About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

The Implementation Gap in Environmental Law, Daniel A. Farber

Courts, Statutes, and Public Policy: The Case of the Murderous Heir, Daniel A. Farber

Disaster Law and Inequality, Daniel A. Farber

Unpacking Eme Homer: Cost, Proportionality, and Emissions Reductions, Daniel A. Farber

Climate Change Law: Concepts and Insights, Daniel A. Farber and Cinnamon P. Carlarne

Estudos Aprofundados em Direito Dos Comparadas, Daniel A. Farber and Delton W. de Carvalho

Agencies as Adversaries, Daniel A. Farber and Anne Joseph O’Connell

No Title, Christine Haight Farley

Incentives to Challenge and Defend Patents: Why Litigation Won't Reliably Fix Patent Office Errors and Why Administrative Patent Review Might Help, Joseph Farrell and Robert P. Merges

Political Political Theory Theory, Jeremy D. Farris and William A. Edmundson

Professor Trevor Farrow to be a Speaker at OECD-Open Society Justice Initiative meeting on “Understanding Effective Access to Justice” Nov. 3 and 4 at the OECD in Paris, Trevor C. W. Farrow

Global artificial photosynthesis: transition from Corporatocene to Sustainocene, Thomas A. Faunce



The Personal and the Professional: Assessing the Ambivalent Commitment to Racial Justice in the United States, Malcolm Feeley

Unconvincing Case against Private Prisons, The The Jerome Hall Lecture, Malcolm Feeley

An Introduction to Lawyering for the Rule of Law, Malcolm M. Feeley

Entrepreneurs of Punishment: How Private Contractors Made and Are Remaking the Modern Criminal Justice System - An Account of Convict Transportation and Electronic Monitoring, Malcolm M. Feeley

Federalism as Compared to What?: Sorting out the Effects of Federalism, Unitary Systems, and Decentralization, Malcolm M. Feeley and Aniket Kesari

Disentangling Federalism from Decentralization: An Essay on Comparative Analysis in Political Economy, Political Science, and Comparative Law, Malcolm M. Feeley and Aniket Kisari

The Prison Conditions Cases and the Bureaucratization of American Corrections: Influences, Impacts and Implications, Malcolm M. Feeley and Van Swearingen

StephenMFeldmanNothingNew.pdf, Stephen M. Feldman

StephenMFeldmanPostmodern.pdf, Stephen M. Feldman

StephenMFeldmanTheReturno.pdf, Stephen M. Feldman

Evolution and Maintenance of Frequent Pattern Space When Transactions Are Removed, Mengling Feng, Guozhu Dong, Jinyan Li, Yap-Peng Tan, and Limsoon Wong

Pattern Space Maintenance for Data Updates and Interactive Mining, Mengling Feng, Guozhu Dong, Jinyan Li, Yap-Peng Tan, and Limsoon Wong

Maintenance of Frequent Patterns: A Survey, Mengling Feng, Jinyan Li, Guozhu Dong, and Limsoon Wong

The Miranda App: Metaphor and Machine, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson and Richard Leo

A Invasão do Formalismo na Sociedade da Informação.pdf, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Cidadania e seus Inimigos.pdf, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Escrita científica em sociedade de massas .pdf, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

LEITURAS DO SÍMBOLO DO INFINITO.pdf, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha


A good-faith challenge to the taxonomy of tort law defences, Iain Field

Good faith protections and public sector liability, Iain Field

Preface: The evolving roles of Attorneys-General and Solicitors-General, Iain Field and Patrick Keyzer

Regulation of Derivative Financial Instruments (Swaps, Options, and Futures), Ronald H. Filler and Jerry W. Markham

Feminism, Media, and the Law, Martha A. Fineman and Martha T. McCluskey

Confronting the Peppercorn Settlement in Merger Litigation: An Empirical Analysis and a Proposal for Reform, Jill E. Fisch, Sean J. Griffith, and Steven D. Solomon

Confronting the Peppercorn Settlement in Merger Litigation: An Empirical Analysis and a Proposal for Reform, Jill E. Fisch, Sean J. Griffith, and Steven Davidoff Solomon

Is Say on Pay All About Pay? The Impact of Firm Performance, Jill E. Fisch, Darius Palia, and Steven Davidoff Solomon

U.S. v. Microsoft - An Economic Analysis, Franklin M. Fisher and Daniel L. Rubinfeld

“An Ingenious Man Enabled by Contract”: Entrepreneurship and the Rise of Contract, Catherine Fisk

'An Ingenious Man Enabled by Contract': Entrepreneurship and the Rise of Contract, Catherine Fisk

Authorship and Attribution in the Digital Age, Catherine Fisk

Book Review, Catherine Fisk

Book Review - Katherine Turk, Equality on Trial: Gender and Rights in the North American Workplace, Catherine Fisk

Courts vs. Unions: Speech and Association Rights Under Fire, Catherine Fisk

ERISA Preemption of State and Local Laws on Domestic Partnership and Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Employment, Catherine Fisk

Hollywood Writers and the Gig Economy, Catherine Fisk

Intellectual Property History as Labor History, Catherine Fisk

Law and the Evolving Shape of Labor: Narratives of Expansion and Retrenchment, Catherine Fisk

Law & Society, Catherine Fisk

Lochner Redux: The Renaissance of Laissez-Faire Contract in the Federal Common Law of Employee Benefits, Catherine Fisk

Reflections on the New Psychological Contract and the Ownership of Human Capital, Catherine Fisk

Still “Learning Something of Legislation”: The Judiciary in the History of Labor Law, Catherine Fisk

Supervisors in a World of Flat Hierarchies, Catherine Fisk

The Labor History of Intellectual Property in Writing for Film, Television, and Advertising (映画、テレビ、広告のための脚本の知的財産をめぐる労働の歴史), Catherine Fisk

The Last Article About the Language of ERISA Preemption? A Case Study of the Failure of Textualism, Catherine Fisk

The New Regime, Catherine Fisk

The People's Network: The Political Economy of the Telephone in the Gilded Age, Catherine Fisk

There Is Still So Much to Learn From Legislation, Catherine Fisk

The Story of Ingersoll-Rand v. Ciavatta: Employee Inventors in Corporate Research & Development -– Reconciling Innovation with Entrepreneurship, Catherine Fisk

Working Knowledge: Trade Secrets, Restrictive Covenants in Employment, and the Rise of Corporate Intellectual Property , 1800-1920, Catherine Fisk

Workplace Democracy and Democratic Worker Organizations: Notes on Workers Centers and Members-Only Unions, Catherine Fisk

Writing for Hire: Hollywood Writers and the On Demand Economy, Catherine Fisk

Panel 1: "Shouldn't You Be Retiring Already?": Age Stereotypes in the Modern Era, Catherine Fisk, Sarah Barber, Helen Dennis, and Dara Smith

Introduction to Symposium on Rampart Police Scandal: Policing the Criminal Justice System, Catherine Fisk and David W. Burcham

Civil Rights Without Remedies: Vicarious Liability Under Title VII, Section 1983, and Title IX, Catherine Fisk and Erwin Chemerinsky

The Failing Faith in Class Actions: Wal-Mart v. Dukes and AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion, Catherine Fisk and Erwin Chemerinsky

The Filibuster, Catherine Fisk and Erwin Chemerinsky

The Speech and Association Rights of Employees: Implications of Knox v. SEIU, Local 1000 and Harris v. Quinn, Catherine Fisk and Erwin Chemerinsky

The Story of Hoffman Plastic Compounds v. NLRB: Labor Rights without Remedies for Undocumented Immigrants, chapter 10 of Labor Law Stories and chapter 12 of Immigration Stories, Catherine Fisk, Laura Cooper, and Michael Wishnie

Working Group on Chapter 4 of the Proposed Restatement of Employment Law: The Tort of Wrongful Discipline in Violation of Public Policy, Catherine Fisk, Joseph R. Grodin, Paul M. Secunda, Richard A. Bales, Roberto L. Corrada, and Pauline T. Kim

Authors at Work: The Origins of the Work-for-Hire Doctrine, Catherine L. Fisk

The Writers' Share, Catherine L. Fisk

Author Response: Law and the Problem of Embodied Knowledge, Catherine L. Fisk

Collective Actions and Joinder of Parties in Arbitration: Implications of DR Horton and Concepcion, Catherine L. Fisk

Credit Where It's Due: The Law and Norms of Attribution, Catherine L. Fisk

Employer-Provided Child Care under Title VII: Toward an Employer's Duty to Accommodate Child Care Responsibilities of Employees, Catherine L. Fisk

Foreword: Looking for a Miracle? Women, Work, and Effective Legal Change, Catherine L. Fisk

Humiliation at Work, Catherine L. Fisk

Knowledge Work: New Metaphors for the New Economy, Catherine L. Fisk

Labor Markets, Income Inequality and Globalization, Catherine L. Fisk

Privacy, Power, and Humiliation at Work: Re-Examining Appearance Regulation as an Invasion of Privacy, Catherine L. Fisk

Reimagining Collective Rights in the Workplace, Catherine L. Fisk

Removing the 'Fuel of Interest' from the 'Fire of Genius': Law and the Employee-Inventor, 1830-1930, Catherine L. Fisk

Response: Thoughts on Treating Union Representation Processes as a Market in Need of Legally Required Disclosure of Information, Catherine L. Fisk

Supervisors in a World of Flat Hierarchies, Catherine L. Fisk

The Anti-Subordination Principle of Labor Preemption, Catherine L. Fisk

The Jurisdiction of the Writers Guild to Determine Authorship of Movies and Television Programs, Catherine L. Fisk

The Role of Private Intellectual Property Rights in Markets for Labor and Ideas: Screen Credit and the Writers Guild of America, 1938-2000, Catherine L. Fisk

The Role of the Judiciary When the Agency Confirmation Process Stalls: Thoughts on the Two-Member NLRB and the Questions the Supreme Court Should Have, But Didn’t, Address in New Process Steel, L.P. v. NLRB, Catherine L. Fisk

Union Lawyers and Employment Law, Catherine L. Fisk

Welcome, Catherine L. Fisk

Contingent Loyalty and Restricted Exit: Commentary on the Restatement of Employment Law, Catherine L. Fisk and Adam Patrick Barry

Knowledge Workers in the New Economy: From Cliché to Contract - The 26th Annual Kenneth M. Piper Lecture, Catherine L. Fisk, Greg W. Castle, and Julia A. Clark

Political Speech and Association Rights after Knox v. Seiu, Local 1000, Catherine L. Fisk and Erwin Chemerinsky

Introduction: The Enduring Power of Collective Rights, in Labor Law Stories, Catherine L. Fisk and Laura J. Cooper

Foreword: "Law As…": Theory and Method in Legal History, Catherine L. Fisk and Robert W. Gordon