About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

The Case Law Method in U.S. Legal Education: A Subjective View [El método de los casos en la pedagogía jurídica de los EEUU: una valoración subjetiva], José Gabilondo

Economic Coercion and the Limits of Sovereignty: Cuba’s Embargo Claims Against the United States, Jose M. Gabilondo

Collaborative Gatekeepers, Stavros Gadinis

From Independence to Politics in Financial Regulation, Stavros Gadinis

Introduction Lecture, Stavros Gadinis and Steven Davidoff Solomon

Collaborative Gatekeepers, Stavros Gadinis and Colby Mangels University of California - Berkeley

Introduction Lecture, Stavros Gadinis and Justin McCrary

My Grandmother Was Mrs Palsgraf.pdf, Ian Gallacher

Four Dangerous Assumptions about Human Trafficking, Anne T. Gallagher AO

SRTIP First Decade Report.pdf, Anne T. Gallagher AO

SRTIP First Decade Report.pdf, Anne T. Gallagher AO

Submission to the Inquiry into Establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia, Anne T. Gallagher AO

Whatever Happened to the Migrant Smuggling Protocol?, Anne T. Gallagher AO

Foreword—King v. Burwell Symposium: Comments on the Commentaries (and on Some Elephants in the Room), David Gamage

How Should Governments Promote Distributive Justice?: A Framework for Analyzing the Optimal Choice of Tax Instruments, David Gamage

On the Future of Tax Salience Scholarship: Operative Mechanisms and Limiting Factors, David Gamage

Preventing State Budget Crises: Managing the Fiscal Volatility Problem, David Gamage

The Case for Taxing (All of) Labor Income, Consumption, Capital Income, and Wealth, David Gamage

Commodification and Contract Formation: Placing the Consideration Doctrine on Stronger Foundations, David Gamage and Allon Kedem

Investment Treaties Are About Justice, Frank J. Garcia

Iqbal Is Not a Game Changer for Discovery in Civil Rights Cases, Matthew L. Garcia and George Bach

Fry v Napoleon Community Schools: Finding a Middle Ground, Robert A. Garda Jr.

Copyright Law's Delicate Balancing Act, Alan E. Garfield

Do privacy laws apply to cellphones?, Alan E. Garfield

End the confidentiality agreements that help perpetuate abuse, Alan E. Garfield

Half-based discrimination against gays, Alan E. Garfield

Hate Speech and the First Amendment, Alan E. Garfield

Supreme Conundrum, Alan E. Garfield

Supreme Conundrum: A Look into Neil Gorsuch, and Why This Particular Supreme Court Confirmation Is So Important to the Current Split Between Liberal And Conservative Justices, Alan E. Garfield

The Blessing of Separating Church and State, Alan E. Garfield

The Supreme Court's Brain Teaser, Alan E. Garfield

This is Why We Protect Hate Speech, Alan E. Garfield

Value of Valor: Soldiers’ Tenets Should Guide All Americans, Alan E. Garfield

Who's the Check on Authoritarianism in the Whitehouse?, Alan E. Garfield

Sector Agnosticism and the Coming Transformation of Education Law, Nicole Stelle Garnett

"Attendee Basics: Survival Guide for Patrons, Customers, Guests, and Goers" from The Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Festivals, Jon M. Garon

"Free Speech, First Amendment, and New Media for Cons and Festivals" from Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Festivals, Jon M. Garon

"Gambling, Raffles, Door Prizes, and Competitions" from The Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Festivals, Jon M. Garon

Intellectual Property Reference Guide, Jon M. Garon

Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Festivals, Jon M. Garon

Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Festivals: Introduction and Introduction and Table of Contents, Jon M. Garon

"Revenues and Expenses for Cons and Festivals" from The Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Festivals, Jon M. Garon

The budget of the Con is built by comparing the potential revenue to the long lists of expenses involved in operating the Con. As discussed in Chapter 9, a nonprofit, tax-exempt Con may be augmented by donations and reduce some of its tax obligations. The biggest difference between the nonprofit Con, such as Comic-Con, and the for-profit concerts at Coachella or Monterey may be the need to generate sufficient profits (or excess revenues) to generate a business return in addition to making the Con a success. Of course, many nonprofit Cons go on to make significant excess revenues. Those charities typically expand their missions to provide artistic and educational programming beyond the Con itself, funded by the revenues generated during the Con. The Con cannot succeed for very long if it does not earn sufficient income to cover its expenses. To achieve this, the Con organizers must plan carefully to manage the fixed expenses and limit the variable costs.Revenues and Expenses.pdf, Jon M. Garon

The Once and Future Profession: Autonomy, Intellectualism, and Obligation, Jon M. Garon

The Once and Future Profession: Autonomy, Intellectualism, and Obligation, Jon M. Garon

"The Reel Story: Film Festivals and Markets" from The Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Festivals, Jon M. Garon

"The Theories Underlying the Con Environment" from The Pop Culture Business Handbook for Cons and Festivals, Jon M. Garon

Updating the Law and Economics of Legal Parochialism, Nuno Garoupa

Legal Origins and the Efficiency Dilemma, Nuno Garoupa, Carlos Gómez Liguerre, and Lela Mélon

The Future Legal Management of Mass Migration, Jack I. Garvey

Tribute to Professor Sally Wiant, Laura N. Gasaway, James Heller, Ann MacLean Massie, Brian C. Murchison, Caroline L. Osborne, Christopher B. Seaman, Joan Shaughnessy, Joseph A. Ulrich, and Christopher Wolf

Tribute to Professor Sally Wiant, Laura N. Gasaway, James Heller, Ann MacLean Massie, Brian C. Murchison, Caroline L. Osborne, Christopher B. Seaman, Joan Shaughnessy, Joseph A. Ulrich, and Christopher Wolf

Tribute to Professor Sally Wiant, Laura N. Gasaway, James Heller, Ann MacLean Massie, Brian C. Murchison, Caroline L. Osborne, Christopher B. Seaman, Joan Shaughnessy, Joseph A. Ulrich, and Christopher Wolf

Tribute to Professor Sally Wiant, Laura N. Gasaway, James Heller, Ann MacLean Massie, Brian C. Murchison, Caroline L. Osborne, Christopher B. Seaman, Joan Shaughnessy, Joseph A. Ulrich, and Christopher Wolf

Holdout Problem and Private Takings in India, Khagesh Gautam

Judicial Delays, Mounting Arrears and Lawyer's Strikes, Khagesh Gautam

Political Patronage and Judicial Appointments in India: A Comment on the Fourth Judges Appointment (NJAC) Case, Khagesh Gautam

The Unfair Operation Principle and the Exclusionary Rule: On the Admissibility of Illegally Obtained Evidence in Criminal Trials in India, Khagesh Gautam

Criminal Law on the Aboriginal Plains : The First Nations and the First Criminal Court in the North-West Territories, 1870–1903, Shelley A. M. Gavigan

In Pursuit of Good & Gold: Data Observations of Employee Ownership & Impact Investment, Christopher Geczy, Jessica S. Jeffers, David K. Musto, and Anne M. Tucker

Indexing Basis for Inflation: The Intractable Problem of Debt (Editorial), Deborah A. Geier

Principled Tax Reform, Deborah A. Geier

U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2017, Deborah A. Geier




Construcción en suelo ajeno: un caso de enriquecimiento impuesto, Ricardo Geldres Campos


El plazo prescriptorio de la pretensión de otorgamiento de escritura pública, Ricardo Geldres Campos

Enriquecimiento sin causa, Ricardo Geldres Campos

LA PRESCRIPCION ADQUISITIVA DEL PROPIETARIO. A propósito de la Casación Nº 3247-2014-Junín, Ricardo Geldres Campos

La responsabilidad precontractual, Ricardo Geldres Campos

La usucapión y los actos extrajudiciales como causales de interrupción. Comentario a la Casación N.º 2434-2014 Cusco, Ricardo Geldres Campos

Los daños punitivos en el V Pleno Jurisdiccional Supremo en materia Laboral y Previsional, Ricardo Geldres


Un estudio sistemático sobre las obligaciones alternativas, Ricardo Geldres Campos

Centros, the Freedom of Establishment for Companies, and the Court's Accidental Vision for Corporate Law, Martin Gelter

Comparative Corporate Governance: Old and New, Martin Gelter

Employee Participation in Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, Martin Gelter

EU Company Law Harmonization Between Convergence and Varieties of Capitalism, Martin Gelter

From Institutional Theories to Private Pensions, Martin Gelter

Corporate Opportunities in the US and in the UK: How Differences in Enforcement Explain Differences in Substantive Fiduciary Duties, Martin Gelter and Geneviève Helleringer

Discovery: What the Form Are We Fighting For?, Steven S. Gensler and Xavier Rodriguez

Breaking the Boilerplate Habit in Civil Discovery, Steven S. Gensler and Lee H. Rosenthal

Chinese Competition Law in the World, David J. Gerber

Competition Law: Convergence in Uncertainty are We Where We Thought We Were?, David J. Gerber

Privity's Shadow: Exculpatory Terms in Extended Forms of Private Ordering, Mark P. Gergen

A Wrong Turn in the Law of Deceit, Mark P. Gergen

Constitutional Limitations on State Long Arm Jurisdiction, Mark P. Gergen

How to Tax Capital, Mark P. Gergen

Subchapter K and Passive Financial Intermediation, Mark P. Gergen

The Common Knowledge of Tax Abuse, Mark P. Gergen

The End of the Revolution in Partnership Tax, Mark P. Gergen

The Jury's Role in Deciding Normative Issues in the American Common Law, Mark P. Gergen

AALL's National Advocacy Efforts, Claire M. Germain

Approaches to Statutory Interpretation and Legislative History in France, Claire M. Germain

Beyond the Expected: Creating and Sustaining Relationships for Your Institutions, Claire M. Germain

Content and Quality of Legal Information and Data on the Internet with a Special Focus on the United States, Claire M. Germain

Current Research Sources in French Law, Claire M. Germain

Digital Legal Information: Ensuring Access to the "Official" Word of the Law, Claire M. Germain

Digital Legal Information: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?, Claire M. Germain