About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2019

Justice Sutherland Reconsidered, Samuel R. Olken

Antitrust and Big Data in the Legal System, David S. Olson

Price Discrimination and IP Exhaustion, David S. Olson

Respondent: Legal and Intellectual Property Rights Challenges, David S. Olson

Section 101 Update, David S. Olson

U.S./China IP and Trade Policy Trends, David S. Olson

Effect of Waste Dumpsite Pollutant Emission on Air Quality in the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria, Augustine O. Oluyori, A S. Abubakar, M T. Usman, and Y M. Suleiman

Gully Erosion and its Management in Gwagwalada Area Council, Nenadi R. Oluyori and D O. Ojo

The First and Fourth Amendment Rights of Students, Kevin F. O'Neill

The First and Fourth Amendment Rights of Students, Kevin F. O'Neill

The First and Fourth Amendment Rights of Students, Kevin F. O'Neill

Developing Policy from the Ground Up: Examining Entitlement in the Bay Area to Inform California's Housing Policy Debates, Moira O'Neill, Giulia Gualco-Nelson, and Eric Biber

Getting it Right: Examining the Local Land Use Entitlement Process in California to Inform Policy and Process, Moira O'Neill, Giulia Gualco-Nelson, and Eric Biber

People v Dunn Opening Brief 15-0198 ACCEPTED FILING 10 24 2019.pdf, J. Damian Ortiz


Lessons Learned – Developing Strategies to Address When You Go from Brilliant to Not in Seconds, Caroline Osborne

A Research Tool Is Not Law: A Response to Code Revision Commission v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc., Caroline L. Osborne

International Journal of Legal Information, Book Review Editor, Volume 47, Issue 3, Winter 2019 to present, Caroline L. Osborne

The Law School Roaring Twenties/Great Depression: The View from the Director's Suite on the challenges facing Law Schools and Law Libraries in the 21st Century, Caroline L. Osborne, Jim Heller, Amy Wharton, Marie Summerlin Hamm, and Roger Skalbeck

Maximizing Your Faculty's Scholarly Impact: Techniques to Increase Findability, Caroline L. Osborne, Carol A. Watson, and Thomas J. Striepe

3D Printing and Intellectual Property, Lucas S. Osborn

IP Enforcement under the TPP: Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies, Provisional Measures in TPP (Articles, 18.71-18.76), J. Janewa Osei-Tutu

Assembly Bill 5, Rachel Rose Ostrander Esq.

Coroner's Inquest: An Autopsy of the Man with hoe, Charles I. Oyewole PhD

Power Asymmetry and the Quest for Inclusiveness in the Workplace, Ogbole Ogancha Oyigocho ESQ.

American Lawyer Art re Dark Overlord Hacking (00795992x9C8CB).pdf, Dan Packel

Males as Victims of Sex Trafficking in East Tennessee, Shelly T. Page

Regulating the lives of child care providers: Provider perspectives, Elizabeth Palley and Corey S. Shdaimah

Brand as Information Intermediary, Kishanthi Parella

Outsourcing Corporate Accountability, Kishanthi Parella

Reforming the Global Value Chain through Transnational Private Regulation, Kishanthi Parella

Reputational Regulation, Kishanthi Parella

The Stewardship of Trust in the Global Value Chain, Kishanthi Parella

BP Oil Spill: Compensation, Agency Costs,and Restitution, David F. Partlett and Russell L. Weaver

Introduction: Fourth Remedies Discussion Forum, David F. Partlett and Russell L. Weaver

Introduction—Second Remedies Discussion Forum: Restitution, David F. Partlett and Russell L. Weaver

Remedies, Neutral Rules and Free Speech, David F. Partlett and Russell L. Weaver

Restitution: Ancient Wisdom, David F. Partlett and Russell L. Weaver

Análisis civil de la hipoteca inversa y su implicancia en la calificación e inscripción registral, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Análisis Sentencia TC - Prohibición de Mascotas en Edificios.pdf, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Cesión de hipoteca y cesión de rango hipotecario: ¿son lo mismo?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Comentario Proyecto Reforma 1135 CC.pdf, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Compré un terreno y construí en él: ¿qué debo devolver en caso de resolución?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Concurrencia de Acreedores y Pactos Limitativos a la propiedad.pdf, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Construcción sobre terreno propio de uno de los cónyuges: ¿El terreno es un «bien propio» mientras que la construcción un «bien social»?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Desalojo de familiares. Pleno Civil de la Corte de Ventanilla, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

El artículo 1135 del Anteproyecto de Reforma del Código Civil: ¿Concurrencia de acreedores o concurrencias de titulares?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

El mito de la «propiedad inviolable», Alan A. Pasco Arauco

El Pleno Jurisdiccional de Ica y el desalojo contra familiares: ni sí, ni no; más bien, tal vez, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

En el Perú tenemos el verdadero desalojo express… pero nadie lo usa, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

¿Es posible que un acreedor “venda” o transfiera su hipoteca?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

¿Es posible que un copropietario constituya usufructo sobre su cuota ideal?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Heredero inscrito versus comprador sin inscripción: ¿Gana el que primero inscribe?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Horrores en la Ley de “Desalojo Notarial”, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

La compraventa con “precario” adentro. ¿Permite ejercer el “desalojo” extrajudicial?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Libro Posesión Precaria.pdf, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Mejor derecho de propiedad en ausencia de inscripción: ¿prima la posesión o la antigüedad del contrato? Un acierto del Anteproyecto, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Prescripción invocada por uno de los codemandados en un desalojo, ¿beneficia a los demás?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Quien compra sin ver posesión tiene mala fe.pdf, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

¿Quien compra un inmueble sin ver la posesión tiene mala fe? Un saludable pronunciamiento de la Corte Suprema, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Requisito para adquirir un inmueble.pdf, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Solo quien inscribe su derecho con buena fe es preferido frente a otros… Y si no inscribo, ¿también debo actuar con buena fe?, Alan A. Pasco Arauco

Telling Refugee Stories: Trauma, Credibility, and the Adversarial Adjudication of Claims for Asylum, Stephen Paskey

The Law is Made of Stories: Erasing the False Dichotomy Between Stories and Legal Rules, Stephen Paskey

Health Action SDG April 2019.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel

Population first Newsletter Feb-April 2019.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel

Prof. Vibhuti Patel on Draft National Education Policy, 2019", People's Repoter Vol. 32 Number 12 June 2019.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel

Quest in Education January 2019.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel

WPC Annual Report 2018-2019.pdf, Professor Vibhuti Patel

"Enemy of the People": Negotiating News at the White House, Carol Pauli

Major League Baseball can help Cuban players without helping Cuba, Alison Peck

Getting It Right: Title IX's Role in Adjudicating Sexual Assault Claims, Meg Penrose

Overwriting and Under-Deciding: Addressing the Roberts Court's Shrinking Docket, Meg Penrose

Something to [Lex Loci] Celebrationis: Federal Marriage Benefits following United States v. Windsor, Meg Penrose

Echoes of Slavery II: How Slavery's Legacy Distorts Democracy, Juan F. Perea

A Means Test at Odds with Itself: The Secured Debt Expense in Chapter 7 Consumer Bankruptcy Cases After the Supreme Court’s Decision in Lanning and Ransom, Roma Perez

Constitutional Stability and Democracy Breakdown, Vlad Perju

Illiberal Constitutionalism: An Oxymoron?, Vlad Perju

Supranational states in the postnational constellation, Vlad Perju

The asymmetries of pouvoir constituant mixte, Vlad Perju

The Crisis of East-European Constitutionalism, Vlad Perju

The Gardener Site (41CP55): A Late Caddo Settlement on Big Cypress Creek in East Texas, Timothy K. Perttula, Bo Nelson, and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

The Sanders Site (41LR2): A Middle to Historic Caddo Settlement and Mound Center on the Red River in Lamar County, Texas, Timothy K. Perttula, Bo Nelson, Mark Walters, and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, N/A, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1014, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1122, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1124, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1126, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1128, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1129, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1131, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1132, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1133, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-117, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1242, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1781, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1952, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1962, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1963, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.

3LA1, V-1965, Timothy K. Perttula and Robert Z. Selden Jr.