic Violence, Nancy K. Lemon
Joint Custody As a Statutory Presumption: California's New Civil Code Sections 4600 and 4600.5, Nancy K. Lemon
Recent Developments: My Role as an Expert Witness in the Criminal Case and Civil Removal Proceedings Against San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, Nancy K. D. Lemon
Statutes Creating Rebuttable Presumptions against Custody to Batterers: How Effective Are They?, Nancy K. D. Lemon
A Transformative Process: Working as a Domestic Violence Expert Witness, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Oversight and Dispersed Power, Margaret H. Lemos, Stavros Gadinis, Ronald J. Krotoszynski Jr., Emily Hammond Meazell, and Alex Constanza
Prescribing a Legislative Response: Educators, Physicians and Psychotropic Medication for Children, Connie Lenz
What Innocence Means Today and Why it Matters, Richard Leo
Crafting a Parental Challenge against the Affordable Care Act's Contraceptive Mandate After Hobby Lobby, Kevin M. LeRoy
Screening and Surveillance for the Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer and Adenomatous Polyps, 2008: A Joint Guideline From the American Cancer Society, the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer, and the American College of Radiology, Bernard Levin, David A. Lieberman, Beth Mcfarland, Kimberly S. Andrews, Durado Brooks, John Bond, Chiranjeev Dash, Francis M. Giardiello, Seth Glick, David Johnson, C. Daniel Johnson, Theodore R. Levin, Perry J. Pickhardt, Douglas K. Rex, Robert A. Smith, Alan Thorson, and Sidney J. Winawer
Evidence Laundering: How Herring Made Ignorance the Best Detergent, Kay L. Levine
Evidence Laundering: How Herring Made Ignorance the Best Detergent, Kay L. Levine, Jenia I. Turner, and Ronald F. Wright
Copyright in the Music Industry, Robert Levine, Brett Danaher, and Giuseppina D'Agostino
Judicial Rhetoric & Lawyers' Roles, Samuel J. Levine
The Law and the “Spirit of the Law” in Legal Ethics, Samuel J. Levine
The African Origins of International Law: Myth or Reality?, Jeremy I. Levitt Dr.
The African Origins of International Law: Myth or Reality?, Jeremy I. Levitt Dr.
The African Origins of International Law: Myth or Reality?, Jeremy I. Levitt Dr.
The African Origins of International Law: Myth or Reality?, Jeremy I. Levitt Dr.
Contra Politanism: Against the Moral Teleology of Political Forms, Jacob T. Levy, Stefan Sciaraffa, and François Tanguay-Renaud
Due Date: Enforcing Surrogacy Promises in the Best Interest of the Child, Browne C. Lewis
Review: "Compassionate Care for the Living and the Dying", Browne C. Lewis
The Holder of UCC 3-407(2)(a) and the Windfall Discharge, Charles C. Lewis
Change We Can believe In? Chapter 11 and the American Bankruptcy Institute Proposals for Reform, Paul Lewis
Climate Change and the Multinational Corporation, Paul Lewis
203 N. LaSalle Five Years Later: Answers to the Open Questions, 38 J. Marshall L. Rev. 61 (2004), Paul B. Lewis
Bankruptcy Thermodynamics, 50 Fla. L. Rev. 329 (1998), Paul B. Lewis
Business Insolvency and the Irish Debt Crisis, 11 Rich. J. Global L. & Bus. 407 (2012), Paul B. Lewis
Can't Pay Your Debts, Mate? A Comparison of the Australian and American Personal Bankruptcy Systems, 18 Bankr. Dev. J. 297 (2002), Paul B. Lewis
Personal Bankruptcy in Common Law Countries, 7 Common L. Rev. 38 (2006), Paul B. Lewis
Systemic Due Process: Procedural Concepts and the Problem of Recusal, 38 U. Kan. L. Rev. 381 (1990), Paul B. Lewis
The New Bankruptcy Law: A Czech - U.S. Comparison, 10 Common L. Rev. 3 (2009), Paul B. Lewis
Trouble Down Under: Some Thoughts on the Australian-American Corporate Bankruptcy Divide, 2001 Utah L. Rev. 189 (2001), Paul B. Lewis
Regulating Toxics: Sex and Gender in Canada's Chemicals Management Plan, Sarah Lewis and Dayna Nadine Scott
2015 Planetizen blog posts, Michael Lewyn
Against the Neighborhood Veto, Michael Lewyn
American Dreams, American Realities, Michael Lewyn
How Often Do Cities Mandate Smart Growth or Green Building?, Michael Lewyn
How Suburbia Happened In Toronto, Michael Lewyn
Internally Buffered Districts: A New Technique to Make Zoning Less Exclusionary, Michael Lewyn
Is An Apartment A Nuisance?, Michael Lewyn
Smart Growth-Oriented Density and Parking Regulations, Michael Lewyn
The Criminalization of Walking, Michael Lewyn
The (Somewhat) False Hope of Comprehensive Planning, Michael Lewyn
The (Somewhat) False Hope of Comprehensive Planning, Michael Lewyn
Yes to Infill, No to Nuisance, Michael Lewyn
Yes to Infill, No to Nuisance, Michael Lewyn
No Parking Anytime: The Legality and Wisdom of Maximum Parking and Minimum Density Requirements, Michael Lewyn and Judd Schechtman
U.S. Federal Court Dismisses "Shadow Insurance" Class Action Claims, Tao (Tim) LIANG
Government Sponsored Social Media and Public Forum Doctrine Under the First Amendment: Perils and Pitfalls, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Why is therapeutic misconception so prevalent?, Charles W. Lidz, Karen Albert, Paul S. Appelbaum, Laura B. Dunn, Eve Overton, and Ekaterina Pivovarova
Blackstone's Science of Legislation, David Lieberman
Sorting the Revolutionary from the Terrorist: The Delicate Application of the Political Offense Exception in U.S. Extradition Cases, David M. Lieberman
Are You My Parent? Are You My Child? The Role of Genetics and Race in Defining Relationships After Reproductive Technological Mistakes, Raizel Liebler
Copyright and ownership of fan created works: fanfiction and beyond, Raizel Liebler
Information Superhighway Patrol, Raizel Liebler
Here We Are Now, Entertain Us: Defining the Line Between Personal and Professional Context on Social Media, Raizel Liebler and Keidra Chaney
Here We Are Now, Entertain Us: Defining the Line Between Personal and Professional Context on Social Media, 35 Pace L. Rev. 398 (2014), Raizel Liebler and Keidra Chaney
L’échange de renseignements: « hic et nunc », Fabien LIEGEOIS
Water-Smart Growth: Integrating water management and land use planning, Enjie Li
Linkages Between Water Challenges and Land Use Planning in Megacities, Enjie Li, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Shujuan Li
Salary or Fee-for-Service in Delivering Legal Aid Services: Theory and Practice in Canada, Ernie Lightman and Mary Jane Mossman
When Nominal is Reasonable: Damages for the Unpracticed Patent, Oskar Liivak
Advance Tax Rulings in China, Jinyan Li
Beneficial Ownership in Tax Treaties: Judicial Interpretation and the Case for Clarity, Jinyan Li
Canadian Taxation of International Mobile Workers: A Case for Reform, Jinyan Li
China: 2002 in Review, Jinyan Li
China’s Individual Income tax: A 26-Year-Old Infant, Jinyan Li
China’s Tax System: An Evaluation, Jinyan Li
China’s Tax Treaties, Jinyan Li
China’s Tax Treaties and Their Impact on Foreign Investment, Jinyan Li
China’s Tax Treaty Policy, Jinyan Li