About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2018

U.S. Retreat From International Bodies Hurts Our IP Infrastructure, Doris Estelle Long

“What if the DMCA Were Created Today?: The Unanticipated Impacts of AI, Big Data, Privacy and Social Media on Global Copyright Protection, Doris Estelle Long

Copyright Reform in the 21st Century: Adding Privacy Considerations into the Normative Mix, Doris Estelle. Long

Effective Measures For Curbing Counterfeiting and Piracy in Online Transactions, Doris Estelle. Long

Trump’s Excursion into International IP Treaties Could Spell Trouble, Doris Estelle. Long

ERA Ratification Vote Brings On Bittersweet Memories from 1970s, Ann M. Lousin

No Title, Ann M. Lousin

No Title, Ann M. Lousin

No Title, Ann M. Lousin

Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law, John S. Lowe, Owen L. Anderson, Ernest E. Smith, David E. Pierce, Christopher S. Kulander, and Monika Ehrman

Private takings of land for urban development: comparative analysis of Singapore and Hong Kong and lessons from mergers and acquisitions, Kelvin F. K. LOW, Wai Yee WAN, and Alwin CHAN

From 3D to 3D, Erik O. Lozano, Lauren B. Selden, and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

From 3D to 3D, Erik O. Lozano, Lauren B. Selden, and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

Voter Psychology and the Carbon Tax, Gary M. Lucas Jr

Behavioral Public Choice and the Law, Gary M. Lucas Jr. and Slavisa Tasic

Public Defense Litigation: An Overview, Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Georgia State College of Law's Center for Access to Justice Introduces Public Interest, Pro Bono Student Programs, Lauren Sudeall Lucas and Darcy Meals

A Pluralistic Perspective to Overcome Major Blind Spots in Research on Interorganizational Relationships, Fabrice Lumineau and Nuno Oliveira

Trust Development Across Levels of Analysis: An Embedded-Agency Perspective, Fabrice Lumineau and Oliver Schilke

Atone: Religion, Conflict, and Reconciliation, Brandon D. Lundy, Akanmu Adebayo, and Sherrill W. Hayes

Copyright's Excess: Money and Music in the US Recording Industry, Glynn Lunney

Empirical Copyright: A Case Study of File Sharing, Sales Revenue, and Music Output, Glynn Lunney

Trademark's Judicial De-Evolution: Why Courts Get Trademark Cases Wrong Repeatedly, Glynn Lunney

Atari Games v. Nintendo: Does a Closed System Violate the Antitrust Laws, Glynn S. Lunney Jr

Compensation for Takings: How Much Is Just?, Glynn S. Lunney Jr.

Copyright Collectives and Collecting Societies: The United States Experiences, Glynn S. Lunney Jr

Copyright on the Internet: Consumer Copying and Collectives, Glynn S. Lunney Jr

Copyright’s Mercantilist Turn, Glynn S. Lunney Jr

Distinguishing Dastar: Consumer Protection, Moral Rights and Section 43(a), Glynn S. Lunney Jr

E-Obviousness, Glynn S. Lunney Jr

On the Continuing Misuse of Event Studies: The Example of Bessen and Meurer, Glynn S. Lunney Jr.

Trademark’s Judicial De-Evolution: Why Courts Get Trademark Cases Wrong Repeatedly, Glynn S. Lunney, Jr.

The Opioid Epidemic and the Role of Law Enforcement Officers in Saving Lives, Arthur J. Lurigio, Justine Andrus, and Christy K. Scott

Briefing, Net Neutrality and State Internet Regulation, Daniel Lyons

Discussing Net Neutrality, Daniel Lyons

Interconnection, Daniel Lyons

Keynote Presentation, Untangling the Web of Net Neutrality, Daniel Lyons

Panelist, A Reader on Net Neutrality and Restoring Internet Freedom, Daniel Lyons

Panelist, Chevron Deference: The Impact of Its Demise on Electricity Markets, Daniel Lyons

Panelist, Peering Behind the Curtain on Net Neutrality, Daniel Lyons

Testimony, Net Neutrality, Daniel Lyons

Testimony, Senate Bill 2 (State Broadband Regulation), Daniel Lyons

Testimony, Senate Bill No. 2008 (Net Neutrality), Daniel Lyons

Title II Reclassification is Rate Regulation, Daniel Lyons

An Antitrust-Informed Approach to Regulating Internet Interconnection, Daniel A. Lyons

Protecting States in the New World of Energy Federalism, Daniel A. Lyons

From Gun Kits to 3D Printable Guns, a Short History of Rogue Gun Makers, Timothy D. Lytton

MGM Is Suing the Victims of the Worst Mass Shooting in US History. Here's Why., Timothy D. Lytton

Trump's New Plan to Consolidate Federal Food Safety Efforts Won't Work. Here's Why., Timothy D. Lytton

Oversight of Private Food Safety Auditing in the United States: A Hybrid Approach to Auditor Conflict of Interest, Timothy D. Lytton and Lesley K. McAllister

The Incomplete Ecology of Hydraulic Fracturing Governance, Gregg P. Macey

Of Brutal Murder and Transcendental Sovereignty: The Meaning of Vested Private Rights, Adam MacLeod

Patent Infringement as Trespass, Adam MacLeod

Practical Guide to Estate Planning, Ray D. Madoff, Cornelia R. Tenney, Martin A. Hall, and Lisa N. Mingolla

Effectiveness of the EPA's Regulatory Enforcement: The Case of Industrial Effluent Standards, Wesley A. Magat and W. Kip Viscusi

Regulating Fintech, William Magnuson

The Public Cost of Private Equity, William Magnuson

Unilateral Corporate Regulation, William Magnuson

The Accidental Crit III: The Unbearable Lightness of Being ... Pedro?, Pedro A. Malavet

Protecting Platform Workers in the Gig Economy: Look to the FTC, Martin H. Malin

Vol. 30, No. 1, Martin H. Malin

Protecting Platform Workers in the Gig Economy, Martin H. Malin

Vol. 7, No. 4, Martin H. Malin

14 Penn Plaza LLC v. Pyett:Oppression or Opportunity for U.S. Workers; Learning from Canada, Martin H. Malin and Jon M. Werner

From Oxymoron to Intersection: An Epidemiology of Legal Research, D. Manderson and Richard Mohr

Modelo de resumen civil, Christian Cárdenas Manrique

Modelo de resumen civil, Christian Cárdenas Manrique

Sobre el X Pleno Casatorio Civil, Christian Cárdenas Manrique

A Unified Framework to Adjudicate Corporate Constitutional Rights, Jonathan A. Marcantel

The Changing Landscape of 19th Century Courts, Nancy S. Marder

Temporary Marriage – A Comparison of the Jewish and Islamic Conception, yehezkel Margalit



הורות משפטית מן הדין ומן הצדק - Legal Parenthood - Law and Justice, yehezkel Margalit

Quoted in "Immigrant Rights Group in Email Says It was Warned Not to Mention Abortion to Teens", Anne E. Marimow and Maria Sacchetti

Accountants Make Miserable Policemen: Rethinking the Federal Securities Laws, Jerry W. Markham

Commodity Exchanges and Regulation, Jerry W. Markham

Confederate Bonds, General Custer, and the Regulation of Derivative Financial Instuments, Jerry W. Markham

High-Speed Trading on Stock and Commodity Markets—From Courier Pigeons to Computers, Jerry W. Markham

Merging the SEC and CFTC - A Clash of Cultures, Jerry W. Markham

Mutual Funds Scandals - Comparative Analysis of the Role of Corporate Governance in the Regulation of Collective Investments, Jerry W. Markham

Privatizing Social Security, Jerry W. Markham

Regulating the MoneyChangers, Jerry W. Markham

Regulating the “Too Big to Jail” Financial Institutions, Jerry W. Markham

The Federal Securities Laws - An Overview, Jerry W. Markham

The Property Tax--A Withering Vine, Jerry W. Markham

Banking and Insurance: Before and after the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Jerry W. Markham and Lissa L. Broome

Regulation of Bank Financial Service Activities, Cases and Materials, Jerry W. Markham and Lissa L. Broome

Advising Clients After Critical Legal Studies and the Torture Memos, Milan Markovic

Book Review: Justice Triage, Milan Markovic

Attorneys' Career Dissatisfaction in the New Normal, Milan Markovic and Gabrielle Plickert

Pleanary Session I - The Role of Local Governments in Immigration Enforcement, Peter Markowitz, Michael W. Cutler, Lawrence W. Mulvey, Foster Maer, Huyen Pham, and Michael Wishnie

Citizenship and Prisoners [With Carla Moscoso], Pablo Marshall

El voto de las personas privadas de libertad. Comentario de la sentencia Rol N° 87743-2016 de la Corte Suprema, Pablo Marshall

Libertad de expresión e independencia judicial [No indexed], Pablo Marshall

Los derechos de participación democrática en y para una nueva constitución., Pablo Marshall

Matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo: una aproximación desde la política del reconocimiento., Pablo Marshall

Sufragio por internet, analisis teorico y comparado., Pablo Marshall

The ilussion of free press., Pablo Marshall

Voting from prison against the democratic case for disenfranchisement., Pablo Marshall

The Amendment Effect, Jonathan L. Marshfield