About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2018

International Criminal Law, Mark E. Wojcik, Brooke M. Bennett, David C. Ianotti, and Lisa Ann Murphy

International Courts, Mark E. Wojcik and Cindy Galway Buys

United Nations and Other International Organizations, Mark E. Wojcik, Cindy Galway Buys, Julia Wykoff, and Chad Zoelzer

Mexico, Mark E. Wojcik, Javier Zenteno Gomez, Jorge G. de Presno, and David W. Austin

Human Rights law, Mark E. Wojcik and Melinda Lord

International Human Rights, Mark E. Wojcik, Cris Revaz, and Benjamin L. Apt

International Human Rights, Mark E. Wojcik, Cris Revaz, and Lois A. Gochnauer

International Human Rights, Mark E. Wojcik, Jonathan Todres, Cris R. Revaz, and Benjamin L. Apt

HeLP Legal Services Clinic Celebrates 10 Years of Advocating for Children's Health and Well-Being, Leslie Wolf

Don't burn out!: self-care and wellbeing, Stephen Woods and Jennifer Nielsen

Allocating Liability Among Multiple Responsible Causes: Principles, Rhetoric and Power - Chapter 2, Richard W. Wright

Haack on Legal Proof, Richard W. Wright

Career Motivations of State Prosecutors 86-Geo.-Wash.-L.-Rev.-1667 final print version.pdf, Ronald F. Wright and Kay L. Levine

65. Adults’ perceptions of children’s referentially ambiguous responses., Breanne E. Wylie, Thomas D. Lyon, Alison M. O’Connor, Christina Lapytskaia, and Angela D. Evans

Challenges Posed by the Convergence of Third Party Liability and Safe Harbor Standards, Alfred C. Yen

Report of the Law Reform Committee on Pre- and Post-Judgement Interest, Tiong Min YEO, Wai Yee WAN, Joyce CHAO, Julie HUAN, Vincent LEOW, and Sriram CHAKRAVARTHI

Economic Analysis of Brazilian Labor Law, Luciana L. Yeung

Empirical Analysis of Judicial Decisions, Luciana L. Yeung

As decisões da Justiça Trabalhista são imprevisíveis? - Série "O Judiciário destrinchado pelo ‘Big Data’" (N.1), Luciana L. Yeung, Bruno Meyerhof Salama, and Danilo Carlotti

Raking up Rents: Cambridge University Press v. Patton, Derek K. Yonai

Courts at War, John Yoo

Embracing the Machines: Rationalist War and New Weapons Technologies, John Yoo

Fixing Failed States, John Yoo

International Law and the War in Iraq, John Yoo

Judicial Supremacy Has Its Limits, John Yoo

Politics as Law: The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the Separation of Powers, and Treaty Interpretation, John Yoo

Taming Judicial Activism: Judge Robert Bork's Coercing Virtue, John Yoo

Transferring Terrorists, John Yoo

Using Force, John Yoo

Force Rules: UN Reform and Intervention, John C. Yoo

Foreign Affairs Federalism and the Separation of Powers, John C. Yoo

Foreign Affairs Federalism and the Separation of Powers, John C. Yoo

Kosovo War Powers and the Multilateral Future, John C. Yoo

Lawyers in Congress, John C. Yoo

The Legality of the National Security Agency's Bulk Data Surveillance Programs, John C. Yoo

The Status of Terrorists, John C. Yoo and James C. Ho

Less than Bargained for: The Use of Force and the Declining Relevance of the United Nations, John C. Yoo and Will Trachman

The Proliferation Security Initiative: A Model for International Cooperation, John Yoo and Glenn Sulmasy

How Should We Think about Queue Jumping?, Katharine G. Young

Narrative and Metaphor in Human Rights Law: When Rights-Talk Meets Queue-Talk, Katharine G. Young

Panelist, Constitutional Democracy in Crisis?, Katharine G. Young

Waiting for Rights, Katharine G. Young

對機器人施暴,被處以刑法傷害罪?, Kuu-young Young

The Anatomy of the Human Rights Framework for Intellectual Property, Peter Yu

The Rise and Decline of the Intellectual Property Powers, Peter K. Yu

ACTA and Its Complex Politics, Peter K. Yu

A Half-Century Of Scholarship On The Chinese Intellectual Property System, Peter K. Yu

A Half-Century of Scholarship on the Chinese Intellectual Property System, Peter K. Yu

A Seamless Global Digital Marketplace of Entertainment Content, Peter K. Yu

A Spatial Critique of Intellectual Property Law and Policy, Peter K. Yu

A Spatial Critique of Intellectual Property Law and Policy, Peter K. Yu

Book Review of Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment, Peter K. Yu

Building Intellectual Property Coalitions for Development, Peter K. Yu

Building IPC4D to Promote Access to Essential Medicines, Peter K. Yu

Building the Ladder: Three Decades of Development of the Chinese Patent System, Peter K. Yu

Can the Canadian UGC Exception Be Transplanted Abroad?, Peter K. Yu

Clusters and Links in ‏Asian Intellectual Property Law and Policy, Peter K. Yu

Crossfertilizing ISDS with TRIPS, Peter K. Yu

Currents and Crosscurrents in the International Intellectual Property Regime, Peter K. Yu

Customizing Fair Use Transplants, Peter K. Yu

Déjà Vu in the International Intellectual Property Regime, Peter K. Yu

Digital Copyright Enforcement Measures and Their Human Rights Threats, Peter K. Yu

Digital Piracy and the Copyright Response, Peter K. Yu

Editorial for Special Issue of Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, Peter K. Yu

Enforcement: A Neglected Child in the Intellectual Property Family, Peter K. Yu

Enforcement, Economics and Estimates, Peter K. Yu

EU Economic Partnership Agreements and International Human Rights, Peter K. Yu

Five Decades of Intellectual Property and Global Development, Peter K. Yu

Five Disharmonizing Trends in the International Intellectual Property Regime, Peter K. Yu

Five Oft-repeated Questions About China's Recent Rise as a Patent Power, Peter K. Yu

Foreword to "Intellectual Property in Global Governance: A Development Question", Peter K. Yu

Foreword to Patents and Innovation in Mainland China and Hong Kong, Peter K. Yu

Four Common Misconceptions About Copyright Piracy, Peter K. Yu

From Pirates to Partners (Episode II): Protecting Intellectual Property in Post-WTO China, Peter K. Yu

From Pirates to Partners: Protecting Intellectual Property in China in the Twenty-First Century, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property and Confucianism, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property and Human Rights in the Nonmultilateral Era, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property, Economic Development, and the China Puzzle, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property, Foreign Direct Investment and the China Exception, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property Geographies, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property, Human Rights, and Public-Private Partnerships, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property Negotiations, the BRICS Factor and the Changing North-South Debate, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property Reforms in China, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property Training and Education for Development, Peter K. Yu

Intellectual Property Training and Education for Social Justice, Peter K. Yu

International Technology Contracts, Restrictive Covenants and the UNCTAD Code, Peter K. Yu

Introduction—Intellectual Property at a Crossroads: Why History Matters, Peter K. Yu

Moral Rights 2.0, Peter K. Yu

Moral Rights 2.0, Peter K. Yu

No Personality Rights for Pop Stars in Hong Kong?, Peter K. Yu

Shaping Chinese Criminal Enforcement Norms Through the TRIPS Agreement, Peter K. Yu

Sinic Trade Agreements and China's Global Intellectual Property Strategy, Peter K. Yu

Six Secret (and Now Open) Fears of ACTA, Peter K. Yu

Still Dissatisfied After All These Years: Intellectual Property, Post-WTO China, and the Avoidable Cycle of Futility, Peter K. Yu

Succession by Estoppel: Hong Kong's Succession to the ICCPR, Peter K. Yu

Taking ATRIP Down Memory Lane, Peter K. Yu

Ten Common Questions About Intellectual Property and Human Rights, Peter K. Yu

The ACTA Committee, Peter K. Yu

The ACTA/TPP Country Clubs, Peter K. Yu

The Anatomy of the Human Rights Framework for Intellectual Property, Peter K. Yu