About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2019

Religious Schooling and Homeschooling Before and After Hobby Lobby, James G. Dwyer

Same-Sex Cynicism and the Self-Defeating Pursuit of Social Acceptance Through Litigation, James G. Dwyer

Same-Sex Marriage and the Constitution: Let's Change the Law the Right Way, James G. Dwyer

School Accountability and ‘High Stakes’ Testing, James G. Dwyer

Setting Standards for Parenting - By What Right?, James G. Dwyer

Spiritual Treatment Exemptions to Child Medical Neglect Laws: What We Outsiders Should Think, James G. Dwyer

The Child Protection Pretense: States' Continued Consignment of Newborn Babies to Unfit Parents, James G. Dwyer

The Children We Abandon: Religious Exemptions to Child Welfare and Education Law as Denials of Equal Protection to Children of Religious Objectors, James G. Dwyer

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Employment Division v. Smith for Family Law, James G. Dwyer

The Liberal State's Response to Religious Visions of Education, James G. Dwyer

The Parental Choice Fallacy in Education Reform Debates, James G. Dwyer

Which Side Are You On?, James G. Dwyer

A Child-Centered Approach to Parentage Law, James G. Dwyer

A Child-Centered View of Foster Parenting by Same-Sex Couples, James G. Dwyer

A Taxonomy of Children's Existing Rights in State Decision Making About Their Relationships, James G. Dwyer

Children's Interests in a Family Context - A Cautionary Note, James G. Dwyer

Diagnosing Liberal Resistance to Needed Child Welfare Reforms, James G. Dwyer

Introductory Remarks: Property Law, James G. Dwyer

No Place for Children: Addressing Urban Blight and its Impact on Children Through Child Protection Law, Domestic Relations Law, and "Adult-only" Residential Zoning, James G. Dwyer

Parental Entitlement and Corporal Punishment, James G. Dwyer

School Vouchers: Inviting the Public into the Religious Square, James G. Dwyer

The Ever-Shrinking Case for a Constitutional Right to Same-Sex Marriage, James G. Dwyer

Victory by Litigation Would be Hollow: Front Burner, James G. Dwyer

En Banc Brief of Amici Curiae Law Professors James G. Dwyer, J. Herbie Difonzo, Jennifer A. Drobac, Deborah L. Forman, Marsha Freeman, William Ladd, Ellen Marrus, John E.B. Myers, and Deborah Paruch in Support of the Appellees, James G. Dwyer, J. Herbie DiFonzo, Jennifer A. Drobac, Deborah L. Forman, Marsha Freeman, William Ladd, Ellen Marrus, John E.B. Myers, and Deborah Paruch

Taking Evidence and Breaking Treaties: Aerospatiale and the Need for Common Sense, James G. Dwyer and Lois A. Yurow

The Anti-Democratic Nature of the Columbus Way, Robert A. Eckhart

One and Done: How My Life Started When My Football Career Ended, Robert A. Eckhart and Maurice Clarett

Assessing DOJ’s Proposed Remedy in Sprint/T-Mobile: Can Ex Ante Competitive Conditions in Wireless Markets Be Restored?, Nicholas Economides, John Kwoka, Thomas Philippon, Robert Seamans, Hal Singer, Marshall Steinbaum, and Lawrence J. White

Restrictions on Privacy and Exploitation in the Digital Economy: A Competition Law Perspective, Nicholas Economides and Ioannis Lianos

Monitoring Educational Equity, Christopher Edley

2019 Professor's Update to Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text, and Cases, Aaron Edlin

Hunting Unicorns, Aaron Edlin

It Can't Happen Here, Has It?, W. A. Edmundson

Book Review, Justice for Hedgehogs, William A. Edmundson

Charlie Hebdo Meets Utility Monster, William A. Edmundson

Neoliberalism Versus Distributional Autonomy: The Skipped Step in Rawls's The Law of Peoples, William A. Edmundson and Matthew R. Schrepfer

Kentucky and Sports Law, Adam Epstein

La justicia restaurativa en lo penal ambiental, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco

71. The effects of the putative confession and evidence presentation on maltreated and non-maltreated 9- to 12-year-olds’ coached concealment of a minor transgression., Angela D. Evans and Thomas D. Lyon

Congressional Procedure and Statutory Interpretation, Larry Evans, Jarrell Wright, and Neal Devins

Abortion Rights in Tennessee under the Current U.S. Supreme Court (DICTA).pdf, Akram Faizer


Sheppard v. Maxwell, Patricia J. Falk

Hart & Wechsler's The Federal Courts and the Federal System (2019 Supplement to the 7th Edition), Richard H. Fallon Jr., Jack L. Goldsmith, John F. Manning, David L. Shapiro, and Amanda L. Tyler

Immigration Adjudication Bankruptcy, Jill E. Family

SCOTUS's Second Take on Trademark Registration as Speech, Christine Haight Farley

Clinical Legal Education and the Public Interest in Intellectual Property Law, Christine Haight Farley, Peter A. Jaszi, Joshua D. Sarnoff, Ann Shalleck, and Victoria F. Phillips

The F Word - an Early Empirical Study of Trademark Registration of Scandalous and Immoral Marks in the Aftermath of the in Re Brunetti Decision, Vicenç Feliú

“Bullets of Truth”: Julian Assange and the Politics of Transparency, Mark Fenster

Feed: State Transparency Amidst Informational Surplus, Mark Fenster

Communication in the 21st Century, Lori Ferguson, Betty Ruth Sylvester, and David Leitch

Promoting Patient Interests in Implementing the Federal Right to Try Act, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Patricia J. Zettler, and Ameet Sarpatwari

Democracia & Civilização.doc, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Intelectuais para Hoje, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Universidade e Ufanismo, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Transition-Age Medicaid Coverage for Adolescents With Autism and Adolescents With Intellectual Disability, Robert I. Field, Steven C. Marcus, Craig Newschaffer, Lindsay Shea, David Mandell, and Ming Xie

Factors Associated With Pediatrician Responses to Alternative Immunization Schedule Requests, Robert I. Field; Salini Mohanty, MPH; Kristen Feemster; Alison Buttenheim; Charlotte Moser; Whitney Mayer; and Amy Carroll-Scott

Superstorm Sandy at Five: Lessons on Law as Catalyst and Obstacle to Long-Term Recovery Following Catastrophic Disasters, Donovan Finn and John Travis Marshall

How Successfully Can the States' Item Veto be Transferred to the President?, Louis Fisher and Neal Devins

Political Dynamics of Constitutional Law, Louis Fisher and Neal E. Devins

Bullying Prevention: A Summary of the Report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Daniel J. Flannery, Jonathan Todres, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Angela Frederick Amar, Sandra Graham, Mark Hatzenbuehler, Matthew Masiello, Megan Moreno, Regina Sullivan, Tracy Vaillancourt, Suzanne M. Le Menestrel, and Frederick Rivara

Unauthorized Legal Practice Prosecutions and Independent Paralegals in Ontario and the United States, John A. Flood and Frederick H. Zemans

What happens when books enter the public domain? Testing copyright’s underuse hypothesis across Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada, Jacob Flynn, Rebecca Giblin, and François Petitjean

Informed Consent: Does “Ok” Really Mean “Ok?”, Michael Flynn

A New Deal for Debtors: Providing Procedural Justice in Consumer Bankruptcy, Pamela Foohey

A Hierarchy of the Goals of International Criminal Courts, Stuart Ford

How Leadership in International Criminal Law is Shifting from the United States to Europe and Asia: An Analysis of Spending on and Contributions to International Criminal Courts, Stuart Ford

Understanding Crime Gravity: Exploring the Views of International Criminal Law Experts, Stuart Ford

Understanding Crime Gravity: Exploring the Views of International Criminal Law Experts, 27 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 659 (2019), Stuart Ford

Implications of video games and immersive entertainment in trademark law, William K. Ford and Anna King

Deux oiseaux et un serpent, Matthieu Forlodou

Black Childhood and Philosophy | Panel Discussion, Sarah Jane Forman, Odeana R. Neal, SpearIt, Phyllis C. Taite, Tsedey Tedla, Cedric Merlin Powell, and Anthony Paul Farley

Amicus brief in support of motion for reconsideration, in the case of Murray v. Chagrin Valley Publishing Co., Case no. 2015-0127, Supreme Court of Ohio, David Forte

A Speaker Must Be a Member of the House, David Forte

Barack Obama’s Yalta, David Forte

Book Review: "Securing the Constitution and Union," A review of John Marshall and the Cases that United the States of America: Beveridge’s Abridged Life of John Marshall, ed. Ronald D. Rotunda, David Forte

Book Review: When Thomas Jefferson Read the Qur’an, David Forte

Conscience and Republican Government, David Forte

Dickinson, “Penman of the Revolution,” on Freedom of the Press, David Forte

Memo on Revisions to HB 125, David Forte

Noble Sinners, David Forte

Reply to Critics of the Heartbeat Bill, David Forte

Self-Government for the Self-Governed: The Role of Virtue in a Democratic Republic, David Forte

Supreme Court preview: Fisher, An "Honest" Affirmative Action Defense, David Forte

Taking the Measure of the West, David Forte

The Government Needs Prayers, David Forte

The Making of the Modern Supreme Court: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., and Louis D. Brandeis, David Forte

Forgotten Cases: Worthen v. Thomas, David F. Forte

Brief Amici Curiae of Electronic Frontier Foundation, 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, and Profs. Jonathan Entin, David F. Forte, Andrew Geronimo, Raymond Ku, Stephen Lazarus, Kevin Francis O’Neill, Margaret Tarkington, Aaron H. Caplan, and Eugene Volokh in Support of Respondent-Appellant, Joni Bey and Rebecca Rasawehr v. Jeffrey Rasawehr, Supreme Court of Ohio (Case No. 2019-0295), David Forte, Stephen R. Lazarus, Kevin F. O'Neill, Jonathan L. Entin, Andrew Geronimo, Raymond Ku, Margaret Tarkington, Aaron H. Kaplan, and Eugene Volokh

Brief Amici Curiae of Electronic Frontier Foundation, 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, and Profs. Jonathan Entin, David F. Forte, Andrew Geronimo, Raymond Ku, Stephen Lazarus, Kevin Francis O’Neill, Margaret Tarkington, Aaron H. Caplan, and Eugene Volokh in Support of Respondent-Appellant, Joni Bey and Rebecca Rasawehr v. Jeffrey Rasawehr, Supreme Court of Ohio (Case No. 2019-0295), David Forte, Stephen R. Lazarus, Kevin F. O'Neill, Jonathan L. Entin, Andrew Geronimo, Raymond Ku, Margaret Tarkington, Aaron H. Kaplan, and Eugene Volokh

The Heritage Guide to the Constitution, Second Edition: What Has Changed Over the Past Decade, and What Lies Ahead?, David Forte, Edwin Meese III, and Matthew Spalding

Don't Be Distracted by the Peacock Trying to Board an Airplane: Why Emotional Support Animals Are Service Animals and Should Be Regulated in the Same Manner, Amanda M. Foster

Can Directors Insure Against Criminal Workplace Health and Safety Penalties?, Neil J. Foster

High Court of Australia decision on WHS law, Neil J. Foster

“Misfeasance in a Public Office, by Erika Chamberlain” (book review), Neil J. Foster

Religious Free Speech After Ruddock: Implications for Blasphemy and Religious Vilification Laws, Neil J. Foster

A New History of Waste Law: How a Misunderstood Doctrine Shaped Ideas About the Transformation of Law, Jill M. Fraley

Liability for Unintentional Nuisances: How the Restatement of Torts Almost Negligently Killed the Right to Exclude in Property Law, Jill M. Fraley

Scaled Legislation and New Challenges in Statutory Interpretation, Jill M. Fraley

The Uncompensated Takings of Nuisance Law, Jill M. Fraley